Excercises Electric Machinery Fundamentals

Chapter 1

Problem 1-18

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib


Assume that the voltage applied to a load is $\vec{V} = 208\,V\angle -30^\circ$ and the current flowing through the load $\vec{I} = 2\,A\angle 20^\circ$.


  • Calculate the complex power $S$ consumed by this load.


  • Is this load inductive or capacitive?


  • Calculate the power factor of this load?


  • Calculate the reactive power consumed or supplied by this load.
  • Does the load consume reactive power from the source or supply it to the source?

In [2]:
V = 208.0 * exp(-1j*30/180*pi)  # [V]
I =   2.0 * exp( 1j*20/180*pi)  # [A]



The complex power $S$ consumed by this load is:

$$ S = V\cdot I^* $$

In [3]:
S = V * conjugate(I)   # The complex conjugate of a complex number is
                       # obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part.
S_angle = arctan(S.imag/S.real)    
print('S = {:.1f} VA ∠{:.1f}°'.format(*(abs(S), S_angle/pi*180)))

S = 416.0 VA ∠-50.0°


This is a capacitive load.


The power factor of this load is leading and:

In [4]:
PF = cos(S_angle)  
print('PF = {:.3f} leading'.format(PF))

PF = 0.643 leading


This load supplies reactive power to the source. The reactive power of the load is:

$$ Q = VI\sin\theta = S\sin\theta$$

In [5]:
Q = abs(S)*sin(S_angle)
print('Q = {:.1f} var'.format(Q))

Q = -318.7 var