In [1]:
import trackpy as tp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import seaborn

%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
/home/viva/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

In [2]:
traj_file = '/home/viva/Data/testing_code/filtered_data_tracer+janus_3%_H2O2_13(green)2016-06-14_pickled.pkl'

In [3]:
t1 = pd.read_pickle(traj_file)

In [4]:
## Note that there is subpixel bias so this might not be the best tracking.

array([[<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fd56e4d9fd0>,
        <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object at 0x7fd530d3ac90>]], dtype=object)

In [5]:
## concatenate a new numerical column to a matrix
def put_z_position_in_matrix(mat2D, z=0):
    z_position = np.zeros(len(mat2D)) + z
    z_position = np.matrix(z_position)
    mat3D = np.concatenate((mat2D.T, z_position))
    mat3D = mat3D.T
    return mat3D

## Check to see if dataframe has z column; otherwise assume z=0.
def get_3D_matrix_from_dataframe(df, xlabel='x',ylabel='y',zlabel='z'):
        matrix = np.mat(df[[xlabel,ylabel,zlabel]])
    except KeyError:
        matrix = np.mat(df[[xlabel,ylabel]])
        matrix = put_z_position_in_matrix(matrix,0)
    return matrix

## The variable A_3D will be a matrix consisting of 
## all coordinates in frame i 
## whose particle is also tracked in frame f.

## The variable B_3D will be a matrix consisting of 
## all coordinates in frame i 
## whose particle is also tracked in frame f.

## This function currently assumes the particles tracked in the image frame 
## are all at the same z.

def matrices_from_dataframe(t1, framei, framef=None, z=0):
    # set default for final frame
    if framef == None:
        framef = framei+1
    # an inner merge will drop any rows for 
    # particles that are not in both frames 
    AB = pd.merge(t1[t1['frame'] == framei], 
                  t1[t1['frame'] == framef], 

    # Pull out the coordinates and convert to matrices.
    # If z positions are not available, they are set to zero.
    A_3D = get_3D_matrix_from_dataframe(AB, xlabel='x_i',ylabel='y_i',zlabel='z_i')
    B_3D = get_3D_matrix_from_dataframe(AB, xlabel='x_f',ylabel='y_f',zlabel='z_f')
    assert len(A_3D) == len(B_3D)
    return A_3D, B_3D

## Given a matrix B which 
## has experienced rotation R and translation t, 
## undo that transformation.
def rotational_drift_subtraction(B, R, t):
    n = len(B)
    drift_subtracted = R.T * (B.T - np.tile(t,(1,n)))
    drift_subtracted = drift_subtracted.T
    return drift_subtracted

## This function is copied from
# Input: expects Nx3 matrix of points
# Returns R,t
# R = 3x3 rotation matrix
# t = 3x1 column vector

def rigid_transform_3D(A, B):
    assert len(A) == len(B)

    N = A.shape[0]; # total points

    centroid_A = np.mean(A, axis=0)
    centroid_B = np.mean(B, axis=0)
    # centre the points
    AA = A - np.tile(centroid_A, (N, 1))
    BB = B - np.tile(centroid_B, (N, 1))

    # dot is matrix multiplication for array
    H = np.transpose(AA) * BB

    U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H)

    R = Vt.T * U.T

    # special reflection case
    if np.linalg.det(R) < 0:
       print "Reflection detected"
       Vt[2,:] *= -1
       R = Vt.T * U.T

    t = -R*centroid_A.T + centroid_B.T

    #print t

    return R, t

# Calculate the axis and angle of rotation for a given rotation matrix R

def axis_angle(R):
    h = R[2,1]
    f = R[1,2]
    c = R[0,2]
    g = R[2,0]
    d = R[1,0]
    b = R[0,1]
    # axis of rotation
    axis = [h-f, c-g, d-b]
    # angle of rotation, in radians
    angle = np.arccos((np.trace(R) - 1)/2) 
    ## different way to calculate angle
    # axis_length = np.linalg.norm(axis)
    # angle = np.arcsin(axis_length/2) 
    return np.mat(axis), angle # in radians

def print_head(matrix, max_printable_length = 10):
    if len(matrix)>max_printable_length:
        print matrix[0:max_printable_length]
        print "..."
        print matrix

In [6]:

x y mass size ecc signal raw_mass ep frame particle
0 828.121180 129.191394 2563.183452 4.370820 0.049964 26.254952 11107.0 0.121962 0 1.0
1 830.539380 130.297672 2482.844653 4.240041 0.019197 27.200767 11009.0 0.106690 1 1.0
2 831.040835 131.608294 2024.622337 4.250034 0.028815 22.736953 10555.0 0.134784 2 1.0
3 831.868216 131.174132 2411.716703 4.408588 0.022288 24.990006 11025.0 0.120742 3 1.0
4 830.780880 131.510550 2184.927061 4.321200 0.031905 23.546084 10659.0 0.130048 4 1.0

In [7]:


In [8]:


In [9]:


In [10]:
## How many frames to drift-subtract?
max_frame = t1.frame.max()
max_frame = 200 # for debugging

# Set this to false if you don't care about calculating tm
# and just want to plot the drift.
# Drift subtraction is slow; there's a loop inside a loop.
do_drift_subtraction = True; 

## Initialize loop
if do_drift_subtraction:
    tm=0    # overwrite tm
    del tm  # erase tm
prev_frame = None;
R_list = []
t_list = []
x_drifts = []
y_drifts = []
z_drifts = []
axis_list = []
angle_list = []
frame_list = []
verbose = False

labelx = 'x'
labely = 'y'
labelz = 'z'
transformed_str = '_drift_subtracted'
labelx2 = labelx + transformed_str
labely2 = labely + transformed_str
labelz2 = labelz + transformed_str
labelnote = 'relative_to_frame'

for current_frame in sort(t1.frame.unique()):
    if current_frame > max_frame:
    if verbose:
        print "Frame ", current_frame
    if prev_frame is None:
        relative_to = current_frame;
        prev_frame = current_frame;
        continue;  # skip first frame
    assert prev_frame is not None
    # A is a shorthand for the previous frame.
    # B is a shorthand for the current frame.
    # Get raw coordinates from current frame and previous frame
    A_3D, B_3D = matrices_from_dataframe(t1, prev_frame, current_frame)

    # Figure out the transformation that occured between frames
    ret_R, ret_t = rigid_transform_3D(A_3D, B_3D);
    # Save a copy of the transformation
    current_axis,current_angle = axis_angle(ret_R)
    if do_drift_subtraction:
        ## Do the rotational drift subtraction.
        ## I need to do this with all particles in current frame, 
        ## not just the ones that also appear in previous frame.
        B_dataframe = t1[t1['frame'] == current_frame].copy()
        B = get_3D_matrix_from_dataframe(B_dataframe)
        for R,t in zip(reversed(R_list),reversed(t_list)):
            if verbose:
                print "undoing transformation" 
                print R
            B = rotational_drift_subtraction(B, R, t)
            # This is rather brute force, 
            # but I wanted to make sure I'm correct first.
            # The better thing to do is probably to calculate 
            # the total transformation before transforming the coordinates.
        ## Record the drift-subtracted coordinates
        # (i.e. Put the transformed data in the dataframe)
        x_sub_data = np.array(B[:,0]).T[0]
        y_sub_data = np.array(B[:,1]).T[0]
        z_sub_data = np.array(B[:,2]).T[0]
        if not np.array_equal(z_sub_data, np.zeros_like(z_sub_data)):
            ## Not tested with a z column
            num_new_cols = 4
            ## no z data
            num_new_cols = 3
        B_dataframe[labelnote] = relative_to
            tm = pd.concat([tm, B_dataframe])
        except NameError:
            # Initialize tm
            tm = B_dataframe.copy()
    prev_frame = current_frame;
    # end loop
## Rename some columns in tm
if do_drift_subtraction:
    # Put the new columns up front
    cols = tm.columns.tolist()
    cols = cols[-num_new_cols:]+cols[:-num_new_cols]
    tm = tm.reindex(columns=cols);
    ## Rename raw columns
    tm = tm.rename(index=str,
                   columns={labelx: labelx + "_raw", 
                            labely: labely + "_raw"});
    tm = tm.rename(index=str,
                   columns={labelx2: labelx,
                            labely2: labely});
    if num_new_cols == 4:
        ## Not tested with a z column
        tm = tm.rename(index=str, 
                       columns={labelz: labelz + "_raw"});
        tm = tm.rename(index=str,
                       columns={labelz2: labelz});

In [11]:

x y relative_to_frame x_raw y_raw mass size ecc signal raw_mass ep frame particle
200 785.922558 238.830858 0 773.934351 203.801444 4647.887432 4.299040 0.008074 52.111742 15959.0 0.043346 200 1259.0
200 1152.277284 742.475319 0 1151.236716 699.297613 965.095753 4.258311 0.091207 11.656574 10158.0 0.154478 200 1287.0
200 355.894229 456.274113 0 348.773769 430.615049 1291.136982 4.196387 0.060226 15.427818 9975.0 0.168071 200 1296.0
200 487.062991 762.233255 0 486.615056 733.626634 1312.393088 4.302772 0.052782 15.770659 9916.0 0.172979 200 1298.0
200 600.052669 198.521229 0 587.225843 167.574176 991.494464 4.410631 0.059407 10.628053 10547.0 0.131815 200 1311.0

In [12]:


In [13]:


In [14]:
plt.title(traj_file + '\nAngular drift\n')
plt.ylabel('Angular drift [radians]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fd530b46fd0>

In [15]:
plt.plot(frame_list,x_drifts, label="x")
plt.plot(frame_list,y_drifts, label="y")

plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
plt.title(traj_file + '\nTranslational drift\n')
plt.ylabel('Translational drift [pixels]')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fd5309d5910>

In [16]:
plt.title(traj_file + '\nRaw trajectories\n')
ax = tp.plot_traj(t1[t1['frame'] < max_frame], legend=False)

In [17]:
plt.title(traj_file + '\nTrajectories with rotational drift subtraction\n')
ax = tp.plot_traj(tm, legend=False)

I'm not sure why the trajectory plot flipped upsidedown. Between these two plots.

In [ ]: