In [26]:
import collections
import numpy as np
import time
import datetime
import json
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
import data_utils_LMR
from data_utils_LMR import prepare_data,read_data, EncoderDecoder
from model import Vrae as Vrae_model
from batch import Generator
training_dir = 'logs/'
training_dir += 'no_char2word'
# sentiment analyzer
from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
sentimentAnalyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
def getSentimentScore(sentence):
scores = sentimentAnalyzer.polarity_scores(sentence)
return (scores['neg'], scores['neu'] ,scores['pos'])
class dotdict(dict):
"""dot.notation access to dictionary attributes"""
__getattr__ = dict.get
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
def string2bool(st):
if st.lower() == "true":
return True
return False
with open(training_dir +'/flags.json', 'r') as fp:
FLAGS = dotdict(json.loads( ) )
for k,v in FLAGS.iteritems():
print k,':',v
n_samples = 5000#int(FLAGS.batch_size)
In [27]:
with open(training_dir +'/training_parameters.json', 'r') as fp:
training_parameters = json.loads( )
# vocabulary encoder-decoder
encoderDecoder = EncoderDecoder()
num_symbols = encoderDecoder.vocabularySize()
sentences, ratings = read_data( max_size=None,
print len(sentences), " sentences"
if len(sentences) < n_samples:
n_samples = len(sentences) - 1
sns.distplot( [len(sent) for sent in sentences])
In [ ]:
space_symbol = encoderDecoder.encode("I am")[1]
word_delimiters = [ data_utils_LMR._EOS, data_utils_LMR._GO, space_symbol ]
batch_gen = Generator(sentences, ratings, n_samples, word_delimiters)
num_iters = FLAGS.epoches * batch_gen.iterations_per_epoch()
# text decoder ( text <-> ids)
encoderDecoder = EncoderDecoder()
config = tf.ConfigProto(
device_count = {'GPU': 0}, # do not use GPU for testing
# load model
vrae_model = Vrae_model(char2word_state_size = int(FLAGS.char2word_state_size),
char2word_num_layers = int(FLAGS.char2word_num_layers),
encoder_state_size = int(FLAGS.encoder_state_size),
encoder_num_layers = int(FLAGS.encoder_num_layers),
decoder_state_size = int(FLAGS.decoder_state_size),
decoder_num_layers = int(FLAGS.decoder_num_layers),
sentiment_feature = string2bool(FLAGS.use_sentiment_feature),
use_char2word = string2bool(FLAGS.use_char2word)
def zToXdecoded(session,z_sample,s_length):
x_reconstruct = vrae_model.zToX(session,z_sample,s_length)
return encoderDecoder.prettyDecode( np.argmax(x_reconstruct[0], axis= 1) )
In [ ]:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
#print train_dir
samples = []
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./"+training_dir+'/model.ckp')
padded_batch_xs, batch_ys, batch_lengths, batch_weights, end_of_words, batch_word_lengths, max_length = batch_gen.next_batch()
vaderSentiments = [ getSentimentScore(encoderDecoder.prettyDecode(xx)) for xx in padded_batch_xs]
x_reconstruct,z_vals,z_mean_val,z_log_sigma_sq_val, losses = vrae_model.reconstruct( sess,
print "Done!"
In [ ]:
print losses
In [ ]:
vaderSentiments = [ getSentimentScore(encoderDecoder.prettyDecode(padded_batch_xs[i])) for i in xrange(n_samples)]
In [44]:
for i in range(10):
i = int(np.random.random()*n_samples)
i = i
print "sentiment:", vaderSentiments[i],"| rating:", batch_ys[i]
print encoderDecoder.prettyDecode( padded_batch_xs[i] )
print encoderDecoder.prettyDecode( np.argmax(x_reconstruct[i], axis= 1) )
print "------------------------------------------"
In [ ]:
# dimension reduction
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
X = np.array(z_vals)
model = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=0)
zs_reduced = model.fit_transform(X)
xs = [ zs_reduced[i,0] for i in xrange(n_samples) ]
ys = [ zs_reduced[i,1] for i in xrange(n_samples) ]
In [ ]:
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, ColumnDataSource, Select
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
!export BOKEH_LOG_LEVEL=error
inputs = [encoderDecoder.prettyDecode(x) for x in padded_batch_xs]
M =max(batch_lengths)
binary_rating = [ int(r > 5) for r in batch_ys]
colors_sent = [ "#%02x%02x%02x" % ( 100 + 150 * r[0] , 100 + 150 * r[2] , 100 + 100 * r[1] ) for r in vaderSentiments ]
color_rating = [ "#%02x%02x%02x" % (255 * (1-r) , 100, 255*r) for r in binary_rating ]
colors_lengths = [ "#%02x%02x%02x" % ( ( 255 * (float(r)/float(M))), 50, 255 - 255 * (float(r)/float(M))) for r in batch_lengths ]
hasQuestionMark = [ int("?" in x) for x in inputs]
colors_questionMark = ["#%02x%02x%02x" % (255 * (1-r) , 100, 255*r) for r in hasQuestionMark]
is_past_voice = [ int("was" in x) or int("were" in x) or int("did" in x) or int("had" in x) for x in inputs]
colors_past = ["#%02x%02x%02x" % (255 * (1-r) , 100, 255*r) for r in is_past_voice]
source = ColumnDataSource(
output= [encoderDecoder.prettyDecode(np.argmax(y, axis= 1) ) for y in x_reconstruct],
sent= vaderSentiments,
past_color = colors_past,
hover = HoverTool(
("index", "$index"),
("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"),
("input", "@input"),
("output", "@output"),
("rating", "@rating"),
("lengths", "@lengths"),
p = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=600, tools=[hover],title="Latent space")
cir ='x', 'y', size=9, source=source, fill_color="sentiment_color", alpha=0.8)
callback = CustomJS(args=dict(cir=cir,source=source), code="""
var selected_color = cb_obj.value;
selected_color = selected_color
cir.glyph.line_color.field = selected_color;
cir.glyph.fill_color.field = selected_color;
select = Select(title="Color:", value="sentiment", options=["sentiment_color", "rating_color", "lenght_color", "questionMark_color", "past_color"], callback=callback)
layout = column(select, p)
In [ ]:
import seaborn as sns
cols = sns.color_palette()
pos = []
neg = []
neu = []
major_sent = np.argmax(vaderSentiments, axis = 1)
for i in xrange(n_samples):
if major_sent[i] == 2:
pos.append( z_mean_val[i,:] )
elif major_sent[i] == 0:
neg.append( z_mean_val[i,:] )
neu.append( z_mean_val[i,:] )
print len(pos), "positive sentences"
print len(neg), "negative sentences"
print len(neu), "neutral sentences"
pos = np.array(pos)
neg = np.array(neg)
neu = np.array(neu)
side_lenght = int(np.sqrt(int(FLAGS.latent_dim)))
if side_lenght**2 < int(FLAGS.latent_dim):
side_lenght +=1
f, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=side_lenght, nrows=side_lenght, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 10))
for i in xrange(side_lenght):
for j in xrange(side_lenght):
k = i*side_lenght+j
if k < int(FLAGS.latent_dim):
sns.distplot( neu[:,k], ax=axs[i,j], hist=False, color= cols[0] )
sns.distplot( pos[:,k], ax=axs[i,j], hist=False, color= cols[1] )
sns.distplot( neg[:,k], ax=axs[i,j], hist=False, color= cols[2])
In [ ]:
import scipy
import random
KLs = []
for k in xrange(int(FLAGS.latent_dim)):
a = list(neg[:,k])
b = list(pos[:,k])
kl = np.abs( np.mean(a) - np.mean(b))
KLs.append( kl )
sorted_kls = sorted( enumerate(KLs) , key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True )
for k,kl in sorted_kls:
print k,kl
In [ ]:
sns.distplot( neu[:,k], hist=False, color= cols[0] )
sns.distplot( pos[:,k], hist=False, color= cols[1] )
sns.distplot( neg[:,k], hist=False, color= cols[2])
In [ ]:
ks = sorted_kls[0][:3]
dx = 2
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./"+training_dir+'/model.ckp')
u0 = "I like this movie."
u1 = "I recommend this movie."
u = u0
#print u
z0 = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(u), sentiment=getSentimentScore(u))[0]
#z0 = np.zeros(int(FLAGS.latent_dim))
dz = np.zeros(int(FLAGS.latent_dim))
dz[k] = dx
z1 = z0 + dz
z2 = z0 - dz
print "distance between two points:",np.linalg.norm(z2-z1),"\n"
zs = []
for t in np.linspace(0,1,30):
zs.append( (1-t) * z1 + t * z2 )
for z_ in zs:
print zToXdecoded(sess, z_ , 45 )
In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
major_sent = np.argmax(vaderSentiments, axis = 1)
sent_df = pd.DataFrame( z_mean_val )
sent_df['major_sent'] = major_sent
#sns.pairplot(sent_df, hue='major_sent', diag_kind="kde")
In [49]:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./"+training_dir+'/model.ckp')
# show interpolations
u0 = ["I loved it." , "I hated this film."]
u01 = ["I loved it." , "It was terrible."]
u1 = ["I loved this movie!.", "I hated this movie!"]
u2 = ["The best movie I've seen!", "The worst movie ever made."]
u3 = ["great movie.", "terrible movie."]
u4 = ["that's actually pretty good." , "That was a failure."]
u5 = ["I didn't laugh at all.", "I wanted to love this movie."]
u6 = ["so bad that it's really bad" , "Where is the acting?"]
u7 = ["I love old movies.", "I prefer old movies."]
u8 = ["the music is very bad.", "the music is just awful."]
u9 = ["awesome!", "terrible."]
u10 = ["awful." , "pretty worthless."]
u11 = ["yes you do." , "no you don't."]
u12 = ["The acting was really bad." , "The acting was really good!"]
u13 = ["This film was fascinatingly stupid." , "This is an excellent film."]
u14 = ["I don't recommend it to anyone.", "This is a really really bad movie."]
u = u14
z1 = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(u[0]),sentiment=getSentimentScore(u[0]))[0]
z2 = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(u[1]),sentiment=getSentimentScore(u[1]))[0]
#z1 = np.zeros(16)
#z2 = 0.1 * np.ones(16)
print "distance between two points:",np.linalg.norm(z2-z1),"\n"
zs = []
for t in np.linspace(0,1,50):
zs.append( (1-t) * z1 + t * z2 )
sents = [zToXdecoded(sess, z_ , 45 ) for z_ in zs]
appeared = []
for x in sents:
if x not in appeared:
print x
In [ ]:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./"+training_dir+'/model.ckp')
u0 = "I like this movie."
u1 = "It was terrible."
u2 = "I recommend it."
u3 = "I loved it."
us = [u0,u1,u2,u3]
for u in us:
z = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(u), sentiment=getSentimentScore(u))[0]
print u, "->",
print zToXdecoded(sess,z,40)
In [ ]:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./"+training_dir+'/model.ckp')
a = "I liked it."
b = "I didn't like it."
c = "I recommend this movie."
#a = "I like it"
#b = "I liked it."
#c = "I recommend it."
#a = "I love this movie!"
#b = "I like this movie."
#c = "I love the acting!"
za = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(a), sentiment=getSentimentScore(a) )[0]
zb = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(b), sentiment=getSentimentScore(b))[0]
zc = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(c), sentiment=getSentimentScore(c))[0]
# translation
zd = zc + (zb - za)
print "a \t\t|", a,"|", zToXdecoded(sess, za , 40 )
print "b \t\t|", b,"|", zToXdecoded(sess, zb , 40 )
print "c \t\t|", c,"|", zToXdecoded(sess, zc , 40 )
print "c + b-a \t|", zToXdecoded(sess, zd , 40 )
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "./"+training_dir+'/model.ckp')
# show interpolations
u1 = "That's actually pretty good."
u2 = "I love it."
u = u1
z1 = vrae_model.XToz(sess, *encoderDecoder.encodeForTraining(u), sentiment=getSentimentScore(u))[0]
print z1
r = 1
zs = []
for t in range(50):
z2 = [ z_ + r * np.random.random() for z_ in z1 ]
zs.append( z2)
for z_ in zs:
print zToXdecoded(sess, z_ , 40 )
In [199]:
& = \sum_{i=1}^N q(z^{(i)} | x ) \left [ \frac{q_\phi(z^{(i)} | x) p_\theta(x,z)}{p_\theta(z|x^{(i)}) q_\phi(z^{(i)} | x) } \right ] \\
& = \sum_{i=1}^N q(z^{(i)} | x ) \log \frac{q(z^{(i)} | x )}{p_\theta(z|x^{(i)})} + q(z^{(i)} | x ) \log p_\theta(x,z) - q(z^{(i)} | x ) log q(z^{(i)} | x ) \\
& = D_{KL} (q(z^{(i)} | x ) || p_\theta(z|x^{(i)})) + E_{q(z^{(i)} | x )} [- \log q(z^{(i)} | x ) + \log p_\theta (x,z)]
In [104]:
vaderSentiments = [ getSentimentScore(encoderDecoder.prettyDecode(xx)) for xx in padded_batch_xs]
for k in range(15):
k = int( np.random.random() * len(padded_batch_xs) )
t = encoderDecoder.prettyDecode(padded_batch_xs[k])
s = getSentimentScore(t)
print t , ' & ', s[0] , ' & ',s[1],' & ', s[2], '\\\ \\hline'
bad, sad, and rubbish. & 0.767 & 0.233 & 0.0 \ \hline great old movie drama. & 0.0 & 0.423 & 0.577 \ \hline i always enjoy thomas gomez. & 0.0 & 0.484 & 0.516 \ \hline it is a perfect scene. & 0.0 & 0.448 & 0.552 \ \hline this film sucks! & 0.583 & 0.417 & 0.0 \ \hline the two actors are very natural. & 0.0 & 0.642 & 0.358 \ \hline it was hilarious. & 0.0 & 0.426 & 0.574 \ \hline it was dumb. & 0.623 & 0.377 & 0.0 \ \hline well acted and good enough plot. & 0.0 & 0.444 & 0.556 \ \hline it was weak, very very weak. & 0.592 & 0.408 & 0.0 \ \hline it' s horrible. & 0.778 & 0.222 & 0.0 \ \hline nothing more, nothing less. & 0.0 & 1.0 & 0.0 \ \hline she' s a good actress. & 0.0 & 0.408 & 0.592 \ \hline