
  1. Install siman - sudo pip3 install siman
  2. Prepare file with crystall structure in one of the following formats: cif, VASP, abinit
  3. Prepare file with input parameters (INCAR) or use pre-defined sets: 'static'
  4. Prepare POTCAR - potentials files
  5. For correct work of pip you may need to install visual studio from

Import libraries

In [5]:
from siman import header
from siman.header import db
from siman.SSHTools import SSHTools
from siman.calc_manage import add, res
from siman.database import write_database, read_database
from siman.set_functions import read_vasp_sets
from siman.calc_manage import smart_structure_read
%matplotlib inline
read_database() # read saved database if available

 {'aks': <siman.set_functions.InputSet at 0x7fcb0c8d5048>,
  'ion_relax': <siman.set_functions.InputSet at 0x7fcb0c8d99b0>,
  'opt': <siman.set_functions.InputSet at 0x7fcb0d2d1da0>,
  'static': <siman.set_functions.InputSet at 0x7fcb0d2d1ef0>},

Set configuration parameters

Configuration of siman package for each project can be provided in file, wich should be located in your project working directory. The example of this file can be found here. For global configuration put into your home directory (~) and rename to

Pay attention that has higher priority and will overwrite specified parameters from Eventually all configuration parameters are available under the siman.header modul

In [8]:
#for the moment we need to provide path to VASP potentials 
header.PATH2POTENTIALS = '/hdd/home/aksenov/scientific_projects/PAW_PBE_VASP' #path to VASP POTENTIALS

#and tell siman about remote cluster used for calculations
user = "d.aksenov"
host = ""

header.CLUSTERS['1'] = {
'address':user+'@'+host, # this is used for ssh, make sure you have created passwordless [setup](
'vasp_com':'mpirun  vasp_std', # command on your cluster to run VASP
'homepath':'/home/'+user,  # your home folder on cluster
'schedule':'SLURM',        #  job scheduler  on your cluster; other options: 'PBS', 'SGE', 'none' (no scheduler)
'walltime':'72:00:00',     # time required for job
'corenum':16,              # number of cores required for job
'modules':'module load Compiler/Intel/17u8; module load Q-Ch/VASP/5.4.4_OPT; module load ScriptLang/python/3.6i_2018u3; \nulimit -s unlimited\n',

#Instead of passwordless setup or for Windows you can use ssh_object (paramiko module is used):
header.ssh_object = SSHTools()
header.ssh_object.setup(user=user, host=host, pkey="/home/aksenov/.ssh/id_rsa")

Sets (paprameters of your calculation used in VASP)

Siman has predefined sets for VASP calculations, they can be found in header.varset dictionary

In [6]:

{'opt': <siman.set_functions.InputSet object at 0x7fcb0d2d1da0>, 'ion_relax': <siman.set_functions.InputSet object at 0x7fcb0c8d99b0>, 'aks': <siman.set_functions.InputSet object at 0x7fcb0c8d5048>, 'static': <siman.set_functions.InputSet object at 0x7fcb0d2d1ef0>}
-- s.vasp_params['ISTART']        = 0  
-- s.vasp_params['NELM']          = 50  
-- s.vasp_params['EDIFF']         = 1e-05  
-- s.vasp_params['NSW']           = 0  
-- s.vasp_params['EDIFFG']        = 0  
-- s.vasp_params['IBRION']        = 1  
-- s.vasp_params['ISIF']          = 2  
-- s.vasp_params['PREC']          = Normal  
-- s.vasp_params['ALGO']          = Normal  
-- s.vasp_params['ENCUT']         = 400  
-- s.vasp_params['ENAUG']         = 776.16  
-- s.vasp_params['KSPACING']      = 0.235  
-- s.vasp_params['KGAMMA']        = .TRUE.  
-- s.vasp_params['LREAL']         = Auto  
-- s.vasp_params['ISMEAR']        = 1  
-- s.vasp_params['SIGMA']         = 0.1  
-- s.vasp_params['LPLANE']        = .TRUE.  
-- s.vasp_params['NPAR']          = 1  
-- ngkpt: None 

-- POTDIR: {300: 'void', 200: 'octa', 0: 'n', 1: 'H', 2: 'He', 3: 'Li', 4: 'Be', 5: 'B', 6: 'C', 7: 'N', 8: 'O', 9: 'F', 10: 'Ne', 11: 'Na', 12: 'Mg', 13: 'Al', 14: 'Si', 15: 'P', 16: 'S', 17: 'Cl', 18: 'Ar', 19: 'K', 20: 'Ca', 21: 'Sc', 22: 'Ti', 23: 'V', 24: 'Cr', 25: 'Mn', 26: 'Fe', 27: 'Co', 28: 'Ni', 29: 'Cu', 30: 'Zn', 31: 'Ga', 32: 'Ge', 33: 'As', 34: 'Se', 35: 'Br', 36: 'Kr', 37: 'Rb', 38: 'Sr', 39: 'Y', 40: 'Zr', 41: 'Nb', 42: 'Mo', 43: 'Tc', 44: 'Ru', 45: 'Rh', 46: 'Pd', 47: 'Ag', 48: 'Cd', 49: 'In', 50: 'Sn', 51: 'Sb', 52: 'Te', 53: 'I', 54: 'Xe', 55: 'Cs', 56: 'Ba', 57: 'La', 58: 'Ce', 59: 'Pr', 60: 'Nd', 61: 'Pm', 62: 'Sm', 63: 'Eu', 64: 'Gd', 65: 'Tb', 66: 'Dy', 67: 'Ho', 68: 'Er', 69: 'Tm', 70: 'Yb', 71: 'Lu', 72: 'Hf', 73: 'Ta', 74: 'W', 75: 'Re', 76: 'Os', 77: 'Ir', 78: 'Pt', 79: 'Au', 80: 'Hg', 81: 'Tl', 82: 'Pb', 83: 'Bi', 84: 'Po', 85: 'At', 86: 'Rn', 87: 'Fr', 88: 'Ra', 89: 'Ac', 90: 'Th', 91: 'Pa', 92: 'U', 93: 'Np', 94: 'Pu', 95: 'Am', 96: 'Cm', 97: 'Bk', 98: 'Cf', 99: 'Es', 100: 'Fm', 101: 'Md', 102: 'No', 103: 'Lr', 104: 'Rf', 105: 'Db', 106: 'Sg', 107: 'Bh', 108: 'Hs', 109: 'Mt', 110: 'Ds', 111: 'Rg', 112: 'Cn', 114: 'Uuq', 116: 'Uuh'} 

Run new calculation add()

The function will:

  1. Read crystall structure from Bi2Se3_mp-541837_computed.POSCAR
  2. Create all VASP files in folder 'Bi2Se3/Bi2Se3.static'
  3. Copy files to CEE cluster into 'topologic/Bi2Se3/Bi2Se3.static' folder
  4. Use run = 1 to submit the calculation

In [10]:
st = smart_structure_read(input_geo_file = 'Bi2Se3_mp-541837_computed.POSCAR')

add('Bi2Se3', 'static', 1, input_st = st, it_folder = 'Bi2Se3', run = 0)

-- Attention!, cluster None is not found, using default default 

-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [ 0.22  0.22  0.22] 

-- POSCAR was written to /hdd/home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3//Bi2Se3.static/1.POSCAR 

-- Attention! ngkpt =  [8, 8, 8]  is adopted from struct_des which you provided for it  Bi2Se3  and kspacing =  0.235 

Calculation ('Bi2Se3', 'static', 1) successfully created


              3126       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:04:34      1 node-amg01
              3127       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:04:34      1 node-amg02
              3281       AMG tetracen n.tukach  R      16:03      1 node-amg05
              3145       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   18:39:15      1 node-amg11
              3140       AMG F4TCNQ_o n.tukach  R   19:13:06      1 node-amg09
              3137       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   19:21:17      1 node-amg07
              3136       AMG p1_molec n.tukach  R   19:27:24      1 node-amg04
              3135       AMG beryl+H2 n.tukach  R   21:49:19      1 node-amg06
              3130       AMG xfpceOH. d.akseno  R 1-18:47:04      1 node-amg03
Submitted batch job 3293
              3293       AMG Bi2Se3.s d.akseno PD       0:00      1 (None)
              3126       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:04:34      1 node-amg01
              3127       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:04:34      1 node-amg02
              3281       AMG tetracen n.tukach  R      16:03      1 node-amg05
              3145       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   18:39:15      1 node-amg11
              3140       AMG F4TCNQ_o n.tukach  R   19:13:06      1 node-amg09
              3137       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   19:21:17      1 node-amg07
              3136       AMG p1_molec n.tukach  R   19:27:24      1 node-amg04
              3135       AMG beryl+H2 n.tukach  R   21:49:19      1 node-amg06
              3130       AMG xfpceOH. d.akseno  R 1-18:47:04      1 node-amg03 

-- To read results use  res_loop('Bi2Se3', ['static'], [1], show = 'fo'  )     # , on 2019-06-28   ; possible options for show: fit, fo, fop, en, mag, magp, smag, maga, occ, occ1, mep, mepp 


Use run=1 to run your job

Read results res()

The function get OUTCAR files from server and parse them

In [11]:
res('Bi2Se3', 'static', 1, check_job = 0)

Max. F. tot  (meV/A) = 

-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['Bi2Se3.static.1']         |  -20.1543  |10.27;10.27;10.27|  -680,-680,-657    |   1,13, 13    
(["db['Bi2Se3.static.1']         |  -20.1543  |10.27;10.27;10.27|  -680,-680,-657    |   1,13, 13   "],

Optimize cell volume

Make sure that ~/tools/ is on cluster; To copy the file on linux you should run something like this

scp siman/cluster_tools/ user@cluster_addres:~/tools/

In [10]:
st = smart_structure_read(input_geo_file = 'Bi2Se3_mp-541837_computed.POSCAR')
add('Bi2Se3', 'static', 1, input_st = st, it_folder = 'Bi2Se3', 
    calc_method = 'uniform_scale', scale_region = (-5, 5), run = 1) # it_folder is a name of directory for this calculation

-- Attention!, cluster None is not found, using default ut1 

-- add_loop_scale(): Preparing   scale  calculation ...  

-- inherit_ngkpt(): the k-grid from Bi2Se3 was inherited to 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Scale_region is (-5, 5) 

Scales are [-5.         -3.33333333 -1.66666667  0.          1.66666667  3.33333333
  5.        ] 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- Warning! File ./Bi2Se3/ was replaced 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- 7 scale images have been created. 

-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -19.4364  |9.75;9.75;9.75| 11309,11321,10881  |   1,12, 12    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.23 0.23 0.23] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

Calculation ('', 'static', 1) successfully created


-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -19.8495  |9.92;9.92;9.92|  6357,6365,6100    |   1,13, 13    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.23 0.23 0.23] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

Calculation ('', 'static', 2) successfully created


-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -20.0802  |10.09;10.09;10.09|  2443,2446,2330    |   1,13, 13    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.22 0.22 0.22] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

Calculation ('', 'static', 3) successfully created


-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -20.1543  |10.27;10.27;10.27|  -680,-680,-657    |   1,13, 13    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.22 0.22 0.22] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

Calculation ('', 'static', 4) successfully created


-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -20.0988  |10.44;10.44;10.44| -3124,-3126,-3036  |   1,13, 13    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.21 0.21 0.21] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

Calculation ('', 'static', 5) successfully created


-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -19.9327  |10.61;10.61;10.61| -5000,-5005,-4839  |   1,13, 13    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.21 0.21 0.21] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

Calculation ('', 'static', 6) successfully created


-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -19.6756  |10.78;10.78;10.78| -6438,-6444,-6214  |   1,13, 13    
-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [0.21 0.21 0.21] 

-- POSCAR was written to /home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3// 

-- Attention! ngkpt =  [8, 8, 8]  is adopted from struct_des which you provided for it  and kspacing =  0.235 

Calculation ('', 'static', 7) successfully created


Your job 26370 ("") has been submitted
job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID 
  26370 0.00000 aksenov      qw    11/23/2018 16:07:05                                   24 

-- To read results use  res_loop('', ['static'], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], show = 'fo'  )     # , on 2018-11-23   ; possible options for show: fit, fo, fop, en, mag, magp, smag, maga, occ, occ1, mep, mepp 


In [15]:
res('', 'static', list(range(1,8))+[100], up = 'up', show = 'fit', analys_type = 'fit_a', check_job = 0)

-- name                          |  energy(eV)|    Vector lenghts (A)   | Stresses (MPa)     | N MD, N SCF    
-- db['']      |  -19.4364  |9.75;9.75;9.75| 11309,11321,10881  |   1,12, 12    
-- db['']      |  -19.8495  |9.92;9.92;9.92|  6357,6365,6100    |   1,13, 13    
-- db['']      |  -20.0802  |10.09;10.09;10.09|  2443,2446,2330    |   1,13, 13    
-- db['']      |  -20.1543  |10.27;10.27;10.27|  -680,-680,-657    |   1,13, 13    
-- db['']      |  -20.0988  |10.44;10.44;10.44| -3124,-3126,-3036  |   1,13, 13    
-- db['']      |  -19.9327  |10.61;10.61;10.61| -5000,-5005,-4839  |   1,13, 13    
-- db['']      |  -19.6756  |10.78;10.78;10.78| -6438,-6444,-6214  |   1,13, 13    
-- db['']    |  -20.1544  |10.27;10.27;10.27|  -799,-800,-774    |   1,13, 13    
alpha, energy: 23.56, -19.436
alpha, energy: 23.56, -19.849
alpha, energy: 23.56, -20.080
alpha, energy: 23.56, -20.154
alpha, energy: 23.56, -20.099
alpha, energy: 23.56, -19.933
alpha, energy: 23.56, -19.676
alpha, energy: 23.56, -20.154
-- Image saved to  figs/angle.eps 

        v0 = 152.10466285102348 A^3
        a0 = 5.338027939754223 A
        E0 = -20.15465796451521 eV
        B  = 0.34134080321758825 eV/A^3 

-- fit results are saved in  figs/ 

(["db['']    |  -20.1544  |10.27;10.27;10.27|  -799,-800,-774    |   1,13, 13   "],

Change SET parameters

In [ ]:
read_vasp_sets([('ion_relax', 'static', {'ISIF':2, 'NSW':20, 'EDIFFG':-0.025}, 'override')]) #new set 'ion_relax' from 'static' with 'NSW' = 20
print('NSW = ', header.varset['ion_relax'].vasp_params['NSW'])

In [ ]:
add('Bi2Se3', 'ion_relax', 1, input_geo_file = 'Bi2Se3_mp-541837_computed.POSCAR', run = 1) # no need

Calculate relaxation energy

In [ ]:
res('Bi2Se3', 'ion_relax', 1)
print('Relaxation energy = {:.6} meV'.format(1000*(db['Bi2Se3','ion_relax', 1].energy_sigma0 - db['Bi2Se3', 'static', 1].energy_sigma0)))

Inherit optimized structure and relax atomic positions

In [12]:
Bi2Se3 = db['Bi2Se3.static.1'] # structure from database'ion_relax', run = 1)

#you can also use the command below, but it is deprecated
# add('', 'ion_relax', 100, inherit_option = 'full', run = 0, override = 1)
# res('', ['ion_relax'], [100], show = 'fo'  )

-- Attention!, cluster None is not found, using default default 

-- Directory ./Bi2Se3/Bi2Se3.ifn  was created 

-- File xyz/ was written 

-- inherit_ngkpt(): the k-grid from Bi2Se3 was inherited to Bi2Se3.ifn 

-- check_kpoints(): Kpoint   mesh is:  [8, 8, 8] 

-- check_kpoints(): The actual k-spacings are  [ 0.22  0.22  0.22] 

-- POSCAR was written to /hdd/home/aksenov/Simulation_wrapper/siman/tutorials/Bi2Se3//Bi2Se3.ifn.ion_relax/1.POSCAR 

-- Attention! ngkpt =  [8, 8, 8]  is adopted from struct_des which you provided for it  Bi2Se3.ifn  and kspacing =  0.235 

Calculation ('Bi2Se3.ifn', 'ion_relax', 1) successfully created


              3126       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:07:39      1 node-amg01
              3127       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:07:39      1 node-amg02
              3281       AMG tetracen n.tukach  R      19:08      1 node-amg05
              3145       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   18:42:20      1 node-amg11
              3140       AMG F4TCNQ_o n.tukach  R   19:16:11      1 node-amg09
              3137       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   19:24:22      1 node-amg07
              3136       AMG p1_molec n.tukach  R   19:30:29      1 node-amg04
              3135       AMG beryl+H2 n.tukach  R   21:52:24      1 node-amg06
              3130       AMG xfpceOH. d.akseno  R 1-18:50:09      1 node-amg03
Submitted batch job 3294
              3294       AMG Bi2Se3.i d.akseno PD       0:00      1 (None)
              3126       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:07:39      1 node-amg01
              3127       AMG Cu310A2C    emily  R 2-10:07:39      1 node-amg02
              3281       AMG tetracen n.tukach  R      19:08      1 node-amg05
              3145       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   18:42:20      1 node-amg11
              3140       AMG F4TCNQ_o n.tukach  R   19:16:11      1 node-amg09
              3137       AMG p2_molec n.tukach  R   19:24:22      1 node-amg07
              3136       AMG p1_molec n.tukach  R   19:30:29      1 node-amg04
              3135       AMG beryl+H2 n.tukach  R   21:52:24      1 node-amg06
              3130       AMG xfpceOH. d.akseno  R 1-18:50:09      1 node-amg03 

-- To read results use  res_loop('Bi2Se3.ifn', ['ion_relax'], [1], show = 'fo'  )     # , on 2019-06-28   ; possible options for show: fit, fo, fop, en, mag, magp, smag, maga, occ, occ1, mep, mepp 

<siman.classes.CalculationVasp at 0x7fcb0779ce10>

In [ ]:
#To read results run again'ion_relax')

In [ ]:
# you may need to recalculate your job, for this use'ion_relax', up = 'up2', add = 1)

In [ ]:
#several inherit options are available with iopt keyword: 
    #full - full inherit including magnetic moments 
    #full_nomag - inherit structure, but magnetic moments are initialized with default values for chosen set
    #full_chg - inherit charge file
'ion_relax', iopt = 'full')   
#By default iopt = 'full_nomag'

Inherit structure and create supercell 222

In [ ]:
add('', 'static', 100, inherit_option = 'supercell', run = 0, mul_matrix = [[2,0,0],[0,2,0],[0,0,2]])

In [ ]:
#or step by step
Bi2Se3 = db['Bi2Se3.static.1']
mul_matrix = [[2,0,0],[0,2,0],[0,0,2]]
sc = create_supercell(Bi2Se3, mul_matrix)
add('', 'static', 1, input_st = sc, it_folder = 'Bi2Se3', run = 0)

Write result in compact binary form - write_database()

The function creates several files called calc.gdbm3 and only_calc.gdbm3 in the current folder. On the next run the function read_database() will read them and you can access you results using res_loop() or calc dictionary

In [8]:

Database has been successfully updated

In [ ]: