This is the first file to run in the alanine dipeptide TPS example. This teaches you how to:

  • set up an engine using OpenMM
  • set up states using MDTraj-based collective variables
  • obtain a initial trajectory using high temperature MD
  • equilibrate by using shooting moves until the first decorrelated trajectory

We assume at this point that you are familiar with the basic concepts of OPS. If you find this file confusing, we recommend working through the toy model examples.


In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openpathsampling as paths

import openpathsampling.engines.openmm as omm
from simtk.openmm import app
import simtk.openmm as mm
import simtk.unit as unit
from openmmtools.integrators import VVVRIntegrator

import mdtraj as md

import numpy as np

Setting up the engine

Now we set things up for the OpenMM simulation. We will need a openmm.System object and an openmm.Integrator object.

To learn more about OpenMM, read the OpenMM documentation. The code we use here is based on output from the convenient web-based OpenMM builder.

In [2]:
# this cell is all OpenMM specific
forcefield = app.ForceField('amber96.xml', 'tip3p.xml')
pdb = app.PDBFile("../resources/AD_initial_frame.pdb")
system = forcefield.createSystem(
hi_T_integrator = VVVRIntegrator(

The storage file will need a template snapshot. In addition, the OPS OpenMM-based Engine has a few properties and options that are set by these dictionaries.

In [3]:
template = omm.snapshot_from_pdb("../resources/AD_initial_frame.pdb")
openmm_properties = {'OpenCLPrecision': 'mixed'}
engine_options = {
    'n_steps_per_frame': 10,
    'n_frames_max': 2000

In [4]:
hi_T_engine = omm.Engine(
) = '500K'

In [5]:
hi_T_engine.current_snapshot = template

Defining states

First we define the CVs using the md.compute_dihedrals function. Then we define our states using PeriodicCVDefinedVolume (since our CVs are periodic.)

In [6]:
# define the CVs
psi = paths.MDTrajFunctionCV("psi", md.compute_dihedrals, template.topology, indices=[[6,8,14,16]])
phi = paths.MDTrajFunctionCV("phi", md.compute_dihedrals, template.topology, indices=[[4,6,8,14]])

In [7]:
# define the states
deg = 180.0/np.pi
C_7eq = (
    paths.PeriodicCVDefinedVolume(phi, lambda_min=-180/deg, lambda_max=0/deg, 
                                  period_min=-np.pi, period_max=np.pi) &
    paths.PeriodicCVDefinedVolume(psi, lambda_min=100/deg, lambda_max=200/deg,
                                  period_min=-np.pi, period_max=np.pi)
# similarly, without bothering with the labels:
alpha_R = (paths.PeriodicCVDefinedVolume(phi, -180/deg, 0/deg, -np.pi, np.pi) &
           paths.PeriodicCVDefinedVolume(psi, -100/deg, 0/deg, -np.pi, np.pi)).named("alpha_R")

Getting a first trajectory

The idea here is a little subtle, but it makes nice use of our generalized path ensemble idea.

We want a path which contains at least one frame in each state. The question is, what ensemble can we use to create such a trajectory?

The first obvious thought would be goal_ensemble = PartInXEnsemble(stateA) & PartInXEnsemble(stateB) (which can, of course, be further generalized to more states). However, while that is the ensemble we want to eventually satisfy, we can't use its can_append to create it, because its can_append always returns True: the trajectory will go on forever!

But we can use a trick: since what we want is the first trajectory that satisfies goal_ensemble, we know that every shorter trajectory will not satisfy it. This means that the shorter trajectories must satisfy the complement of goal_ensemble, and the trajectory we want will be the first trajectory that does not satisfy the complement!

So the trick we'll use is to build the trajectory by using the fact that the shorter trajectories are in the complement of goal_ensemble, which is given by complement = AllOutXEnsemble(stateA) | AllOutXEnsemble(stateB). The generate function will stop when that is no longer true, giving us the trajectory we want. This can be directly generalized to more states.

Note that here we're not even using the can_append function. That happens to be the same as the ensemble itself for this particular ensemble, but conceptually, we're actually using the test of whether a trajectory is in the ensemble at all.

In [8]:
init_traj_ensemble = paths.AllOutXEnsemble(C_7eq) | paths.AllOutXEnsemble(alpha_R)

In [9]:
# generate trajectory that includes frame in both states
trajectory = hi_T_engine.generate(hi_T_engine.current_snapshot, [init_traj_ensemble])

In [10]:
# create a network so we can use its ensemble to obtain an initial trajectory
# use all-to-all because we don't care if initial traj is A->B or B->A: it can be reversed
tmp_network = paths.TPSNetwork.from_states_all_to_all([C_7eq, alpha_R])

In [11]:
# take the subtrajectory matching the ensemble (only one ensemble, only one subtraj)
subtrajectories = []
for ens in tmp_network.analysis_ensembles:
    subtrajectories += ens.split(trajectory)
print subtrajectories


Plotting the trajectory

In [12]:
plt.plot(phi(trajectory), psi(trajectory), 'k.-')
plt.plot(phi(subtrajectories[0]), psi(subtrajectories[0]), 'r')

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10d93f350>]

Setting up another engine

We'll create another engine that uses a 300K integrator, and equilibrate to a 300K path from the 500K path.

In [13]:
integrator = VVVRIntegrator(
engine = omm.Engine(
) = '300K'

Equilibrate TPS

This is, again, a simple path sampling setup. We use the same TPSNetwork we'll use later, and only shooting moves. One the initial conditions are correctly set up, we run one step at a time until the initial trajectory is decorrelated.

This setup of a path sampler always consists of defining a network and a move_scheme. See toy model notebooks for further discussion.

In [14]:
network = paths.TPSNetwork(initial_states=C_7eq, final_states=alpha_R)
scheme = paths.OneWayShootingMoveScheme(network, 

In [15]:
# make subtrajectories into initial conditions (trajectories become a sampleset)
initial_conditions = scheme.initial_conditions_from_trajectories(subtrajectories)

No missing ensembles.
No extra ensembles.

In [16]:
# check that initial conditions are valid and complete (raise AssertionError otherwise)

In [17]:
sampler = paths.PathSampling(storage=paths.Storage("tps_nc_files/", "w", template),
sampler.live_visualizer = paths.StepVisualizer2D(network, phi, psi, [-3.14, 3.14], [-3.14, 3.14])

In [18]:
# initially, these trajectories are correlated (actually, identical)
# once decorrelated, we have a (somewhat) reasonable 300K trajectory


In [19]:
# this is a trick to take the first decorrelated trajectory
while (initial_conditions[0].trajectory.is_correlated(sampler.sample_set[0].trajectory)):

DONE! Completed 10 Monte Carlo cycles.

In [20]:
# run an extra 10 to decorrelate a little futher

DONE! Completed 20 Monte Carlo cycles.

From here, you can either extend this to a longer trajectory for the fixed length TPS in the alanine_dipeptide_fixed_tps_traj.ipynb notebook, or go straight to flexible length TPS in the alanine_dipeptide_tps_run.ipynb notebook.

In [ ]: