Visualization is meant to convey information.
The power of a graph is its ability to enable one to take in the quantitative information, organize it, and see patterns and structure not readily revealed by other means of studying the data.
- Cleveland and McGill, 1984
Certain techniques make that information easier to interpret and understand. In their 1984 paper titled, "Graphical Perception: Theory, Experimentation, and Application to the Development of Graphical Methods," Cleveland and McGill identify 10 elementary perceptual tasks that are used to "extract quantitative information from graphs." Their premise is:
A graphical form that involves elementary perceptual tasks that lead to more accurate judgments than another graphical form (with the same quantitative information) will result in better organization and increase the chances of a correct perception of patterns and behavior.
Whereas graph design had, up to that point, been "largely unscientific," Cleveland and McGill took a systematic approach in analyzing human graphical perception through experimentation. Their researched helped identify the most and least accurate elementary perceptual tasks, ordered below:
In 2010, Heer and Bostock confirmed these results using Amazon's Mechanical Turk.
Let's take a look at a few examples. Because we're only interested in relative sizes, we don't include a legend with size information or reference points.
For circles of distinctly different sizes, the comparison is simple. For example, "A" is smaller than "B." However, for circles, such as "L" and "M," that are almost the same size, it's difficult to tell which is smaller. Area, according to Cleveland and McGill's research, is less accurate than, say, length, which we consider next.
Focusing on "L" and "M," it is clear to see which is larger. You might be wondering whether scale makes a difference—that is, if the small circle sizes make it difficult to compare—it doesn't.
Next, we consider a case where we want to plot two series. For this example, let's suppose we're working with student English and math test scores. Here, we'll want to use bars, which we arbitrarily label Z-L. The question is, which bars should we use? This is a case where the answer depends on what we're trying to communicate. If we're interested in showing total scores, we could use a stacked bar chart.
We can tell that "Y" and "L" had the highest cumulative scores. What if we want to know which students scored highest on the math exam? Because the math portions of each bar are on "non-aligned scales," as Cleveland and McGill call it, it's difficult to tell. One solution is to plot these on opposite sides of the x-axis.
Now, it's easier to see that "R" scored quite well on the math exam. The tradeoff with this layout is that it's difficult to compare cumulative scores. Comparing "Z" and "O," for example, is a challenge. Again, it depends on what the message is.
These findings are a guide for what works when the goal is to make accurate judgments. Sometimes, however, the goal might not be to allow for precise comparisons but, rather, to facilitate the perception of larger patterns. This is usually the case with choropleth maps.
A good graphic realizes two basic goals: It presents information, and it allows users to explore that information.
- Alberto Cairo
A data visualization should only be beautiful when beauty can promote understanding in some way without undermining it in another. Is beauty sometimes useful? Certainly. Is beauty always useful? Certainly not.
- Stephen Few
Good displays of data help to reveal knowledge relevant to understanding mechanism, process and dynamics, cause and effect.
- Edward Tufte
A figure is ineffective if it "wastes too much real estate (and the designer's time) on things that don't help readers understand [it]." - Alberto Cairo
The important criterion for a graph is not simply how fast we can see a result; rather it is whether through the use of the graph we can see something that would have been harder to see otherwise or that could not have been seen at all.
- William Cleveland
[A]lways take advantage of the space you have available to seek depth within reasonable limits. After that, and only after that, worry about how to make the presentation prettier.
- Alberto Cairo
Ultimately, identify your audience and their needs and interests. The same data should be visualized differently for a scientific publication versus a magazine.
Now, we'll start learning how to create visualizations in Python. We'll start by using a popular python package called matplotlib
, and later on use a second package called seaborn
that builds on matplotlib
First we'll import matplotlib
, along with several other Python packages we'll be using during this workshop.
In [1]:
import math
import random
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
One of the nice features of Jupyter notebooks is that figures can be plotted inline, which means they appear below the code cell that creates them. This is not the default behavior however, and so we'll use the below "Magic" statement to tell the Jupyter notebook to plot the figures inline (instead of opening a separate browser window to show them).
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
To illustrate what matplotlib
and seaborn
can do, we'll need to use a dataset. We've decided to use the so-called Gapminder dataset, which was compiled by Jennifer Bryan. This dataset contains several key demographic and economic statistics for many countries, across many years. For more information, see the gapminder repository.
We'll use the pandas
Python package to load the .csv
(comma separated values) file that contains the dataset. The pandas
package provides DataFrame
objects that organize datasets in tabular form (think Microsoft Excel spreedsheets). We've created an alias for the pandas
package, called pd
, which is the convention. To read in a .csv
file we simply use pd.read_csv
. This .csv
file happens to be tab-delimited, so we need to specify sep=\t
In [3]:
gm = pd.read_csv('data/gapminder.tsv', sep='\t')
To look at the first few rows of the dataset we'll use the .head()
method of the dataframe.
In [4]:
It looks like we have information about life expectancy (lifeExp
), population (pop
) and per-capita GDP (gdpPercap
), across multiple years per country.
To start off, let's say we want to explore the data from the most recent year in the dataset. First we'll find the maximum value for year, and then create a second DataFrame
containing data from only that year. We'll do that using Boolean Masking (for an introduction on how to use pandas
, see the DLab's "Introduction to Pandas" workshop)
In [5]:
latest_year = gm['year'].max()
In [6]:
gm_latest = gm[gm['year']==latest_year]
Ok, looks like we have 142 values, or rows, across our 6 variables, or columns. Let's get an idea of how per-capita GDP was distributed across all of the countries during 2007 by calculating some summary statistics. We'll do that using the DataFrame
's .describe()
In [7]:
Across 142 countries the mean GDP was ~\$11680, and the standard deviation was ~\\$12860! There was a lot of deviation in GDP across countries, but these summary statistics don't give us the whole picture. To get the whole picture, let's draw a picture! Or plot a figure more accurately.
Histograms plot an discretized distribution of a one-dimensional dataset across all the values it has taken. They visualize how the many data points are in each of $b$ bins, each of which has a pre-defined range.
To create a histogram plot in matplotlib
we'll use pyplot
, which is a collection of command style functions that make matplotlib work like MATLAB and save many lines of repeated code. By convention, pyplot
is aliased to plt
, which we've alread done in the above import cell.
Let's use plt.hist()
to create a histogram of the per-capita GDP in 2007.
In [8]:
Protip: Use a semicolon (;
) at the end of the last line in a Jupyter notebook cell to suppress the notebooks from printing the return value of the last line. This was done in the above cell. Try removing the ;
to see how the output changes.
This histogram tells us that many of the countries had a low GDP, which was less than 5,000. There is also a second "bump" in the histrogram around 30,000. This type of distribution is known as bi-modal, since there are two modes, or common values.
To make this histogram more interpretable let's add a title and labels for the $x$ and $y$ axes. We'll pass strings to plt.title()
, plt.xlabel()
, and plt.ylabel()
to do so.
In [9]:
plt.title('Distribution of Global Per-Capita GDP in 2007')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions of USD)')
plt.ylabel('# of Countries');
Each line in the histogram represents a bin. The height of the line represents the number of items (countries in this case) within the range of values spanned by the bin. In the last plots we used the default number of bins (10), now let's use more bins by specifying the bin=20
In [10]:
plt.hist(gm_latest['gdpPercap'], bins=30);
plt.title('Distribution of Global Per-Capita GDP in 2007')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions of USD)')
plt.ylabel('# of Countries');
We can see this histogram doesn't look as "smooth" as the last one. There's no "right" way to display a histogram, but some bin counts definitely are more informative than others. For example, using only 3 bins we cannot see the bi-modal nature of the GDP distribution.
In [11]:
plt.hist(gm_latest['gdpPercap'], bins=3);
plt.title('Distribution of Global Per-Capita GDP in 2007')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions of USD)')
plt.ylabel('# of Countries');
As you can see, we can call functions in the plt
module multiple times within a single cell and those functions will all work on, and modify, the current figure associated with the current cell. This is because pyplot
(or plt
) keeps an internal variable for the current figure which is unique to each cell plt
is used in.
NOTE Unless specified in the help function, the order of these function calls doesn't matter. See that the cell below produces the same plot as the one above even though the calls to plt
functions are in a different order.
In [12]:
plt.title('Distribution of Global Per-Capita GDP in 2007')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions of USD)')
plt.hist(gm_latest['gdpPercap'], bins=3);
plt.ylabel('# of Countries');
(The styling that you see in the plot above are the matplotlib
defaults. For now, we'll continue to use those defaults as the first portion of this workshop is geared toward getting you familiar with the API-how to actually create the plots you're interested in. Then, we'll cover how to customize plot styles in a later section.)
In [13]:
In [14]:
In [15]:
plt.hist(gm_latest['lifeExp'], bins=17);
plt.title('Distribution of Global Life Expectantcy in 2007')
plt.xlabel('Life Expectantcy (Years)')
plt.ylabel('# of Countries');
In [ ]:
Next, it might be interesting to get a sense of how many countries per continent we have data for. Let's create a country DataFrame
that includes only the unique combinations of country and continent by dropping all duplicate rows using drop_duplicates()
In [16]:
countries = gm[['country', 'continent']]
countries = countries.drop_duplicates()
In [17]:
To get the number of countries per continent we'll use the .groupby()
method to group by continent
, then count the unique countries in each continent. We'll use the as_index=False
argument so that the contininent name gets it's own column, and is not used as the index. This will create a new DataFrame
that we'll call country_counts
In [18]:
country_counts = countries.groupby('continent', as_index=False)['country'].count()
Let's rename the country
column to be n_countries
for number of countries.
In [19]:
country_counts.columns = ['continent', 'n_countries']
Let's use a bar plot to plot this data, which we saw in the theory section is an effective way to compare the magnitudes of a number of data points on the same scale. Bar plots look a lot like histograms, but differ in that they do not represent a distribution of data, rather a collection of data points.
Making a bar plot in matplotlib
is done conveniently using
. This takes two arguments, the first is the location on the $x$-axis that the bars should appear, and the second is the height of each bar on the $y$-axis. Since we want the bars to appear equidistant from each other, we'll create a sequence of increasing numbers going from 0
to the number of bars we want plotted (# of continents, or len(continents)
here) using the range
Let's also use plt.xticks()
and the continent names to label the $x$-ticks, which are the text below each bar on the $s$-axis. The plt.xticks()
function two arguments. The first is the position for the label and the second is the label itself. The arguments are container-like objects, such as list
s or NumPy
In [20]:
continents = country_counts['continent']
In [21]:
n_continents = len(country_counts)
In [22]:
x = range(n_continents)
In [23]:
y = country_counts['n_countries']
In [24]:[0,1,2,3,4], y)
plt.title('Number of Countries per Continent')
plt.xticks(range(n_continents), continents);
In [25]:
# Get the countries in Oceania in 2007
gm_latest_oceania = gm_latest[gm_latest['continent']=='Oceania']
In [26]:
continents = country_counts['continent']
n_continents = len(country_counts), country_counts['n_countries'])
plt.title('Number of Countries per Continent')
plt.xticks(range(n_continents), continents);
In [27]:
gm_latest_oceania = gm_latest[gm_latest['continent']=='Oceania']
In [28]:, gm_latest_oceania['gdpPercap'])
#[0,5], gm_latest_oceania['gdpPercap'])
# plt.xticks(range(len(gm_latest_oceania)), gm_latest_oceania['country']);
and figure out how to make a pie plot that displays proportions of all countries contained in each of the 5 continents.
In [29]:
plt.pie(country_counts['n_countries'], labels=continents, autopct='%.01f')
# plt.pie(country_counts['n_countries']);
plt.title('Proportion of countries per continent.');
Now that we know we've seen how GDP was distributed during 2007, and how many countries are in each continent, we might want to know how GDP is distributed within each continent. While we could plot 5 histograms, we can also take advantage of a useful type of plot for just this purpose, a boxplot.
creates just that, and can take a list of arrays, with each array represented a distribution to plot. Since the number of countries in each continent is different, we will create an array for each continent that contains the GDP values of all countries in each continent.
In [30]:
continent_gdp_latest = []
for c in continents:
gm_latest_cur_cont = gm_latest[gm_latest['continent'] == c]
cur_gdp_vals = gm_latest_cur_cont['gdpPercap'].values
In [31]:
In a boxplot a box is created for each array where the top and bottom lines of the box indicate the third and first quartiles, respectively. An orange bar in the middle indiactes the median. "Whiskers" show the extent of the extreme values (in this case 1.5 times the inter-quartile range, which is the third minus the first quartile). "Fliers" or "outliers" are shown in black circles and are drawn for all values that are outside of the whiskers, or inter-quartile value here.
Now we'll use this list of arrays to make a boxplot. We'll also update the xticks, title, axes labels.
In [32]:
plt.title('Per-Capita GDP Distributions Per Continent')
plt.ylabel('Per-Capita GDP (USD in Millions)');
plt.xticks(range(1,len(continents)+1), continents);
That's a useful figure, but there's a lot going on in such a small plot. Let's use plt.figure(figsize=)
. to make the plot bigger. figsize
takes a tuple of width and height, in inches. (Note that figure sizes change with changes to DPI.)
In [33]:
plt.title('Per-Capita GDP Distributions Per Continent')
plt.ylabel('Per-Capita GDP (USD in Millions)');
plt.xticks(range(1,len(continents)+1), continents);
That's better!
In [34]:
country_names = gm_latest['country'].values
In [35]:
gm_latest[gm_latest['country'] == 'United States']
Now let's say that we're interested in visualizing a single country's per-capita GDP, and seeing how it has changed over time. Let's look at Portugal's GDP per capita over time. To make things easier, we'll create a second DataFrame
containing just data from Portugal.
In [36]:
portugal = gm[gm['country'] == 'Portugal']
In [37]:
While there are theoretically many ways we could plot these data, let's use what we learned about human perception from Cleveland and McGill to guide our choice of plots. We saw that "position along a common scale" was the most accurate perceptual task, and a Line Plot uses exactly that. In fact, line plots are one of the most commonly used plots for visualizing time-series data (data that changes as a function of time) because the data points are connected (unlike bar plots) allowing for easy perception of the trend across time.
To make the line plot, we simply call the plt.plot()
function. The first argument should contain a list-like sequence of $x$-axis values, and the second argument should contain a list-like sequence of the $y$-axis values. We'll use the year as the $x$-axis and per-capita GDP as the $y$-axis.
Note that $x$ and $y$ must have the same dimensions-that is, be of the same length.
In [38]:
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['gdpPercap'])
plt.title('Per-capita GDP of Portugal')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)');
This plot clearly shows that Portugal's per-capita GDP has been increasing over time. Cool!
What if we want to compare how Portugal's GDP changed relative to it's neighbor's Spain? To do that we can get a second DataFrame
for Spain and plot them together on the same plot. We'll also make the plot wide and short to better see time.
In [39]:
spain = gm[gm['country'] == 'Spain']
In [40]:
plt.plot(spain['year'], spain['gdpPercap'])
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['gdpPercap'])
plt.title('Per-capita GDP of Portugal & Spain')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)');
Ok, that's cool, but which line represents which country? To determine that we need a legend. matplotlib
makes it easy to create a legend. First, we need to add label=<country_name>
parameter to the plt.plot()
functions, then call plt.legend()
. Let's see it:
In [41]:
plt.plot(spain['year'], spain['gdpPercap'], label='Spain')
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['gdpPercap'], label='Portugal')
plt.title('Per-capita GDP of Portugal & Spain')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)')
Much better! Now we can see that Spain's GDP has been consistently greater than Portugal's from 1950 until 2007.
In [42]:
plt.plot(spain['year'], spain['lifeExp'], label='Spain')
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['lifeExp'], label='Portugal')
plt.title('Life Expectantcy of Portugal & Spain')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectantcy (Years)')
In [ ]:
Next, let's imagine that we're interested in looking for a relationship between two variables, where both variables can take the same value multiple times, unlike time-series data where the time variable is constantly increasing. Scatter plots are a powerful way to visualize the joint distribution of your data points across two variables.
To illustrate this we'll use plt.scatter
to visualize the relationship between per capita GDP (gdpPercap
on the $x$-axis) and life expectancy (lifeExp
on the $y$-axis) across all countries and all years. Specifying the marker='.'
argument tells the plot to use small circles to indicate each data point. There are many other marker styles, see here for more.
In [43]:
plt.scatter(gm['gdpPercap'], gm['lifeExp'], marker='.')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Billions $USD)')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectency (years)')
Like with plt.plot()
, the first argument in plt.scatter()
corresponds to the $x$-axis and the second to the $y$-axis.
The above scatter plot has some really large GDP values out to the right of the plot. When dealing with data that have large outliers like this, plotting a transformation of the data can make it more interpretable. A standard transformation is to apply the log
function, so let's try that here.
NOTE Let's not forget to change the x-axis label to indicate the new units being displayed!
In [44]:
plt.scatter(np.log10(gm['gdpPercap']), gm['lifeExp'], marker='.')
plt.xlabel('Log Per-Capita GDP (Billions $USD)')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectency (years)');
That looks much better. We can now see there is somehwhat of a linear relationship between the log of GDP and life expectancy. Interesting!
This plot looks good, but could be better, especially since there are so many points and they overlap. To fix that we can change the transparency, or opacity, of the face and edges of the markers using the alpha
parameter. This is a value from 0
, where 0
is completely transparent (e.g. it's not displayed) to 1
being completely opaque (which is the default seen in the previous plot).
And while we're at it we'll change the fill color with the facecolor
parameter, and the border color of each marker with the edgecolor
parameter using one of:
for blue)For no color, use 'None'
. For more information on colors in Matplotlib
see the documentation.
A great place to find information on color palettes is ColorBrewer. Matt Davis has created a great Python package called Palettable that gives you access to the ColorBrewer, Cubehelix, Tableau, and Wes Anderson palettes.
In [45]:
plt.xlabel('Log Per-Capita GDP (Billions $USD)')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectency (years)');
Now that we've seen that there exists a relationship between GDP and life expectancy at the global scale and across the last 50 years, let's see if we can use similar scatter plots to break that relationship down as a function of both time (year) and location (continent).
To do that we'll introduce two new techniques, the use of color and subplots
Although color was the worst of the 6 perceptual tasks found by Cleveland and McGill it can still be a useful way to add even more information to figure.
Within a scatter plot, each data point may be assigned a different color depending on it's value in a third variable. To do so, we provide to additional keyword arguments to the plt.scatter
The first is c=<third_color_variable>
, where cmap=<colormap_name>
, where matplotlib
colormap, see here for possibilites.
We'll make the same exact scatter plot as we just did, but add color to represent the year the data comes from. We'll use the hot
colormap which goes from black->red->orange->yellow->white.
In [46]:
plt.scatter(np.log10(gm['gdpPercap']), gm['lifeExp'], marker='.', c=gm['year'], cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('Log Per-Capita GDP (Billions $USD)')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectency (Years)');
While we can see there is some sort of trend dependent on color, we don't know what the color values mean.
We can use plt.colorbar()
to add a colorbar which will let us intepret the colors. By adding .set_label()
to it we can set a textual label describing what the values in the colorbar represent.
We'll also increase the figure size, and the font size used in the title, xlabel and ylabel using the fontsize=16
parameter. We'll also use a form of LaTeX called MathJax to write a subscript 10 underneath the word Log, like this: $Log_{10}$.
In [47]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plt.scatter(np.log10(gm['gdpPercap']), gm['lifeExp'], marker='.', c=gm['year'], cmap='hot')
plt.xlabel('$Log_{10}$ Per-Capita GDP (Billions \$USD)', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Life Expectency (Years)', fontsize=16)
plt.colorbar().set_label('Year', fontsize=16);
Ok, now we can see that as time has increased from black in 1950 to yellow in 2000 average life expectency has also increased. Nice!
Now let's use subplots
to break this down even further and see if this trend holds across all continents.
Subplots allow you to draw multiple plots within a single figure. To do so, you use plt.subplot(<num_rows>, <num_cols>, <index>)
where the number of rows and columns you want in the figure are specified as the first two parameters, respectively. The <index>
tells subplot which subplot subsequent calls to plt
will draw in. It starts at 1
for the top left subplot, and increases across rows, and then down columns.
NOTE plt.subplot()
uses a 1-based index (not 0-based like Python) to emulate the behavior of the Matlab version of this function. This can cause confusion!!
Let's look at a simple example plotting Spain and Portugal's GDP on separate plots next to each other in the same row.
In [48]:
plt.plot(spain['year'], spain['gdpPercap'], label='Spain', color='blue')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)')
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['gdpPercap'], label='Portugal', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)')
That looks pretty good, but if a careful observer would notice that these two plots are not on the same y-axis scales, and so cannot be easily compared at a glance. That is because matplotlib will automatically determine the min and max values for the y-axis based on the data itself. This results in a plot that is using as much of the "screen real-estate" as possible, and is usually what you want, but not always.
To set the y-axis values explicitly, we'll use the vmin
and vmax
option parameters. Let's see it:
In [49]:
plt.plot(spain['year'], spain['gdpPercap'], label='Spain', color='blue')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)')
plt.ylim(2500, 30000)
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['gdpPercap'], label='Portugal', color='red')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)')
plt.ylim(2500, 30000)
Now we can see that Spain's per-capita GDP is actually much higher than Portugal's, which we couldn't easily tell before.
Now let's use subplots to make scatter plots for each continent separately. Since there we have data on 5 continents, we'll make a figure with 6 subplots, 3 rows and 2 columns.
To do so we'll iterate (loop) over each continent and get a DataFrame
that contains only the rows for countries in that continent. Then we'll set the subplot and create a scatter plot using that new DataFrame
. Here's how it looks:
In [50]:
# NOTE: This MUST come first, one of the few things in plt where order matters
for i,continent in enumerate(continents):
# Get a dataframe with just countries in the current continent
cur_continent_df = gm[gm['continent'] == continent]
# Set the current subplot
# make the current scatter plot
plt.xlabel('$Log_{10}$ Per-Capita GDP (Billions \$USD)', fontsize=14)
plt.ylabel('Life Expectency (Years)', fontsize=14)
plt.title(continent, fontsize=14)
plt.colorbar().set_label('Year', fontsize=14);
In [51]:
plt.scatter(np.log10(gm_latest['gdpPercap']), gm_latest['pop'], marker='.')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions $USD)')
(HINT: First you need to extract another DataFrame
containing the data from the first year).
In [52]:
first_year = gm['year'].min()
gm_first = gm[gm['year']== first_year]
In [53]:
plt.scatter(np.log10(gm_first['gdpPercap']), gm_first['pop'], marker='.')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions $USD)')
plt.scatter(np.log10(gm_latest['gdpPercap']), gm_latest['pop'], marker='.')
plt.xlabel('Per-Capita GDP (Millions $USD)')
to data points from each of the six decades in the dataset.
In [54]:
hexsix = np.array(['#ffffcc', '#d9f0a3', '#addd8e', '#78c679', '#31a354', '#006837'])
gm['decade'] = (gm['year'] / 10).astype(int) * 10
decades = gm['decade'].unique()
You could also apply a special temporary kind of function called a lambda
function to every item in the year column to create the decades. See here for more on lambda functions.
In [55]:
gm['decade'] = gm['year'].apply(lambda x: int(x / 10) * 10)
In [56]:
for i,cur_decade in enumerate(decades):
cur_decade_gm = gm[gm['decade']==cur_decade]
The matplotlib
defaults aren't the best. We've already changed several properties of the figures we've made, including the color and opacity of scatter plots, and font sizes for the title and axis label text. While this is useful, it can become tedious to include many customization parameters in every plot we make. We can, however, customize almost any property for all plots using the matplotlibrc
configuration file. This file allows you to specify new default values for matplotlib
properties, which are called "rc settings" or "rc parameters". These settings are then loaded everytime you use matplotlib
The matplotlibrc
file is typically found in the .../site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data
directory. Here is an example of a full path: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data
. The full path on your computer will depend on where your Python is installed.
Before setting these new rc settings manually, let's create a plot using the default rc settings, so we can see how they change the look of the plot.
We'll plot the average per-capita GDP across time for each continent separately. To do this we'll use groupby
again, this time grouping by continent and year, and then taking the mean over GDP.
In [57]:
per_continent_mean_gdp = gm.groupby(['continent', 'year'], as_index=False)['gdpPercap'].mean()
In [58]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
for continent in continents:
cur_continent_df = per_continent_mean_gdp[per_continent_mean_gdp['continent'] == continent]
plt.title('Continent-Level Average GDP Per Capita, by Year')
plt.ylabel('Average GDP Per Capita')
plt.legend(loc='upper left');
Ok, that's a decent looking plot, but it can be better! Let's change the default rc settings. Instead of modifying the matplotlibrc
file directly, we'll change some default rc settings directly using Python code. Changing the rc settings in code does not modify your matplotlibrc
file, and it only changes the settings for the current Python session.
Below is a dictionary containing some rc parameters whose values we're going to modify. The keys of the dictionary are the rc parameter names, and the values are the new defaults that we're setting.
These parameter values come from Cameron Davidson-Pilon's Bayesian Methods for Hackers colors.
Let's have a look...
In [59]:
params = {'figure.facecolor' : 'white',
'axes.facecolor' : 'white',
'axes.titlesize' : 'x-large',
'axes.axisbelow' : True,
'axes.edgecolor' : 'DimGray',
'axes.linewidth' : 0.5,
'axes.labelsize' : 'large',
'axes.labelcolor' : '#4A4A4A',
'axes.grid' : True,
'grid.linestyle' : ':',
'grid.color' : 'DimGray',
'grid.alpha' : 0.5,
'xtick.color' : '#4A4A4A',
'xtick.major.size' : 0,
'xtick.minor.size' : 0,
'xtick.labelsize' : 'medium',
'ytick.color' : '#4A4A4A',
'ytick.major.size' : 0,
'ytick.minor.size' : 0,
'ytick.labelsize' : 'medium',
'text.color' : '#4A4A4A',
'legend.fancybox' : False,
'legend.frameon' : False,
'legend.fontsize' : 'large'}
We don't have the time to go through each setting separately, so we'll just see the overall before and after effect. The names are somewhat intuitive however, but more information on all the settings can be found in the documentation. You can also get a complete list of all the possible parameters by printing mpl.rcParams
The rc settings are stored in a dictionary-like variable called matplotlib.rcParams
. Because we imported matplotlib
using import matplotlib as mpl
, we'll need to use mpl.rcParams
To update the default settings we simply iterate over all of the rcsettings in the dictionary we just created, and update plt.rcParams
with each key/value pair, like this.
In [60]:
for (k, v) in params.items(): # .iteritems() in Python 2.7
plt.rcParams[k] = v
Now let's recreate the same exact time-series plot of the average GDP per continent. The code here is EXACTLY the same as in several cells above. What makes the plots look different is the setting of the default rc parameters we just did.
In [61]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
for continent in continents:
cur_continent_df = per_continent_mean_gdp[per_continent_mean_gdp['continent'] == continent]
plt.title('Continent-Level Average GDP Per Capita, by Year')
plt.ylabel('Average GDP Per Capita')
plt.legend(loc='upper left');
What's changed? Do you like this look better?
Style sheets are built in collections of rc parameters that allow for a quick and easy way to get nice looking plots in a particular style. To use a style sheet you simply call the
function and give it the name of the style sheet you want to use. Let's try to use the "Five Thirty Eight" style sheet, the name of which you might recognize as Nate Silver's website, of New York Times data visualization fame.
For more on style sheets print all available style sheets using
, or see the (documentation).
In [62]:'fivethirtyeight')
Now we'll use the same code again, and see how it has changed!
In [63]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
for continent in continents:
cur_continent_df = per_continent_mean_gdp[per_continent_mean_gdp['continent'] == continent]
plt.title('Continent-Level Average GDP Per Capita, by Year')
plt.ylabel('Average GDP Per Capita')
plt.legend(loc='upper left');
is a Python visualization library based on Matplotlib
. It provides a high-level interface for drawing attractive statistical graphics."
Let's import it and give it the alias sns
, which is done by convention.
In [64]:
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(rc={'axes.facecolor' : '#EEEEEE'})
The sns.set()
function allows us to change some of the rcParams
. Here, we're changing the plot's face color.
has the capacity to create a large number of informative, beautiful plots very easily. Here we'll review several types, but please visit their gallery for a more complete picture of all that you can do with seaborn
We previously looked at boxplots in matplotlib
. Let's now use seaborn
to look at the distributions of life expectancies separately for each continent.
includes native support for pandas
data structures. To use it we specify the DataFrame
we want to take the data from in the data
parameter. We then specify which column names (or variables) from that DataFrame
to use for in x
and y
. x
specifies the variable to groupby, and y
specifies the variable whose distribution should be plotted.
We'll plot the continents in alphabetical order by specifying the order=
parameter, make the box face colors all white using color='white'
, and disable drawing of the fliers (or outliers) using fliersize=0
In addition to the boxplot, we'll plot a stripplot, which overlays a scatter plot of all the data points over each box. In combination, they're quite useful for understanding distributions. This takes many of the same parameters as the boxplot did, with the expcetion of jitter=True
which causes the scatter markers to be slightly jittered horizontally.
In [65]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.boxplot(x="continent", y="lifeExp", data=gm,
color='white', fliersize=0)
sns.stripplot(x="continent", y="lifeExp", data=gm,
alpha=0.25, size=5, jitter=True,
color='Black', edgecolor='Black')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectancy');
With just a few lines of code we have a very nice looking plot using seaborn
. It's possible to create a stripplot using Matplotlib
, but it's not as easy as it is with Seaborn
While seaborn
provides easy ways to make nice-looking plots, it is ultimately a package built for statistical data visualization. It includes many useful built-in plots, such as the following regression plot. Here all the data values are plotted using a scatter plot, and a regression line is fit, and plotted, over that data.
In [66]:
In [67]:
sns.regplot(x='year', y='lifeExp', data=gm, color='teal')
plt.title('Distribution of Life Expectancy, by Year')
plt.ylabel('Life Expectancy');
We learned earlier that histograms can be used to visualize the discretized distribution of a variable. We must specify the number of bins in a histogram and as a result the shape of the distribution can change wildly dependening on that somewhat arbitrary choice.
A better way to plot a distribution is to estimate it's kernel density and plot it using sns.kdeplot()
. Let's plot the kernel density for per-capita GDP in 2007 as we did earlier using a Hist. In fact, let's plot the two side by side using subplots.
In [68]:
plt.title('Histogram of 2007 GDP')
sns.kdeplot(gm_latest['gdpPercap'], shade=True)
plt.title('Kernel Density of 2007 GDP');
In fact, both of these plots can be useful, and seaborn
has another plot type called sns.distplot()
which combines the two. Let's see how it works.
In [69]:
sns.distplot(gm_latest['gdpPercap'], color='#7A68A6')
We've already used scatter plots to visualize the relationship between two variables. It is sometimes useful to not only see the relationship between the two variables, but to visualize each variables respective distribution. The sns.jointplot
function in seaborn
let's you do just that.
Let's compare the log of per-capita GDP and life expectancy in a joint distribution plot.
In [70]:
sns.jointplot(np.log10(gm['gdpPercap']), gm['lifeExp'], color="#348ABD", alpha=0.5);
In [71]:
plt.plot(portugal['year'], portugal['gdpPercap'])
plt.title('Per-capita GDP of Portugal')
plt.xlabel('Time (Years)')
plt.ylabel('Per-capita GPD (Millions of USD)');
In [72]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(gm, col='continent', col_wrap=3, height=4, sharex=False), 'gdpPercap', 'lifeExp', marker='.')
That's pretty good, and quick. We are missing the color coding based on year however. To add this capability, and to shorten the code even further, we'll use a relplot
, or relational plot.
In [73]:
You can also use sns.relplot
for line plots. In fact, many seaborn
plots can be easily plotted using a FacetGrid using another plotting function, just as relplot
integrates a FacetGrid
with either a scatter
or line
plot. See the API documentation for more details.
In [74]: