Excercises Electric Machinery Fundamentals

Chapter 6

Problem 6-4

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


A 50-kW, 460-V, 50-Hz, two-pole induction motor has a slip of 5 percent when operating a full-load conditions. At full-load conditions, the friction and windage losses are 700 W, and the core losses are 600 W. Find the following values for full-load conditions:

In [2]:
fse   = 50.0  # [Hz]
p     = 2
Pout  = 50e3  # [W]
s     = 5e-2
Pfw   = 700.0 # [W]
Pcore = 600.0 # [W]
Pmisc = 0.0   # [W]


  • The shaft speed $n_m$


  • The output power in Watts


  • The load torque $\tau_\text{load}$ in Newton-metres


  • The induced torque $\tau_\text{ind}$ in Newton-metres


  • The rotor frequency in Hertz



The synchronous speed of this machine is:

$$n_\text{sync} = \frac{120f_{se}}{p}$$

In [3]:
n_sync = 120*fse / p
print('n_sync = {:.0f} r/min'.format(n_sync))

n_sync = 3000 r/min

Therefore, the shaft speed is:

$$n_m = (1-s) n_\text{sync}$$

In [4]:
n_m = (1 - s) * n_sync
n_m = {:.0f} r/min

n_m = 2850 r/min


The output power in Watts is 50 kW (stated in the problem).


The load torque is:

$$\tau_\text{load} = \frac{P_\text{OUT}}{\omega_m}$$

In [5]:
w_m = n_m *(2.0*pi/1.0) * (1/60)
tau_load = Pout / w_m
tau_load = {:.1f} Nm

tau_load = 167.5 Nm


The induced torque can be found as follows:

$$P_\text{conv} = P_\text{OUT} + P_\text{F\&W} + P_\text{core} + P_\text{misc}$$

Remember that the $P_\text{core}$ losses can not really be assigned to the stator or the rotor side only, but to both. This basically means that if the $P_\text{core}$ losses are given they should be considered anyway.

In [6]:
Pconv = Pout + Pfw + Pcore + Pmisc

$$\tau_\text{ind} = \frac{P_\text{conv}}{\omega_m}$$

In [7]:
tau_ind = Pconv / w_m
tau_ind = {:.1f} Nm

tau_ind = 171.9 Nm


The rotor frequency is:

$$f_r = sf_{se}$$

In [8]:
fr = s*fse
fr = {:.1f} Hz

fr = 2.5 Hz