I'm going to show that you can do parameter estimation for X-ray spectra in pure python.
This implementation is fairly rudimentary; this is because at the moment, we have no XSPEC models, and this doesn't take into account things like backgrounds and combined models. But technically, all of this is possible. We might extend this notebook in the future with more complex examples.
I build statistical models, some of which are hierarchical and quite complex. As such, interfacing with existing X-ray spectroscopy tools is exceedingly difficult, because many things are either hard-coded, or simply not documented.
This library is an attempt to build a few light-weight tools that can be easily combined to a more complex model without having to install XSPEC, ISIS or sherpa (and deal with the corresponding dependencies). At this point, Clarsach
only depends on a few Python packages. More dependencies might follow as we add XSPEC models, but it currently includes a pure Python implementation of the code that applies responses to data. This is ~20 times faster than the C++ implementation, so watch out for us adding that later on.
With spectral-timing getting more and more traction, being able to combine spectral models with timing methods is becoming increasingly more important, and we're going to need these building blocks supplied in this package for continuing this work.
It is not a spectral fitting package. There are already three excellent packages out there, we don't really feel like we need to reinvent the wheel. This library only supplies some basic tools that are crucial for building new spectral models (statistical models, that is, not physical ones). You can build your own model out of this following some of the code we've supplied below, or build even more complex tools; it's up to you. We don't aim to supply a full solution, just the building blocks. You'll have to do the actual building yourself.
We're going to use a simulated spectrum of a pure power law, since we don't currently have an interface XSPEC spectral models. We have a simulated Chandra/ACIS spectrum in this repo for you to use.
Let's first load some packages we'll need:
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
except ImportError:
print("No seaborn installed. Oh well.")
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gammaln as scipy_gammaln
import scipy.stats
import astropy.io.fits as fits
import astropy.modeling.models as models
from astropy.modeling.fitting import _fitter_to_model_params
from clarsach import respond
from clarsach.spectrum import XSpectrum
from clarsach.models.powerlaw import Powerlaw
Let's load the actual data. We're going to use astropy
to do that:
In [2]:
phafile = "./fake_acis.pha"
pha_list = fits.open(phafile)
Since this is Chandra data, we know where all the relevant information is:
In [3]:
bin_lo = pha_list[1].data.field("BIN_LO")
bin_hi = pha_list[1].data.field("BIN_HI")
bin_mid = bin_lo + (bin_hi - bin_lo)/2.
channels = pha_list[1].data.field("CHANNEL")
counts = pha_list[1].data.field("COUNTS")
In [4]:
respfile = pha_list[1].header["RESPFILE"]
arffile = pha_list[1].header["ANCRFILE"]
Let's plot the raw spectrum:
In [5]:
plt.plot(bin_mid, counts)
Ok, great! Now we can load the ARF and RMF:
In [6]:
arf = respond.ARF(arffile)
rmf = respond.RMF(respfile)
There's also an XSPECTRUM
class that makes all of this much easier:
In [7]:
spec = XSpectrum(phafile)
now also contains the ARF and RMF and can be used for various things.
Ok, cool. Because we currently don't have access to the XSPEC models, we've defined a simple Python model for a power law. The key here is that these models need to integrate over each bin in order to yield the correct result. Let's make a Powerlaw
object so we can use it in model fitting:
In [8]:
pl_model = Powerlaw(norm=1., phoindex=2.0)
In [9]:
y_truth = pl_model.calculate(rmf.energ_lo, rmf.energ_hi)
y_arf = y_truth * arf.specresp
y_rmf = rmf.apply_rmf(y_arf)
In [10]:
plt.loglog(bin_mid, y_truth)
In [11]:
plt.plot(bin_mid, counts)
plt.plot(bin_mid, y_rmf*1e5)
In order to do spectral fitting, we need a likelihood function. The likelihood defines the statistical model, i.e. how the model relates to the data and its uncertainties.
We are going to use a Poisson likelihood here, since we're looking at photon counting data. Instead of a likelihood, we're actually going to define a posterior, so we're going to include some fairly broad priors. But we'll need that for the MCMC stuff below.
Let's define a class for this, which will make things much easier later on:
In [12]:
class PoissonPosterior(object):
def __init__(self, spec, model):
self.x_low = spec.rmf.energ_lo
self.x_high = spec.rmf.energ_hi
self.y = spec.counts
self.model = model
self.arf = spec.arf
self.rmf = spec.rmf
self.exposure = spec.exposure
def logprior(self, pars):
phoind = pars[0]
norm = pars[1]
p_ph = scipy.stats.uniform(1.0, 4.0).logpdf(phoind)
p_norm = scipy.stats.uniform(0, 10).logpdf(norm)
return p_ph + p_norm
def _calculate_model(self, pars):
self.model.phoindex = pars[0]
self.model.norm = pars[1]
# evaluate the model at the positions x
mean_model = self.model.calculate(self.x_low, self.x_high)
# run the ARF and RMF calculations
if self.arf is not None:
m_arf = self.arf.apply_arf(mean_model)
m_arf = mean_model
if self.rmf is not None:
ymodel = self.rmf.apply_rmf(m_arf)
ymodel = mean_model
ymodel *= self.exposure
ymodel += 1e-20
return ymodel
def loglikelihood(self, pars):
ymodel = self._calculate_model(pars)
# compute the log-likelihood
loglike = np.sum(-ymodel + self.y*np.log(ymodel) \
- scipy_gammaln(self.y + 1.))
if np.isfinite(loglike):
return loglike
return -np.inf
def logposterior(self, pars):
return self.logprior(pars) + self.loglikelihood(pars)
def __call__(self, pars):
return self.logposterior(pars)
Awesome! Let's make a LogPosterior
object that we can now play around with:
In [13]:
lpost = PoissonPosterior(spec, pl_model)
Because this is a simulated spectrum, we know the "ground truth" values. The photon index is $\Gamma = 2$, and the normalization is $N = 1$.
In [14]:
Ok, cool. Fitting can be performed using scipy.optimize
Note that we've defined the posterior probability distribution such that we're looking for a maximum (as we usually do), but optimizers always search for a minimum. We'll make a little function that returns the -logposterior instead:
In [15]:
lpost_neg = lambda pars : -lpost(pars)
In [16]:
lpost_neg([2, 1])
In [17]:
lpost_neg([1.5, 3])
Awesome, that works, too. Let's now stick this into scipy.optimize
and look for a solution:
In [18]:
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(lpost_neg, [2, 1], method="L-BFGS-B")
In [19]:
In [20]:
In [21]:
y_truth = lpost._calculate_model([2,1])
y_fit = lpost._calculate_model(res.x)
In [22]:
plt.plot(spec.bin_lo, spec.counts, label="Data")
#plt.plot(spec.bin_lo, y_truth, label="ground truth")
plt.plot(spec.bin_lo, y_fit, label="best-fit model")
Hooray, we can fit! That's the minimum result we were looking for!
But we can do more! For example, we might be interested in the probability distribution of the parameters. For that, let's actually fire up MCMC and use emcee
to sample the probability distributions:
In [23]:
import emcee
In [24]:
In [25]:
ndim = 2
nwalker = 500
burnin = 200
niter = 200
p0 = np.array([np.random.multivariate_normal(res.x,
np.diag([0.05, 0.05])) for i in range(nwalker)])
In [26]:
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalker, ndim, lpost, threads=4)
In [27]:
pos, prob, stat = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, burnin)
In [28]:
_, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, niter, rstate0=stat)
In [29]:
fl = sampler.flatchain
In [30]:
for i in range(ndim):
In [31]:
import corner
In [33]:
_ = corner.corner(fl, truths=[2,1])
In [35]:
spec_heg_p1 = XSpectrum("./fake_heg_p1.pha")
spec_heg_m1 = XSpectrum("./fake_heg_m1.pha")
spec_meg_p1 = XSpectrum("./fake_meg_p1.pha")
spec_meg_m1 = XSpectrum("./fake_meg_m1.pha")
In [46]:
Let's plot the spectra, so that we know what we're looking at:
In [36]:
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10,10))
ax1.plot(spec_heg_p1.bin_lo, spec_heg_p1.counts)
ax1.set_title("HEG P1")
ax2.plot(spec_heg_m1.bin_lo, spec_heg_m1.counts)
ax2.set_title("HEG M1")
ax3.plot(spec_meg_p1.bin_lo, spec_meg_p1.counts)
ax3.set_title("MEG P1")
ax4.plot(spec_meg_m1.bin_lo, spec_meg_m1.counts)
ax4.set_title("MEG M1")
Ok, cool. We'll need to define a new posterior class. We still only have two parameters, but now we have four spectra to fit at the same time!
Thankfully, all we need to do is multiply the likelihoods together:
In [84]:
class PoissonPosterior(object):
def __init__(self, spec_hp1, spec_hm1, spec_mp1, spec_mm1, model):
self.spec_hp1 = spec_hp1
self.spec_hm1 = spec_hm1
self.spec_mp1 = spec_mp1
self.spec_mm1 = spec_mm1
self.model = model
def logprior(self, pars):
phoind = pars[0]
norm = pars[1]
inst_fac1 = pars[2]
inst_fac2 = pars[3]
inst_fac3 = pars[4]
p_ph = scipy.stats.uniform(1.0, 4.0).logpdf(phoind)
p_norm = scipy.stats.uniform(0, 10).logpdf(norm)
p_inst_fac1 = scipy.stats.norm(1, 0.5).logpdf(inst_fac1)
p_inst_fac2 = scipy.stats.norm(1, 0.5).logpdf(inst_fac2)
p_inst_fac3 = scipy.stats.norm(1, 0.5).logpdf(inst_fac3)
return p_ph + p_norm + p_inst_fac1 + p_inst_fac2 + p_inst_fac3
def _calculate_model(self, pars):
self.model.phoindex = pars[0]
self.model.norm = pars[1]
inst_fac1 = pars[2]
inst_fac2 = pars[3]
inst_fac3 = pars[4]
mean_model_hp1 = self.model.calculate(self.spec_hp1.rmf.energ_lo,
mean_model_hm1 = self.model.calculate(self.spec_hm1.rmf.energ_lo,
mean_model_mp1 = self.model.calculate(self.spec_mp1.rmf.energ_lo,
mean_model_mm1 = self.model.calculate(self.spec_mm1.rmf.energ_lo,
# run the ARF and RMF calculations
if self.spec_hp1.arf is not None:
m_arf_hp1 = self.spec_hp1.arf.apply_arf(mean_model_hp1)
m_arf_hm1 = self.spec_hm1.arf.apply_arf(mean_model_hm1 * inst_fac1)
m_arf_mp1 = self.spec_mp1.arf.apply_arf(mean_model_mp1 * inst_fac2)
m_arf_mm1 = self.spec_mm1.arf.apply_arf(mean_model_mm1 * inst_fac3)
m_arf_hp1 = mean_model_hp1
m_arf_hm1 = mean_model_hm1
m_arf_mp1 = mean_model_mp1
m_arf_mm1 = mean_model_hp1
if self.spec_hp1.rmf is not None:
ymodel_hp1 = self.spec_hp1.rmf.apply_rmf(m_arf_hp1)
ymodel_hm1 = self.spec_hm1.rmf.apply_rmf(m_arf_hm1)
ymodel_mp1 = self.spec_mp1.rmf.apply_rmf(m_arf_mp1)
ymodel_mm1 = self.spec_mm1.rmf.apply_rmf(m_arf_mm1)
ymodel_hp1 = mean_model_hp1
ymodel_hm1 = mean_model_hm1
ymodel_mp1 = mean_model_mp1
ymodel_mm1 = mean_model_mm1
ymodel_hp1 *= self.spec_hp1.exposure
ymodel_hm1 *= self.spec_hm1.exposure
ymodel_mp1 *= self.spec_mp1.exposure
ymodel_mm1 *= self.spec_mm1.exposure
ymodel_hp1 += 1e-20
ymodel_hm1 += 1e-20
ymodel_mp1 += 1e-20
ymodel_mm1 += 1e-20
return ymodel_hp1, ymodel_hm1, ymodel_mp1, ymodel_mm1
def loglikelihood(self, pars):
ymodel_hp1, ymodel_hm1, ymodel_mp1, ymodel_mm1 = self._calculate_model(pars)
#ymodel_hp1, ymodel_hm1 = self._calculate_model(pars)
# compute the log-likelihood
loglike_hp1 = np.sum(-ymodel_hp1 + self.spec_hp1.counts*np.log(ymodel_hp1) \
- scipy_gammaln(self.spec_hp1.counts + 1.))
loglike_hm1 = np.sum(-ymodel_hm1 + self.spec_hm1.counts*np.log(ymodel_hm1) \
- scipy_gammaln(self.spec_hm1.counts + 1.))
loglike_mp1 = np.sum(-ymodel_mp1 + self.spec_mp1.counts*np.log(ymodel_mp1) \
- scipy_gammaln(self.spec_mp1.counts + 1.))
loglike_mm1 = np.sum(-ymodel_mm1 + self.spec_mm1.counts*np.log(ymodel_mm1) \
- scipy_gammaln(self.spec_mm1.counts + 1.))
if np.isfinite(loglike_hp1) and np.isfinite(loglike_hm1) and \
np.isfinite(loglike_mp1) and np.isfinite(loglike_mm1):
return loglike_hp1 + loglike_hm1 #+ loglike_mp1 + loglike_mm1
return -np.inf
def logposterior(self, pars):
return self.logprior(pars) + self.loglikelihood(pars)
def __call__(self, pars):
return self.logposterior(pars)
In [85]:
lpost = PoissonPosterior(spec_heg_p1, spec_heg_m1, spec_meg_p1, spec_meg_m1, pl_model)
In [86]:
lpost([2,1, 1, 1, 1])
Awesome, now we can optimize this as well:
In [87]:
lpost_neg = lambda pars : -lpost(pars)
In [88]:
%timeit lpost([2, 1, 1, 1, 1])
In [89]:
res = scipy.optimize.minimize(lpost_neg, [2, 1, 1, 1, 1], method="L-BFGS-B")
In [90]:
... and let's to MCMC!
In [92]:
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(200, 5, lpost, threads=4)
p0 = np.array([np.random.multivariate_normal([2, 1, 1, 1, 1],
np.diag([0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05])) for i in range(200)])
pos, prob, stat = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, 200)
In [75]:
_, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 100, rstate0=stat)
In [76]:
In [77]:
fl = sampler.flatchain
for i in range(ndim):
plt.plot(fl[fl[:,i] > 0,i])
In [105]:
a = np.random.uniform(size=6)
b = np.random.uniform(size=6)
np.cov(a, b)
In [78]:
_ = corner.corner(fl, truths=[2,1])
In [80]:
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10,10))
ax1.plot(spec_heg_p1.bin_lo, spec_heg_p1.counts)
ax1.set_title("HEG P1")
ax2.plot(spec_heg_m1.bin_lo, spec_heg_m1.counts)
ax2.set_title("HEG M1")
#ax3.plot(spec_meg_p1.bin_lo, spec_meg_p1.counts)
#ax3.set_title("MEG P1")
#ax4.plot(spec_meg_m1.bin_lo, spec_meg_m1.counts)
#ax4.set_title("MEG M1")
idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(fl)), size=100)
for i in idx:
p = fl[i]
yfit_hp1, yfit_hm1 = lpost._calculate_model(p)
ax1.plot(spec_heg_p1.bin_lo, yfit_hp1, color=sns.color_palette()[1], alpha=0.4)
ax2.plot(spec_heg_m1.bin_lo, yfit_hm1, color=sns.color_palette()[1], alpha=0.4)
#ax3.plot(spec_meg_p1.bin_lo, yfit_mp1, color=sns.color_palette()[1], alpha=0.4)
#ax4.plot(spec_meg_m1.bin_lo, yfit_mm1, color=sns.color_palette()[1], alpha=0.4)
In [ ]: