Excercises Electric Machinery Fundamentals

Chapter 2

Problem 2-17

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


A 10-kVA 480/120-V conventional transformer is to be used to supply power from a 600-V source to a 120-V load. Consider the transformer to be ideal, and assume that all insulation can handle 600 V.

In [2]:
Vp = 600  # [V]
Vl = 120  # [V] which is also the load voltage
Vh = 480  # [V] 
Sw = 10e3 # [VA]


  • Sketch the transformer connection that will do the required job.


  • Find the kilovoltampere rating of the transformer in the configuration.


  • Find the maximum primary and secondary currents under these conditions.



For this configuration, the common winding must be the smaller of the two windings. The transformer connection is shown below:


The kVA rating of the autotransformer can be found from the equation:

$$S_{IO} = \frac{N_{SE} + N_C}{N_{SE}}S_W = \frac{4N_C + N_C}{4N_C}S_W$$

In [3]:
n = Vh/Vl  # = Nse/Nc
Sio = (n + 1)/n * Sw

Sio = {:.1f} kVA

Sio = 12.5 kVA


The maximum primary current for this configuration will be:

$$I_P = \frac{S}{V_P}$$

In [4]:
Ip = Sio/Vp
Ip = {:.2f} A

Ip = 20.83 A

and the maximum secondary current is:

$$I_S = \frac{S}{V_S}$$

In [5]:
Is = Sio/Vl
s = {:.0f} A

s = 104 A