On Galerkin approximations for the QG equations

Supplementary material for subsection on the $\beta-$Eady model

</h3>Cesar B. Rocha</h3> </h3>, William R. Young, and Ian Grooms </h3>

</h4>Winter 2015 </h4>

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr. MC 0213, La Jolla, CA/USA, crocha@ucsd.edu

The $\beta-$Eady problem

Adding a non-zero background planetary vorticity gradient ($\beta$) significantly changes the linear stability analysis for approximations B and C. The interior equations are no longer trivially satisfied, so we have to solve $(\mathrm{N}+3)\times(\mathrm{N}+3)$ eigenvalue problems. Approximation A still leads to a $(\mathrm{N}+1)\times(\mathrm{N}+1)$ eigenvalue problem.

Our code in this notebook build on the on previously developed for the Eady problem. In fact, we will be able to recover the Eady problem when $\beta = 0$.

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import scipy.linalg 

    import mkl
    np.use_fastnumpy = True
except ImportError:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 25, 'legend.handlelength'  : 1.25})

In [63]:
import numba
from numpy import pi,cos,sqrt,sinh,cosh

def cn(kappa,n):
    ''' n-th mode non-dimensional
        Rossby wave phase speed '''
    return -1./(kappa**2 + (n*pi)**2)

# nopython=True means an error will be raised
# if fast compilation is not possible.
def sigma12(kappa,Nmax):
    ''' evaluate sigma1 and sigma2
        sums for used in methods B and C 
        Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes '''
    i = N
    c = cn(kappa,i)
    assert i[-1] == Nmax, 'Error in forming sums'
    sigma1 = c[0] + 2.*c[1:].sum()        
    sigma2 = c[0] + 2.*(( (-1.)**i[1:] )*c[1:]).sum()
    return sigma1,sigma2

def UGpm(Nmax):
    ''' evaluate series for base velocity
        at the boundaries 
        Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes'''

    up,um = .5,.5
    for i in range(1,Nmax+1,2):
        up +=  4./( (i*pi)**2 )
        um += -4./( (i*pi)**2 )

    return up,um

def Xi(k,m,n):
    ''' the interaction coefficient 
        Xi for constant stratification '''

    if  ((k==0) and (m==n)): x = 1.
    elif ((m==0) and (k==n)): x = 1.
    elif ((n==0) and (k==m)): x = 1.    
    elif ((k == m+n) or (k == m-n) or (k == n-m)): 
        x = sqrt(2)/2.
    else: x = 0.

    return x

The stability matrix

In [77]:
def stability_matrix(kappa,Nmax,method='A',beta=1.,nu=0.):
    ''' Linear stability matrix for
        Eady Problem using method A

            M phi = c phi, where c
            are the eigenvalues and phi
            the eigenvector         
            M is a Nmax+1 by Nmax+1 matrix
            Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes
                for the solution

    if method == 'A':

        # n+1 by n+1 problem
        M1 = np.zeros((Nmax+1,Nmax+1))  
        M2 = np.zeros((Nmax+1,Nmax+1))
        D = np.zeros((Nmax+1,Nmax+1))

        # loop over rows    
        for k in range(Nmax+1):
            # M1 
            for m in range(Nmax+1):
                for n in range(1,Nmax+1,2):
                    gamma = -2.*sqrt(2)/( kappa**2 + (m*pi)**2 )    
                    M1[k,m] += Xi(k,n,m)*gamma

            # M2
            for n in range(Nmax+1):
                for m in np.append(0,range(1,Nmax+1,2)):
                    if m == 0:
                        U = 1/2.
                        U = 2.*sqrt(2)/( (m*pi)**2 )
                    M2[k,n] += Xi(k,n,m)*U

            # beta term and horizontal diffusivity
            D[k,k] = beta*cn(kappa,k) + 1.e-3*(kappa**2)

        M = M1 + M2 + D

    elif method == 'B':

        # n+3 by n+3 problem
        M2 = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3)) + 0j
        D = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3))  + 0j
        S = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3))  + 0j
        cosech_k = 1./sinh(kappa)
        coth_k = cosh(kappa)/sinh(kappa)

        taup,taum = coth_k/kappa, cosech_k/kappa
        sigp,sigm = -cosech_k/kappa, -coth_k/kappa

        sig1,sig2 = sigma12(kappa,Nmax)
        up,um = UGpm(Nmax)

        # loop over rows    
        for kk in range(0,Nmax+3):

            if kk == 0:
                S[0,0] += 1. - taup
                S[0,-1] += - sigp

                for mm in range(1,Nmax+2):
                    m = mm -1
                    if m == 0:
                        S[0,mm] = -cn(kappa,m)
                        S[0,mm] = -sqrt(2)*cn(kappa,m)

            elif kk == Nmax+2:
                S[-1,0] += - taum
                S[-1,-1] += 0. - sigm
                for mm in range(1,Nmax+2):
                    m = mm -1
                    if m == 0:
                        S[-1,mm] = -cn(kappa,m)
                        S[-1,mm] = -sqrt(2)*((-1)**m)*cn(kappa,m)


                k = kk-1 # use k to keep same indexing as in the Eady

                # M2
                for ss in range(1,Nmax+2):
                    s = ss -1

                    if k == s:
                        M2[kk,ss] += 0.5

                    elif (k == 0) and (s%2):
                            M2[kk,ss] += 2*sqrt(2)/( (s*pi)**2 )
                    elif (s == 0) and (k%2):
                            M2[kk,ss] += 2*sqrt(2)/( (k*pi)**2 )
                    elif (k+s)%2:
                            M2[kk,ss] += 4.*(k**2 + s**2) / ( ((k**2 - s**2)*pi)**2 )

                # beta term and horizontal diffusivity
                D[kk,kk] = beta*cn(kappa,k) - 1j*nu*(kappa)
                if k == 0:
                    D[kk,0] = -beta*cn(kappa,k)
                    D[kk,-1] = beta*cn(kappa,k)
                    D[kk,0] = -sqrt(2)*beta*cn(kappa,k)
                    D[kk,-1] = sqrt(2)*beta*( (-1)**k )*cn(kappa,k) 

        M = S  + D + M2

    elif method == 'C':

        # n+3 by n+3 problem
        M1 = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3)) + 0j 
        M2 = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3)) + 0j
        D = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3))  + 0j
        S = np.zeros((Nmax+3,Nmax+3))  + 0j

        sig1,sig2 = sigma12(kappa,Nmax)
        up,um = UGpm(Nmax)

        # loop over rows    
        for kk in range(0,Nmax+3):

            if kk == 0:
                S[0,0] = up + sig1
                S[0,-1] = -sig2
                for mm in range(1,Nmax+2):
                    m = mm -1
                    if m == 0:
                        S[0,mm] = -cn(kappa,m)
                        S[0,mm] = -sqrt(2)*cn(kappa,m)

            elif kk == Nmax+2:
                S[-1,-1] =  um - sig1
                S[-1,0]  = sig2
                for mm in range(1,Nmax+2):
                    m = mm -1
                    if m == 0:
                        S[-1,mm] = -cn(kappa,m)
                        S[-1,mm] = -sqrt(2)*((-1)**m)*cn(kappa,m)


                k = kk-1 # use k to keep same indexing as in the Eady

                # M2
                for nn in range(1,Nmax+2):
                    for m in np.append(0,range(1,Nmax+1,2)):
                        if m == 0:
                            U = 1/2.
                            U = 2.*sqrt(2)/( (m*pi)**2 )
                        M2[kk,nn] += Xi(k,n,m)*U

                # beta term and horizontal diffusivity
                D[kk,kk] = beta*cn(kappa,k) - 1j*nu*(kappa)
                if k == 0:
                    D[kk,0] = -beta*cn(kappa,k)
                    D[kk,-1] = beta*cn(kappa,k)
                    D[kk,0] = -sqrt(2)*beta*cn(kappa,k)
                    D[kk,-1] = sqrt(2)*beta*( (-1)**k )*cn(kappa,k)

        M = S + M2 + D

    return M

The stability analysis for approximations A, B, C

In [78]:
def stability_analysis(kappa,Nmax,method='A',beta=1.,nu=0.,efunc=False):
     Compute the growth rate of the linear
     stability problem given an array of 
     wavenumbers kappa

        Nmax is the number of baroclinic modes
            for the solution


        Nkappa = kappa.size
        c = np.zeros(Nkappa,dtype='complex128')
        sig = np.zeros(Nkappa)
        if efunc:
            efun = np.zeros((Nmax+2,Nkappa),dtype='complex128') 

        for i in range(Nkappa):
            M = stability_matrix(kappa[i],Nmax,method,beta=beta,nu=nu)
            cm,em = np.linalg.eig(M)
            imax = cm.imag.argmax()
            c[i],sig[i] = cm[imax],kappa[i]*cm.imag[imax]
            if efunc:
                efun[:,i] = em[:,imax]

    except AttributeError:

        M = stability_matrix(kappa,Nmax,method,beta=beta,nu=nu)
        cm,em = np.linalg.eig(M)
        imax = cm.imag.argmax()
        c,sig = cm[imax],kappa*cm.imag[imax]
        if efunc:
            efun = em[:,imax]

    if efunc: return c,efun,sig
    else : return c,sig

In [64]:
# settings
kappa = np.linspace(0.001,10.,100)
Nmodes = np.arange(0,25)
Nmodes = np.append(Nmodes,2**np.arange(5,8))

# assemble arrays
c_galerkA,sig_galerkA = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size),\
c_galerkB,sig_galerkB = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size),\
c_galerkC,sig_galerkC = np.zeros((Nmodes.size,kappa.size),\

# solve the linear problem
for i in range(Nmodes.size):
    c_galerkA[i,:],sig_galerkA[i,:] = stability_analysis(kappa,\
    c_galerkB[i,:],sig_galerkB[i,:] = stability_analysis(kappa,\
    c_galerkC[i,:],sig_galerkC[i,:] = stability_analysis(kappa,\

It's useful to save the results

In [69]:

The stability analysis using finite-differences approximation

It's convenient to create simple functions to compute differences matrices

In [5]:
def D2_matrix(N):
    ''' create an N x N second order differences matrix '''
    D2 = np.zeros((N,N))
    for i in range(N):
        D2[i,i] = -2.
        if i<N-1: D2[i,i+1] = 1.
        if i>0: D2[i,i-1] = 1.
    assert np.array_equal(D2-D2.T,np.zeros((N,N))), 'Matrix not skew-symmetric'
    return D2

It's easier to formulate the problem in terms of streamfunction $\phi$. A second order finite-differences (using ghost points at the boundaries) leads to a generalized eigenvalue problem

\begin{equation} \mathsf{A}\,\mathsf{\phi} = c\, \mathsf{B}\,\mathsf{\phi} \end{equation}

We now assemble the matrices $\mathsf{A}$ and $\mathsf{B}$.

In [59]:
def CharneyMatrix(kappa,N,beta=1.0,nu=.0):
    ''' Creates matrices for Charney linear problem
            using second-order finite differences

            - kappa: wavenumber 
            - N: number of vertical levels '''

    dz = 1./N   # vertical resolution
    z = np.arange(-dz/2,-1.-dz/2.,-dz)  # level array
    u  = 1. + z

    Ut,Ub = 1.,0. # top and bottom vel.
    #   first and second elements of the eigenvector
    #       are ghost points

    D2 = D2_matrix(N+2)/(dz**2)
    A = np.zeros((N+2,N+2))
    B = np.zeros((N+2,N+2))
    # assemble matrices
    for i in range(1,N+1):
        A[i,:] = u[i-1]*D2[i,:]
        A[i,i] += beta - u[i-1]*(kappa**2)

        B[i,:] = D2[i,:]
        B[i,i] -= kappa**2

    # add submesoscale horizontal diffusivity (nu)
    A[1:N+1,1:N+1] += D2[1:N+1,1:N+1]*nu*(kappa**2) - nu*(kappa**4)*np.eye(N,N)

    # top
    A[0,0],A[0,1] = Ut/dz -.5, -(Ut/dz +.5)
    B[0,0],B[0,1] = 1./dz, -1./dz

    # bottom
    A[-1,-2],A[-1,-1] = Ub/dz -.5, -(Ub/dz+.5)
    B[-1,-2],B[-1,-1] = 1./dz,-1./dz

    return A,B

We now solve the stability problem

In [7]:
def stability_analysis(kappa,N,beta=1.,nu=0.,nmodes=1):
     Compute the growth rate of the linear
     stability problem given an array of 
     wavenumbers kappa

        N is the of vertical levels '''

        Nkappa = kappa.size
        c = np.zeros(Nkappa,dtype='complex128')
        c2 = np.zeros(Nkappa,dtype='complex128')
        sig = np.zeros(Nkappa)
        sig2 = np.zeros(Nkappa)
        efun = np.zeros((N+2,Nkappa)) + 0j
        efun2 = np.zeros((N+2,Nkappa)) + 0j

        for i in range(Nkappa):
            M1,M2 = CharneyMatrix(kappa[i],N,beta,nu)
            cm,em = sp.linalg.eig(M1,M2)
            isort = cm.imag.argsort()
            c[i],sig[i] = cm[isort[-1]],kappa[i]*cm.imag[isort[-1]]
            efun[:,i] = em[:,isort[-1]]
            if nmodes == 2:
                c2[i],sig2[i] = cm[isort[-2]],kappa[i]*cm.imag[isort[-2]]
                efun2[:,i] = em[:,isort[-2]]

    except AttributeError:

        M1,M2 = CharneyMatrix(kappa,N,beta,nu)
        cm,em = sp.linalg.eig(M1,M2)
        isort = cm.imag.argsort()        
        c,sig = cm[isort[-1]],kappa*cm.imag[isort[-1]]
        efun = em[:,isort[-1]]

        if nmodes == 2:
            c2,sig2 = cm[isort[-2]],kappa[i]*cm.imag[isort[-2]]
            efun2 = em[:,isort[-2]]

    if nmodes == 2:
        return c,efun,sig,c2,efun2,sig2
        return c,efun,sig

In [8]:
# parameters
N = 1000     
kappa = np.linspace(0.001,10.,100)
beta = 1.

c_num,e_num,sig_num = stability_analysis(kappa,N,beta=beta,nu=0,nmodes=1)

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-69732e206f0d> in <module>()
      4 beta = 1.
----> 6 c_num,e_num,sig_num = stability_analysis(kappa,N,beta=beta,nu=0,nmodes=1)

<ipython-input-7-b3a59a165a7d> in stability_analysis(kappa, N, beta, nu, nmodes)
     18         for i in range(Nkappa):
     19             M1,M2 = CharneyMatrix(kappa[i],N,beta,nu)
---> 20             cm,em = sp.linalg.eig(M1,M2)
     21             isort = cm.imag.argsort()
     22             c[i],sig[i] = cm[isort[-1]],kappa[i]*cm.imag[isort[-1]]

/Users/crocha/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/linalg/decomp.pyc in eig(a, b, left, right, overwrite_a, overwrite_b, check_finite)
    160         if b1.shape != a1.shape:
    161             raise ValueError('a and b must have the same shape')
--> 162         return _geneig(a1, b1, left, right, overwrite_a, overwrite_b)
    164     geev, geev_lwork = get_lapack_funcs(('geev', 'geev_lwork'), (a1,))

/Users/crocha/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scipy/linalg/decomp.pyc in _geneig(a1, b1, left, right, overwrite_a, overwrite_b)
     56     else:
     57         alphar, alphai, beta, vl, vr, work, info = ggev(a1, b1, cvl, cvr, lwork,
---> 58                                                         overwrite_a,overwrite_b)
     59         w = (alphar + _I * alphai) / beta
     60     if info < 0:


In [ ]:

Now we plot the results

In [9]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 25, 'legend.handlelength'  : 1.25})
import numpy as np
import sys

import seaborn as sns
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=3., rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})

def labels(field='sig',fs=25):
    plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa \times\, L_d$',fontsize=fs)
    if field == 'sig':    
        plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma \times \, \frac{\Lambda H}{L}$',fontsize=fs)
    elif field == 'ps':
        plt.ylabel(r'$c_r / \Lambda H$',fontsize=fs)

def plt_exact(field='sig'):
    if field == 'sig':
                linewidth=4.,label='Finite Differences')
    elif field == 'ps':
                linewidth=4.,label='Finite Differences')

def relative_error(exact,approx):
    ''' compute relative error '''
    return np.abs(exact-approx)/np.abs(exact)

In [10]:
data_path = 'outputs/beta-eady_'
data_pathA, data_pathB,data_pathC = "linear_charney_A.npz","linear_charney_B.npz","linear_charney_C.npz"
data_pathNum = "linear_charney_num.npz"

lcharneyA = np.load(data_path+'A'+'.npz')
lcharneyB = np.load(data_path+'B'+'.npz')
lcharneyC = np.load(data_path+'C'+'.npz')
lcharneyNum = np.load(data_path+'num'+'.npz')

# plot settings
lw,aph = 4.,.75
Nmodes = lcharneyC['Nmodes']
color1,color2,color3 = "#1e90ff","#ff6347","#32cd32"

In [11]:
# individual modes
for i in range(Nmodes.size):

    plt.legend(loc=1, title = r'$\mathrm{N} = $' + str(Nmodes[i]))

    # annotate order of the figure (for publication)
    pm = True
    nm = Nmodes[i]

    plt.text(8.65, .02, r"$\beta-$Eady Problem", size=25, rotation=0.,\
                ha="center", va="center",\
                bbox = dict(boxstyle="round",ec='k',fc='w'))

    figtit = 'figs/beta-eady_sig_galerk_ABC_'+str(Nmodes[i])+'.eps'

    if i < Nmodes.size-1:
        if i%2: 
        plt.text(1.,.32,'Modified Eady modes')
        plt.text(5.,.1,'Charney modes')
        figtit = 'figs/beta-eady_sig_galerk_ABC_'+str(Nmodes[i])+'.eps'

As sanity a test for our code, we compare the function stability curve from stability_analysis with $\mathrm{N}=0$ with the simplest model. First, we construct the basic state, which should be a steady solution to the non-linear equations for approximation B. In particular we choose a solution independent of $x$. A possiblity, consistent with Eady's basic state, is

\begin{equation} \Sigma = -y\left(z+1\right) \qquad \text{and} \qquad Q_0 = \Phi_0 = 0\,. \end{equation} Hence \begin{equation} T_0 = \int_{-1}^{0} \Sigma \,d z = -\frac{y}{2}\, . \end{equation}

Notice that \begin{equation} \Delta T_0 = 0 \longrightarrow \Theta^{+} = \Theta^{-} = \Theta\, . \end{equation} Matching the shear at the boundaries we obtain $\Theta = -y$.

The linearized interior equation is \begin{equation} \partial_t q_0 -\partial_y \,T_0\,\partial_x\,q_0 + \hat{\beta}\, \partial_x \left(\phi_0 + \tau_0\right) = 0\, . \end{equation}

The boundary conditions are \begin{equation} \partial_t \vartheta^{\pm} - \partial_y\,\Theta\,\partial_x\,\phi_0 - \Sigma_y^{\pm} \partial_x \vartheta^{\pm} = 0\, . \end{equation}

Fourier transforming, and using the inversion relationships

\begin{equation} \Delta \phi_0 = q_0 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \Delta \tau_0 = -\left(\vartheta^{+}-\vartheta^{-}\right) \end{equation}

We obtain the eigenvalue problem

\begin{equation} \begin{bmatrix} 1 - \frac{\coth{\kappa}}{\kappa} \qquad \frac{1}{\kappa^2} \qquad\:\: \frac{\text{csech}\,\kappa}{\kappa}\\ \:\:\:\:\:\frac{\hat{\beta}}{\kappa^2} \qquad \frac{1}{2}-\frac{\hat{\beta}}{\kappa^2} \qquad -\frac{\hat{\beta}}{\kappa^2}\\ -\frac{\text{csech}\,\kappa}{\kappa} \qquad \frac{1}{\kappa^2} \qquad \frac{\coth{\kappa}}{\kappa} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \hat{\vartheta}^{+}\ \hat{{q}_0}\ \hat{\vartheta}^{-}


c\, \begin{bmatrix} \hat{\vartheta}^{+}\\ \hat{{q}_0}\\ \hat{\vartheta}^{-} \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}

This matrix is much easier to code the the general case, and therefore provide a simple sanity check on our previous code.

In [95]:
def matrixB_simplest(kappa,beta=1.):
    M = np.zeros((3,3))
    cosech_k = 1./sinh(kappa)
    coth_k = cosh(kappa)/sinh(kappa)

    M[0,0],M[0,1],M[0,2] = 1.-coth_k/kappa,1./kappa**2,cosech_k/kappa
    M[1,0],M[1,1],M[1,2] = beta/kappa**2,-beta/kappa**2+0.5,-beta/kappa**2
    M[2,0],M[2,1],M[2,2] = -cosech_k/kappa,1./kappa**2,coth_k/kappa

    return M    

def stability_simplest(kappa,beta=1.):
        Nk = kappa.size
    except AttributeError:
        Nk = 1
    if Nk>1:
        c,sig = np.zeros(Nk)+0j, np.zeros(Nk)
        e = np.zeros((3,Nk),dtype='complex128')
        for i in range(Nk):
            M = matrixB_simplest(kappa[i],beta)
            cm,em = np.linalg.eig(M)
            isort = cm.imag.argsort()
            c[i],sig[i] = cm[isort[-1]],kappa[i]*cm.imag[isort[-1]]
            e[:,i] = em[:,isort[-1]]
        M = matrixB_simplest(kappa,beta)
        cm,em = np.linalg.eig(M)
        isort = cm.imag.argsort()
        c,sig = cm[isort[-1]],kappa*cm.imag[isort[-1]]
        e = em[:,isort[-1]]
    return c,e,sig

In [96]:
kappa = np.linspace(0.001,10,100)
c_simplest,e_simples,sig_simples = stability_simplest(kappa,beta=1.)
c_galerkB0,sig_galerkB0 = stability_analysis(kappa,0,method='B',beta=1.,nu=0.,efunc=False)

We compare the two stability diagrams to make sure our code is not bogus

In [94]:

plt.plot(kappa,sig,label=r'matrixB$\_$simplest code')
plt.plot(kappa,sig_galerkB0,'ro',label=r'stability$\_$analysis code')
plt.xlabel(r'$\kappa \times\, L_d$')    
plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma \times \, \frac{\Lambda H}{L}$')
plt.legend(loc=1, title = r'')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: