New to pynams? Start with the intro and basic examples
My personal experience with peakfit.m was that it often gave weird and clearly incorrect results and I ended up hand-fitting all the spectra individually for my cpx paper anyway. With pynams I've tried to make that process slightly less painful.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=["svg"]
from __future__ import print_function, division
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pynams
from pynams import Spectrum, Profile
import os
FTIR_file_location = os.path.join(pynams.__path__[0], 'example_FTIR_spectra\\')
spectrum_augite1 = Spectrum(fname='augite1', folder=FTIR_file_location, thickness_microns=876.4)
spectrum_augite2 = Spectrum(fname = 'augite2', folder=FTIR_file_location, thickness_microns=876.4)
profile = Profile(fnames=['olivine1', 'olivine2', 'olivine3', 'olivine4'],
positions_microns=[10., 20., 30., 40.])
In [2]:
my_peak_locations = spectrum_augite1.find_peaks()
print('peak wavenumber locations')
You can make and save different baselines, one under each peak or set of peaks that you are interested in, and do profile.get_baselines() before each plotting step, as described in the basic pynams examples.
In [3]:
for loc, height in zip(my_peak_locations, spectrum_augite1.peak_heights):
print('peak at', loc, 'cm-1 is', height, 'cm-1 from baseline')
In [4]:
fig, ax = spectrum_augite1.make_peakfit()
In [5]:
fig, ax = spectrum_augite1.make_peakfit(peak_positions=[3616, 3560, 3460],
peak_heights=[2.6, 1.3, 2.8],
peak_widths=[60, 60, 150])
In [6]:
In [7]:
In [8]:
fig, ax = spectrum_augite1.plot_peakfit()
In [9]:
fig, ax = spectrum_augite2.plot_peakfit()
ax.set_ylim(0, 3)
For proper plotting later, all peak positions should be consistent across the profile. For spectra with no peaks, include a placeholder, e.g., by setting the height and/or width to zero while still including the peak position.
In [10]:
average_spectrum = profile.average_spectra()
average_spectrum.make_baseline(wn_low=3100, wn_high=3600, force_through_wn=3400)
fig, ax = average_spectrum.make_peakfit(peak_positions=[3230, 3329, 3358, 3436, 3452, 3488, 3525, 3542, 3563, 3573],
peak_heights=[0.045, 0.015, 0.011, 0.01, 0.014, 0.055, 0.21, 0.05, 0.15, 0.33],
peak_widths=[40, 15, 10, 10, 10, 30, 25, 12, 15, 10])
fig.set_size_inches(10, 4)
In [11]:
profile.make_baselines(wn_low=3100, wn_high=3600, force_through_wn=3400)
profile.spectra[0].make_peakfit(peak_positions=[3230, 3329, 3358, 3436, 3452, 3488, 3525, 3542, 3563, 3573],
peak_heights=[0.06, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.014, 0.055, 0.21, 0.05, 0.15, 0.33],
peak_widths=[40, 15, 10, 10, 10, 30, 25, 12, 15, 10])
profile.spectra[1].make_peakfit(peak_positions=[3230, 3329, 3358, 3436, 3452, 3488, 3525, 3542, 3563, 3573],
peak_heights=[0.06, 0.03, 0.03, 0.02, 0.03, 0.055, 0.21, 0.05, 0.15, 0.33],
peak_widths=[40, 15, 10, 10, 10, 30, 25, 12, 15, 10])
profile.spectra[2].make_peakfit(peak_positions=[3230, 3329, 3358, 3436, 3452, 3488, 3525, 3542, 3563, 3573],
peak_heights=[0.06, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0.02, 0.055, 0.21, 0.05, 0.15, 0.33],
peak_widths=[40, 15, 10, 10, 10, 30, 25, 12, 15, 10])
profile.spectra[3].make_peakfit(peak_positions=[3230, 3329, 3358, 3436, 3452, 3488, 3525, 3542, 3563, 3573],
peak_heights=[0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.05, 0.16, 0.03, 0.12, 0.22],
peak_widths=[40, 15, 10, 10, 10, 30, 25, 12, 15, 10]);
In [12]:
In [13]:
In [14]:
fig, ax_left, ax_right = profile.plot_area_profile(peak_idx=0)
In [15]:
fig, ax_right, ax_left = profile.plot_area_profile(peak_idx=0, heights_instead=True)
In [16]:
profile.make_composite_peak(peak_idx_list=[6, 9])
fig, ax_left, ax_right = profile.plot_area_profile(peak_idx=10)
It's just like regular diffusion modeling in pynams, but you specify the peak index.
In [17]:
profile.fitD(log10Dm2s=-14, peak_idx=0, varyD=False, vary_time=True, vary_initial=False);