Load the libraries
In [1]:
import pyspark
import string
import re
import time
import os
from pylab import *
from itertools import *
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext, Row
Create a regex for removing the punctuations from the text file
In [2]:
regex = re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation))
Generate a pyspark Context
In [3]:
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
Generate a SQL Context for our files
In [4]:
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
A function to read the string and generate the lemma dictionary
In [5]:
def buildLemmaDict(x):
lemmas = x.split(",")
lemmaWords = []
for lemma in lemmas:
if lemma!="":
lemmaDic = [(lemmas[0],list(set(lemmaWords)))]
Read the lemmatizer CSV file to build the lemma dictionary
In [6]:
lemma_rdd = sc.textFile("./new_lemmatizer.csv")
Create a rdd from the above file to apply a common function "buildLemmaDict"
In [7]:
lemmaDictionary_rdd = (lemma_rdd.flatMap(lambda x : buildLemmaDict(x)))
Collect the rdd as a map to get the dictionary
In [8]:
lemmaDictionary = lemmaDictionary_rdd.collectAsMap()
A function to provide the lemmas by lookup from the lemma dictionary
In [9]:
def getLemmasList(word):
cooccuranceList = []
wordLemmaList = []
if word in lemmaDictionary:
wordLemmaList = wordLemmaList + lemmaDictionary.get(word)
else :
wordLemmaList = [word]
return wordLemmaList
Provide the location of the input file
In [10]:
path = "./input/"
subDirList = next(os.walk(path))[1]
subDirList = [int(x) for x in subDirList]
subDirList = [path+str(x) for x in subDirList]
A for loop to generate the time duration and set up the path for output
We can specify a folder structure having different number of files. And similarly we can define the output folder based on the input folder
Also showing the data in a tabular format.
Following is just a test result we did using small amount of data.
Running the same code with better RAM provides much better performance.
In [12]:
for dirPath in subDirList:
outputPath = dirPath.replace("input","output2")
start_time = time.time()
data_rdd = sc.textFile(dirPath)
test = data_rdd.filter(lambda y : y.strip()!="")\
.map(lambda x : x.replace('\t','').lower().split(">"))\
.map(lambda (x,y): (x,regex.sub('',y).strip().replace("j","i").replace("v","u").split(" ")))\
.flatMap(lambda (x,y): [(pair,x[1:]+" |"+str(1+y.index(pair[0]))+"."+str(1+y.index(pair[1]))+"| ") for pair in combinations(y,2)])\
.filter(lambda (x,y): x[0]!="" and x[1]!="")\
.flatMap(lambda (x,y): [(lemma,y) for lemma in product(getLemmasList(x[0]),getLemmasList(x[1]))])\
.reduceByKey(lambda x,y : x + ", "+y).sortByKey(True)
print("Input Directory Path :" + dirPath)
print("Ouput Directory Path :" + outputPath)
print("Time taken for "+ dirPath[-1:] +" files %s" % (time.time() - start_time))
test = test.map(lambda (x,y):("{"+x[0]+","+x[1]+"}",y))
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(test, ['n-gram (n =2)', 'Location'])
df.coalesce(1).write.option("header", "true").csv(outputPath+"/result.csv")
A for loop to generate the time duration and set up the path for output
We can specify a folder structure having different number of files. And similarly we can define the output folder based on the input folder
Also showing the data in a tabular format.
Following is just a test result we did using small amount of data.
Running the same code with better RAM provides much better performance.
In [13]:
for dirPath in subDirList:
outputPath = dirPath.replace("input","output3")
start_time = time.time()
data_rdd = sc.textFile(dirPath)
test = data_rdd.filter(lambda y : y.strip()!="")\
.map(lambda x : x.replace('\t','').lower().split(">"))\
.map(lambda (x,y): (x,regex.sub('',y).strip().replace("j","i").replace("v","u").split(" ")))\
.flatMap(lambda (x,y): [(pair,x[1:]+" |"+str(1+y.index(pair[0]))+"."+str(1+y.index(pair[1]))+"."+str(1+y.index(pair[2]))+"| ") for pair in combinations(y,3)])\
.filter(lambda (x,y): x[0]!="" and x[1]!="" and x[2]!="")\
.flatMap(lambda (x,y): [(lemma,y) for lemma in product(getLemmasList(x[0]),getLemmasList(x[1]),getLemmasList(x[2]))])\
.reduceByKey(lambda x,y : x + ", "+y).sortByKey(True)
print("Input Directory Path :" + dirPath)
print("Ouput Directory Path :" + outputPath)
print("Time taken for "+ dirPath[-1:] +" files %s" % (time.time() - start_time))
test = test.map(lambda (x,y):("{"+x[0]+","+x[1]+","+x[2]+"}",y))
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(test, ['n-gram (n =3)', 'Location'])
df.coalesce(1).write.option("header", "true").csv(outputPath+"/result.csv")
The values used are the actual data we collected from various number of files
In [14]:
num_of_files = [1,2,5,10,20,40,80,90]
linear_line = [1,2,5,10,20,40,80,90]
execution_time_2_Gram = [14.7669999599,16.5650000572,19.5239999294,29.0959999561,47.1339998245,85.7990000248,167.852999926,174.265000105]
execution_time_3_Gram = [15.2109999657,17.493999958,23.0810000896,32.367000103,54.4680001736,101.955999851,184.548999786,189.816999912]
plot(num_of_files, execution_time_2_Gram, 'o-',num_of_files, execution_time_3_Gram, 'o-',num_of_files, linear_line, 'o-')
xlabel('Number of files')
ylabel('Execution time (secs)')
title('Performace Analysis of 2-Gram and 3-Gram Generator with different number of files')
legend(('2Gram','3Gram','Linear Line(y=x)'), loc='upper left')
We tested the above code with multiple files and found out that the time duration take for 2-Gram and 3-Gram both increases in a linear fashion for some time. But after a certain number of files the code just stops which indicates an exponetial rise in the execution time for both the codes. Hence we can say that there is a linear rise in execution time which booms exponetially later on.
The supporting plot generated above. The graph says the same story as mentioned in J. Lin & C. Dyer. Data intensive text processing with MapReduce book.
In [ ]: