In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mtick

from matplotlib import dates
from datetime import datetime
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
import seaborn as sns
import re
from sklearn import svm
from sklearn import model_selection
import json

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:

In [3]:
def passenger_key(keys, year):
    for key in keys:
        if 'Passengers {:d}'.format(year) in key or 'PASSENGERS' in key:
            return key
    raise IndexError

def code_key(keys):
    for key in keys:
        if 'CODE' in key.upper():
            return key
    raise IndexError

In [4]:
top_airports = {}

for year in [2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015]:
    top_airports[year] = {}
        _top_airports = pd.read_excel('Data/nam{:d}_top_50.xls'.format(year))
    except FileNotFoundError:
            _top_airports = pd.read_excel('Data/nam{:d}_top_50.xlsx'.format(year))
        except FileNotFoundError(e):
            raise e
    #print(year, _top_airports.columns)
    passenger_column = passenger_key(_top_airports.columns, year)
    code_column = code_key(_top_airports.columns)

    for code, passengers in zip(_top_airports[code_column], _top_airports[passenger_column]):
        #print(code, passengers)
        if pd.isnull(code) or pd.isnull(passengers):
        if len(code) > 3:
            m =".*\((.{3})\)", code)
            if m is not None:
                top_airports[year][m.groups(0)[0]] = passengers
            top_airports[year][code] = passengers

    #print(top_airports.keys(), passenger_key(top_airports.keys(), year), code_key(top_airports.keys()))

In [5]:
claims_data1 = pd.read_excel('Data/claims-2002-2006_0.xls')
claims_data2 = pd.read_excel('Data/claims-2007-2009_0.xls')
claims_data3 = pd.read_excel('Data/claims-2010-2013_0.xls')
claims_data4 = pd.read_excel('Data/claims-2014.xls')
claims_data5 = pd.read_excel('Data/claims-data-2015-as-of-feb-9-2016.xlsx')

In [6]:
claims_data = pd.concat([claims_data1, claims_data2, claims_data3, claims_data4, claims_data5])
datenums = claims_data['Date Received'].map(dates.date2num, na_action='ignore')
close_amount = pd.to_numeric(claims_data['Close Amount'], errors='coerce')*(claims_data['Status'] != 'Denied')

In [7]:

Denied                                                                                                                           68339
Approved                                                                                                                         34999
Settled                                                                                                                          27958
Canceled                                                                                                                          7018
Insufficient, one of the following items required: sum certain, statement of fact, signature, location of incident, and date.     5381
Closed as a contractor claim                                                                                                      1315
In litigation                                                                                                                      108
Claim entered                                                                                                                       14
In review                                                                                                                            9
Pending response from claimant                                                                                                       1
Claim has been assigned for further investigation                                                                                    1
Name: Status, dtype: int64

In [8]:
value_counts = claims_data['Claim Type'][(claims_data['Status'] == 'Approved') |
                                         (claims_data['Status'] == 'Settled')].value_counts()

In [9]:
_data = []
for value in value_counts.index.tolist():
    _data.append(claims_data['Close Amount'][(claims_data['Claim Type'] == value)*
                                        ((claims_data['Status'] == 'Approved') |
                                         (claims_data['Status'] == 'Settled'))])

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/computation/ UserWarning: evaluating in Python space because the '*' operator is not supported by numexpr for the bool dtype, use '&' instead

In [56]:
fmt = '${x:,.0f}'
tickfmt = mtick.StrMethodFormatter(fmt)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))

axis = axes[0]

labels = value_counts.index.tolist()

_data = np.array(_data)
labels = np.array(labels)

s = np.argsort(list(map(lambda x: np.median(x), _data)))

_ = axis.boxplot(_data[s], labels=labels[s],  whis=[10, 90])
axis.set_ylim([0, 10000])
for tick in axis.get_xticklabels():

for i, _datum in enumerate(_data[s]):   
    _avg = np.median(_datum)
    _max = np.percentile(_datum, 90)
    offset = 0.8 if _avg >= 1000 else 0.9
    axis.text(i+offset, _max+200, "{:1.0f}".format(_avg))

axis = axes[1]

_ = axis.boxplot(_data[s][:-2], labels=labels[s][:-2],  whis=[10, 90])
axis.set_ylim([0, 600])
for tick in axis.get_xticklabels():
for i, _datum in enumerate(_data[s][:-2]):   
    _avg = np.median(_datum)
    _max = np.percentile(_datum, 90)
    offset = 0.8 if _avg >= 1000 else 0.9
    axis.text(i+offset, _max+10, "{:1.0f}".format(_avg))


plt.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/TSA/Claim_by_type.jpeg', dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight')

In [11]:
a = 1 if -1 > 0 else 2


In [10]:
airport_name = {}
for _name, _code in zip(claims_data['Airport Name'], claims_data['Airport Code']):
    airport_name[_code] = _name

In [11]:
claims_by_top_airports = {}
for year in range(2006, 2016):
    claims_by_top_airports[year] = {} 
    begin = dates.date2num(datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1))
    end = dates.date2num(datetime(year=year, month=12, day=31))
    claims_by_airport = claims_data['Airport Code'][(datenums >= begin)*(datenums <= end)].value_counts()

    for key, val in claims_by_airport.iteritems():
            passengers = top_airports[year][key]
            claims_by_top_airports[year][key] = [val, passengers, val/passengers]
        except KeyError:
            print(key, val, "Airport not in top_airports")

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/computation/ UserWarning: evaluating in Python space because the '*' operator is not supported by numexpr for the bool dtype, use '&' instead
SJU 185 Airport not in top_airports
F 157 Airport not in top_airports
RSW 138 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 118 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 114 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 102 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 101 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 100 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 100 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 98 Airport not in top_airports
COS 97 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 91 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 86 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 84 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 80 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 79 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 78 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 78 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 77 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 71 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 70 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 70 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 68 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 66 Airport not in top_airports
MSY 64 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 63 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 62 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 61 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 58 Airport not in top_airports
MKE 52 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 52 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 50 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 49 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 48 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 48 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 47 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 42 Airport not in top_airports
DAL 39 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 36 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 36 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 34 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 34 Airport not in top_airports
STT 33 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 33 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 33 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 32 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 32 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 32 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 32 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 31 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 29 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 29 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 27 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 27 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 27 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 27 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 26 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 26 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 26 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 26 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 26 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 26 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 25 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 25 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 25 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 24 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 24 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 24 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 23 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 23 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 23 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 21 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 21 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 20 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 19 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 18 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 18 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 18 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 18 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 17 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 17 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 17 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 17 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 17 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 17 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 17 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 17 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 17 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 16 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 16 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 16 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 15 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 15 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 14 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 14 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 14 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 13 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 13 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 13 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 13 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 12 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 12 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 12 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 12 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 12 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 11 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 11 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 11 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 11 Airport not in top_airports
FSD 11 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 11 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 11 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 10 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 10 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 10 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 10 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 10 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 10 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 10 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 10 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 10 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 10 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 9 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
STX 9 Airport not in top_airports
CID 9 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 9 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 9 Airport not in top_airports
LAW 8 Airport not in top_airports
FCA 8 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 8 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 8 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 8 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 8 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 8 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 8 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 8 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 8 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 7 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 7 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 7 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 7 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 7 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 7 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 7 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 7 Airport not in top_airports
RST 7 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 6 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 6 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 6 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 6 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 6 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 6 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 6 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 6 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 6 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 5 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 5 Airport not in top_airports
VCT 5 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 5 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 5 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 5 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 5 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 5 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 5 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 5 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 5 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 4 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 4 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 4 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 4 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 4 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 4 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 4 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 4 Airport not in top_airports
DRO 4 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 4 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 4 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 4 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 4 Airport not in top_airports
FSM 4 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 4 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 4 Airport not in top_airports
I 4 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 4 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 3 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 3 Airport not in top_airports
INL 3 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 3 Airport not in top_airports
BLV 3 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 3 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 3 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 3 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 3 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 3 Airport not in top_airports
JAC 3 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 3 Airport not in top_airports
TWF 3 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 3 Airport not in top_airports
DBQ 3 Airport not in top_airports
NYL 3 Airport not in top_airports
SMX 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 3 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 2 Airport not in top_airports
DEC 2 Airport not in top_airports
YAK 2 Airport not in top_airports
JHM 2 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 2 Airport not in top_airports
CRQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 2 Airport not in top_airports
MCN 2 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 2 Airport not in top_airports
BET 2 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 2 Airport not in top_airports
LMT 2 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 2 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 2 Airport not in top_airports
OME 2 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSG 2 Airport not in top_airports
OXR 2 Airport not in top_airports
ATY 2 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 2 Airport not in top_airports
LWB 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSM 2 Airport not in top_airports
SGU 2 Airport not in top_airports
MKG 2 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 2 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 2 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 2 Airport not in top_airports
GST 2 Airport not in top_airports
PDT 2 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 2 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 2 Airport not in top_airports
JHW 2 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 2 Airport not in top_airports
CIC 2 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 2 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 2 Airport not in top_airports
DRT 2 Airport not in top_airports
ISO 2 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 2 Airport not in top_airports
FMN 2 Airport not in top_airports
PUW 2 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 2 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 2 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 2 Airport not in top_airports
TXK 2 Airport not in top_airports
DUT 2 Airport not in top_airports
IYK 2 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 2 Airport not in top_airports
SCC 2 Airport not in top_airports
LBL 2 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
GON 1 Airport not in top_airports
RHI 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIH 1 Airport not in top_airports
COU 1 Airport not in top_airports
HKY 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIR 1 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 1 Airport not in top_airports
PVC 1 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 1 Airport not in top_airports
PNC 1 Airport not in top_airports
PUB 1 Airport not in top_airports
COD 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALW 1 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALS 1 Airport not in top_airports
SAW 1 Airport not in top_airports
BFF 1 Airport not in top_airports
HON 1 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 1 Airport not in top_airports
AKN 1 Airport not in top_airports
ISN 1 Airport not in top_airports
LEB 1 Airport not in top_airports
DDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
PAH 1 Airport not in top_airports
HGR 1 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 1 Airport not in top_airports
TTN 1 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 1 Airport not in top_airports
MEI 1 Airport not in top_airports
AOO 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENA 1 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 1 Airport not in top_airports
STC 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
LNY 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPS 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDV 1 Airport not in top_airports
AUG 1 Airport not in top_airports
LRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
LAR 1 Airport not in top_airports
MSL 1 Airport not in top_airports
DLG 1 Airport not in top_airports
HII 1 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 192 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 139 Airport not in top_airports
HNL 139 Airport not in top_airports
F 130 Airport not in top_airports
COS 119 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 107 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 98 Airport not in top_airports
MSY 94 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 90 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 90 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 89 Airport not in top_airports
MKE 83 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 82 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 82 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 80 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 80 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 79 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 79 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 77 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 76 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 72 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 69 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 63 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 63 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 59 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 58 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 57 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 57 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 55 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 55 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 54 Airport not in top_airports
STT 54 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 51 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 50 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 49 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 49 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 44 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 44 Airport not in top_airports
DAL 42 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 42 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 40 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 39 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 38 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 37 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 35 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 32 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 29 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 29 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 29 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 28 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 27 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 27 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 26 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 26 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 26 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 25 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 25 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 23 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 22 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 22 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 22 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 21 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 21 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 20 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 20 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 20 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 20 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 20 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 20 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 19 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 19 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 19 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 18 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 18 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 18 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 17 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 17 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 17 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 15 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 15 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 15 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 15 Airport not in top_airports
RST 14 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 14 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 14 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 14 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 14 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 14 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 13 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 13 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 13 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 13 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 13 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 13 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 13 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 12 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 12 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 12 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 12 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 12 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 12 Airport not in top_airports
CID 12 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 12 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 12 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 12 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 12 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 11 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 11 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 11 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 11 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 11 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 11 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 10 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 10 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 10 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 10 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 10 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 10 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 10 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 9 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 9 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 9 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 9 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 9 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 9 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 9 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 8 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 8 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 8 Airport not in top_airports
NYL 8 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 8 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 8 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 8 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 8 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 8 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 8 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 8 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 8 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 7 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 7 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 7 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 7 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 7 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 7 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 7 Airport not in top_airports
FSM 7 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 6 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 6 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 6 Airport not in top_airports
STX 6 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 6 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 6 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 6 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 6 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 6 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 6 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 5 Airport not in top_airports
HVN 5 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 5 Airport not in top_airports
SBY 5 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 5 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 5 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 5 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 5 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 5 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 5 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 5 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 5 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 5 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 5 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 5 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 5 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 4 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 4 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 4 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 4 Airport not in top_airports
SHR 4 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 4 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 4 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 4 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 4 Airport not in top_airports
SMX 4 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 4 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 3 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 3 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 3 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 3 Airport not in top_airports
CRQ 3 Airport not in top_airports
BET 3 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 3 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 3 Airport not in top_airports
ART 3 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 3 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 3 Airport not in top_airports
AKN 3 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 3 Airport not in top_airports
ESC 3 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 3 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 3 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 3 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 3 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 3 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 3 Airport not in top_airports
COU 2 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 2 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 2 Airport not in top_airports
BLV 2 Airport not in top_airports
FOD 2 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 2 Airport not in top_airports
SGJ 2 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 2 Airport not in top_airports
LAW 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSM 2 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 2 Airport not in top_airports
YAK 2 Airport not in top_airports
ENA 2 Airport not in top_airports
BFF 2 Airport not in top_airports
AUG 2 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 2 Airport not in top_airports
CEC 2 Airport not in top_airports
TXK 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 2 Airport not in top_airports
OTZ 2 Airport not in top_airports
DRO 2 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
VCT 2 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 2 Airport not in top_airports
SAW 2 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 2 Airport not in top_airports
FSD 2 Airport not in top_airports
RHI 2 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 2 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 2 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 2 Airport not in top_airports
GCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
WRG 2 Airport not in top_airports
OXR 2 Airport not in top_airports
FCA 2 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 2 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 2 Airport not in top_airports
LNY 2 Airport not in top_airports
COD 2 Airport not in top_airports
PAH 2 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 2 Airport not in top_airports
I 2 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKG 1 Airport not in top_airports
JHM 1 Airport not in top_airports
INL 1 Airport not in top_airports
LAR 1 Airport not in top_airports
CYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 1 Airport not in top_airports
DEC 1 Airport not in top_airports
PUB 1 Airport not in top_airports
DBQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
CIU 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPL 1 Airport not in top_airports
TWF 1 Airport not in top_airports
IMT 1 Airport not in top_airports
TTN 1 Airport not in top_airports
DUT 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALW 1 Airport not in top_airports
RIW 1 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 1 Airport not in top_airports
MGW 1 Airport not in top_airports
HYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
VDZ 1 Airport not in top_airports
ILG 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGA 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
SHD 1 Airport not in top_airports
BKW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CIC 1 Airport not in top_airports
SLE 1 Airport not in top_airports
BHB 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIH 1 Airport not in top_airports
GYY 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRW 1 Airport not in top_airports
STC 1 Airport not in top_airports
HON 1 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDV 1 Airport not in top_airports
HOM 1 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
FOE 1 Airport not in top_airports
DRT 1 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 1 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 1 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 1 Airport not in top_airports
LWB 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
GBD 1 Airport not in top_airports
PSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 1 Airport not in top_airports
IWD 1 Airport not in top_airports
VIS 1 Airport not in top_airports
MCN 1 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 1 Airport not in top_airports
MEI 1 Airport not in top_airports
SCC 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAR 1 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 204 Airport not in top_airports
F 155 Airport not in top_airports
COS 125 Airport not in top_airports
HNL 121 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 110 Airport not in top_airports
RSW 108 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 98 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 96 Airport not in top_airports
MSY 92 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 86 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 83 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 83 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 78 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 77 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 74 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 70 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 68 Airport not in top_airports
MKE 65 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 63 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 60 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 60 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 58 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 57 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 57 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 55 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 49 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 48 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 48 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 48 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 47 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 46 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 46 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 45 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 45 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 44 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 44 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 43 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 42 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 42 Airport not in top_airports
STT 40 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 39 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 36 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 35 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 32 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 30 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 28 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 28 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 27 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 27 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 26 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 25 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 24 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 24 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 23 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 23 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 22 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 21 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 21 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 21 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 20 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 20 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 20 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 17 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 17 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 17 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 17 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 16 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 16 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 16 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 16 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 16 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 15 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 15 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 15 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 15 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 14 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 14 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 14 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 13 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 13 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 13 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 12 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 12 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 12 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 12 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 12 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 12 Airport not in top_airports
CID 11 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 11 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 11 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 11 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 11 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 11 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 11 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 11 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 11 Airport not in top_airports
FSM 10 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 10 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 10 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 10 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 10 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 10 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 10 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 10 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 9 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 9 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 9 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 9 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 9 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 9 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 9 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 9 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 9 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 9 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 9 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 9 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 9 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 8 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 8 Airport not in top_airports
NYL 8 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 8 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 8 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 8 Airport not in top_airports
FCA 8 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 8 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 8 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 8 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 7 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 7 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 7 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 7 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 7 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 7 Airport not in top_airports
INL 7 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 7 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 7 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 7 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 6 Airport not in top_airports
RST 6 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 6 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 6 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 6 Airport not in top_airports
LRD 6 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 6 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 6 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 6 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 6 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 6 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 6 Airport not in top_airports
LAW 5 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 5 Airport not in top_airports
SGU 5 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 5 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 5 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 5 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 5 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 5 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 5 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 5 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 5 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 5 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 5 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 5 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 5 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 4 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 4 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 4 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 4 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 4 Airport not in top_airports
STX 4 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 4 Airport not in top_airports
DRO 4 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 4 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 4 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 4 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 4 Airport not in top_airports
JHM 4 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 4 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 4 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 4 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 4 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 4 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 4 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 4 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 4 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 3 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 3 Airport not in top_airports
IMT 3 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 3 Airport not in top_airports
CIC 3 Airport not in top_airports
PSM 3 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 3 Airport not in top_airports
ALW 3 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 3 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 3 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 3 Airport not in top_airports
I 3 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 3 Airport not in top_airports
TXK 3 Airport not in top_airports
RKS 3 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 3 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 3 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 3 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 3 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 3 Airport not in top_airports
STC 2 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 2 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 2 Airport not in top_airports
PGA 2 Airport not in top_airports
HVN 2 Airport not in top_airports
SCC 2 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 2 Airport not in top_airports
STS 2 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 2 Airport not in top_airports
DBQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 2 Airport not in top_airports
GCC 2 Airport not in top_airports
HYS 2 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 2 Airport not in top_airports
FSD 2 Airport not in top_airports
PLB 2 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 2 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 2 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 2 Airport not in top_airports
SMX 2 Airport not in top_airports
BHB 2 Airport not in top_airports
CYS 2 Airport not in top_airports
FOE 2 Airport not in top_airports
PVC 1 Airport not in top_airports
BFF 1 Airport not in top_airports
SLE 1 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 1 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 1 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 1 Airport not in top_airports
ART 1 Airport not in top_airports
MBL 1 Airport not in top_airports
MEI 1 Airport not in top_airports
JST 1 Airport not in top_airports
MCW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
DUJ 1 Airport not in top_airports
COU 1 Airport not in top_airports
GYY 1 Airport not in top_airports
LNY 1 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALS 1 Airport not in top_airports
TEX 1 Airport not in top_airports
OXR 1 Airport not in top_airports
WYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 1 Airport not in top_airports
RHI 1 Airport not in top_airports
DRT 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
OME 1 Airport not in top_airports
HYA 1 Airport not in top_airports
SAW 1 Airport not in top_airports
LWB 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKL 1 Airport not in top_airports
CIU 1 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 1 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 1 Airport not in top_airports
MSL 1 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
BKW 1 Airport not in top_airports
UNV 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRW 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
PPG 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 1 Airport not in top_airports
JAC 1 Airport not in top_airports
VEL 1 Airport not in top_airports
RME 1 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 1 Airport not in top_airports
BET 1 Airport not in top_airports
CRQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 1 Airport not in top_airports
RUT 1 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 1 Airport not in top_airports
TWF 1 Airport not in top_airports
AOO 1 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 1 Airport not in top_airports
APN 1 Airport not in top_airports
LMT 1 Airport not in top_airports
TBN 1 Airport not in top_airports
SGJ 1 Airport not in top_airports
GST 1 Airport not in top_airports
DVL 1 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 1 Airport not in top_airports
LBF 1 Airport not in top_airports
HIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 121 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 101 Airport not in top_airports
COS 99 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 78 Airport not in top_airports
F 77 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 77 Airport not in top_airports
MSY 77 Airport not in top_airports
RSW 71 Airport not in top_airports
IND 71 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 67 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 67 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 63 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 63 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 53 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 53 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 53 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 53 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 51 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 47 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 46 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 45 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 44 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 41 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 38 Airport not in top_airports
DAL 38 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 33 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 33 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 32 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 32 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 32 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 31 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 30 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 29 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 27 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 27 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 26 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 26 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 26 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 25 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 25 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 25 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 23 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 23 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 23 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 23 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 23 Airport not in top_airports
STT 21 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 21 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 20 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 20 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 20 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 20 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 20 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 19 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 18 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 18 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 18 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 18 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 15 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 15 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 15 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 15 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 14 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 14 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 14 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 14 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 13 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 13 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 13 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 13 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 13 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 12 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 12 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 12 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 12 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 12 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 12 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 11 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 11 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 11 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 11 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 10 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 10 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 10 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 10 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 10 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 10 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 10 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 9 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 9 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
CID 9 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 9 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 9 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 8 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 8 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 8 Airport not in top_airports
RST 8 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 8 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 8 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 8 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 8 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 8 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 7 Airport not in top_airports
INL 7 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 7 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 7 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 7 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 7 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 7 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 7 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 6 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 6 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 6 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 6 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 6 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 6 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 6 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 6 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 6 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 6 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 6 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 6 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 6 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 5 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 5 Airport not in top_airports
NYL 5 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 5 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 5 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 5 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 5 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 5 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 5 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 5 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 5 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 5 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 5 Airport not in top_airports
ALW 5 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 5 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 5 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 5 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 5 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 4 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 4 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 4 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 4 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 4 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 4 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 4 Airport not in top_airports
SPS 4 Airport not in top_airports
MKG 4 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 4 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 4 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 4 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 4 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 4 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 3 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 3 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 3 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 3 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 3 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 3 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 3 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 3 Airport not in top_airports
LRD 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 3 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 3 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 3 Airport not in top_airports
I 3 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 3 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 3 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 3 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 3 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 3 Airport not in top_airports
WRG 3 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 3 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 3 Airport not in top_airports
DRO 3 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 3 Airport not in top_airports
BKG 3 Airport not in top_airports
DBQ 3 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 2 Airport not in top_airports
CRQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
IMT 2 Airport not in top_airports
LYH 2 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 2 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 2 Airport not in top_airports
STX 2 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 2 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 2 Airport not in top_airports
PRC 2 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 2 Airport not in top_airports
RKS 2 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 2 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 2 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 2 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 2 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 2 Airport not in top_airports
COU 2 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 2 Airport not in top_airports
ORH 2 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 2 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 2 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 2 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 2 Airport not in top_airports
LAW 2 Airport not in top_airports
SMX 2 Airport not in top_airports
HVN 1 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 1 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 1 Airport not in top_airports
ZZZ 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 1 Airport not in top_airports
FCA 1 Airport not in top_airports
OXR 1 Airport not in top_airports
CEC 1 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 1 Airport not in top_airports
IYK 1 Airport not in top_airports
OME 1 Airport not in top_airports
LBF 1 Airport not in top_airports
LNY 1 Airport not in top_airports
DVL 1 Airport not in top_airports
SAW 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 1 Airport not in top_airports
PSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 1 Airport not in top_airports
STC 1 Airport not in top_airports
UNV 1 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 1 Airport not in top_airports
LMT 1 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 1 Airport not in top_airports
HYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
JAC 1 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
MSL 1 Airport not in top_airports
SLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 1 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 1 Airport not in top_airports
HYA 1 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 1 Airport not in top_airports
JST 1 Airport not in top_airports
AOO 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 1 Airport not in top_airports
BET 1 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 1 Airport not in top_airports
AUG 1 Airport not in top_airports
APN 1 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 1 Airport not in top_airports
SCC 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 1 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 1 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 1 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 1 Airport not in top_airports
GCC 1 Airport not in top_airports
GST 1 Airport not in top_airports
PAH 1 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 1 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 1 Airport not in top_airports
HNL 138 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 87 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 76 Airport not in top_airports
- 74 Airport not in top_airports
F 72 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 69 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 65 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 63 Airport not in top_airports
RSW 61 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 54 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 50 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 45 Airport not in top_airports
IND 43 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 43 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 43 Airport not in top_airports
DAL 42 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 42 Airport not in top_airports
COS 40 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 40 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 38 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 36 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 36 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 36 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 36 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 35 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 35 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 33 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 31 Airport not in top_airports
STT 29 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 28 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 28 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 27 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 26 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 26 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 25 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 25 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 24 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 23 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 22 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 22 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 21 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 19 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 18 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 17 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 17 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 17 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 17 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 17 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 17 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 16 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 16 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 16 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 16 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 16 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 14 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 13 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 12 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 12 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 12 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 12 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 12 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 12 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 11 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 11 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 11 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 10 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 10 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 10 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 10 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 10 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 10 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 10 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 9 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 9 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 9 Airport not in top_airports
RST 9 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 9 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 9 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 9 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 9 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 9 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 8 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 8 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 8 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 8 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 8 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 8 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 8 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 8 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 8 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 7 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 7 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 7 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 7 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 7 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 7 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 7 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 6 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 6 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 6 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 6 Airport not in top_airports
ECP 6 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 6 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 6 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 6 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 6 Airport not in top_airports
STX 6 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 6 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 6 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 6 Airport not in top_airports
ORH 6 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 6 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 5 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 5 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 5 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 5 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 5 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 5 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 5 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 5 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 5 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 5 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 5 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 5 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 5 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 4 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 4 Airport not in top_airports
YUM 4 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 4 Airport not in top_airports
RKS 4 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 4 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 4 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 4 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 4 Airport not in top_airports
CID 4 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 4 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 4 Airport not in top_airports
LAW 4 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 4 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 4 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 4 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 4 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 4 Airport not in top_airports
LRD 4 Airport not in top_airports
MMH 4 Airport not in top_airports
INL 4 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 4 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 3 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 3 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 3 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 3 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 3 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 3 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 3 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 3 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 3 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 3 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 3 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 3 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 3 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 3 Airport not in top_airports
HVN 3 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 3 Airport not in top_airports
LNY 3 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 3 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 3 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 3 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 3 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 3 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 3 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 3 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 3 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 3 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 3 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 3 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 3 Airport not in top_airports
BKG 2 Airport not in top_airports
LYH 2 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 2 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 2 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 2 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 2 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 2 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 2 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 2 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 2 Airport not in top_airports
GCC 2 Airport not in top_airports
DLG 2 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 2 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 2 Airport not in top_airports
PUB 2 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 2 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 2 Airport not in top_airports
AUG 2 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 2 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 2 Airport not in top_airports
FNL 2 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 2 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 2 Airport not in top_airports
PUW 2 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 2 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 2 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 2 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 2 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 2 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 2 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 2 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 2 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 1 Airport not in top_airports
EKO 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPL 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
APN 1 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 1 Airport not in top_airports
STS 1 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 1 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ISN 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
FOD 1 Airport not in top_airports
BFF 1 Airport not in top_airports
PRC 1 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
JST 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPS 1 Airport not in top_airports
WRG 1 Airport not in top_airports
FSD 1 Airport not in top_airports
COD 1 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 1 Airport not in top_airports
MGW 1 Airport not in top_airports
COU 1 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 1 Airport not in top_airports
PVC 1 Airport not in top_airports
AHN 1 Airport not in top_airports
IYK 1 Airport not in top_airports
WYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
MCW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CEC 1 Airport not in top_airports
TEX 1 Airport not in top_airports
LNS 1 Airport not in top_airports
FMN 1 Airport not in top_airports
LEB 1 Airport not in top_airports
SBY 1 Airport not in top_airports
TVF 1 Airport not in top_airports
HIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 1 Airport not in top_airports
LBF 1 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 1 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
CKB 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 1 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 1 Airport not in top_airports
SMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 1 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAR 1 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 1 Airport not in top_airports
UNV 1 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 1 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 1 Airport not in top_airports
OTZ 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 1 Airport not in top_airports
YAK 1 Airport not in top_airports
PLB 1 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKG 1 Airport not in top_airports
PSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
OME 1 Airport not in top_airports
F 101 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 80 Airport not in top_airports
- 67 Airport not in top_airports
RSW 62 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 57 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 55 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 53 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 51 Airport not in top_airports
IND 51 Airport not in top_airports
DAL 48 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 47 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 46 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 44 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 44 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 44 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 42 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 42 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 42 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 42 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 41 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 40 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 39 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 39 Airport not in top_airports
CVG 38 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 33 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 31 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 31 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 30 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 29 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 28 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 24 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 24 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 23 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 22 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 21 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 21 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 21 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 20 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 18 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 18 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 17 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 17 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 16 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 16 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 16 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 15 Airport not in top_airports
COS 15 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 14 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 14 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 14 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 14 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 14 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 14 Airport not in top_airports
STT 14 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 13 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 13 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 13 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 13 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 13 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 13 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 12 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 12 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 12 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 12 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 12 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 12 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 12 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 12 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 11 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 10 Airport not in top_airports
ECP 10 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 10 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 10 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 10 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 10 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 10 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 10 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 9 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 9 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 9 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 9 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 9 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 8 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 8 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 8 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 8 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 8 Airport not in top_airports
YUM 8 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 7 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 7 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 7 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 7 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 7 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 7 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 7 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 7 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 7 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 7 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 7 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 7 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 7 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 7 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 6 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 6 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 6 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 6 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 6 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 6 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 6 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 6 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 5 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 5 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 5 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 5 Airport not in top_airports
CYS 5 Airport not in top_airports
CID 5 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 5 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 5 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 5 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 5 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 5 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 4 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 4 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 4 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 4 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 4 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 4 Airport not in top_airports
SAW 4 Airport not in top_airports
COD 4 Airport not in top_airports
FNL 4 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 4 Airport not in top_airports
MMH 4 Airport not in top_airports
GLH 4 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 4 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 4 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 4 Airport not in top_airports
OME 4 Airport not in top_airports
COU 4 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 4 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 4 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 4 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 4 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 4 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 4 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 4 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 4 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 4 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 4 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 3 Airport not in top_airports
INL 3 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 3 Airport not in top_airports
JHM 3 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 3 Airport not in top_airports
RST 3 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 3 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 3 Airport not in top_airports
SHR 3 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 3 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 3 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 3 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 3 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 3 Airport not in top_airports
UNV 3 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 3 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 3 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 3 Airport not in top_airports
STX 3 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 3 Airport not in top_airports
LWB 3 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 3 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 3 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 3 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 2 Airport not in top_airports
BHB 2 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 2 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 2 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 2 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 2 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 2 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 2 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 2 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 2 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 2 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 2 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 2 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 2 Airport not in top_airports
MEI 2 Airport not in top_airports
PIB 2 Airport not in top_airports
DUJ 2 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 2 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 2 Airport not in top_airports
WRG 2 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 2 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 2 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 2 Airport not in top_airports
LRD 2 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 2 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 2 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 2 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 2 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 2 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 2 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 2 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 2 Airport not in top_airports
ORH 2 Airport not in top_airports
GCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
WYS 2 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALS 1 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 1 Airport not in top_airports
IYK 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 1 Airport not in top_airports
IMT 1 Airport not in top_airports
BKG 1 Airport not in top_airports
RIW 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPS 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 1 Airport not in top_airports
LAL 1 Airport not in top_airports
CEC 1 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 1 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 1 Airport not in top_airports
PVC 1 Airport not in top_airports
IRK 1 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 1 Airport not in top_airports
PRC 1 Airport not in top_airports
JLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
MCE 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 1 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
MSL 1 Airport not in top_airports
GRI 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDV 1 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 1 Airport not in top_airports
FOD 1 Airport not in top_airports
SHD 1 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 1 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 1 Airport not in top_airports
DIK 1 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 1 Airport not in top_airports
LBF 1 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 1 Airport not in top_airports
FSM 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 1 Airport not in top_airports
CRQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
BET 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
ESC 1 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
JAC 1 Airport not in top_airports
OGS 1 Airport not in top_airports
DVL 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 1 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 1 Airport not in top_airports
HIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
AIA 1 Airport not in top_airports
CIU 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
ISN 1 Airport not in top_airports
F 90 Airport not in top_airports
- 87 Airport not in top_airports
RSW 55 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 55 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 53 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 48 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 47 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 46 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 46 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 45 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 45 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 42 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 40 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 39 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 39 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 39 Airport not in top_airports
MEM 37 Airport not in top_airports
IND 36 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 35 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 33 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 32 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 31 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 31 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 30 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 30 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 28 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 28 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 28 Airport not in top_airports
CVG 25 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 24 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 24 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 24 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 23 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 23 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 22 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 20 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 19 Airport not in top_airports
STT 18 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 18 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 18 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 17 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 17 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 16 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 16 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 15 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 15 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 14 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 14 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 14 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 14 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 13 Airport not in top_airports
COS 13 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 13 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 13 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 12 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 12 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 12 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 12 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 11 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 11 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 11 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 11 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 11 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 11 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 11 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 11 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 10 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 10 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 10 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 10 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 10 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 10 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 10 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 9 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 9 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 9 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 9 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 9 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 9 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 9 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 8 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 8 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 8 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 8 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 8 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 8 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 8 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 8 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 7 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 7 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 7 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 7 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 7 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 7 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 7 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 7 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 7 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 7 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 7 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 6 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 6 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 6 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 6 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 6 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 6 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 6 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 6 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 6 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 6 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 6 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 5 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 5 Airport not in top_airports
ECP 5 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 5 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 5 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 5 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 5 Airport not in top_airports
MMH 5 Airport not in top_airports
STX 5 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 5 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 5 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 5 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 5 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 5 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 5 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 5 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 5 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 5 Airport not in top_airports
UNV 5 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 4 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 4 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 4 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 4 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 4 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 4 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 4 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 4 Airport not in top_airports
ABY 4 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 4 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 4 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 4 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 4 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 4 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 4 Airport not in top_airports
COU 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 3 Airport not in top_airports
ZZZ 3 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 3 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 3 Airport not in top_airports
YUM 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 3 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 3 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 3 Airport not in top_airports
BKG 3 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 3 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 3 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 3 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 3 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 3 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 3 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 3 Airport not in top_airports
CID 3 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 3 Airport not in top_airports
RKD 3 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 3 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 2 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 2 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 2 Airport not in top_airports
PAH 2 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 2 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 2 Airport not in top_airports
MKG 2 Airport not in top_airports
IYK 2 Airport not in top_airports
GCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 2 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 2 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 2 Airport not in top_airports
LBF 2 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 2 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 2 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 2 Airport not in top_airports
TXK 2 Airport not in top_airports
CDV 2 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 2 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 2 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 2 Airport not in top_airports
PVU 2 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 2 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 2 Airport not in top_airports
INL 2 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 2 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 2 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 2 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 2 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 2 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 2 Airport not in top_airports
GRI 2 Airport not in top_airports
PKB 2 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 2 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 2 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 2 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 2 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 2 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
ART 1 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 1 Airport not in top_airports
DRT 1 Airport not in top_airports
OTZ 1 Airport not in top_airports
FOD 1 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 1 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 1 Airport not in top_airports
WYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 1 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 1 Airport not in top_airports
OME 1 Airport not in top_airports
YAK 1 Airport not in top_airports
DBQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
RIW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CIU 1 Airport not in top_airports
BFF 1 Airport not in top_airports
STS 1 Airport not in top_airports
AIA 1 Airport not in top_airports
PRC 1 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 1 Airport not in top_airports
MGW 1 Airport not in top_airports
BTM 1 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 1 Airport not in top_airports
PIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 1 Airport not in top_airports
COD 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAR 1 Airport not in top_airports
ISN 1 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 1 Airport not in top_airports
LAL 1 Airport not in top_airports
LNY 1 Airport not in top_airports
RST 1 Airport not in top_airports
JAC 1 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 1 Airport not in top_airports
OGS 1 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 1 Airport not in top_airports
CYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ATY 1 Airport not in top_airports
PUB 1 Airport not in top_airports
FKL 1 Airport not in top_airports
RUT 1 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 1 Airport not in top_airports
JHM 1 Airport not in top_airports
SHR 1 Airport not in top_airports
OWB 1 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 1 Airport not in top_airports
MCW 1 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 1 Airport not in top_airports
VIS 1 Airport not in top_airports
F 98 Airport not in top_airports
- 90 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 88 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 61 Airport not in top_airports
IND 60 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 59 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 54 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 44 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 37 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 36 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 35 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 35 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 34 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 34 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 34 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 33 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 31 Airport not in top_airports
MEM 31 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 30 Airport not in top_airports
CVG 29 Airport not in top_airports
MKE 29 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 26 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 26 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 25 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 24 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 24 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 23 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 22 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 21 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 20 Airport not in top_airports
COS 20 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 19 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 19 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 19 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 18 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 17 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 17 Airport not in top_airports
STT 17 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 17 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 16 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 16 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 16 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 16 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 16 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 14 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 14 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 14 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 13 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 13 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 13 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 13 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 13 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 13 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 12 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 11 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 11 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 11 Airport not in top_airports
CHO 11 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 11 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 11 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 11 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 11 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 10 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 10 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 10 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 10 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 10 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 9 Airport not in top_airports
CID 9 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 9 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 9 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 9 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 9 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 9 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 9 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 8 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 8 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 8 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 7 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 7 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 7 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 7 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 6 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 6 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 6 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 6 Airport not in top_airports
ECP 6 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 6 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 6 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 6 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 6 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 6 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 6 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 6 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 6 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 6 Airport not in top_airports
ZZZ 6 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 5 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 5 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 5 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 5 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 5 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 5 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 5 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 5 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 5 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 5 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 5 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 5 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 5 Airport not in top_airports
TTN 5 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 5 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 5 Airport not in top_airports
BKG 4 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 4 Airport not in top_airports
DRO 4 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 4 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 4 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 4 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 4 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 4 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 4 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 4 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 4 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 4 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 4 Airport not in top_airports
SPS 4 Airport not in top_airports
ESC 3 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 3 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 3 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 3 Airport not in top_airports
YUM 3 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 3 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 3 Airport not in top_airports
OME 3 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 3 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 3 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 3 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 3 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 3 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 3 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 3 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 3 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 3 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 3 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 3 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 3 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 3 Airport not in top_airports
