In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import fits
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib notebook

The following query was run to select sources between declination -10 and -9.66666666666, in order to match these sources to those that were classified by the PS1 RF model:

select ps1.*,
sqrt(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) as pm, 
sqrt(  power(pmra,2)*power(pmra_error, 2)/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) 
 + power(pmdec,2)*power(pmdec_error, 2)/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2)) 
 + 2*pmra*pmdec/(power(pmra,2) + power(pmdec,2))*pmra_pmdec_corr*pmra_error*pmdec_error) as pm_unc, 
gaia.parallax_over_error, gaia.phot_g_mean_mag, gaia.b
from gaiadr2.panstarrs1_best_neighbour as ps1 
inner join gaiadr2.gaia_source as gaia
on ps1.source_id = gaia.source_id
where gaia.astrometric_params_solved > 3
and gaia.dec between -10 and -9.6666666666666667
and phot_bp_rp_excess_factor < 1.3+0.06*power(phot_bp_mean_mag-phot_rp_mean_mag,2)
AND phot_bp_rp_excess_factor > 1.0+0.015*power(phot_bp_mean_mag-phot_rp_mean_mag,2)
AND astrometric_chi2_al/(astrometric_n_good_obs_al-5) < 1.44*greatest(1,exp(-0.4*(phot_g_mean_mag-19.5)))
order by ps1.original_ext_source_id

The results are stored in the file neg10_match-result.fits

In [16]:
gaia = fits.getdata("neg10_match-result.fits")

In [17]:
ps1 = pd.read_hdf("/Users/adamamiller/Desktop/PS1_fits/hdf5/dec_neg10_0_classifications.h5")

In [18]:
gaia_objid = np.array(gaia['original_ext_source_id'], dtype="int64") #.byteswap().newbyteorder()
gaia_parallax = np.array(gaia['parallax_over_error'], dtype="float") #.byteswap().newbyteorder()
gaia_pm = np.array(gaia['pm']/gaia['pm_unc'], dtype="float") #.byteswap().newbyteorder()
gaia_g = np.array(gaia["phot_g_mean_mag"], dtype="float")
gaia_b = np.array(gaia["b"], dtype="float")

In [19]:
gaia_df = pd.DataFrame(gaia_objid, columns=["objid"])
gaia_df["parallax_signif"] = gaia_parallax
gaia_df["pm_signif"] = gaia_pm
gaia_df["G"] = gaia_g
gaia_df["b"] = gaia_b

In [20]:
ps1_objid = np.array(ps1["objid"], dtype="int64") #.byteswap().newbyteorder()
ps1_sg_score = np.array(ps1["rf_score"], dtype="float") #.byteswap().newbyteorder()

In [21]:
ps1_df = pd.DataFrame(ps1_objid, columns=["objid"])
ps1_df["sg_score"] = ps1_sg_score

Merge the two DFs in order to directly compare the sg_score to the parallax measurements

In [22]:
merge = pd.merge(ps1_df, gaia_df, on="objid")

In [23]:

objid sg_score parallax_signif pm_signif G b
0 96250867397387866 1.000000 4.365295 22.767047 18.698818 -18.723691
1 96342457459259261 0.991875 1.028917 22.620546 19.488340 26.899194
2 96393045587672057 0.982083 6.174770 302.404361 13.621438 -23.640866
3 96043315468537390 0.947375 -0.840000 5.082450 19.392916 -47.500670
4 96362750510598652 0.931406 2.343768 17.949660 17.166018 2.430877
5 96212860746423186 0.911554 1.296298 6.670153 18.404545 -7.294771
6 96332943100331249 0.995833 8.292889 66.865036 16.312981 -14.546328
7 96352829505675615 0.763667 5.080482 36.004801 17.098473 -4.488246
8 96281316254480524 0.984167 0.651546 2.598686 20.282120 20.165567
9 96152641248370055 0.957792 0.294405 3.195030 19.857407 11.736621
10 96153053539932835 0.985208 3.099126 46.152232 18.766708 -24.434189
11 96291383042782313 0.981292 1.548611 9.368936 18.195007 25.555256
12 96032640236102308 1.000000 1.104364 21.444043 16.399725 11.772442
13 96242479400521965 0.982042 0.735504 14.934645 19.175554 25.113707
14 96360822728335435 0.992917 -0.281464 8.515905 18.272028 -22.660251
15 96042620224798247 0.987708 3.233877 15.606044 19.110222 13.470144
16 96212880652959355 0.966417 1.597095 6.389303 18.770548 -9.051355
17 96232878440486470 0.946542 0.111012 6.432906 18.799488 -8.849414
18 96013048548573095 0.878018 0.669880 8.476846 20.022625 -24.039929
19 96012875442752996 0.964333 1.649276 5.781077 19.422951 -8.666643
20 96142687585421099 0.944083 -0.640686 4.031330 20.392921 7.778799
21 96092887591820651 0.877714 -0.624917 4.065944 20.179594 -9.712334
22 96242701189370088 0.950048 -0.746005 9.037086 19.424870 6.649502
23 96302883743532451 0.883589 3.490750 11.077128 17.125715 -9.294170
24 96021592669475250 1.000000 4.755537 37.997538 16.310980 40.626052
25 96052822947835391 0.855494 1.440417 9.874408 18.744980 -4.024448
26 96202975025423648 0.951810 0.319694 41.003627 17.648691 -17.429691
27 96002868453791410 0.775815 2.240788 1.324005 20.262102 -8.053532
28 96152941864655507 0.978042 3.715920 15.986588 17.736267 -14.500059
29 96232954523972845 0.991250 0.863228 14.478545 18.948179 -15.596692
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1259241 96352894421169126 0.966000 1.307299 24.333233 17.057306 -10.218493
1259242 96161141786514023 1.000000 0.296978 2.063682 18.172215 5.393058
1259243 96172381928679656 0.998125 0.492060 43.706331 15.432824 32.575505
1259244 96302945608289560 0.991250 4.711401 12.548335 16.887600 -14.776923
1259245 96042778603986080 0.806839 -0.059118 2.485471 18.946455 -0.143123
1259246 96362960569533521 0.999167 4.257551 11.045244 17.617147 -16.086966
1259247 96130990710044679 0.973583 1.959245 8.049996 19.344397 -7.830024
1259248 96132585384987883 0.988125 0.827535 5.825022 19.309031 16.428310
1259249 96391239985575108 0.957530 1.212637 2.944464 19.528166 13.874528
1259250 96322956461406471 0.955583 -0.585154 3.446318 19.713530 -15.735181
1259251 96322850136933151 0.863417 0.337641 2.401341 19.208447 -6.317877
1259252 96162670990381987 0.987649 6.614521 18.053502 16.807768 9.208949
1259253 96000998413233587 0.956250 -0.283395 1.546049 18.575428 -7.198569
1259254 96352423881622985 0.991042 -0.844051 7.960328 19.174212 29.506067
1259255 96112866644579525 0.919375 5.019642 24.585565 18.161518 -7.850198
1259256 96372467898747445 1.000000 0.407492 8.197120 18.927839 26.091738
1259257 96002804684224690 0.834125 3.799394 20.049919 17.202162 -2.440767
1259258 96202976052477962 0.997500 -0.463700 67.822384 16.138113 -17.519488
1259259 96190928048730549 0.995000 2.062432 31.530720 18.766434 -13.357867
1259260 96022865046321345 0.878667 -0.873477 8.339182 18.775061 -7.745316
1259261 96280650414620394 1.000000 9.115635 69.759869 17.363894 -37.962341
1259262 96222687898009995 0.998750 7.223082 3.266057 17.585562 7.788335
1259263 96192728962059412 0.896738 -1.131518 2.274004 19.548672 4.234556
1259264 96341410886261798 1.000000 3.688923 59.771435 14.331413 27.767370
1259265 96383034938925013 0.971042 5.807518 26.232174 18.070152 -22.695747
1259266 96112818095023940 0.822583 5.740067 68.669846 14.761202 -3.576051
1259267 96332963001736059 0.982083 2.133533 9.191586 18.361431 -16.313060
1259268 96322564225544047 0.925896 3.375297 143.827312 11.580744 18.268338
1259269 96192825152782067 0.781208 0.401154 23.053095 19.090342 -4.166795
1259270 96012868948522611 0.977708 -1.515214 5.223642 19.869932 -8.093076

1259271 rows × 6 columns

Make some plots

Show the parallax SNR as a function of sg_score, G mag, and galactic latitude in the existing PS1 catalog.

In [52]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(merge["sg_score"], merge["parallax_signif"],
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000,
ax.plot([-1,2], [6,6], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)
ax.set_ylabel("parallax SNR")


In [22]:
# hax = sns.jointplot(merge["sg_score"], merge["parallax_signif"], 
#               kind="hex", stat_func=None, 
#               bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000,
#               xlim=(0,1), ylim=(-20,120), 
#               cmap="viridis",
#               marginal_kws={'bins':1000})
# hax.ax_joint.set_ylim(-10,40)

In [53]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(merge["G"], merge["parallax_signif"], 
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000, 
ax.plot([-1,22], [6,6], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_xlabel("G (mag)")
ax.set_ylabel("parallax SNR")


In [54]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(merge["b"], merge["parallax_signif"], 
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000, 
ax.plot([-75,54], [6,6], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_xlabel("Galactic latitude")
ax.set_ylabel("parallax SNR")


In [44]:

Create the same 3 plots, but this time showing the proper motion SNR as a function of sg_score, G mag, and galactic latitude in the existing PS1 catalog.

In [55]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(merge["sg_score"], merge["pm_signif"], 
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000, 
ax.plot([-1,2], [54,54], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_ylabel("pm SNR")


In [56]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(merge["G"], merge["pm_signif"], 
                bins="log", mincnt=1, gridsize=1000, 
# ax.plot([-1,22], [80,80], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)
ax.plot([-1,22], [54,54], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_xlabel("G (mag)")
ax.set_ylabel("pm SNR")


In [59]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
hax = ax.hexbin(merge["b"], merge["pm_signif"], C=np.array(merge["G"]),
#                 bins="log", 
                mincnt=1, gridsize=1000, 
                extent=(-75,54,-1,150), vmax=19)
ax.plot([-75,54], [54,54], 'DarkOrange', lw=2)

ax.set_xlabel("Galactic Latitude")
ax.set_ylabel("pm SNR")


The above plot shows a strong excess of sources at low galactic latitude with high significance proper motion measurements. The challenge here is to identify whether that excess is due to higher number counts, or poor measurements of proper motion due to crowding.

Finally, plot the distribution of PS1 sg_score values for sources that would be selected as stars via this method.

In [30]:
def_stars = np.where((merge["parallax_signif"] > 80) | (merge["pm_signif"] > 8))
def_stars_low_lat = np.where(((merge["parallax_signif"] > 80) | (merge["pm_signif"] > 8)) & 
                             (np.abs(merge["b"]) < 7))

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        range=(0,1), bins=100,
        range=(0,1), bins=100,
        label="$|b| < 7^\circ$")

axins = plt.axes([0.3,0.3,0.5,0.5])
        range=(0,1), bins=100,
        range=(0,1), bins=100,
        label="$|b| < 7^\circ$")

ax.set_xlabel("sg score")


/Users/adamamiller/miniconda3/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not compatible "

Inspect the number of sources that have mutliple matches as a function of galactic latitude. We do this by examining both the number_of_neighbors and the number_of_mates. The former is the number of PS1 sources that match a given Gaia source, while the latter is the number of other gaia sources that have the same PS1 source as a match (this happens if Gaia resolves a PS1 source, for example).

In [31]:
gt1_neighbor = np.where(gaia["number_of_neighbours"] > 1)
gt1_mate = np.where(gaia["number_of_mates"] > 0)

In [32]:
# number of neighbors 
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ha = ax.hist(gaia["b"], range=(-90,90), bins=36)
ha1 = ax.hist(gaia["b"][gt1_neighbor], range=(-90,90), bins=36)

In [33]:
# number of mate 
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ha = ax.hist(gaia["b"], range=(-90,90), bins=36)
ha1 = ax.hist(gaia["b"][gt1_mate], range=(-90,90), bins=36)

The above plots show that the vast majority (> 99%) of sources in the catalog cross match have only 1 neighbor and 1 mate. It is also clear that, as a function of galactic latitude, the number of neighbors remains relatively constant, while the number of mates (i.e. resolved in gaia and not in PS1) is proportionally much higher in the Galactic plane.

Ultimately, it does not make sense to include sources with multiple mates in the ZTF catalog because it is unclear which of the 2 gaia sources dominates the signal in PS1. Furthermore, if there are multiple PS1 matches to a single Gaia source this suggests that there are problems in the PS1 extraction, and thus, ultimately only stars with 1 neighbor and 0 mates will be included in the final catalog.

Number of affected sources

Get some statistics on the sources from this declination strip that are missing from the current star galaxy catalog

In [34]:
gaia_only_df = pd.merge(gaia_df, ps1_df, on="objid", how="left")    # perform a left join
gaia_only_df.drop(gaia_only_df[gaia_only_df.sg_score >= 0].index, inplace=True)   # drop rows with PS1 matches

In [35]:
print("There are {}, {}, {} sources with parallax > 3, 4, 5 sigma".format(sum(merge["parallax_signif"] > 3), 
                                                                    sum(merge["parallax_signif"] > 4), 
                                                                    sum(merge["parallax_signif"] > 5)))
print("There are {}, {}, {} sources with PM > 3, 4, 5 sigma".format(sum(merge["pm_signif"] > 3), 
                                                                    sum(merge["pm_signif"] > 4), 
                                                                    sum(merge["pm_signif"] > 5)))

There are 301622, 218282, 169732 sources with parallax > 3, 4, 5 sigma
There are 1055607, 965941, 883713 sources with PM > 3, 4, 5 sigma

In [61]:
parallax_cut = 6
pm_cut = 7.5
print("There are {} PS1 sources not in PS1-ZTF catalog".format(len(gaia_only_df)))
print("\t{} of these sources have G < 19".format(len(np.where(gaia_only_df["G"] < 19)[0])))
print("\t\t{} of these sources have parallax_signif > {}".format(len(np.where((gaia_only_df["G"] < 19) &
                                                                             (gaia_only_df["parallax_signif"] > parallax_cut))[0]),
print("\t\t{} of these sources have PM > {}".format(len(np.where((gaia_only_df["G"] < 19) & 
                                                                 (gaia_only_df["pm_signif"] > pm_cut))[0]),
print("\t{} of these sources have parallax_signif > {}".format(len(np.where(gaia_only_df["parallax_signif"] > parallax_cut)[0]), 
print("\t{} of these sources have PM > {}".format(len(np.where(gaia_only_df["pm_signif"] > pm_cut)[0]), pm_cut))

There are 35444 PS1 sources not in PS1-ZTF catalog
	21584 of these sources have G < 19
		10504 of these sources have parallax_signif > 6
		19884 of these sources have PM > 7.5
	10529 of these sources have parallax_signif > 6
	21634 of these sources have PM > 7.5

In [37]:
faint = np.where((merge["G"] >= 20.5))
print("There are {} faint sources ({:.2f}% of all)".format(len(faint[0]), 100*len(faint[0])/len(merge)))

There are 27278 faint sources (2.17% of all)