E10-3: A multi-resolution sinusoidal model

In this exercise you will implement a multi-resolution sine model by modifying the sineModel() function.

You have seen through several assignments that the choice of window size is an important tradeoff between time and frequency resolution. Longer windows have a better frequency resolution and can resolve two close sinusoids even at low frequencies, while smaller windows have a better time resolution leading to sharper onsets. So far, in all the analyses, we have only considered a single window length over the whole sound. As we know, analysis of signals with low frequency components needs longer windows as compared to signals with high frequency content. The optimal choice of window length is thus dependent on the frequency content of the signal. In other words, it is better to choose a longer window for the analysis of the low frequencies while a shorter window is sufficient for higher frequencies. In this exercise, you will explore the use of multiple window sizes for analysis in different frequency bands of the signals, what is called multi-resolution.

For each audio frame of x you should compute three different DFTs with three different window sizes and find the sinusoidal peaks for each of the DFTs. For example, you can choose window sizes M1 = 4095, M2 = 2047, M3 = 1023, to generate three windows w1, w2, w3. Choose N1, N2, N3 to be the power of two bigger than the corresponding window size. Then compute the spectra, X1, X2, and X3 using dftAnal(). Define the frequency bands like B1: 0 <= f < 1000Hz, B2: 1000 <= f < 5000, B3: 5000 <= f < 22050 and find the peaks of B1 in X1, the ones of B2 in X2, and the ones of B3 in X3. From the peaks we finally re-synthesize the frame and generate the output y.

Complete sineModelMultiRes(), by copiying and modifying the code from SineModel(). The functions should take as input three windows with different sizes, three FFT sizes, and the values for the frequency bands. Write the code to implement the multi-resolution analysis as described above.

Choose two different polyphonic recordings from freesound that have both a relevant melodic and percussion components. Edit them and change their format as needed. Choose suitable set of parameters for their analysis. Experiment with different window sizes and fruequency bands for the two sounds such that you get both crisp onsets and good frequency resolution. Get the best posible base line reconstruction with SineModel() and the best with sineModelMultiRes(). Listen the sounds and visualize the information that might be needed to undertand the process.

Your explanation should include:

  1. Freesound link to the two sounds chosen.
  2. Explanation and justification of the band edges and the window sizes for each sound.
  3. Observations about the advantages of a multi-resolution analysis (comment on the time-frequency resolution, computational complexity and extensions to HPR and HPS models).
  4. Challenges you might face if you were to extend it to HPR and HPS models (mainly in sinusoid tracking and F0 estimation).
  5. Further methods to improving the time-frequency resolution trade-off.

In [ ]:
import sys, os
from scipy.signal import get_window
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import blackmanharris, triang
from scipy.fftpack import ifft, fftshift
import math
import dftModel as DFT
import utilFunctions as UF
import dftModel as DFT
import utilFunctions as UF
import sineModel as SM
import IPython.display as ipd

In [ ]:
def sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w, N, t, B):
	Analysis/synthesis of a sound using the sinusoidal model, without sine tracking
        x: input array sound
        w: 3 analysis windows
        t: threshold in negative dB 
        B: 3 frequency boundaries
        y: output array sound
### your code here, start from copying the code from sineModel()

In [ ]:
# base line sinusoidal analysis/synthesis
### set the parameters
input_file = 'XXX'
M = XX
N = XX
t = XX
window = 'XX'

# no need to change code from here
fs, x = UF.wavread(input_file) 
w = get_window(window, M) 
y = SM.sineModel(x, fs, w, N, t)
ipd.display(ipd.Audio(data=x, rate=fs))
ipd.display(ipd.Audio(data=y, rate=fs))

In [ ]:
# multiresolution sinusoidal analysis/synthesis
### set the parameters
input_file = 'XXX'
M = [XX, XX, XX]
N = [XX, XX, XX]
t = XX
B = [XX, XX, XX]

# no need to change code from here
y = SM.sineModelMultiRes(x, fs, w, N, t, B)
ipd.display(ipd.Audio(data=y, rate=fs))

Your explanation