Distance travelled by substitutions

1 Setup

Flags and settings.

In [1]:

Imports and database setup.

In [2]:
from itertools import product

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from nltk.corpus import wordnet_ic as wn_ic
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from progressbar import ProgressBar

%cd -q ..
from brainscopypaste.conf import settings
%cd -q notebooks
from brainscopypaste.mine import Model, Time, Source, Past, Durl
from brainscopypaste.db import Substitution
from brainscopypaste.utils import init_db, session_scope, memoized
from brainscopypaste.load import FAFeatureLoader
engine = init_db()

Build our data.

In [3]:
model = Model(Time.discrete, Source.majority, Past.last_bin, Durl.all, 1)
data = []

with session_scope() as session:
    substitutions = session.query(Substitution.id)\
        .filter(Substitution.model == model)
    print("Got {} substitutions for model {}"
          .format(substitutions.count(), model))
    substitution_ids = [id for (id,) in substitutions]

for substitution_id in ProgressBar(term_width=80)(substitution_ids):
    with session_scope() as session:
        substitution = session.query(Substitution).get(substitution_id)
        source_token, destination_token = substitution.tokens
        source_lemma, destination_lemma = substitution.lemmas
        source_pos, destination_pos = substitution.tags
        data.append({'cluster_id': substitution.source.cluster.sid,
                     'destination_id': substitution.destination.sid,
                     'occurrence': substitution.occurrence,
                     'source_id': substitution.source.sid,
                     'source_token': source_token,
                     'destination_token': destination_token,
                     'source_pos': source_pos,
                     'destination_pos': destination_pos,
                     'source_lemma': source_lemma,
                     'destination_lemma': destination_lemma})

original_subs = pd.DataFrame(data)
del data

Got 6318 substitutions for model Model(time=Time.discrete, source=Source.majority, past=Past.last_bin, durl=Durl.all, max_distance=1)
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:41 Time: 0:00:41

Assign proper weight to each substitution.

In [4]:
distances = original_subs.copy()
divide_weight_sum = lambda x: x / distances.loc[x.index].weight.sum()

# Weight is 1, at first.
distances['weight'] = 1
# Divided by the number of substitutions that share a durl.
distances['weight'] = distances\
    .groupby(['destination_id', 'occurrence'])['weight']\
# Divided by the number of substitutions that share a cluster.
# (Using divide_weight_sum, where we divide by the sum of weights,
# ensures we count only one for each group of substitutions sharing
# a same durl.)
distances['weight'] = distances\

2 Distances on the FA network

Get the FA norms undirected graph and invert its weights to use them as costs.

In [5]:
fa_loader = FAFeatureLoader()
avg_weight = np.mean([weight for _, _, weight 
                      in fa_loader._undirected_norms_graph
fa_graph = nx.Graph()
    [(w1, w2, avg_weight / weight) for w1, w2, weight
     in fa_loader._undirected_norms_graph.edges_iter(data='weight')]

Compute distances on the FA network, using lemmas if tokens are not found.

In [6]:
fa_distances = distances.copy()
fa_distances['weighted_distance'] = np.nan
fa_distances['distance'] = np.nan

def fa_shortest_path(source, destination, weighted):
    return nx.shortest_path_length(fa_graph, source, destination, 
                                   'weight' if weighted else None)

for i in ProgressBar(term_width=80)(fa_distances.index):
    # Use source token, or lemma if not found,
    # or skip this substitution if not found
    if fa_graph.has_node(fa_distances.loc[i].source_token):
        source_word = fa_distances.loc[i].source_token
    elif fa_graph.has_node(fa_distances.loc[i].source_lemma):
        source_word = fa_distances.loc[i].source_lemma

    # Use destination token, or lemma if not found,
    # or skip this substitution if not found
    if fa_graph.has_node(fa_distances.loc[i].destination_token):
        destination_word = fa_distances.loc[i].destination_token
    elif fa_graph.has_node(fa_distances.loc[i].destination_lemma):
        destination_word = fa_distances.loc[i].destination_lemma
    fa_distances.loc[i, 'weighted_distance'] = \
        fa_shortest_path(source_word, destination_word, weighted=True)
    fa_distances.loc[i, 'distance'] = \
        fa_shortest_path(source_word, destination_word, weighted=False)

100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:02:01 Time: 0:02:01

Plot them.

In [7]:
def plot_metric(data, name, bin_count):
    distances = data[name]
    if bin_count <= 0:
        bin_count = int(distances.max() - distances.min() + 1)
        bins = np.arange(distances.min(), distances.max() + 2) - .5
        d_bins = pd.cut(distances, bins, right=False, labels=False)
        d_bins, bins = pd.cut(distances, bin_count, right=False, 
                              labels=False, retbins=True)

    middles = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2
    width = middles[1] - middles[0]

    # Compute bin values.
    heights = np.zeros(bin_count)
    for i in range(bin_count):
        heights[i] = data[d_bins == i].weight.sum()

    # Plot.
    plt.bar(middles - width / 2, heights, width=width)

2.1 Unweighted distances

In [8]:
plot_metric(fa_distances, 'distance', -1)

2.2 Weighted distances

In [9]:
plot_metric(fa_distances, 'weighted_distance', 20)

2.3 Comments on FA distances

In [10]:
print('{} substitutions are not taken into account in the graphs above'
      ' (because they involve words unknown to FA).'

1775 substitutions are not taken into account in the graphs above (because they involve words unknown to FA).

We see in the first graph that most substitutions are not with immediate neighbours, it's rather 3 hops away on average.

The second graph is with weighted distances, with weights (costs) scaled so that the average cost of a link is 1. So a distance of 2 means that you travel the equivalent of 2 average links (be it with 1 link twice as expensive, or 4 links twice as cheap). Here too, we see that most substitutions are at distance 2, meaning it's not immediate neighbours but rather the words after those.

3 Distances with WordNet similarities

In [11]:
infocontent = wn_ic.ic('ic-brown.dat')
wordnet_poses = {'a', 'n', 'r', 's', 'v'}

def build_wordnet_metric(data, name, tipe, ic_based,
                         pos_based=False, distance_kws={}):
    if tipe not in ['distance', 'similarity']:
        raise ValueError
    pos_based = ic_based or pos_based
    wn_metrics = data.copy()
    wn_metrics['metric'] = np.nan

    skipped_no_synsets = 0
    skipped_unknown_pos = 0
    skipped_incongruent_pos = 0
    skipped_noic_pos = 0
    for i in ProgressBar(term_width=80)(data.index):
        if pos_based:
            pos = data.loc[i].source_pos[0].lower()
            if pos not in wordnet_poses:
                skipped_unknown_pos += 1
            if data.loc[i].destination_pos[0].lower() != pos:
                skipped_incongruent_pos += 1
            if ic_based and (pos not in infocontent.keys()):
                skipped_noic_pos += 1
            pos = None
        # Use source token, or lemma if not found
        source_synsets = wn.synsets(wn_metrics.loc[i].source_token, pos=pos)
        if len(source_synsets) == 0:
            source_synsets = wn.synsets(wn_metrics.loc[i].source_lemma, 

        # Use destination token, or lemma if not found
        destination_synsets = wn.synsets(wn_metrics.loc[i].destination_token, 
        if len(destination_synsets) == 0:
            destination_synsets = \
                wn.synsets(wn_metrics.loc[i].destination_lemma, pos=pos)
        # Skip this substitution if no corresponding synsets were found
        if len(source_synsets) == 0 or len(destination_synsets) == 0:
            skipped_no_synsets += 1
        def get_distance(s1, s2):
            distance_func = getattr(s1, name)
            if ic_based:
                return distance_func(s2, infocontent, **distance_kws)
                return distance_func(s2, **distance_kws)
        distances = [get_distance(s1, s2)
                     for s1, s2 in product(source_synsets, 
                     if get_distance(s1, s2) is not None]
        if len(distances) != 0:
            if tipe == 'distance':
                wn_metrics.loc[i, 'metric'] = np.min(distances)
                wn_metrics.loc[i, 'metric'] = np.max(distances)
            wn_metrics.loc[i, 'metric'] = np.nan
    if pos_based:
        print('Skipped {} substitutions because their '
              'source was unknown to WordNet'
        print('Skipped {} substitutions because their '
              'source and destination pos were different'
        if ic_based:
            print('Skipped {} substitutions because their '
                  'source pos was not in {}'
                  .format(skipped_noic_pos, infocontent.keys()))
    print('Skipped {} substitutions because no synsets were found'

    return wn_metrics

WordNet defines all sorts of distances/similarities between synsets. We're trying all of them to see what it looks like.

3.1 Jiang-Conrath similarity

In [12]:
jcn_similarities = build_wordnet_metric(distances, 'jcn_similarity', 
                                        'similarity', True)

 98% (6215 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:14 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 995 substitutions because their source was unknown to WordNet
Skipped 1053 substitutions because their source and destination pos were different
Skipped 117 substitutions because their source pos was not in dict_keys(['v', 'n'])
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:14 Time: 0:00:14

In [13]:
plot_metric(jcn_similarities.loc[jcn_similarities.metric <= 1],
            'metric', 20)

3.2 Lin similarity

In [14]:
lin_similarities = build_wordnet_metric(distances, 'lin_similarity', 
                                        'similarity', True)

 98% (6228 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:08 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 995 substitutions because their source was unknown to WordNet
Skipped 1053 substitutions because their source and destination pos were different
Skipped 117 substitutions because their source pos was not in dict_keys(['v', 'n'])
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:08 Time: 0:00:08

In [15]:
plot_metric(lin_similarities, 'metric', 20)

3.3 Resnik similarity

In [16]:
res_similarities = build_wordnet_metric(distances, 'res_similarity', 
                                        'similarity', True)

 97% (6161 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:08 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 995 substitutions because their source was unknown to WordNet
Skipped 1053 substitutions because their source and destination pos were different
Skipped 117 substitutions because their source pos was not in dict_keys(['v', 'n'])
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:08 Time: 0:00:08

In [17]:
plot_metric(res_similarities.loc[res_similarities.metric <= 100], 
            'metric', 20)

3.4 Leacock Chodorow similarity

In [18]:
lch_similarities = build_wordnet_metric(distances, 'lch_similarity', 
                                        'similarity', False, pos_based=True)

 99% (6289 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:53 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 995 substitutions because their source was unknown to WordNet
Skipped 1053 substitutions because their source and destination pos were different
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:53 Time: 0:00:53

In [19]:
plot_metric(lch_similarities, 'metric', 20)

3.5 Path Distance similarity (with hypernym/hyponym relationships)

In [20]:
path_similarities = build_wordnet_metric(distances, 'path_similarity', 
                                         'similarity', False)

 99% (6281 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:01:08 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:01:08 Time: 0:01:08

In [21]:
plot_metric(path_similarities, 'metric', 20)

3.6 Shortest Path distance (less is more similar, more is less similar)

In [22]:
shortest_path_distances = build_wordnet_metric(
    distances, 'shortest_path_distance',  'distance', False, pos_based=True,
    distance_kws={'simulate_root': True})

 99% (6281 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:28 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 995 substitutions because their source was unknown to WordNet
Skipped 1053 substitutions because their source and destination pos were different
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:29 Time: 0:00:29

In [23]:
plot_metric(shortest_path_distances, 'metric', 20)

3.7 Wu-Palmer similarity

In [24]:
wup_similarities = build_wordnet_metric(distances, 'wup_similarity', 
                                        'similarity', False)

 99% (6282 of 6318) |###################### | Elapsed Time: 0:01:07 ETA: 0:00:00
Skipped 0 substitutions because no synsets were found
100% (6318 of 6318) |######################| Elapsed Time: 0:01:08 Time: 0:01:08

In [25]:
plot_metric(wup_similarities, 'metric', 20)

3.8 Comments on the WordNet similarities and distances

The WordNet distances and similarities make little sense to me. Lin (3.2), Path Distance (3.5), and Wu-Palmer (3.7) similarities are between 0 and 1, so we get a sense of how similar or dissimilar words are. Shortest Path Distance (3.6) is the distance in the hypernym/hyponym graph, so is also interpretable. Jiang-Conrath (3.1), Resnik (3.3), and Leacock Chodorow (3.4) similarities don't seem bound, so are more difficult to interpret.

One more problem: most of these measures only accept words that have exact same POS (which filters out about 1000 substitutions out of ~6000).

What can be seen is that there seems to be a group of substitutions where the words are very similar, and a thick tail of substitutions where the words are increasingly different (low similarities, high distances).