Problem 7:

In [9]:
aConverter = 64000 #bits per second
aPacket = 56 * 8 # bits per packet
linkTrans = 2e6 # bits per second
linkProp = 10e-3 #seconds

oneBitTime = (aPacket / aConverter) + (aPacket / linkTrans) + linkProp
print('Total time is ' + str(oneBitTime) + ' seconds.')

Total time is 0.017224 seconds.

Problem 18:

Test Type Average Delay Std Dev
Intra-continent 59.795 0.027
Inter-continent 103.462 2.350
Location 1 Location 2 Time Delay Number of Routers Number of ISPs Biggest delay
Decorah IA Stanford University 3:20 PM 59.764 ms 13 6 Between different ISPs
Decorah IA Stanford University 4:10 PM 59.812 ms 13 6 Between different ISPs
Decorah IA Stanford University 6:30 PM 59.811 ms 13 6 Between different ISPs
Decorah IA United Kingdom 3:30 PM 102.076 ms 12 6 Between different ISPs
Decorah IA United Kingdom 4:10 PM 102.135 ms 11 6 Between different ISPs
Decorah IA United Kingdom 6:30 PM 106.1750 ms 17 6 Between different ISPs

b. The paths did change during the times of the day for the inter-continent but not the intra-continent test. c. The largest delays came when the packets were sent between different ISPs rather than within the same ISP. d. The inter-continent tests took longer than the intra-continent ones did, but also varied more in time and paths than the intra-continent tests did.

Problem 24:

In [17]:
data = 40e12 * 8 #bits of data
speed = 100e6 #bits per second
timeSeconds = data / speed
timeDays = timeSeconds / (60 * 60 * 24)
print("Transfer time would be",timeDays,"days.\n")
print("I would prefer to FedEx overnight because otherwise it would \ntake about 37 days for all of the data to be sent via wire.")

Transfer time would be 37.03703703703704 days.

I would prefer to FedEx overnight because otherwise it would 
take about 37 days for all of the data to be sent via wire.

In [ ]: