Excercises Electric Machinery Fundamentals

Chapter 6

Problem 6-1

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


A 220-V three-phase six-pole 50-Hz induction motor is running at a slip of 3.5 percent.

In [2]:
fse = 50 # [Hz]
p   = 6
s   = 3.5/100



  • The speed of the magnetic fields in revolutions per minute


  • The speed of the rotor in revolutions per minute


  • The slip speed of the rotor


  • The rotor frequency in hertz



The speed of the magnetic fields is:

$$n_\text{sync} = \frac{120f_{se}}{P}$$

In [3]:
n_sync = 120*fse / p
n_sync = {:.0f} r/min

n_sync = 1000 r/min


The speed of the rotor is:

$$n_m = (1-s)n_\text{sync}$$

In [4]:
n_m = (1 - s) * n_sync
n_m = {:.0f} r/min

n_m = 965 r/min


The slip speed of the rotor is:

$$n_\text{slip} = s \cdot n_\text{sync}$$

In [5]:
n_slip = s * n_sync
n_slip = {:.0f} r/min

n_slip = 35 r/min


The rotor frequency is:

$$f_{re} = \frac{p\cdot n_\text{slip}}{120}$$

In [6]:
fre = n_slip*p / 120
fre = {:.2f} Hz

fre = 1.75 Hz