In [26]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import as fits
import sherpa.astro.ui as ui
First, let's load the fake0 spectrum that Victoria gave me. At the moment, I'm only using the first order of the HEG spectrum, so we're only going to load that:
In [2]:
datadir = "/Users/danielahuppenkothen/work/repositories/shiftylines/data/cygx1_sims/"
ui.load_data(id="f0_heg_p1", filename=datadir+"fake_heg_p1_5ks_ident0_src.pha")
#sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="f0_heg_m1", filename=datadir+"fake_heg_m1_5ks_ident0_src.pha")
#sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="f0_meg_p1", filename=datadir+"fake_meg_p1_5ks_ident0_src.pha")
#sherpa.astro.ui.load_data(id="f0_meg_m1", filename=datadir+"fake_meg_m1_5ks_ident0_src.pha")
We'll also need the lines (note: they're in Angstrom!):
In [3]:
lines = np.loadtxt("../data/si_lines.txt")
To convert to keV, let's use a simple conversion factor:
In [4]:
c = 12.3984191
lines_kev = c/lines
Let's load the data into an actual variable so we can play around with it:
In [5]:
d = ui.get_data("f0_heg_p1")
We're only looking at a small part of the spectrum, so we want to cut out that part:
In [6]:
min_e = 6.0499997575723086
max_e = 7.100000097785645
# same in keV, because that's what our spectrum is in!
min_kev = c/max_e
max_kev = c/min_e
We need
In [15]:
# sorted indices
idx_heg = d.bin_lo.argsort()
# the low bin edges
bin_lo = d.bin_lo[idx_heg]
# the upper bin edges
bin_hi = d.bin_hi[idx_heg]
# the counts array
counts = d.counts[idx_heg]
# Let's also make the mid-points for plotting
bin_mid = bin_lo + (bin_hi - bin_lo)/2.0
Now we can to cut out the parts of the spectrum we actually need:
In [16]:
min_idx = bin_lo.searchsorted(min_kev)
max_idx = bin_hi.searchsorted(max_kev)
bl_small = bin_lo[min_idx:max_idx]
bh_small = bin_hi[min_idx:max_idx]
bm_small = bin_mid[min_idx:max_idx]
c_small = counts[min_idx:max_idx]
Next, let's also load the ARF and cut that into the part we need:
In [14]:
arf = d.get_arf()
specresp = arf.specresp
specresp_small = specresp[min_idx:max_idx]
Let's plot the part of the spectrum we need:
In [20]:
plt.plot(bm_small, c_small, linestyle="steps-mid")
plt.xlim(bm_small[0], bm_small[-1])
plt.ylim(0, 50)
Okay, let's convert that into flux space. Let's try to divide the observed spectrum by the ARF:
In [22]:
c_arf = counts/specresp
c_arf_small = c_arf[min_idx:max_idx]
In [23]:
plt.plot(bm_small, c_arf_small)
In [77]:
samples = np.loadtxt("../data/tests/test1_posterior_sample.txt")
print("There are %i samples."%len(samples))
What is the distribution of Doppler shifts?
In [78]:
s = pd.Series(samples[:, 10]).value_counts()
sns.barplot(s.index, s.values)
In [79]:
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(6,6))
ax1.hist(samples[samples[:,11]!=0.0,11], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled")
ax2.hist(samples[samples[:,12]!=0.0,12], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled")
ax3.hist(samples[samples[:,13]!=0.0,13], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled")
ax4.hist(samples[samples[:,14]!=0.0,14], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled");
#ax1.hist(samples[:,12], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled")
#ax2.hist(samples[:,13], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled")
#ax3.hist(samples[:,14], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled")
#ax4.hist(samples[:,15], bins=100, histtype="stepfilled");
Let's plot the data and the model together. In order to do that, we're going to need to get the right arrays out of the file. I've stored the model in various forms:
In [80]:
len_small = len(c_small)
full_model = samples[:, -len_small:]
model_with_ou = samples[:, -2*len_small:-len_small]
model_with_arf = samples[:, -3*len_small:-2*len_small]
model_with_bkg = samples[:, -4*len_small:-3*len_small]
model_with_lines = samples[:, -5*len_small:-4*len_small]
ou_process = samples[:, -6*len_small:-5*len_small]
Let's plot all of those to see what they look like:
In [101]:
plt.plot(bm_small, model_with_lines.T[:,:1])
plt.title("Model with lines only")
plt.plot(bm_small, model_with_bkg.T[:,:1])
plt.title("Model with bkg")
plt.plot(bm_small, model_with_arf.T[:,:1])
plt.title("Model with ARF")
plt.plot(bm_small, model_with_ou.T[:,:1])
plt.title("Model with OU process")
plt.plot(bm_small, full_model.T[:,:1])
plt.title("Full model")
plt.plot(bm_small, np.exp(ou_process.T[:,:1]))
plt.title("OU process only")
Let's plot the full model against the data:
In [57]:
plt.plot(bm_small, c_small, linestyle="steps-mid")
for f in full_model:
plt.plot(bm_small, f, c=sns.color_palette()[1], alpha=0.1)