In [11]:
import artcgallery
import nose
import arrow
import os
import getpass
import nikola
import random

In [ ]:

In [2]:

In [3]:
#from nikola.plugin_categories import Command

In [4]:
#class CommandLicence(Command):
#    name = ("licence")
#    doc_usage = "[options]"
#    cmd_options = (
#        {
#            'name' : 'licence',
#            'short' : 'l',
#            'long' : 'licence',
#            'type' : str,
#            'default' : 'ccby',
#            'help' : 'Licence for sit (default: ccby)',
#        }
#    )
#    def _execute(self, options, args):

Tests for creating a blog post for artctrl artworks.

Ideas on what needs testing:

Check that directory exists and if not make directory.

Test making new md file in posts folder

Test making new meta file in posts folder

Test copy of png files to galleries folder

Test writing sorted images from the daily gallery folder to md folder.

Test writing of meta files

In [5]:
timenow =

In [6]:
myusr = getpass.getuser()

In [7]:
artgfil = '/home/{}/artcontrolme'.format(myusr)

In [8]:
timyr = timenow.strftime('y')

In [9]:


In [12]:
#numbguess = 0

In [ ]:

In [14]:
#def testday():
#    assert artcgallery.DayStuff.getDay() == timenow.strftime('%d')
#def testpath():
#    assert os.path.exists(artcgallery.DayStuff.galdayPath())
#def testgalpath():
#    assert os.path.exists(artcgallery.DayStuff.galyrPath())
#def testdaypath():
#    assert os.path.exists(artcgallery.DayStuff.galdayPath())
def testwotyr():
    assert timenow.strftime('%y') == '16'
def testartcontrolpath():
    if os.path.exists(artgfil):
def testpostpath():
    if os.path.exists('{}/posts'.format(artgfil)):
def testgalpath():
    if os.path.exists('{}/galleries'.format(artgfil)):

def testyrpath():
    if os.path.exists('{}/galleries/{}'.format(artgfil, timyr)):
def testpathfol():
    if os.path.exists('{}/posts/'.format(artgfil)):

def testrand():
    assert random.randint(0,9) == 0
#def testposfo():
    #with open('{}/posts/fooblog.rst'.format(artgfil, 'r')) as foo:
#def testwritefil():
#    if not os.path.exists('{}/posts/fooblog.rst'.format(artgfil, 'r')) as foo:
#        with open('{}/posts/fooblog.rst', 'w') as fh:
#            fh.write('a new test')

#def testopefil():
#    try:
#        with open('{}/posts/')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: