Welcome to pyLIMA tutorial!

Let's learn how pyLIMA works by fitting an example.

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Please help yourself with the pyLIMA documentation

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### First import the required libraries
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os, sys

from pyLIMA import event
from pyLIMA import telescopes
from pyLIMA import microlmodels

Nothing wrong? Let's go ahead.

The event module

We have to define an event object.

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### Create an event object. You can choose the name and RA,DEC in degrees :

your_event = event.Event()
your_event.name = 'your choice'
your_event.ra = 269.39166666666665 
your_event.dec = -29.22083333333333

The telescopes module

To insert data to your event, we need to define telescopes objects and just add it to the event object telescope list.

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### Now we need some observations. That's good, we obtain some data on two
### telescopes. Both are in I band and magnitude units :

data_1 = np.loadtxt('./Survey_1.dat')
telescope_1 = telescopes.Telescope(name='OGLE', camera_filter='I', light_curve_magnitude=data_1)

data_2 = np.loadtxt('./Followup_1.dat')
telescope_2 = telescopes.Telescope(name='LCOGT', camera_filter='I', light_curve_magnitude=data_2)

### Add the telescopes to your event :

### Find the survey telescope :

### Sanity check

The model module

We have now to define a model object that summarizes what kind of model you want to fit. Let's start with a basic PSPL.

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### Construct the model you want to fit. Let's go basic with a PSPL, without second_order effects :
model_1 = microlmodels.create_model('PSPL', your_event)

We are all set now. Just fit by choosing one method

For a summary of fitting options, please go there

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### Let's try with the simplest Levenvberg_Marquardt algorithm :

### Let's see some plots.
print('Chi2_LM :',your_event.fits[0].outputs.fit_parameters.chichi)

There is some residuals close to the peak, right? And the Chi2 is high also. Maybe the LM algorithm performs poorly, let's try something more powerfull.

You can zoom close to the peak to see what is going on.

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### Let's try with differential evolution  algorithm. WAIT UNTIL THE FIGURE POP UP.
print('Chi2_DE :',your_event.fits[1].outputs.fit_parameters.chichi)

Well, that's not really better. Maybe there is some other effects in the model? Let's try an FSPL model!

You can zoom close to the peak to see what is going on.

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### Let's go basic for FSPL :
model_2 = microlmodels.create_model('FSPL', your_event)


### Let's see some plots. You can zoom close to the peak to see what is going on. 
print ('Chi2_LM :',your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.chichi)

That's better, but there is still some deviations around 80.1 days. Any ideas?




What about some limb-darkening effects? Let's try this

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### set gamma for each telescopes :

your_event.telescopes[0].gamma = 0.5
your_event.telescopes[1].gamma = 0.5

### Fit again

print ('Chi2_LM :',your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.chichi)

Wrong back! What is going on here? Maybe the LM method is confused by the limb-darkening coefficients? Let's try something else.

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# We can use a previous good fit for starting initial parameters as guesses

initial_parameters = [ getattr(your_event.fits[-2].outputs.fit_parameters, key) for 
                      key in your_event.fits[-2].outputs.fit_parameters._fields[:4]]
model_2.parameters_guess = initial_parameters

#Fit again

print ('Chi2_LM :',your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.chichi)

This looks good. We can confirm with the DE method.

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### Fit again, and wait the figures....

print ('Chi2_DE :',your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.chichi)

That is similar fit Chi^2.

Here we go!

You can zoom close to the peak to see what is going on. CLOSE THE FIGURE TO CONTINUE.

Let's compare the fitting values with the injected model :

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print ('Parameters', ' Model','   Fit','     Errors')
print ('-----------------------------------')
print ('t_o', '        79.9309 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.to)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_to)[:7])
print ('u_o', '        0.00826 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.uo)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_uo)[:7])
print ('t_E', '        10.1171 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.tE)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_tE)[:7])
print ('rho', '        0.02268 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.rho)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_rho)[:7])
print ('fs_OGLE', '    2915.76 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.fs_OGLE)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_fs_OGLE)[:7])
print ('g_OGLE', '     0.07195 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.g_OGLE)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_g_OGLE)[:7])
print ('fs_LCOGT', '   92936.7 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.fs_LCOGT)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_fs_LCOGT)[:7])
print ('g_LCOGT', '    0.52460 ',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_parameters.g_LCOGT)[:7],'',str(your_event.fits[-1].outputs.fit_errors.err_g_LCOGT)[:7])

Bonus Track

What about some MCMC?

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### Fit again, but using MCMC now. TAKE A WHILE....Wait until figures pop up.
print ('The fitting process is finished now, let produce some outputs....')



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