.. _api_tutorial:

Using the OpenAQ API

The openaq api is an easy-to-use wrapper built around the OpenAQ Api. Complete API documentation can be found on their website.

There are no keys or rate limits (as of March 2017), so working with the API is straight forward. If building a website or app, you may want to just use the python wrapper and interact with the data in json format. However, the rest of this tutorial will assume you are interested in analyzing the data. To get more out of it, I recommend installing seaborn for manipulating the asthetics of plots, and working with data as DataFrames using pandas. For more information on these, check out the installation section of this documentation.

From this point forward, I assume you have at least a basic knowledge of python and matplotlib. This documentation was built using the following versions of all packages:

In [32]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import openaq
import warnings


%matplotlib inline

# Set major seaborn asthetics
sns.set("notebook", style='ticks', font_scale=1.0)

# Increase the quality of inline plots
mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi']= 500

print ("pandas v{}".format(pd.__version__))
print ("matplotlib v{}".format(mpl.__version__))
print ("seaborn v{}".format(sns.__version__))
print ("openaq v{}".format(openaq.__version__))

pandas v0.21.0
matplotlib v2.1.0
seaborn v0.8.1
openaq v1.1.0


The OpenAQ APi has only eight endpoints that we are interested in:

  • cities: provides a simple listing of cities within the platforms
  • countries: provides a simple listing of countries within the platform
  • fetches: providing data about individual fetch operations that are used to populate data in the platform
  • latest: provides the latest value of each available parameter for every location in the system
  • locations: provides a list of measurement locations and their meta data
  • measurements: provides data about individual measurements
  • parameters: provides a simple listing of parameters within the platform
  • sources: provides a list of data sources

For detailed documentation about each one in the context of this API wrapper, please check out the API documentation.

Your First Request

Real quick, let's go ahead and initiate an instance of the openaq.OpenAQ class so we can begin looking at data:

In [2]:
api = openaq.OpenAQ()


The cities API endpoint lists the cities available within the platform. Results can be subselected by country and paginated to retrieve all results in the database. Let's start by performing a basic query with an increased limit (so we can get all of them) and return it as a DataFrame:

In [3]:
resp = api.cities(df=True, limit=10000)

# display the first 10 rows

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2020 entries, 0 to 2019
Data columns (total 4 columns):
city         2020 non-null object
count        2020 non-null int64
country      2020 non-null object
locations    2020 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 63.2+ KB

So we retrieved 1400+ entries from the database. We can then take a look at them:

In [4]:
print (resp.head(10))

                                             city   count country  locations
0                                          unused     314      AD          1
1                              Escaldes-Engordany   13312      AD          2
2                                       Abu Dhabi     475      AE          1
3                                    Buenos Aires   14976      AR          4
4                                         Austria  121987      AT        174
5                 Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung  113161      AT         19
6            Umweltinstitut des Landes Vorarlberg   36108      AT          9
7    Amt der Ober�sterreichischen Landesregierung  154329      AT         16
8  Amt der Nieder�sterreichischen Landesregierung  322499      AT         39
9                Gemeinde Wien, MA22 Umweltschutz  130328      AT         21

Let's try to find out which ones are in India:

In [5]:
print (resp.query("country == 'IN'"))

