PSD Peak Detection through Cross Validation and K-Means Clustering

This notebook contains the code to extract peak parameters from PSDs of electrodes of a single subject. It is organized in the following manner :

  • Import necessary python libraries and load data
  • Define helper functions for finding peaks in PSDs
  • Define helper functions for k-means clustering
  • Define helper functions for bootstrapping
  • Cross validate one electrode of data
  • Return final peak center frequencies and bandwidths

Each of the helper functions also has a docstring with a short description and summary of input arguments and output results.

Import Libraries

Import necessary libraries.

In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import scipy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import os
import scipy.signal
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn import cross_validation
from sklearn import cluster
import sys
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)


Given trials x time for a particular electrode, calculates the mean PSD, mean flatspec, and frequency vector

In [3]:
def process_elec_data(elec_data, srate):
    Returns the f, mean, (mean - 1/f^2) of trials in elec_data

      elec_data: Matrix of electrode data (trials x time)

      f: vector of frequencies (spacing decided with signal.welch)
      psd_mean: average psd of all trials in elec_data matrix
      flatspec: psd_mean - (1/f^2)

    # Resample
    newsrate = 256 # new sampling rate
    if srate!=newsrate:
        elec_data = sp.signal.resample(elec_data, int(np.floor(len(elec_data)*(newsrate/srate))))
    # Calculate trial and mean PSDs for testing range of trials
    f,psd_trial = sp.signal.welch(elec_data, fs=newsrate, window='hanning', nperseg=newsrate, noverlap=newsrate/2.0, nfft=None, detrend='linear', return_onesided=True, scaling='density')
    psd_mean = psd_trial.mean(0)
    #Cut PSD according to frequency range of interest (1-50Hz)
    f = f[1:50]
    psd_mean = np.log10(psd_mean[1:50])
    #Calculate Flatspec (PSDMean - 1/f^2)
    slope_params = np.polyfit(f, psd_mean, 2)
    slopefit = np.polyval(slope_params, f)
    flatspec = psd_mean - slopefit
    return (f,psd_mean, flatspec)

In [ ]:
'''Import and check data'''

datafolder = 'INSERT PATH TO DATA HERE' # path to EEG_1elec_epoched_data.mat
fname = 'EEG_1elec_epoched_data.mat';
data =;
data = squeeze(data['elec_dat']);
fx,pow_spec,flatspec = process_elec_data(data,256);

Helper Functions for to Find Peaks and Fit Gaussians

The following functions are used to identify peaks (find_peaks), create a combination of Gaussians given necessary parameters (norm), and find the best fit of Gaussians to a given function.


Norm takes in a vector of frequencies (essentially the x-axis) and a vector of parameters (arg) that characterizes the Gaussians. It uses these parameters to create a combination of Gaussians and returns it as fitdat. For example, if the following peaks were found:

Peaks Amplitude Std Dev
7.0 0.05 1.35
22.0 0.13 0.66

then the arg vector would be

[7.0 22.0 0.05 0.13 1.35 0.66 2]

where the last 2 stands for the total number of peaks found

In [5]:
def norm(x, *args):
    Calculates a combination of Gaussians given parameters
      x: vector of frequencies
      *args: vector of Gaussian parameters (Gaussian center, Gaussian standard deviation, Gaussian height, # of Gaussians)

      fitdat: combination of Gaussians

    number_of_gaussians = int(args[-1]) # number of gaussians from peak detection
    fitdat = np.array(0)
    for peaki in range(number_of_gaussians):
        fitdat = fitdat + args[peaki+(2*number_of_gaussians)]*sp.stats.norm.pdf(x, loc=args[peaki], scale=args[peaki+number_of_gaussians]) # add a bunch of gaussians together
    return fitdat


Uses Python's built in sp.signal.find_peaks_cwt in order to find peaks using the given sliding window on the given flatspec (PSD - $\frac{1}{f^2}$). The first window starts at 0Hz and looks for a peak between 0Hz and sliding_windowHz. The next window starts at 2Hz and goes till sliding_window+2Hz. This process continues till the entire freequency range has been covered.

A sliding window is used to ensure that low amplitude peaks are not ignored. The 2Hz overlap ensures that peaks at edges of the sliding windows aren't missed [MAKE CLEAR].

In [6]:
import sys
from numpy import NaN, Inf, arange, isscalar, asarray, array
def peakdect(v, delta, x = None):
    Converted from MATLAB script at
    Returns two arraysX
    function [maxtab, mintab]=peakdet(v, delta, x)
    %PEAKDET Detect peaks in a vector
    %        [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = PEAKDET(V, DELTA) finds the local
    %        maxima and minima ("peaks") in the vector V.
    %        MAXTAB and MINTAB consists of two columns. Column 1
    %        contains indices in V, and column 2 the found values.
    %        With [MAXTAB, MINTAB] = PEAKDET(V, DELTA, X) the indices
    %        in MAXTAB and MINTAB are replaced with the corresponding
    %        X-values.
    %        A point is considered a maximum peak if it has the maximal
    %        value, and was preceded (to the left) by a value lower by
    %        DELTA.
    % Eli Billauer, 3.4.05 (Explicitly not copyrighted).
    % This function is released to the public domain; Any use is allowed.
    maxtab = []
    mintab = []
    if x is None:
        x = arange(len(v))
    v = asarray(v)
    if len(v) != len(x):
        sys.exit('Input vectors v and x must have same length')
    if not isscalar(delta):
        sys.exit('Input argument delta must be a scalar')
    if delta <= 0:
        sys.exit('Input argument delta must be positive')
    mn, mx = Inf, -Inf
    mnpos, mxpos = NaN, NaN
    lookformax = True
    for i in arange(len(v)):
        this = v[i]
        if this > mx:
            mx = this
            mxpos = x[i]
        if this < mn:
            mn = this
            mnpos = x[i]
        if lookformax:
            if this < mx-delta:
                maxtab.append((mxpos, mx))
                mn = this
                mnpos = x[i]
                lookformax = False
            if this > mn+delta:
                mintab.append((mnpos, mn))
                mx = this
                mxpos = x[i]
                lookformax = True
    return array(maxtab), array(mintab)

In [7]:
def find_peaks (flatspec, sliding_window, f):
    Detects peaks in flatspec in in chunks of width sliding_window. A window overlaps previous window by 2Hz
      flatspec: psd_mean - (1/f^2)
      f: frequency of vectors
      sliding_window: width of sliding window for detecting peaks

      peaks: indices of peak locations in flatspec
    maxpks, minpks = peakdect(flatspec, sliding_window, f) # find peaks in sliding window range
    	peakind = [np.uint32(i) for i in (array(maxpks)[:,0]) if i <= 30] #ignore peaks beyond 30Hz
    except Exception:
	peakind = [-1]
    	valleyind = [np.uint32(i) for i in (array(minpks)[:,0]) if i <= 30] #ignore peaks beyond 30Hz
    except Exception:
	valleyind = [-1]
    return peakind, valleyind


Takes list of all parameters from CV and converts into form for Kmeans clustering and separates peaks from sliding windows for plotting. Currently allowing for a maximum of three sliding windows.

In [8]:
def transform_data (params):
    Converts list of lists to matrix in form (n_components x n_features)

      params: parameters from CV folds

      X: matrix of parameters

    #separate peaks for each sliding window width
    peaks_np = np.array(params)
    #separate peaks for each sliding window width
    peaks1 = [elem for sublist in map(list, peaks_np[:,0,:]) for elem in sublist if elem >=0] #only include peaks less than 30Hz
    peaks2 = [elem for sublist in map(list, peaks_np[:,1,:]) for elem in sublist if elem >=0] #only include peaks less than 30Hz
    peaks3 = [elem for sublist in map(list, peaks_np[:,2,:]) for elem in sublist if elem >=0] #only include peaks less than 30Hz]

    #combine all peaks for input into Kmeans clustering algorithm
    peaks_comp = np.array(peaks1+peaks2+peaks3)
    peaks_comp = [elem for elem in peaks_comp if (elem<30 and elem >= 0)] #only include peaks less than 30Hz
    X = np.reshape(peaks_comp, (1,len(peaks_comp)))
    return X, peaks1, peaks2, peaks3


Uses scikit.learn.cluster.KMeans to find cluster_size clusters among all peaks from all CV folds and all sliding window widths (in X). Returns cluster centers and sum of squares

In [9]:
def kmeans(X, cluster_size):
    Returns the cluster centroids and SoS from centroids

      X: Data (n_componentsxn_features) to cluster

      clusters: cluster centroids
      inertia: SoS

    km = cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=cluster_size)
    clusters = km.cluster_centers_
    return clusters, km.inertia_


Uses the list of sum of squares for each cluster size to find "knee" in fit. Also takes into consideration the change in SoS after the knee in order to account for missed cluster centers. [REWRITE]

In [10]:
def find_cluster(X):
    Finds ideal number of clusters
        peaks: list of all peaks
        ideal number of clusters
    SoS_list = []
    peaks = X[:,0:1]
    med = np.median(peaks)
    zeroSoS = sum(((x-med)*(x-med) for x in peaks))
    for cluster_size in range (1, 6):
        p,SoS_tmp = kmeans(X, cluster_size)
    dx = np.array(SoS_list[:-1]) - np.array(SoS_list[1:]) #calculate difference in SoS
    SoS_knee = np.argmax(dx) #pick max change
    return SoS_knee+2, SoS_list

Bootstrap code to calculate final values and confidence intervals

In [11]:
def bootstrap(data):
    bootstrap_dist = np.zeros(1000)
    for i in range(0,1000):
        total_points = len(data)
        data_sample = np.random.choice(np.array(data), size=int(0.8*total_points))
        bootstrap_dist[i] = median(data_sample)
    return [median(bootstrap_dist), percentile(bootstrap_dist, 2.5), percentile(bootstrap_dist, 97.5)]

In [12]:
def final_check_for_output(extcv_pks,extcv_std, flatspec):
    extcv_pks_raster = []
    extcv_std_raster = []
    final_peaks = [];
    final_stds = [];
    bin_thresh = 0.05;
    for cv in range(len(extcv_pks)):
        for i in range(len(extcv_pks[cv])):
            if (extcv_pks[cv][i] <=30 and extcv_pks[cv][i] >=0):
                if (flatspec[extcv_pks[cv][i]] > 0): 

    #Build Histogram of External CV Peaks
    bin_count, bin_edge = np.histogram(extcv_pks_raster, 5)
    valid_peak_range = []
    for i in range(len(bin_count)):
        if (bin_count[i]) >= bin_thresh*len(extcv_pks_raster):
            valid_peak_range.append([bin_edge[i], bin_edge[i+1]])

    #Place Peaks and other Params in Appropriate Bins    
    sorted_params = []
    for low, high in valid_peak_range:
        temp_ind = [i for i in range(len(extcv_pks_raster)) if low<=extcv_pks_raster[i]<=high]
        sorted_params.append([np.array(extcv_pks_raster)[temp_ind], np.array(extcv_std_raster)[temp_ind]])
    for j in range(len(valid_peak_range)):
        med_peak = median(sorted_params[j],1)[0]
        med_std = median(sorted_params[j],1)[1]
        if med_std <=10:
            cf_params = bootstrap(sorted_params[j][0])
            bw_params = bootstrap(2.355*sorted_params[j][1])
    return final_peaks, final_stds

Final Peak Fitting Function

Calls above functions and performs multiple fits on peak locations

In [14]:
def final_peak_fitting(elec_data,srate):
    Uses cross validation to calculate the PSD and fit gaussians to electrophysiological data
         data: trials x time
         srate: sampling rate of the data 
         extcv: range of cross validation runs
        extcv_peaks = Center frequencies of all peaks
        extcv_std = Standard deviation for each peak found

    freq_vector, psd_mean, flatspec = process_elec_data(elec_data, srate)
    extcv = range(0,10)
    deltas = [0.03, 0.05, 0.07] 
    extcv_amps = []
    extcv_rsq = []
    extcv_std = []
    extcv_pks = []
    extcv_fit = []   
    extcv_trial = []
    extcv_valid = []
    extcv_cluster_peaks = []
    extcv_params = []
    for i in extcv:
		"""Perform Cross Validation"""
		#Set aside validation set
		elec_data_train, elec_data_valid = cross_validation.train_test_split(elec_data, test_size=0.2, random_state=np.uint(np.random.rand(1)*100)[0]) #split into test and validation set #split into test and validation set
		#Split train set into 100 train and test sets
		ss = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(int(np.size(elec_data_train,0)*0.8), n_iter=100, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
		#Use each window width on each of the 100 folds for fitting Gaussians
		for train_index, test_index in ss:
			#split into train and test set
			trials_train = elec_data_train[train_index,:]
			trials_test = elec_data_train[test_index,:]
			freq_vector, _, flatspec_train = process_elec_data(trials_train, srate)  #calculate train flatspec
			_, _, flatspec_test = process_elec_data(trials_test, srate)  #calculate test flatspec
			peaks_cv_temp = np.zeros((3,12))
			valleys_cv_temp = np.zeros((3,12))
			#find Gaussian fit parameters for each window width
			for d in range(0,len(deltas)):
				delta = deltas[d]
				peaks_temp, valleys_temp = find_peaks(flatspec_train, delta, freq_vector)
				peaks_temp_vect = np.zeros(12)
				valleys_temp_vect = np.zeros(12)
				peaks_temp_vect[0:len(peaks_temp)] = peaks_temp
				valleys_temp_vect[0:len(valleys_temp)] = valleys_temp
				peaks_cv_temp[d] = peaks_temp_vect
				valleys_cv_temp[d] = valleys_temp_vect
		#Reshape Gaussian parameters to k-means clustering input format
		X_peaks, peaks1, peaks2, peaks3 = transform_data(peaks_cv)
		peaks = X_peaks[:,0:1]
		X_valleys, valleys1, valleys2, valleys3 = transform_data(valleys_cv)
		valleys = X_valleys[:,0:1]
		#Find ideal number of clusters, return all SoS for plotting
		cluster_num_peaks, cluster_SoS_peaks = find_cluster(X_peaks) 
		cluster_num_valleys, cluster_SoS_valleys = find_cluster(X_valleys) 
		#process valid and train sets
		f, mean_train, flatspec_train = process_elec_data(elec_data_train, srate)
		_, mean_valid, flatspec_valid = process_elec_data(elec_data_valid, srate)
		#use ideal number of clusters to generate best fit
		cluster_peaks,_ = kmeans(X_peaks,cluster_num_peaks)
		cluster_valleys,_ = kmeans(X_valleys,cluster_num_valleys)
		peak = [elem for sublist in map(list, np.array(cluster_peaks)) for elem in sublist]
		valley = [elem for sublist in map(list, np.array(cluster_valleys)) for elem in sublist]
		cluster_all = peak+valley
		peakind = np.uint32([p for p in cluster_all if p>=1 and p<=30])
		p = np.linspace(1, len(peakind), len(peakind))
		params = list(freq_vector[peakind]) + list(p.T) + list(flatspec_train[peakind]*2) + [len(peakind)] # initial guess for parameters based on peak detection
			oscillatory_fit_params,_ = sp.optimize.curve_fit(norm, f, flatspec_train, p0=params) # fitting parameters
		except RuntimeError:
			print('FAILED FIT')
		cluster_fit = norm(f, *oscillatory_fit_params)
		cluster_num = oscillatory_fit_params[-1]

    final_peaks, final_bws = final_clustering_for_output(extcv_pks,extcv_std, flatspec);

    return final_peaks, final_bws

In [ ]:
peaks,bws = final_peak_fitting(data,256);

print peaks, bws