With this notebook you can subselect TeV sources for the stacked analysis of the catalog and rank TeV sources for the IGMF analysis
In [1]:
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
import yaml
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.table import Table, Column, join, hstack, vstack
from haloanalysis.utils import create_mask, load_source_rows
from haloanalysis.sed import HaloSED
from haloanalysis.model import CascModel, CascLike
from haloanalysis.model import scan_igmf_likelihood
from haloanalysis.sed import SED
from ebltable.tau_from_model import OptDepth
from haloanalysis.utils import create_mask
In [2]:
import re
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
In [4]:
cat = '../data/table_std_psf0123_joint2a_stdmodel_cat_v15.fits'
In [5]:
t = Table.read(cat, hdu = 'CATALOG')
In [6]:
mask_str = [
{'HBL' : ' (nupeak > 1e15 ) & (var_index < 100.)'},
{'HBL $z < 0.2$' : ' (nupeak > 1e15 ) & (var_index < 100.) & (redshift <= 0.2)'},
{'XHBL' : ' (nupeak > 1e17 ) & (var_index < 100.) & (3lac_fx_fr > 1e4)'},
{'LBL $z > 0.5$' : ' (nupeak <= 1e13 ) & (redshift > 0.5) & (3lac_fx_fr < 1e4)'}
In [7]:
mask = []
for m in mask_str:
print 'surviving sources', np.sum(mask[-1])
Show the redshift distributions after the cuts:
In [8]:
color = ['k','r','b','g']
hatch = ['//','\\','||','-']
#t['redshift'][np.isnan(t['redshift'])] = np.ones(np.sum(np.isnan(t['redshift']))) * -0.1
for i,m in enumerate(mask):
if not i:
n,bins, patches = plt.hist(t['redshift'][m & np.isfinite(t['redshift'])],
bins = 15, normed = False, stacked = False, #range = (-0.1,2.5),
label = mask_str[i].keys()[0],
edgecolor = color[i], facecolor = 'None', lw = 2, hatch = hatch[i])
n,bins, patches = plt.hist(t['redshift'][m& np.isfinite(t['redshift'])],
bins = bins, normed = False, stacked = False, label = mask_str[i].keys()[0],
edgecolor = color[i], facecolor = 'None', lw = 2, hatch = hatch[i])
plt.savefig('redshift_dist_mask.png', format = 'png', dpi = 200)
In [9]:
tau = OptDepth.readmodel(model = 'dominguez')
In [10]:
cat_tev = Table.read('../data/CompiledTeVSources.fits')
add suffix 3FGL to TeV catalog:
In [11]:
for i,n in enumerate(cat_tev['3FGL_NAME']):
cat_tev['3FGL_NAME'][i] = '3FGL ' + n
make a table with 3FGL names and their var index and join with tev table
In [12]:
tfhes_var = Table([t['name_3fgl'],t['var_index']], names = ['3FGL_NAME', 'var_index'])
In [13]:
cat_tev = join(cat_tev,tfhes_var)
Get the optical depth
In [14]:
m = np.isfinite(cat_tev['E_REF'].data)
taus = []
for i,z in enumerate(cat_tev['REDSHIFT'].data):
taus = np.array(taus)
In [15]:
tau_max = np.array([tm[-1] for tm in taus])
Cuts on the TeV catalog:
In [16]:
c = {'var_zsafe' : '(IS_REDSHIFT_SAFE == 1) & (var_index < 100)'}
mtev = create_mask(cat_tev,c )
In [17]:
mtev = (tau_max > 2.) & mtev
Remove sources by hand, e.g. because of variability, not well constrained redshift, etc.
In [18]:
for i,n in enumerate(cat_tev['SOURCE_FULL'].data):
# remove sources with only LL on z:
if n.find('1553') >= 0 or n.find('1424') >= 0: mtev[i] = False
# remove highly variable sources -- this should be clearer defined
#if n.find('279') >= 0 or n.find('2155') >= 0 or n.lower().find('mkn') >= 0: mtev[i] = False
# fit fails:
if n.find('0710') >= 0: mtev[i] = False
Remove the rows that fail the cuts from the table:
In [19]:
idx = np.arange(mtev.shape[0], dtype = np.int)[np.invert(mtev)]
In [20]:
print catalog and save to file
In [22]:
cat_tev.write('../data/TeV_sources_cut_{0:s}.fits'.format(c.keys()[0]), overwrite = True)
print cat_tev
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