                   city    count country  locations
841              Nagpur    72304      IN          5
842            Tirupati   159051      IN          4
843           Ahmedabad    57664      IN          2
844           Bengaluru   371507      IN          8
845           Moradabad    24572      IN          1
846   Rajamahendravaram    30562      IN          3
847             Lucknow   271760      IN          5
848              Kanpur   159648      IN          2
849              Jaipur   190303      IN          6
850           Amaravati    11390      IN          1
851           Ghaziabad    99046      IN          2
852               Delhi  1140039      IN         35
853    Mandi Gobindgarh    48579      IN          1
854           Panchkula   144904      IN          1
855          Barddhaman     2470      IN          3
856          Chandrapur   232167      IN          2
857              Mumbai   309415      IN          3
858         Navi Mumbai     7713      IN          1
859          Jorapokhar    35514      IN          1
860                Gaya    76775      IN          1
861                Pali    23585      IN          2
862             Gurgaon   147865      IN          1
863            Varanasi   181638      IN          1
864            Siliguri       30      IN          2
865               Thane   129977      IN          3
866          Vijayawada    11583      IN          2
867              Nashik    76175      IN          4
868           Hyderabad   465754      IN         15
869             Kolkata   168538      IN          7
870             Chennai   290316      IN          4
..                  ...      ...     ...        ...
873             Dhanbad        3      IN          1
874              Rohtak    95025      IN          1
875       Visakhapatnam   208237      IN          8
876                Agra    84277      IN          1
877               Ajmer    25218      IN          2
878               Alwar    13986      IN          1
879          Aurangabad   113499      IN          1
880            Ludhiana    72248      IN          1
881                Kota    23216      IN          2
882             Bhiwadi    20834      IN          1
883              Haldia   115248      IN          2
884           Pithampur    12131      IN          1
885            Durgapur    78729      IN          2
886          Vijayawara    34902      IN          1
887             Solapur   253916      IN          1
888            Amritsar    77807      IN          1
889  Thiruvananthapuram    46082      IN          2
890           Faridabad   113491      IN          2
891             Jodhpur   151132      IN          1
892           Singrauli    14570      IN          1
893               NOIDA    12061      IN          1
894                Pune   145415      IN          1
895             Udaipur    25645      IN          1
896             Asansol     1542      IN          2
897               Dewas    11629      IN          1
898              Howrah    50213      IN          4
899               Medak     2671      IN          1
900              Ujjain    16876      IN          1
901            Chittoor     2013      IN          1
902               Patna    75298      IN          1

[62 rows x 4 columns]

Great! For the rest of the tutorial, we are going to focus on Delhi, India. Why? Well..because there are over 500,000 data points and my personal research is primarily in India. We will also take a look at some $SO_2$ data from Hawai'i later on (another great research locale).


Similar to the cities endpoint, the countries endpoint lists the countries available. The only parameters we have to play with are the limit and page number. If we want to grab them all, we can just up the limit to the maximum (10000).

In [7]:
res = api.countries(limit=10000, df=True)

print (res.head())

   cities code    count  locations       name
0       2   AD    13626          3    Andorra
1       1   AR    14976          4  Argentina
2      18   AU  3246949         99  Australia
3      16   AT  1521351        306    Austria
4       1   BH    13816          1    Bahrain


If you are interested in getting information pertaining to the individual data fetch operations, go ahead and use this endpoint. Most people won't need to use this. This API method does not allow the df parameter; if you would like it to be added, drop me a message.

Otherwise, here is how you can access the json-formatted data:

In [9]:
status, resp = api.fetches(limit=1)

# Print out the meta info

{'found': 92493,
 'license': 'CC BY 4.0',
 'limit': 1,
 'name': 'openaq-api',
 'page': 1,
 'pages': 92493,
 'website': 'https://docs.openaq.org/'}


The parameters endpoint will provide a listing off all the parameters available:

In [10]:
res = api.parameters(df=True)

print (res)

                                         description    id   name  \
0                                       Black Carbon    bc     BC   
1                                    Carbon Monoxide    co     CO   
2                                   Nitrogen Dioxide   no2    NO2   
3                                              Ozone    o3     O3   
4  Particulate matter less than 10 micrometers in...  pm10   PM10   
5  Particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometers i...  pm25  PM2.5   
6                                     Sulfur Dioxide   so2    SO2   

0         µg/m³  
1           ppm  
2           ppm  
3           ppm  
4         µg/m³  
5         µg/m³  
6           ppm  


The sources endpoint will provide a list of the sources where the raw data came from.

In [11]:
res = api.sources(df=True)

# Print out the first one

active                                                       True
adapter                                                 arpalazio
city                                                          NaN
contacts                                        [info@openaq.org]
country                                                        IT
description             Air quality data from Lazio region, Italy
location                                                      NaN
name                                                    ARPALAZIO
organization                                                  NaN
region                                                      Lazio
resolution                                                    NaN
sourceURL                               http://www.arpalazio.net/
timezone                                                      NaN
url             http://www.arpalazio.net/main/aria/sci/annoinc...
Name: 0, dtype: object


The locations endpoint will return the list of measurement locations and their meta data. We can do quite a bit of querying with this one:

Let's see what the data looks like:

In [12]:
res = api.locations(df=True)


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 11 columns):
city                     100 non-null object
coordinates.latitude     100 non-null float64
coordinates.longitude    100 non-null float64
count                    100 non-null int64
country                  100 non-null object
firstUpdated             100 non-null datetime64[ns]
lastUpdated              100 non-null datetime64[ns]
location                 100 non-null object
parameters               100 non-null object
sourceName               100 non-null object
sourceNames              100 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(2), int64(1), object(6)
memory usage: 8.7+ KB

In [13]:
# print out the first one

city                                  Ulaanbaatar
coordinates.latitude                      47.9329
coordinates.longitude                     106.921
count                                      294657
country                                        MN
firstUpdated                  2015-09-01 00:00:00
lastUpdated                   2018-01-24 10:00:00
location                                  100 ail
parameters               [pm10, co, o3, no2, so2]
sourceName                               Agaar.mn
sourceNames                            [Agaar.mn]
Name: 0, dtype: object

What if we just want to grab the locations in Delhi?

In [14]:
res = api.locations(city='Delhi', df=True)


city                                              Delhi
coordinates.latitude                            28.6508
coordinates.longitude                           77.3152
count                                            102326
country                                              IN
firstUpdated                        2015-06-29 14:30:00
lastUpdated                         2017-11-28 10:15:00
location                                    Anand Vihar
parameters               [pm10, so2, co, o3, no2, pm25]
sourceName                                         CPCB
sourceNames                         [Anand Vihar, CPCB]
Name: 0, dtype: object

What about just figuring out which locations in Delhi have $PM_{2.5}$ data?

In [15]:
res = api.locations(city='Delhi', parameter='pm25', df=True)


city                                   Delhi
coordinates.latitude                 28.6508
coordinates.longitude                77.3152
count                                  23891
country                                   IN
firstUpdated             2015-06-29 14:30:00
lastUpdated              2017-11-28 10:15:00
location                         Anand Vihar
parameters                            [pm25]
sourceName                              CPCB
sourceNames              [Anand Vihar, CPCB]
Name: 0, dtype: object


Grab the latest data from a location or locations.

What was the most recent $PM_{2.5}$ data in Delhi?

In [17]:
res = api.latest(city='Delhi', parameter='pm25', df=True)


averagingPeriod.unit averagingPeriod.value city country location parameter sourceName unit value
2017-11-28 10:15:00 hours 0.25 Delhi IN Anand Vihar pm25 CPCB µg/m³ 70.00
2018-01-22 05:45:00 hours 0.25 Delhi IN Anand Vihar, Delhi - DPCC pm25 CPCB µg/m³ 229.00
2018-01-24 01:15:00 hours 0.25 Delhi IN Aya Nagar, Delhi - IMD pm25 CPCB µg/m³ 192.84
2018-01-24 01:15:00 hours 0.25 Delhi IN Burari Crossing, Delhi - IMD pm25 CPCB µg/m³ 53.45
2018-01-24 01:15:00 hours 0.25 Delhi IN CRRI Mathura Road, Delhi - IMD pm25 CPCB µg/m³ 185.60

What about the most recent $SO_2$ data in Hawii?

In [18]:
res = api.latest(city='Hilo', parameter='so2', df=True)


averagingPeriod.unit averagingPeriod.value city country location parameter sourceName unit value
2018-01-24 06:00:00 hours 1 Hilo US Hawaii Volcanoes NP so2 AirNow ppm 0.000
2018-01-24 06:00:00 hours 1 Hilo US Hilo so2 AirNow ppm 0.001
2018-01-24 06:00:00 hours 1 Hilo US Kona so2 AirNow ppm 0.003
2018-01-24 06:00:00 hours 1 Hilo US Ocean View so2 AirNow ppm 0.002
2018-01-24 06:00:00 hours 1 Hilo US Pahala so2 AirNow ppm 0.021
2017-01-26 17:00:00 hours 1 Hilo US Puna E Station so2 AirNow ppm 0.002


Finally, the endpoint we've all been waiting for! Measurements allows you to grab all of the dataz! You can query on a whole bunhc of parameters listed in the API documentation. Let's dive in:

Let's grab the past 10000 data points for $PM_{2.5}$ in Delhi:

In [19]:
res = api.measurements(city='Delhi', parameter='pm25', limit=10000, df=True)

# Print out the statistics on a per-location basiss

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
Anand Vihar, Delhi - DPCC 435.0 257.974713 147.157716 49.00 122.0000 217.000 345.0000 644.00
Aya Nagar, Delhi - IMD 373.0 149.777399 63.562871 3.00 106.8800 133.710 185.3700 362.89
Burari Crossing, Delhi - IMD 364.0 130.479725 54.422223 41.82 92.0325 119.455 157.3700 333.67
CRRI Mathura Road, Delhi - IMD 362.0 154.733177 106.058803 2.22 80.5325 141.965 199.2775 842.68
Delhi Technological University, Delhi - CPCB 1094.0 298.473492 153.747356 59.00 174.0000 289.000 401.0000 764.00
IGI Airport Terminal-3, Delhi - IMD 362.0 151.909337 73.207138 5.62 95.1350 143.960 200.3325 375.96
IHBAS, Delhi - CPCB 920.0 123.129783 45.126415 0.00 89.6750 118.700 147.4750 308.30
Income Tax Office, Delhi - CPCB 1092.0 210.723443 94.666352 0.00 142.0000 191.500 278.0000 477.00
Lodhi Road, Delhi - IMD 340.0 160.079853 72.299560 9.69 107.9325 151.255 208.1975 383.10
Mandir Marg, Delhi - DPCC 266.0 197.969925 87.771353 42.00 132.0000 186.000 254.0000 443.00
NSIT Dwarka, Delhi - CPCB 1025.0 218.178732 81.710124 0.00 158.2000 199.200 262.4000 527.10
North Campus, Delhi - IMD 369.0 212.397236 112.749504 0.41 123.1900 190.900 275.5500 633.12
Punjabi Bagh, Delhi - DPCC 322.0 227.795031 115.734125 47.00 125.0000 210.500 314.0000 559.00
Pusa, Delhi - IMD 383.0 124.962872 58.121791 28.51 77.6650 114.370 162.9450 320.82
R K Puram, Delhi - DPCC 403.0 207.893300 97.869982 64.00 139.5000 188.000 244.0000 593.00
Shadipur, Delhi - CPCB 1054.0 165.224288 104.169637 0.20 94.6000 139.450 214.9750 798.70
Sirifort, Delhi - CPCB 432.0 214.747685 98.675962 0.00 147.7500 196.500 279.2500 979.00
US Diplomatic Post: New Delhi 404.0 213.836634 139.308067 -999.00 144.0000 203.000 270.2500 1985.00

Clearly, we should be doing some serious data cleaning ;) Why don't we go ahead and plot all of these locations on a figure.

In [38]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 6))

for group, df in res.groupby('location'):
    # Query the data to only get positive values and resample to hourly
    _df = df.query("value >= 0.0").resample('1h').mean()
    _df.value.plot(ax=ax, label=group)
ax.set_ylabel("$PM_{2.5}$  [$\mu g m^{-3}$]", fontsize=20)

plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