MMH 3 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 3 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 3 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 3 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 3 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 3 Airport not in top_airports
HGR 2 Airport not in top_airports
FSM 2 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 2 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 2 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 2 Airport not in top_airports
SHD 2 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 2 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 2 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 2 Airport not in top_airports
LAW 2 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 2 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 2 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 2 Airport not in top_airports
RST 2 Airport not in top_airports
PIR 2 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 2 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 2 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 2 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 2 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 2 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 2 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 2 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 2 Airport not in top_airports
INL 2 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 2 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 2 Airport not in top_airports
STX 2 Airport not in top_airports
GBD 2 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 2 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 2 Airport not in top_airports
JLN 2 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 2 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 2 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 1 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 1 Airport not in top_airports
MOD 1 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 1 Airport not in top_airports
ART 1 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 1 Airport not in top_airports
IMT 1 Airport not in top_airports
COD 1 Airport not in top_airports
ORH 1 Airport not in top_airports
JHW 1 Airport not in top_airports
ILG 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
GYY 1 Airport not in top_airports
PMD 1 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 1 Airport not in top_airports
LYH 1 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 1 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 1 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 1 Airport not in top_airports
COU 1 Airport not in top_airports
GRI 1 Airport not in top_airports
MWA 1 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 1 Airport not in top_airports
CEC 1 Airport not in top_airports
PDT 1 Airport not in top_airports
TXK 1 Airport not in top_airports
GSN 1 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 1 Airport not in top_airports
HOM 1 Airport not in top_airports
SBY 1 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 1 Airport not in top_airports
RUT 1 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 1 Airport not in top_airports
PQI 1 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 1 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 1 Airport not in top_airports
TWF 1 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRL 1 Airport not in top_airports
SOW 1 Airport not in top_airports
APN 1 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ROW 1 Airport not in top_airports
OLF 1 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 1 Airport not in top_airports
OWB 1 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
VIS 1 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 1 Airport not in top_airports
BLV 1 Airport not in top_airports
SHR 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 1 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 1 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 1 Airport not in top_airports
MSL 1 Airport not in top_airports
PAH 1 Airport not in top_airports
OGS 1 Airport not in top_airports
BHB 1 Airport not in top_airports
CIC 1 Airport not in top_airports
ALW 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDR 1 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENA 1 Airport not in top_airports
CEZ 1 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 1 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 1 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 1 Airport not in top_airports
F 119 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 82 Airport not in top_airports
- 66 Airport not in top_airports
CLE 53 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 51 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 42 Airport not in top_airports
IND 41 Airport not in top_airports
MKE 39 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 39 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 37 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 36 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 36 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 33 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 33 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 31 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 30 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 30 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 28 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 27 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 27 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 27 Airport not in top_airports
MEM 26 Airport not in top_airports
CVG 25 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 25 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 22 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 22 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 22 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 22 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 20 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 20 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 19 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 18 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 18 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 17 Airport not in top_airports
STT 16 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 15 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 15 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 15 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 14 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 14 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 14 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 13 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 13 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 13 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 13 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 12 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 12 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 11 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 11 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 11 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 11 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 11 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 11 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 10 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 10 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 9 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 9 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 9 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 8 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 8 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 8 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 8 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 8 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 8 Airport not in top_airports
ILG 7 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 7 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 7 Airport not in top_airports
YUM 7 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 7 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 7 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 7 Airport not in top_airports
COS 7 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 7 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 7 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 6 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 6 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 6 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 6 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 6 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 6 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 6 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 6 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 6 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 6 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 6 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 6 Airport not in top_airports
FNT 5 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 5 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 5 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 5 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 5 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 5 Airport not in top_airports
MRY 5 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 5 Airport not in top_airports
CID 5 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 5 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 5 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 5 Airport not in top_airports
TTN 5 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 5 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 5 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 5 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 5 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 5 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 5 Airport not in top_airports
LCK 4 Airport not in top_airports
GPI 4 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 4 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 4 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 4 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 4 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 4 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 4 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 4 Airport not in top_airports
MMH 4 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 4 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 4 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 4 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 4 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 4 Airport not in top_airports
LYH 4 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 4 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 4 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 4 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 4 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 4 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 4 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 4 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 3 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 3 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 3 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 3 Airport not in top_airports
STX 3 Airport not in top_airports
ECP 3 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 3 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 3 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 3 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 3 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 3 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 3 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 3 Airport not in top_airports
CPR 3 Airport not in top_airports
ZZZ 3 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 3 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 3 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 3 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 3 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 3 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 3 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 3 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 2 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 2 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 2 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 2 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 2 Airport not in top_airports
JAC 2 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 2 Airport not in top_airports
BLV 2 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
COU 2 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 2 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 2 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 2 Airport not in top_airports
DIK 2 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 2 Airport not in top_airports
INL 2 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 2 Airport not in top_airports
ORH 2 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 2 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 2 Airport not in top_airports
UNV 2 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 2 Airport not in top_airports
GLH 2 Airport not in top_airports
SJT 2 Airport not in top_airports
AEX 2 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 2 Airport not in top_airports
GRI 2 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 2 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 2 Airport not in top_airports
PUW 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 2 Airport not in top_airports
TWF 2 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 2 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 2 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 2 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 2 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 2 Airport not in top_airports
RFD 1 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
HVN 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 1 Airport not in top_airports
LSE 1 Airport not in top_airports
HYA 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPS 1 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 1 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 1 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 1 Airport not in top_airports
OME 1 Airport not in top_airports
RHI 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
IPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
GUC 1 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 1 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 1 Airport not in top_airports
GCK 1 Airport not in top_airports
BKG 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLO 1 Airport not in top_airports
HIB 1 Airport not in top_airports
MGW 1 Airport not in top_airports
LRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 1 Airport not in top_airports
SCC 1 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 1 Airport not in top_airports
SDY 1 Airport not in top_airports
YAK 1 Airport not in top_airports
COD 1 Airport not in top_airports
EKO 1 Airport not in top_airports
PVU 1 Airport not in top_airports
UTA 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGA 1 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 1 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 1 Airport not in top_airports
JBR 1 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 1 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKG 1 Airport not in top_airports
CYS 1 Airport not in top_airports
HGR 1 Airport not in top_airports
MSL 1 Airport not in top_airports
JLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
VIS 1 Airport not in top_airports
BPT 1 Airport not in top_airports
SGU 1 Airport not in top_airports
PSM 1 Airport not in top_airports
GST 1 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
LCH 1 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 1 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 1 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 1 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 1 Airport not in top_airports
GCC 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
ITH 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 1 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 1 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
CKB 1 Airport not in top_airports
ISN 1 Airport not in top_airports
PFN 1 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 1 Airport not in top_airports
RST 1 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 1 Airport not in top_airports
PSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 1 Airport not in top_airports
OWB 1 Airport not in top_airports
F 97 Airport not in top_airports
SJU 67 Airport not in top_airports
- 57 Airport not in top_airports
OGG 44 Airport not in top_airports
PBI 43 Airport not in top_airports
CMH 41 Airport not in top_airports
MKE 40 Airport not in top_airports
BDL 39 Airport not in top_airports
ZZX 38 Airport not in top_airports
RNO 34 Airport not in top_airports
KOA 33 Airport not in top_airports
CVG 32 Airport not in top_airports
ANC 31 Airport not in top_airports
CHS 31 Airport not in top_airports
IND 30 Airport not in top_airports
JAX 30 Airport not in top_airports
SDF 28 Airport not in top_airports
ORF 28 Airport not in top_airports
ALB 25 Airport not in top_airports
BUF 24 Airport not in top_airports
ONT 23 Airport not in top_airports
RIC 23 Airport not in top_airports
MEM 22 Airport not in top_airports
TUS 21 Airport not in top_airports
MHT 21 Airport not in top_airports
PSP 21 Airport not in top_airports
OMA 20 Airport not in top_airports
LIH 19 Airport not in top_airports
STT 19 Airport not in top_airports
OKC 19 Airport not in top_airports
ABQ 19 Airport not in top_airports
LIT 19 Airport not in top_airports
GEG 18 Airport not in top_airports
ELP 18 Airport not in top_airports
SAV 18 Airport not in top_airports
PVD 17 Airport not in top_airports
BUR 16 Airport not in top_airports
LGB 15 Airport not in top_airports
PNS 14 Airport not in top_airports
JAN 13 Airport not in top_airports
DAY 13 Airport not in top_airports
PWM 13 Airport not in top_airports
FAT 13 Airport not in top_airports
HPN 12 Airport not in top_airports
GRR 12 Airport not in top_airports
ISP 12 Airport not in top_airports
DSM 12 Airport not in top_airports
BOI 12 Airport not in top_airports
ICT 11 Airport not in top_airports
SYR 11 Airport not in top_airports
TSA 11 Airport not in top_airports
GSO 11 Airport not in top_airports
ITO 10 Airport not in top_airports
LEX 10 Airport not in top_airports
BHM 10 Airport not in top_airports
MFR 9 Airport not in top_airports
CAK 9 Airport not in top_airports
GPT 9 Airport not in top_airports
TUL 9 Airport not in top_airports
DAB 8 Airport not in top_airports
HSV 8 Airport not in top_airports
MLI 8 Airport not in top_airports
STX 8 Airport not in top_airports
TRI 8 Airport not in top_airports
RDM 8 Airport not in top_airports
ROA 8 Airport not in top_airports
SGF 7 Airport not in top_airports
CRP 7 Airport not in top_airports
GRK 7 Airport not in top_airports
MYR 7 Airport not in top_airports
MSN 7 Airport not in top_airports
YUM 7 Airport not in top_airports
MDT 7 Airport not in top_airports
SAF 7 Airport not in top_airports
GSP 7 Airport not in top_airports
COS 6 Airport not in top_airports
BTV 6 Airport not in top_airports
PGD 6 Airport not in top_airports
IWA 6 Airport not in top_airports
ILM 6 Airport not in top_airports
ACY 6 Airport not in top_airports
DHN 6 Airport not in top_airports
AVL 6 Airport not in top_airports
PIE 6 Airport not in top_airports
ELM 6 Airport not in top_airports
TYS 6 Airport not in top_airports
HXD 6 Airport not in top_airports
TTN 6 Airport not in top_airports
CAE 5 Airport not in top_airports
ASE 5 Airport not in top_airports
BIL 5 Airport not in top_airports
PHF 5 Airport not in top_airports
LCK 5 Airport not in top_airports
OAJ 5 Airport not in top_airports
EUG 5 Airport not in top_airports
TLH 5 Airport not in top_airports
SRQ 5 Airport not in top_airports
CID 4 Airport not in top_airports
MVY 4 Airport not in top_airports
BFL 4 Airport not in top_airports
TXK 4 Airport not in top_airports
ABE 4 Airport not in top_airports
HRL 4 Airport not in top_airports
BMI 4 Airport not in top_airports
EAT 4 Airport not in top_airports
PSE 4 Airport not in top_airports
GJT 4 Airport not in top_airports
HDQ 4 Airport not in top_airports
VPS 4 Airport not in top_airports
MFE 4 Airport not in top_airports
EGE 4 Airport not in top_airports
ABR 4 Airport not in top_airports
LYH 4 Airport not in top_airports
JQF 4 Airport not in top_airports
RAP 4 Airport not in top_airports
SFB 4 Airport not in top_airports
FWA 4 Airport not in top_airports
CHA 4 Airport not in top_airports
LBE 4 Airport not in top_airports
GUM 4 Airport not in top_airports
LNK 3 Airport not in top_airports
SBA 3 Airport not in top_airports
TYR 3 Airport not in top_airports
ROC 3 Airport not in top_airports
KTN 3 Airport not in top_airports
EKO 3 Airport not in top_airports
DRO 3 Airport not in top_airports
MMH 3 Airport not in top_airports
GGG 3 Airport not in top_airports
MTJ 3 Airport not in top_airports
GRI 3 Airport not in top_airports
FAI 3 Airport not in top_airports
YKM 3 Airport not in top_airports
BTR 3 Airport not in top_airports
BQN 3 Airport not in top_airports
XNA 3 Airport not in top_airports
LWS 3 Airport not in top_airports
BGR 3 Airport not in top_airports
EWN 3 Airport not in top_airports
JNU 3 Airport not in top_airports
MHK 3 Airport not in top_airports
ABI 3 Airport not in top_airports
MOT 3 Airport not in top_airports
YNG 3 Airport not in top_airports
ATW 3 Airport not in top_airports
LBB 3 Airport not in top_airports
FAY 3 Airport not in top_airports
LAN 3 Airport not in top_airports
CKB 3 Airport not in top_airports
AGS 3 Airport not in top_airports
TVC 3 Airport not in top_airports
SBP 3 Airport not in top_airports
LFT 3 Airport not in top_airports
MOB 3 Airport not in top_airports
MSO 3 Airport not in top_airports
ALW 3 Airport not in top_airports
MLB 3 Airport not in top_airports
SCK 2 Airport not in top_airports
MGM 2 Airport not in top_airports
MAF 2 Airport not in top_airports
PIA 2 Airport not in top_airports
CMI 2 Airport not in top_airports
FAR 2 Airport not in top_airports
AVP 2 Airport not in top_airports
BLI 2 Airport not in top_airports
OTH 2 Airport not in top_airports
AMA 2 Airport not in top_airports
ALO 2 Airport not in top_airports
SWF 2 Airport not in top_airports
BIS 2 Airport not in top_airports
SHV 2 Airport not in top_airports
GFK 2 Airport not in top_airports
VLD 2 Airport not in top_airports
SBN 2 Airport not in top_airports
GRB 2 Airport not in top_airports
OME 2 Airport not in top_airports
ADQ 2 Airport not in top_airports
IFP 2 Airport not in top_airports
HOM 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSC 2 Airport not in top_airports
MLU 2 Airport not in top_airports
ECP 2 Airport not in top_airports
HTS 2 Airport not in top_airports
SPI 2 Airport not in top_airports
TBN 2 Airport not in top_airports
SUX 2 Airport not in top_airports
BJI 2 Airport not in top_airports
PSG 2 Airport not in top_airports
BQK 2 Airport not in top_airports
FSD 2 Airport not in top_airports
SCE 2 Airport not in top_airports
ERI 2 Airport not in top_airports
HDN 2 Airport not in top_airports
ZZZ 2 Airport not in top_airports
UNK 1 Airport not in top_airports
CWA 1 Airport not in top_airports
ORH 1 Airport not in top_airports
CRW 1 Airport not in top_airports
CSG 1 Airport not in top_airports
ENV 1 Airport not in top_airports
PGV 1 Airport not in top_airports
GST 1 Airport not in top_airports
YAK 1 Airport not in top_airports
GCK 1 Airport not in top_airports
BRD 1 Airport not in top_airports
RHI 1 Airport not in top_airports
BLV 1 Airport not in top_airports
STS 1 Airport not in top_airports
MBS 1 Airport not in top_airports
HOB 1 Airport not in top_airports
SMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
IAG 1 Airport not in top_airports
SUN 1 Airport not in top_airports
FLG 1 Airport not in top_airports
EYW 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACV 1 Airport not in top_airports
DIK 1 Airport not in top_airports
GRO 1 Airport not in top_airports
CLL 1 Airport not in top_airports
WRG 1 Airport not in top_airports
SIT 1 Airport not in top_airports
CMX 1 Airport not in top_airports
GTF 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACK 1 Airport not in top_airports
EVV 1 Airport not in top_airports
HLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
CDC 1 Airport not in top_airports
RDD 1 Airport not in top_airports
PBG 1 Airport not in top_airports
ACT 1 Airport not in top_airports
APN 1 Airport not in top_airports
SOW 1 Airport not in top_airports
SGJ 1 Airport not in top_airports
GNV 1 Airport not in top_airports
DLH 1 Airport not in top_airports
PLN 1 Airport not in top_airports
OTZ 1 Airport not in top_airports
FSM 1 Airport not in top_airports
ADK 1 Airport not in top_airports
MKK 1 Airport not in top_airports
EAU 1 Airport not in top_airports
BGM 1 Airport not in top_airports
RST 1 Airport not in top_airports
COD 1 Airport not in top_airports
DBQ 1 Airport not in top_airports
LEB 1 Airport not in top_airports
TOL 1 Airport not in top_airports
GTR 1 Airport not in top_airports
BZN 1 Airport not in top_airports
AZO 1 Airport not in top_airports
SGU 1 Airport not in top_airports
PQI 1 Airport not in top_airports
IDA 1 Airport not in top_airports
SAW 1 Airport not in top_airports
HVN 1 Airport not in top_airports

In [20]:
min_max_claims_per_year = {}

for year in range(2006, 2016):
    min_max_claims_per_year[year] = {}
    most_claims = max(claims_by_top_airports[year].items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][2])
    least_claims = min(claims_by_top_airports[year].items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1][2])
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['max'] = {}
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['max']['name'] = airport_name[most_claims[0]]
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['max']['code'] = most_claims[0]
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['max']['total_passengers'] = str(most_claims[1][1])
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['max']['total_claims'] = str(most_claims[1][0])
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['max']['claims_pp'] = str(most_claims[1][2]*1e+5)
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['min'] = {}
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['min']['name'] = airport_name[least_claims[0]]
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['min']['code'] = least_claims[0]
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['min']['total_passengers'] = str(least_claims[1][1])
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['min']['total_claims'] = str(least_claims[1][0])
    min_max_claims_per_year[year]['min']['claims_pp'] = str(least_claims[1][2]*1e+5)

with open('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/resources/min_max_airports.json', 'w') as f:

In [21]:

{'max': {'claims_pp': '1.91427078523',
  'code': 'EWR',
  'name': 'Newark International Airport',
  'total_claims': '703',
  'total_passengers': '36724167.0'},
 'min': {'claims_pp': '0.320356521213',
  'code': 'MCI',
  'name': 'Kansas City International',
  'total_claims': '36',
  'total_passengers': '11237480.0'}}

Save locations and values to csv

In [30]:

{'DAL', 'MSY', 'RSW'}

In [12]:
airport_coords = {}

In [39]:


In [40]:
airport_coords['IAH'] = geolocator.geocode('George Bush Intercontinental Airport')

In [42]:
geolocator = Nominatim()
first_keys = claims_by_top_airports[2006].keys()
for year in range(2006, 2016):
    with open('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/resources/airports_{:d}.csv'.format(year), 'w') as f:
        _claims = claims_by_top_airports[year]
        for k, v in _claims.items():
            name = airport_name[k]

            if k in airport_coords:
                location = airport_coords[k]
                location = geolocator.geocode(name + ' Airport')
                airport_coords[k] = location

            f.write("{:2.0f},{:2.0f},{:g},{:s},{:s},{:10.13f},{:10.13f}\n".format(v[0], v[1], v[2], name, k,
                                                             location.latitude, location.longitude))

In [91]:
yearly_data = {}
for year in range(2002, 2016):
    begin = dates.date2num(datetime(year=year, month=1, day=1))
    end = dates.date2num(datetime(year=year, month=12, day=31))
    _data = close_amount[(datenums >= begin)*(datenums <= end)]
    yearly_data[year] = {'mean':  np.nanmean(_data),
                         'median':  np.nanmedian(_data),
                         'max':  _data.max(),
                         'num': len(_data),
                         'total': np.nansum(_data),
                         'std': np.nanstd(_data),
                         'data': _data[~np.isnan(_data)]}

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/computation/ UserWarning: evaluating in Python space because the '*' operator is not supported by numexpr for the bool dtype, use '&' instead

In [124]:


In [73]:
_ = plt.hist(yearly_data[2008]['data'], bins=100)

In [106]:
fmt = '${x:,.0f}'
tick = mtick.StrMethodFormatter(fmt)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 3), dpi=100)
axis = axes[0]
axis.plot(range(2002, 2016), [yearly_data[year]['total'] for year in range(2002, 2016)], 'k.-')

axis.set_title('Total Claims (USD)', fontsize=15)
#axis.set_ylabel('Total Claims (USD)', fontsize=15)

axis = axes[1]

axis.plot(range(2002, 2016), [yearly_data[year]['max'] for year in range(2002, 2016)], 'k.-')
axis.set_title('Maximum Claim (USD)', fontsize=15)
#axis.set_ylabel('Maximum Claim (USD)', fontsize=15)

axis = axes[2]

out = axis.boxplot([yearly_data[year]['data']
                for year in range(2002, 2016)], labels=[year if year % 2 ==0 else '' for year in range(2002, 2016)],
                      meanline=True, whis=[10, 90])
axis.set_ylim([-10, max(np.percentile(yearly_data[year]['data'], 90) for year in range(2002, 2016))])

axis.set_title('Inner 80% Claim Range (USD)', fontsize=15)
#axis.set_ylabel('Claims (USD)', fontsize=15)
plt.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/TSA/Total_avg_claims.jpeg', dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight')

In [122]:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(7, 3), dpi=100)
axis.plot(claims_data['Claim Amount'], close_amount, 'k.')
old_ylim = axis.get_ylim()
x = np.linspace(0, axis.get_xlim()[1])
axis.plot(x, x)
axis.set_xlabel('Claim Amount (USD)')
axis.set_ylabel('Amount Paid (USD)')
plt.savefig('/Users/spardy/Code/Web/Blog/images/TSA/Claim_paid.jpeg', dpi=100, bbox_inches='tight')

In [117]:

(-3.8465832259992667, 74520799154867.859)

In [331]:
def nanargsort(arr):
    return np.argsort(arr[np.isfinite(arr)])

In [342]:
claims_data.iloc[np.argsort(claims_data['Claim Amount'].fillna(0))[::-1][:10]]

Airline Name Airport Code Airport Name Claim Amount Claim Number Claim Site Claim Type Close Amount Date Received Disposition Incident D Incident Date Item Item Category Status
20975 NaN JFK John F. Kennedy International 3.000000e+12 2008012238289 Checkpoint Personal Injury 0 2008-02-12 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2007-12-28 00:00:00 NaN NaN Denied
35811 NaN NaN NaN 5.000000e+09 2004052653605 Other Personal Injury 0 2004-05-26 00:00:00 NaN NaT 2002-09-05 00:00:00 NaN NaN Canceled
82901 NaN PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International 5.000000e+09 2006032803795 Other Personal Injury NaN 2006-03-27 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2004-06-01 00:00:00 NaN NaN In litigation
49122 Civil Aviation - Non-Commercial Carrier C Civil Aviation, Non TSA manned Airport 2.500000e+09 2004110866757 Other Passenger Property Loss 0 2004-11-04 00:00:00 Deny NaT NaN Other NaN Denied
50567 NaN NaN NaN 2.500000e+09 2004121669173 Other Passenger Property Loss 0 2004-11-23 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2004-05-23 00:00:00 Other NaN Denied
27600 American Airlines OAK Metropolitan Oakland International 1.000000e+09 2008063046385 Checkpoint Personal Injury 0 2008-06-30 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2007-04-25 00:00:00 NaN NaN Denied
32031 NaN NaN NaN 1.000000e+09 2008102251419 NaN Personal Injury NaN 2008-10-08 00:00:00 NaN NaT NaN NaN NaN Insufficient, one of the following items requi...
69190 Sun Country Airlines Inc PHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International 1.250000e+08 2005080990257 Checkpoint Personal Injury 0 2005-08-01 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2005-06-13 00:00:00 Medicines NaN Denied
86400 America West LAX Los Angeles International Airport 1.000000e+08 2006060907675 Checked Baggage Personal Injury 0 2006-06-06 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2006-04-19 00:00:00 Currency; Locks; Other NaN Denied
48857 American Airlines OKC Will Rogers World 2.722500e+07 2004122069372 Checkpoint Personal Injury 0 2004-11-02 00:00:00 Deny NaT 2004-09-23 00:00:00 NaN NaN Denied

In [409]:
claim_columns = {ct: i for i, ct in enumerate(set(claims_data['Claim Type']))}
status_codes = {'Approved': 1, 'Settled': 1, 'Canceled': 0, 'Denied': 0}
row_size = len(claim_columns)+1

dataPred = np.array([[np.nan]*row_size])
dataResult = np.array([np.nan])
for i, row in enumerate(claims_data.iterrows()):
    if i > 5000:
        status_code = status_codes[row[1]['Status']]
    except KeyError:
    new_row = [0]*row_size
    new_row[claim_columns[row[1]['Claim Type']]] = 1
    if np.isnan(row[1]['Claim Amount']):
        new_row[-1] = 0
        new_row[-1] = row[1]['Claim Amount']
    dataPred = np.vstack([dataPred, new_row])
    dataResult = np.append(dataResult, status_codes[row[1]['Status']])

In [410]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = model_selection.train_test_split(dataPred[1:, :], dataResult[1:])

In [411]:
clf = svm.SVC(), y_train)

SVC(C=1.0, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, coef0=0.0,
  decision_function_shape=None, degree=3, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf',
  max_iter=-1, probability=False, random_state=None, shrinking=True,
  tol=0.001, verbose=False)

In [414]:


In [413]:
np.sum(clf.predict(X_test) == y_test)


In [22]:
claims_data['Airline Name'].value_counts()

American Airlines                     16355
Delta Air Lines                       15782
UAL                                   12898
Southwest Airlines                    11644
Continental Airlines                   9674
Northwest Airlines                     9215
USAir                                  9011
Delta Air Lines                        8365
Southwest Airlines                     7378
Jet Blue                               6745
American Airlines                      6317
UAL                                    5882
Alaska Airlines                        4393
USAir                                  3778
-                                      3661
AirTran Airlines                       3366
Frontier Airlines                      2053
Alaska Airlines                        1817
Continental Airlines                   1713
Spirit Airlines                        1684
America West                           1426
Air Tran Airlines(do not use)          1067
Allegiant Air                           980
Air Canada                              869
British Airways                         812
Hawaiian Airlines                       725
British Airways                         673
Virgin Atlantic                         651
Hawaiian Airlines                       583
Air France                              579
Ryan Air                                  1
vivaAerobus                               1
Estonia Air                               1
Malev Hungarian Airlines                  1
Guyana Airways Corporation                1
Aerolitoral                               1
Air Atlanta Icelandic                     1
Middle East Airlines                      1
Reno Air                                  1
Greyhound Air                             1
American Central                          1
Royal Wings Airlines                      1
Wiggins Airways                           1
Piedmont Airlines Inc                     1
Arika Isreali Airlines                    1
Guyana Airways Corporation                1
Air Malta                                 1
Sun Jet International Airlines Inc        1
Indian Airlines                           1
Maxair                                    1
Carnival Airlines                         1
Iran Air                                  1
JAT                                       1
Air Labrador                              1
British Midland Airways Ltd               1
Croatia Airlines                          1
Air Southwest Ltd                         1
Eurowings                                 1
Aero Costa Rica                           1
Air Atlantic Ltd                          1
Name: Airline Name, dtype: int64

In [52]:
type(claims_data['Date Received'].iloc[0])


In [53]:
plt.plot(claims_data['Date Received'])

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-53-a19cdf55b99f> in <module>()
----> 1 plt.plot(claims_data['Date Received'])

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/ in plot(*args, **kwargs)
   3316                       mplDeprecation)
   3317     try:
-> 3318         ret = ax.plot(*args, **kwargs)
   3319     finally:
   3320         ax._hold = washold

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/ in inner(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1890                     warnings.warn(msg % (label_namer, func.__name__),
   1891                                   RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
-> 1892             return func(ax, *args, **kwargs)
   1893         pre_doc = inner.__doc__
   1894         if pre_doc is None:

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in plot(self, *args, **kwargs)
   1406         for line in self._get_lines(*args, **kwargs):
-> 1407             self.add_line(line)
   1408             lines.append(line)

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in add_line(self, line)
   1785             line.set_clip_path(self.patch)
-> 1787         self._update_line_limits(line)
   1788         if not line.get_label():
   1789             line.set_label('_line%d' % len(self.lines))

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ in _update_line_limits(self, line)
   1807         Figures out the data limit of the given line, updating self.dataLim.
   1808         """
-> 1809         path = line.get_path()
   1810         if path.vertices.size == 0:
   1811             return

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/ in get_path(self)
    987         """
    988         if self._invalidy or self._invalidx:
--> 989             self.recache()
    990         return self._path

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/matplotlib/ in recache(self, always)
    683                 y = ma.asarray(yconv, np.float_).filled(np.nan)
    684             else:
--> 685                 y = np.asarray(yconv, np.float_)
    686             y = y.ravel()
    687         else:

/Users/spardy/Library/Python/3.5/lib/python/site-packages/numpy/core/ in asarray(a, dtype, order)
    530     """
--> 531     return array(a, dtype, copy=False, order=order)

TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'datetime.datetime'

In [35]:


In [37]:


In [ ]: