11. Semantics 1: words - Lab excercises

11.E1 Accessing WordNet using NLTK

NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) is a python library for accessing many NLP tools and resources. The NLTK WordNet interface is described here: http://www.nltk.org/howto/wordnet.html

The NLTK python package can be installed using pip:

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!pip install nltk

Import nltk and use its internal download tool to get WordNet:

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import nltk

Import the wordnet module:

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from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn

Access synsets of a word using the synsets function:

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club_synsets = wn.synsets('club')

Each synset has a definition function:

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for synset in club_synsets:
    print("{0}\t{1}".format(synset.name(), synset.definition()))

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dog = wn.synsets('dog')[0]

List lemmas of a synset:

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List hypernyms and hyponyms of a synset

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The closure method of synsets allows us to retrieve the transitive closure of the hypernym, hyponym, etc. relations:

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list(dog.closure(lambda s: s.hypernyms()))

common_hypernyms and lowest_common_hypernyms work in relation to another synset:

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cat = wn.synsets('cat')[0]

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To iterate through all synsets, possibly by POS-tag, use all_synsets, which returns a generator:

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for c, noun in enumerate(wn.all_synsets(pos='n')):
    if c > 5:

Excercise (optional): use WordNet to implement the "Guess the category" game: the program lists lemmas that all share a hypernym, which the user has to guess.

11.E2 Using word embeddings

  • Download and extract the word embedding glove.6B, which was trained on 6 billion words of English text using the GloVe algorithm.

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!wget http://sandbox.hlt.bme.hu/~recski/stuff/glove.6B.50d.txt.gz
!gunzip -f glove.6B.50d.txt.gz
  • Read the embedding into a 2D numpy array. Word forms should be stored in a separate 1D array. Also create a word index, a dictionary that returns the index of each word in the embedding. Vectors should be normalized to a length of 1

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import numpy as np

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# words, word_index, emb = read_embedding('glove.6B.50d.txt')
# emb = normalize_embedding(emb)
  • write a function that takes two words and the embedding as input and returns their cosine similarity

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# vec_sim('cat', 'dog', word_index, emb)
  • Implement a function that takes a word as a parameter and returns the 5 words that are closest to it in the embedding space

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# print(nearest_n('dog', words, word_index, emb))
# print(nearest_n('king', words, word_index, emb))

11.E3 Vector similarity in WordNet

Use the code written in 11.E2 to analyze word groups in WordNet:

  • Create an embedding of WordNet synsets by mapping each of them to the mean of their lemmas' vectors.

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# synset_emb = embed_synsets(words, word_index, emb)
  • write a function that measures the similarity of two synsets based on the cosine similarity of their vectors

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# synset_sim(dog, cat, synset_emb)
  • Write a function that takes a synset as input and retrieves the n most similar synsets, using the above embedding

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# nearest_n_synsets(wn.synsets('penguin')[0], synset_emb, 10)
  • Build the list of all words that are both in wordnet and the GloVe embedding. On a sample of 100 such words, measure Spearman correlation of synset similarity and vector similarity (use scipy.stats.spearmanr)

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# compare_sims(sample, synset_emb, word_index, emb)