In [104]:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sqrt,cos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 25, 'legend.handlelength' : 1.25})
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=5, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
We computed and saved the eigenvalue and eigenfunction using Approximation A with $\mathrm{N}=64$ using the linear_eady notebook. We now load the data and plot the wavestructure in the $(x,z)$ plane.
In [105]:
data_path = 'outputs/eady_A_k8_64_efunc.npz'
eady = np.load(data_path)
In [106]:
kappa = eady['kappa']
qn = eady['efunc']
N = eady['Nmodes']
cr = eady['c'].real
Seting up the domain grid in $(x,z)$ space
In [107]:
# vertical coordinate
dz = 1./N # vertical resolution
z = np.arange(-dz/2,-1.-dz/2.,-dz) # level array
# horizontal coordinate
x = np.linspace(0,np.pi,100)
# grid
X,Z = np.meshgrid(x,z)
The eigenfunctions are the modal coefficients $\,\breve{q}_n$. We use the standard modes $\mathsf{p}_0 = 1$ and $\mathsf{p}_n = \sqrt{2}\,\cos(n \pi z)$, $n>1$ to compute the eigenstructure in physical space:
\begin{equation} \hat{q}(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\mathrm{N}} \breve{q}_n\, \mathsf{p}_n \,\,\,. \end{equation}In approximation A, the modal streamfunction $\breve{\psi}_n$ is related to the PV by
\begin{equation} \breve{\psi}_n = \alpha_n\, \breve{q}_n = - (\kappa^2 + (n \pi)^2)^{-1}\,\,\breve{q}_n\,\,. \end{equation}The streamfunction $\hat{\psi}$ is then
\begin{equation} \hat{q}(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\mathrm{N}} \breve{q}_n\, \mathsf{p}_n \,. \end{equation}\begin{equation} \hat{\psi}(z) = \sum_{n=0}^{\mathrm{N}} \breve{\psi}_n\, \mathsf{p}_n \,. \end{equation}
In [108]:
def alpha_n(n,kappa):
""" Compute the inverse Helmholtz operator in
Fourier space """
return -1./( kappa**2 + (n*pi)**2 )
In [109]:
for i in range(N):
if i == 0 :
q = qn[0]*np.ones(z.size)
psi = qn[0]*np.ones(z.size)*alpha_n(0,kappa)
q+= sqrt(2)*qn[i]*cos(i*pi*z)
psi+= sqrt(2)*qn[i]*cos(i*pi*z)*alpha_n(i,kappa)
Note that $q$ and $\psi$ are complex. The wavestructure is then
\begin{equation} \psi(x,z) = |\psi(z)| \exp({ik\,x + P_{\psi}(z)})\,, \qquad \text{and}\qquad q(x,z) = |q(z)|\, \exp({ik\,x + P_{q}(z)}) \end{equation}where vertical bars denote the magnitude and the phases are
\begin{equation} P_{\psi}(z) = \text{tan$^{-1}$}\frac{\text{Im}(\hat{\psi})}{\text{Re}(\hat{\psi})}\,, \qquad \text{and}\qquad P_{q}(z) = \text{tan$^{-1}$}\frac{\text{Im}(\hat{q})}{\text{Re}(\hat{q})} \end{equation}
In [100]:
qabs = np.abs(q)
qphase = np.arctan2(q.imag,q.real)
psiabs = np.abs(psi)
psiphase = np.arctan2(psi.imag,psi.real)
In [101]:
qabs = qabs.repeat(x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
qphase = qphase.repeat(x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
psiabs = psiabs.repeat(x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
psiphase = psiphase.repeat(x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
In [102]:
PV = qabs*np.cos(kappa*X + qphase)
PSI = psiabs*np.cos(kappa*X + psiphase)
In [103]:
#plt.text(-0.325,zc,r' $z_c \rightarrow$',fontsize=25)
cb = plt.colorbar(extend='both',shrink=.9),1.075,'PV',rotation=0,fontsize=25)
plt.text(1.725, -.9, r"Eady Problem, $\kappa = 8$, Approximation A", size=25, rotation=0.,\
ha="center", va="center",\
bbox = dict(boxstyle="round",ec='k',fc='w'))
In [ ]: