In [23]:
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi, sqrt,cos
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 25, 'legend.handlelength' : 1.25})
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=5, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
In [24]:
def D_matrices(N):
''' create an N x N difference matrices
D1 :: first-order, centered difference
D2 :: second-order, centered difference
D2 = np.zeros((N,N))
D1 = np.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
D2[i,i] = -2.
if i<N-1:
D2[i,i+1],D1[i,i+1] = 1.,-1
if i>0:
D2[i,i-1],D1[i,i-1] = 1.,1.
return D1,D2
In [25]:
data_path = 'linear_charney_num_kappa_8.npz'
charney = np.load(data_path)
kappa = charney['kappa']
phi_max = charney['e_num'][1:-1] # do no consider ghost points
N = charney['N']
# the critical level
zc = charney['c_num'].real - 1. # recall the domain has depth 1
In [27]:
# vertical coordinate
dz = 1./N # vertical resolution
z = np.arange(-dz/2,-1.-dz/2.,-dz) # level array
# horizontal coordinate
x = np.linspace(0,np.pi,100)
# grid
X,Z = np.meshgrid(x,z)
We solved the problem for the streamfunction $\phi$ vertical structure. The streamfunction is them
\begin{equation} \psi = |\phi(z)|\cos{(i k x +P_{\psi}(z))} \end{equation}The associated PV is
\begin{equation} q = \partial^2_{xx}\psi + \partial^2_{zz}\psi = (-k^2\,|\phi(z)| + \partial^2_{zz}\,\,|\phi(z)| - |\phi(z)|(\partial_zP_{\psi}(z))^2)) \cos{(i k x +P_{\psi}(z)}) -(2\partial_z|\phi(z)|\partial_z P_{\psi}(z)) \sin{(i k x +P_{\psi}(z)})\, \end{equation}The phase is \begin{equation} P_{\psi}(z) = \text{tan$^{-1}$}\frac{\text{Im}(\hat{\psi})}{\text{Re}(\hat{\psi})}\,. \end{equation}
In [29]:
# wave structure in xz-plane
phi_max_abs = np.abs(phi_max)
phi_max_phase = np.arctan2(phi_max.imag,phi_max.real)
phase = np.repeat(phi_max_phase,x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
mag = np.repeat(phi_max_abs,x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
# wave structure
PSI = mag*np.cos( kappa*X + phase )
phi = charney['e_num'][:]
phi_abs = np.abs(phi)
phi_phase = np.arctan2(phi.imag,phi.real)
D1,D2 = D_matrices(N+2)
D1,D2 = np.matrix(D1),np.matrix(D2)
phi_abs_prime = np.array(D1*np.matrix(phi_abs).T)[1:-1]/(2*dz)
phi_abs_dprime = np.array(D2*np.matrix(phi_abs).T)[1:-1]/(dz**2)
phi_phase_prime = np.array(D1*np.matrix(phi_phase).T)[1:-1]/(2*dz)
phi_phase_dprime = np.array(D2*np.matrix(phi_phase).T)[1:-1]/(dz**2)
mag_prime = np.repeat(phi_abs_prime,x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
mag_dprime = np.repeat(phi_abs_dprime,x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
phase_prime = np.repeat(phi_phase_prime,x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
phase_dprime = np.repeat(phi_phase_dprime,x.size).reshape(z.size,x.size)
cost = np.cos( kappa*X + phase)
sint = np.sin( kappa*X + phase)
PV = (-(kappa**2)*mag + mag_dprime - mag*(phase_prime**2) )*cost \
- (2.*mag_prime*phase_prime + mag*phase_dprime)*sint
In [30]:
lw = 2.
aph = .5
# PV and psi wave structure
plt.text(-0.375,zc-.01,r' $z_c \rightarrow$',fontsize=35)
cb = plt.colorbar(extend='both',shrink=.9),1.075,'PV',rotation=0,fontsize=30)
plt.text(2.4, -.075, r"$\beta-$Eady Problem, $\kappa = 8$", size=25, rotation=0.,\
ha="center", va="center",\
bbox = dict(boxstyle="round",ec='k',fc='w'))
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