This notebook is part of the fixed length TPS example. It requires the file, which is written in the notebook alanine_dipeptide_tps_first_traj.ipynb.

In this notebook, you will learn:

  • how to set up a FixedLengthTPSNetwork
  • how to extend a transition path to satisfy the fixed length TPS ensemble
  • how to save specific objects to a file

In [1]:
import openpathsampling as paths

Loading from storage

First, we open the file we made in alanine_dipeptide_tps_first_traj.ipynb and load various things we need from that.

In [2]:
old_storage = paths.Storage("tps_nc_files/", "r")

In [3]:
engine = old_storage.engines[0]
C_7eq = old_storage.volumes.find('C_7eq')
alpha_R = old_storage.volumes.find('alpha_R')
traj = old_storage.samplesets[len(old_storage.samplesets)-1][0].trajectory
phi = old_storage.cvs.find('phi')
psi = old_storage.cvs.find('psi')
template = old_storage.snapshots[0]

Building a trajectory to suit the ensemble

We're starting from a trajectory that makes the transition. However, we need that trajectory to be longer than it is.

There's an important subtlety here: we can't just extend the trajectory in one direction until is satisfies our length requirement, because it is very possible that the final frame would be in the no-man's-land that isn't either state, and then it wouldn't satisfy the ensemble. (Additionally, without a shifting move, having the transition at the far edge of the trajectory time could be problematic.)

So our approach here is to extend the trajectory in either direction by half the fixed length. That gives us a total trajectory length of the fixed length plus the length of the original trajectory. Within this trajectory, we try to find an subtrajectory that satisfies our ensemble. If we don't, then we add more frames to each side and try again.

In [4]:
network = paths.FixedLengthTPSNetwork(C_7eq, alpha_R, length=400)

In [5]:
trajectories = []
while len(trajectories) == 0 and i < 5:
    max_len = 200 + i*50
    fwd_traj = engine.generate(traj[-1], [lambda traj, foo: len(traj) < max_len])
    bkwd_traj = engine.generate(traj[0], [lambda traj, foo: len(traj) < max_len], direction=-1)
    new_traj = bkwd_traj[:-1] + traj + fwd_traj[1:]
    trajectories = network.sampling_ensembles[0].split(new_traj)
    print trajectories


In [6]:
# raises an error if we still haven't found a suitable trajectory
trajectory = trajectories[0]

Plot the trajectory

This is exactly as done in alanine_dipeptide_tps_first_traj.ipynb.

In [7]:
# Imports for plotting
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [8]:
plt.plot(phi(trajectory), psi(trajectory))
plt.plot(phi(traj), psi(traj))

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x119716390>]

Save stuff

When we do path sampling, the PathSampling object automatically handles saving for us. However, we can also save things explicitly.

Saving works in two steps: first you mark an object as being something to save with But at this point, the object is not actually stored to disk. That only happens after storage.sync().

In [9]:
# save stuff
storage = paths.Storage("tps_nc_files/", "w", old_storage.snapshots[0])

In [10]:


In [11]:

In [ ]: