Response Files With The Sherpa API

We're going to see if we can get the Sherpa API to allow us to apply ARFs and RMFs to arbitrary models.

Note: I needed to run heainit (the heasoft initialization file) to get the XSPEC models to run!

Random bits and pieces: There is a convenience function set_full_model in sherpa (for 1D or 2D). In this case, can put RMF or ARF into the expression.

In [1]:
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import numpy as np

Playing with the Convenience Functions

First, we're going to see how we can access ARF and RMF from the convenience functions.

Let's set up a data set:

In [2]:
import sherpa.astro.ui

WARNING: imaging routines will not be available, 
failed to import sherpa.image.ds9_backend due to 
'RuntimeErr: DS9Win unusable: Could not find ds9 on your PATH'
WARNING: failed to import WCS module; WCS routines will not be available

Load in the data with the convenience function:

In [3]:

read ARF file ../data/Chandra/js_spec_HI1_IC10X1_5asB1.corr.arf
read RMF file ../data/Chandra/js_spec_HI1_IC10X1_5asB1.rmf
WARNING: file '../data/Chandra/js_spec_HI1_IC10X1_5asB1_bkg.arf' not found
WARNING: file '../data/Chandra/js_spec_HI1_IC10X1_5asB1_bkg.rmf' not found
read background file ../data/Chandra/js_spec_HI1_IC10X1_5asB1_bkg.pi

If there is a grouping, get rid of it, because we don't like groupings (except for Mike Nowak).

In [4]:

This method gets the data and stores it in an object:

In [5]:
d = sherpa.astro.ui.get_data()

In case we need them for something, this is how we get ARF and RMF objects:

In [6]:
arf = d.get_arf()

In [7]:
rmf = d.get_rmf()

Next, we'd like to play around with a model. Let's set this up based on the XSPEC model I got from Jack:

In [11]:

In [12]:

In [13]:

In [14]:
sherpa.astro.ui.set_xsxset("delta", "0.01")

In [15]:

In [57]:

apply_rmf(apply_arf((31743.152548522 * (xstbabs.a1 * xsdiskbb.a2))))
   Param        Type          Value          Min          Max      Units
   -----        ----          -----          ---          ---      -----
   a1.nH        thawed     0.256448            0       100000 10^22 atoms / cm^2
   a2.Tin       thawed       1.2203            0         1000        keV
   a2.norm      thawed    0.0605833            0        1e+24           

We can get the fully specified model and store it in an object like this:

In [19]:
m = sherpa.astro.ui.get_model()

Here's how you can set parameters. Note that this changes the state of the object (boo!)

In [ ]:

Actually, we'd like to change the state of the object directly rather than using the convenience function, which works like this:

In [45]:
m._set_thawed_pars([0.01, 2, 0.01])

Now we're ready to evaluate the model and apply RMF/ARF to it. This is actually a method on the data object, not the model object. It returns an array:

In [46]:
model_counts = d.eval_model(m)

Let's plot the results:

In [47]:
plt.plot(rmf.e_min, d.counts)
plt.plot(rmf.e_min, model_counts)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1194cffd0>]

Let's set the model parameters to the fit results from XSPEC:

In [49]:
m._set_thawed_pars([0.313999, 1.14635, 0.0780871])
model_counts = d.eval_model(m)

plt.plot(rmf.e_min, d.counts)
plt.plot(rmf.e_min, model_counts, lw=3)

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1199d12b0>]

MCMC by hand

Just for fun, we're going to use emcee directly to sample from this model.

Let's first define a posterior object:

In [161]:
from scipy.special import gamma as scipy_gamma
from scipy.special import gammaln as scipy_gammaln

logmin = -100000000.0

class PoissonPosterior(object):
    def __init__(self, d, m): = d
        self.model = m
    def loglikelihood(self, pars, neg=False):
        mean_model = d.eval_model(self.model)
        #stupid hack to make it not go -infinity
        mean_model += np.exp(-20.)
        res = np.nansum(-mean_model +*np.log(mean_model) \
                - scipy_gammaln( + 1.))
        if not np.isfinite(res):
            res = logmin

        if neg:
            return -res
            return res

    def logprior(self, pars):
        nh = pars[0]
        p_nh = ((nh > 0.0) & (nh < 10.0))
        tin = pars[1]
        p_tin = ((tin > 0.0) & (tin < 5.0))
        lognorm = np.log(pars[2])
        p_norm = ((lognorm > -10.0) & (lognorm < 10.0))
        logp = np.log(p_nh*p_tin*p_norm)
        if not np.isfinite(logp):
            return logmin
            return logp
    def logposterior(self, pars, neg=False):
        lpost = self.loglikelihood(pars) + self.logprior(pars)

        if neg is True:
            return -lpost
            return lpost
    def __call__(self, pars, neg=False):
        return self.logposterior(pars, neg)

Now we can define a posterior object with the data and model objects:

In [162]:
lpost = PoissonPosterior(d, m)

Can we compute the posterior probability of some parameters?

In [163]:
print(lpost([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
print(lpost([0.313999, 1.14635, 0.0780871]))


The one below should fail, because it's outside the prior:

In [164]:
print(lpost([-0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
print(lpost([0.1, -0.1, 0.1]))
print(lpost([0.1, 0.1, -0.1]))

WARNING: value of parameter a1.nH is below minimum; setting to minimum
WARNING: value of parameter a2.Tin is below minimum; setting to minimum
WARNING: value of parameter a2.norm is below minimum; setting to minimum

Okay, cool! This works.

Now we can run MCMC!

In [165]:
import emcee

In [191]:
start_pars = np.array([0.313999, 1.14635, 0.0780871])
start_cov = np.diag(start_pars/100.0)

In [192]:
nwalkers = 100
niter = 200
ndim = len(start_pars)
burnin = 50

In [193]:
p0 = np.array([np.random.multivariate_normal(start_pars, start_cov) for
               i in range(nwalkers)])

In [196]:
# initialize the sampler
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lpost, args=[False], threads=4)

In [197]:
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, burnin)

In [200]:
_, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, niter, rstate0=state)

In [201]:

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x11c4da470>]

In [203]:
import corner

In [208]:

(25000, 3)

In [212]:
%matplotlib inline
              quantiles=[0.16, 0.5, 0.84],
              show_titles=True, title_args={"fontsize": 12});


  • define my own user model
  • figure out how to apply ARF/RMF directly to a set of counts