Analyzing the Social Networks of over 1.6 Billion Reddit Comments

This notebook gives detailed information to help better understand our paper and our web interface. In this notebook, we will demonstrate how to construct the subreddits' social networks created by more than 1.6 billion comments. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to calculate various statistics related to the subreddits. This code is licensed under a BSD license. See license file.

0. Setup

Before we begin, make sure you have installed all the required Python packages. (The instructions below use pip. You can use easy_install, too.) Also, consider using virtualenv for a cleaner installation experience instead of sudo. I also recommend running the code via IPython Notebook.

  • sudo pip install --upgrade graphlab-create # We mainly used SFrame object, which is an open source package.
  • sudo pip install --upgrade praw
  • sudo pip install --upgrade seaborn
  • sudo pip install --upgrade networkx

1. Preparing the Dataset

First, we need to download the 250GB Reddit dataset file from this torrent link. This dataset was created by Jason Michael Baumgartner. Additional details about how this dataset was constructed can be found at this link. Downloading this 250GB dataset can take a considerable amount of time. To save time, you can download only one month’s, or several months’, worth of data.

After we download the dataset, we notice that the dataset is organized in directories, where each directory contains the posts of a specific year. These directories contain posts that were published between October 2007 and May 2015. Let's create a single SFrame that contains all these posts. To achieve this, we first will convert each monthly zipped file into an SFrame object using the following code:

In [1]:
import os
import logging
import bz2
from datetime import datetime
import graphlab as gl
import graphlab.aggregate as agg
import fnmatch

gl.set_runtime_config('GRAPHLAB_CACHE_FILE_LOCATIONS', '/mnt/tmp')

base_dir = "/mnt/data/reddit" # Replace this with the directory which you downloaded the file into
sframes_dir = base_dir + "/sframes/" # Replace this with the directory you want to save the SFrame to
tmp_dir =  "/mnt/tmp" # Replace this with the directory you want to save the SFrame to

def get_month_from_path(path):
    m = os.path.basename(path)
    m = m.split(".")[0]
    return int(m.split("-")[-1])

def get_year_from_path(path):
    y = os.path.basename(path)
    y = y.split(".")[0]
    return int(y.lower().replace("rc_","").split("-")[0])

def json2sframe(path):
    Creates an SFrame object from the file in the input path
    :param path: path to a file that contains a list of JSON objects, each JSON is saved in a separate line.
        The file can also be compressed in bz2 format.
    :return: SFrame object created from the file in the input path. The SFrame also contains information regarding
     each post date & time
    :rtype: gl.SFrame
    if not path.endswith(".bz2"):
        sf = gl.SFrame.read_json(path, orient="lines")
        dpath = decompress_bz2(path)
        sf = gl.SFrame.read_json(dpath, orient="lines")
        #remove the decompressed file
    #add datetime information
    sf['month'] = get_month_from_path(path)
    sf['year'] = get_year_from_path(path)
    sf['datetime']= sf["created_utc"].apply(lambda utc: datetime.fromtimestamp(float(utc)))

    return sf

def decompress_bz2(inpath, outpath=None):
    Decompress bz2 to the outpath, if the outpath is not provided then decompress the file to the inpath directory
    :param inpath: decompress bz2 file to the outpath
    :param outpath: output path for the decompress file
    :return: the output file path
    if outpath is None:
        outpath = tmp_dir + os.path.sep + os.path.basename(inpath) + ".decompressed"
    out_file = file(outpath, 'wb')"Decompressing file %s to %s" % (inpath,outpath))
    in_file = bz2.BZ2File(inpath, 'rb')
    for data in iter(lambda : * 1024), b''):
    return outpath

def match_files_in_dir(basedir, ext):
    Find all files in the basedir with 'ext' as filename extension
    :param basedir: input basedir
    :param ext: filename extension
    :return: list of file paths with the input extension
    matches = []
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(basedir):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, ext):
            matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
    return matches

#Creating all SFrames
for p in match_files_in_dir(basedir, "*.bz2"):"Analyzing of %s " % p)
    outp = sframes_dir + os.path.sep + os.path.basename(p).replace(".bz2", ".sframe")
    if os.path.isdir(outp):"Skipping the analysis of %s file" % p)
    sf = json2sframe(p)

[INFO] GraphLab Create v1.8.3 started. Logging: /tmp/graphlab_server_1234.log
Read 87760 lines. Lines per second: 64370.3
Finished parsing file ./notebook/RC_2007-10.bz2.decompressed
Parsing completed. Parsed 150429 lines in 1.85381 secs.
Inferred types from first line of file as 
If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct
the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in
the column_type_hints argument
Finished parsing file ./notebook/RC_2007-11.bz2.decompressed
Parsing completed. Parsed 100 lines in 0.65502 secs.
Read 100440 lines. Lines per second: 72496.1
Parsing completed. Parsed 372983 lines in 3.7184 secs.
Inferred types from first line of file as 
If parsing fails due to incorrect types, you can correct
the inferred type list above and pass it to read_csv in
the column_type_hints argument

Now let’s join all the SFrame objects into a single object. Please notice that different posts contain different metadata information about each post. Therefore, we will create a single SFrame which contains all the various metadata information.

In [2]:
join_sframe_path = sframes_dir + os.path.sep + "join_all.sframe" # Where to save the join large SFrame object
def get_all_cols_names(sframes_dir):
    Return the column names of all SFrames in the input path
    :param sframes_dir: directory path which contains SFrames
    :return: list of all the column names in all the sframes in the input directory
    :rtype: set()
    sframes_paths = [sframes_dir + os.path.sep + s for s in  os.listdir(sframes_dir)]
    column_names = set()
    for p in sframes_paths:
        if not p.endswith(".sframe"):
        print p
        sf = gl.load_sframe(p)
        column_names |= set(sf.column_names())
    return column_names

def get_sframe_columns_type_dict(sf):
    Returns a dict with the sframe column names as keys and column types as values
    :param sf: input SFrame
    :return: dict with the sframe column names as keys and column types as values
    :rtype dict[str,str]
    n = sf.column_names()
    t = sf.column_types()

    return {n[i]: t[i]for i in range(len(n))}

def update_sframe_columns_types(sf, col_types):
    Updates the input sframe column types according to the input types dict.
    :param sf: input SFrame object
    :param col_types: dict in which the keys are the column names and the values are the columns types
    :return: SFrame object with column types update to the col_types dict. If a column doesn't exist in the SFrame object
     then a new column is added with None values
    :rtype: gl.SFrame
    sf_cols_dict = get_sframe_columns_type_dict(sf)

    for k,v in col_types.iteritems():
        if k not in sf_cols_dict:
            sf[k] = None
            sf[k] = sf[k].astype(v)
        elif v != sf_cols_dict[k]:
            sf[k] = sf[k].astype(v)
    return sf

def join_all_sframes(sframes_dir, col_types):
    Joins all SFrames in the input directory where the column types are according to col_types dict
    :param sframes_dir:
    :param col_types: dict with column names and their corresponding types
    :return: merged SFrame of all the SFrames in the input directory
    "rtype: gl.SFrame
    sframes_paths = [sframes_dir + os.path.sep + s for s in  os.listdir(sframes_dir) if s.endswith(".sframe")]
    sf = gl.load_sframe(sframes_paths[0])
    sf = update_sframe_columns_types(sf, col_types)
    for p in sframes_paths[1:]:
        if not p.endswith(".sframe"):
        print "Joining %s" % p
        sf2 = update_sframe_columns_types(gl.load_sframe(p), col_types)
        sf = sf.append(sf2)

    return sf

# use the inferred column type according to last month posts' SFrame. Set all other columns to be 
# as type str
col_names = get_all_cols_names(sframes_dir)
sf = gl.load_sframe(sframes_dir + '/RC_2015-05.sframe')
d = get_sframe_columns_type_dict(sf)
for c in col_names:
    if c not in d:
        print "Found new column %s" %c
    d[c] = str

#Create Single SFrame
sf = join_all_sframes(sframes_dir, d)

At the end of this process, we obtained an SFrame with 1,659,361,605 rows, which is about 289 GB in size. Let's use the show function to get a better understanding of the data.

In [3]:
sf = gl.load_sframe(join_sframe_path) # running this can take considerable amount of time

Let's clean it by removing columns that aren't useful for creating the subreddit's social network. Namely, we remove the following columns: "archived", "downs", "retrieved_on", "banned_by", "likes","user_reports", "saved", "report_reasons", "approved_by", "body_html", "created", "mod_reports", and "num_reports."

In [4]:
sf = sf.remove_columns(["archived", "downs", "retrieved_on", "banned_by", "likes","user_reports", "saved",
                        "report_reasons", "approved_by", "body_html", "created", "mod_reports", "num_reports"])

Let's also delete users' posts that are from users that are probably bots and from those who have posted too many messages.

In [5]:
#First let's find how many posts the most active users posted
posts_count_sf = sf.groupby('author', gl.aggregate.COUNT())

|        author       |   Count   |
|      [deleted]      | 228425822 |
|    AutoModerator    |  3677774  |
|     conspirobot     |   575576  |
|    ModerationLog    |   547671  |
|     autowikibot     |   402076  |
|      PoliticBot     |   388395  |
|   imgurtranscriber  |   360248  |
|      dogetipbot     |   358093  |
|   qkme_transcriber  |   301968  |
|     TweetPoster     |   293309  |
| Late_Night_Grumbler |   279038  |
|     morbiusgreen    |   185501  |
|         -rix        |   173022  |
|      pixis-4950     |   171907  |
|     Franciscouzo    |   170767  |
|     UnluckyLuke     |   162505  |
|        Lots42       |   154518  |
|     PornOverlord    |   136766  |
|    MTGCardFetcher   |   125794  |
|       hit_bot       |   125645  |
|        matts2       |   123834  |
|      havoc_bot      |   118570  |
|   NoMoreNicksLeft   |   117697  |
|      CaptionBot     |   116147  |
|       iam4real      |   108503  |
|       G_Morgan      |   104996  |
|   andrewsmith1986   |   104578  |
|     SoulFire6464    |   100688  |
|   NinjaDiscoJesus   |   98249   |
|    backpackwayne    |   93836   |
|     eaturbrainz     |   92198   |
|   original-finder   |   91576   |
|      MasterT231     |   87611   |
|       smacksaw      |   85682   |
|       Frankeh       |   83907   |
|    atomicimploder   |   82885   |
|  Release_the_KRAKEN |   82006   |
|      changetip      |   81536   |
|    Sir_Willis_CMS   |   80783   |
|    king_kalamari    |   80076   |
|    totes_meta_bot   |   79890   |
|       V2Blast       |   79877   |
|     ttumblrbots     |   78755   |
|  nikorasu_the_great |   78422   |
|     PriceZombie     |   76070   |
|      JonAudette     |   75735   |
|   MultiFunctionBot  |   74408   |
|     savoytruffle    |   73439   |
|    AMerrickanGirl   |   73145   |
|      ravenluna      |   70851   |
[13213173 rows x 2 columns]

From manually scanning the top-posting authors, who posted over 100,000 times, we decided to remove the following authors that seemed to post automatic content. We also removed the corresponding 228,425,822 posts.

In [6]:
delete_authors = {"[deleted]", "AutoModerator", "conspirobot", "ModerationLog", "autowikibot",
                      "PoliticBot", "imgurtranscriber", "dogetipbot", "qkme_transcriber", "TweetPoster", "-rix", 
                      "pixis-4950", "PornOverlord", "MTGCardFetcher", "hit_bot", "havoc_bot", "CaptionBot"

Additionally we used the praw Python package to parse the comments posted in the BotWatchman subreddit in order to construct the following bots list with 901 bots.

In [7]:
import praw
def get_bots_list():
    r = praw.Reddit(user_agent='Create bots list')
    sr = r.get_subreddit('BotWatchman')
    bots_set = set()
    bots_types = ['flair:mod', 'flair:banned','flair:data', 'flair:service', 'flair:tip', 'flair:single' ]

    for t in bots_types:
        bots_set |= {get_bot_name(c) for c in, limit=500)}
    return bots_set

def get_bot_name(c):
    n = c.title.split(" ")[-1].replace("/u/","").strip()
    if '' in n:
        n = n.split("/user/")[-1].replace("/","")
    return n

#bots_list = get_bots_list()
#In our study, we used the following bots list
bots_list = set([u'Shiny-Bot', u'pandatipbot', u'RealtechPostBot', u'serendipitybot', u'arethemodsasleep', u'The_Penis_Game_Bot', u'whooshbot', u'Zyra_test', u'isDegenerate', u'VerseBot', u'AladeenBot', u'callfloodbot', u'RandomTriviaBot', u'BaddieBot', u'RLinkBot', u'autourbanbot', u'thier_2_their_bot', u'amProbablyPooping', u'gracefulclaritybot', u'reposter', u'ExplainLikeImFiveBot', u'autowikibot', u'FTFY_Cat', u'Chemistry_Bot', u'bust1nbot', u'ELIMINATE_GIFS', u'MEMEBOT_5000', u'visual_clarification', u'triggeredbot', u'haiku_finder_bot', u'Eats_Small_Text_Bot', u'GameDealsBot', u'Wiki_Bot', u'STEALTHM0UNTAIN', u'LegoLinkBot', u'LeagueSalesBot', u'GrasiaABot', u'BadSarcasmDetector', u'Dad_Jokes_Incoming', u'publicmodlogs', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot7', u'LittleHelperRobot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot3', u'ShibeBot', u'autowikiabot', u'ShadowBannedBot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot8', u'bot?)', u'_youtubot_', u'UnobtaniumTipBot', u'YOGSbot', u'DoNotLinkBot', u'CouldCareFewer', u'givesafuckbot', u'gabenizer-bot', u'MagicTip', u'MusicB0t', u'checks_for_checks', u'define_bot', u'ThanksObamaBiden', u'rusetipbot', u'autotrope_bot', u'Feathersbumbled', u'luckoftheshibe', u'AbixBot', u'maddie_bot', u'demobile_bot', u'acini', u'OneBleachinBot', u'WeeaBot', u'NobodyDoesThis', u'image_linker_bot', u'Review_Bot', u'WWE_Network_Bot', u'ShillForMonsanto', u'TheAssBot', u'PokemonFlairBot', u'AgentKoenigLMD', u'Readability_Bot', u'Smile_Bot', u'keysteal_bot', u'CaptionBot', u'MerryChristmasBot', u'The_Dad_Bot', u'hearing-aid_bot', u'bee2kg', u'IPostAlotBot', u'rest_in_peace_fixer', u'ASOT_Tracklister_bot', u'makesTextSmall', u'PSBBot', u'Frown_Bot', u'GotCrypto', u'info_bot_nsfw', u'StackBot', u'BeHappyBot', u'WordcloudYou', u'magic-8-bot', u'DUCCI__BOT', u'Product_Helper_Bot', u'PHOTO_OF_CAPTAIN_RON', u'Readdit_Bot', u'Comment_Codebreaker', u'ToBeFairBot', u'dirtymindbot', u'bot', u'GfycatLinkFixerBot', u'videos_mod', u'Innocence_bot2', u'SurveyOfRedditBot', u'__a_lot_bot__', u'DidSomeoneSayBoobs', u'compilebot', u'Brigade_Bot', u'elwh392', u'_Sweetiebot', u'MRAorRacist', u'UselessAndBot', u'ChannelBot', u'ComplimentingBot', u'ASCIICockBot', u'tabledresser', u'GoldFact', u'IAgreeBot', u'PornOverlord', u'earthtipbot', u'topcoin_tip', u'Huehue_Bot', u'heads_need_bodies', u'GiantBombBot', u'archlinkbot', u'iscuck_bot', u'CasualMetricBot', u'pkmntcgtrades', u'dotaherobot', u'TreeFiddyBot', u'RedditAnalysisBot', u'roger_bot', u'Shakespeares_Ghost', u'annoying_yes_bot', u'HScard_display_bot', u'HelperBot_', u'gandhi_spell_bot', u'livid_taco', u'IthkuilRobot', u'PlayStoreLinks_Bot', u'dong_lover_69_bot', u'stockinfo_bot', u'Epic_Face_Bot', u'BrokenArmsBot', u'you_get_CMV_delta', u'PonyTipBot', u'Twitch2YouTube', u'okc_rating_bot', u'GabenCoinTipBot', u'gabentipbot', u'DogeLotteryModBot', u'alot-of-bot', u'The-Paranoid-Android', u'FFBot', u'wheres_the_karma_bot', u'Wolfram_Bot', u'ImageRehoster', u'highlightsbot', u'tamabot', u'codex561', u'raddit-bot', u'YT_Timestamp_Bot', u'replieswithsmokeweed', u'hhhehehe_BOT', u'r_PictureGame', u'anusBot', u'MumeBot', u'not-cleverbot', u'ContentForager', u'Gestabot', u'TheSpellingAsshole', u'd3posterbot', u'Dad_Jokes_Inbound', u'note-to-self-bot', u'hockey_gif_bot', u'boardgamerecommender', u'greeter_bot', u'TitsOrGTFO_Bot', u'PlayStoreLinks__Bot', u'RideshareFiend', u'Gukga-anjeon-bowibu', u'grreviews_bot', u'last_cakeday_bot', u'mvinfo', u'dgctipbot', u'_AyyLmaoBot_', u'freeEBOOKS-Batman', u'SoThereYouHaveIt', u'ferrarispider52', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot5', u'SideSlapd', u'ItWillGetBetterBot', u'tittietipbot', u'Rule_13_Bot', u'Handy_Related_Sub', u'BELITipBot', u'scraptip', u'Antiracism_Bot', u'auto-doge', u'LocalAmazonBot', u'CAH_BLACK_BOT', u'JotBot', u'Random-ComplimentBOT', u'PlaylisterBot', u'maybemaybemaybe_bot', u'MaveTipBot', u'nsfw_gfys_bot2', u'slickwom-bot', u'demobilizer', u'obamabot9000', u'KSPortBot', u'Define_It', u'AutoDictionaryBot', u'upmo', u'cah_white_bot', u'Control_F', u'XPostLinker', u'phrase_bot', u'TOP_COMMENT_OF_YORE', u'smile_today_', u'so_doge_tip', u'Dictionary__Bot', u'CPTModBot', u'Downtotes_Plz', u'kuilinbot', u'gracefulcharitybot', u'A_random_gif', u'trpbot', u'NFLVideoBot', u'redditShitBots', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-35', u'-grammar-police', u'ShittyImageBot', u'SWTOR_Helper_Bot', u'SpellingB', u'Metric_System_Bot', u'I_Am_Genesis', u'TotesHuman', u'AutoNiggaBot', u'DadBot3000', u'VideopokerBot', u'nhl_gif_bot', u'mcservers-bot', u'sendto', u'classhole_bot', u'DNotesTip', u'UselessArithmeticBot', u'GoogleTranslateBot', u'MAGNIFIER_BOT', u'NoLocationSpecifics', u'DealWithItbot', u'NintendoVideoBot', u'CONFUSED_COPYCAT', u'flappytip', u'ToMetric', u'ParenthesisBot', u'bitofnewsbot', u'post_only_cocks', u'YourWrongBot', u'ImprovedGrammarBot', u'GivesFactsBot300', u'eurotipbot', u'EscapistVideoBot', u'AntiBrigadeBot', u'IRCR_Info_Bot', u'CL_MirrorBot', u'ICouldntCareLessBot', u'X_BOT', u'approve_modqueue', u'MovieReviewBOT', u'My_Bot', u'panderingwhore', u'GeekWhackBot', u'Godwins_Law_Bot', u'/r/bot_police', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-11', u'valkyribot', u'WordCloudBot2', u'OnlyPostsJFC', u'wooshbot', u'infiltration_bot', u'PriceZombie', u'PigLatinsYourComment', u'SatoshiTipBot', u'saysPotato', u'MonsterMashBot', u'subtext-bot', u'RoundUp_bot', u'creepiersmilebot', u'ReleaseDateBot', u'BensonTheBot', u'SwearWordPolice', u'corgicointip', u'SuchModBot', u'RAOM_Bot', u'haha_bot', u'WeatherReportBot', u'xkcd37bot', u'EDC_automod', u'NASCARThreadBot', u'HFY_Tag_Bot', u'BHObamanator', u'coinflipbot', u'meme_transcriber', u'elMatadero_bot', u'Website_Mirror_Bot', u'anagrammm', u'PM_UR_NUDES-PLEASE', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot', u'Profanity-bot', u'SRS_History_Bot', u'GunnitBot', u'Nazeem_Bot', u'I_Say_No_', u'MetricPleaseBot', u'trollface_bot', u'bad_ball_ban_bot', u'VeteransResourcesBot', u'ASOIAFSearchBot', u'milestone_upvotes', u'DotaCastingBot', u'I_Love_You_Too_Bot', u'RaceReporter', u'gives_you_boobies', u'YT_Bot', u'groompbot', u'Craigslist-Bot', u'AutoInsult', u'coinyetipper', u'clothinf89', u'RedditTagger', u'SnapshillBot', u'Correct_Apostrophe_S', u'PhoenixBot', u'NightMirrorMoon', u'decidebot', u'gtcbot', u'HCE_Replacement_Bot', u'kitabi_vig', u'GrammarCorrectingBot', u'cheesecointipbot', u'GoogleForYouBot', u'Anti-brigade-bot-19', u'Mr_Vladimir_Putin', u'NSLbot', u'faketipbot', u'fedora_tip_bot', u'NotRedditEnough', u'FapFindr', u'WatchGroupBot', u'kittehcointipbot', u'AyyLmao2DongerBot', u'MemeExDe', u'memedad-transcriber', u'ModisDead', u'TheSwedishBot', u'kg2bee', u'Le_xD_Bot', u'frontbot', u'bRMT_Bot', u'DailyBoobBot', u'synonym_flash', u'PCMasterRacebot', u'nba_gif_bot', u'Could_Care_Corrector', u'GrammerNazi_', u'rubycointipbot', u'RedditCatFacts', u'PloungeMafiaVoteBot', u'TweetPoster', u'AstrosBot', u'chromabot', u'hilbertbot', u'LocationBot', u'webpage_down_bot', u'TheChosenBot', u'mladybot', u'c5bot', u'subredditChecker', u'flips_title', u'CalvinBot', u'ObamaRobot', u'gunners_gif_bot', u'ButtTipBot', u'User_Simulator', u'foreigneducationbot', u'TheLennyBot', u'InceptionBwongBot', u'frytipbot', u'provides-id', u'RaGodOfTheSunisaCunt', u'TrendingBot', u'Daily_Fail_Bot', u'lilliecute', u'rnfl_robot', u'CreepierSmileBot', u'AntiBrigadeBot2', u'translatesit43times', u'Link_Demobilizer', u'DeltaBot', u'CussWordPolice', u'hearing_aid_bot', u'league_match_bot', u'recursion_bot', u'TalkieToasterBot', u'edmprobot', u'AllahuAkbarBot', u'PreserverBot', u'LinkFixerBot2', u'LinkFixerBot3', u'iTunesLinks', u'_TonyWonder_', u'nbtip', u'Converts2Useless', u'LouderBot', u'flip_text_bot', u'randnumbot', u'PresidentObama___', u'giftoslideshowdotcom', u'canada_goose_tip_bot', u'sumthenews', u'Some_Bot', u'approve_unmoderated', u'Cakeday-Bot', u'ShittyGandhiQuotes', u'TheHandOfOmega', u'test_bot0x00', u'topredditbot', u'siteswap-bot', u'RonaldTheRight', u'-faggotbot', u'colorcodebot', u'Somalia_Bot', u'TerribleJokeBot', u'yes_it_is_weird', u'youtubefactsbot', u'NSA_for_ELS', 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u'OriginalPostSearcher', u'DefinitelyBot', u'CuteBot6969', u'AVR_Modbot', u'no_period_bot', u'pleaseTranslate', u'VideoLinkBot', u'Text_Reader_Bot', u'FedoraTipAutoBot', u'redditlinkfixerbot', u'lmaoRobot', u'facts_sphere', u'ban_pruner', u'I_hate_spaghetti', u'GandhiSpellingBot', u'NotAlotBot2', u'amumu_bot', u'webm_bot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-3', u'numberwant-bot.', u'relevantxkcd-bot', u'RequirementsBot', u'Erroneous_Quotes_Bot', u'nrl_cfb', u'PaidBot', u'moderator-bot', u'baseball_gif_bot', u'meowmeowbot', u'DownvotedComments', u'CortanaBot', u'PnSProtectionService', u'Gatherer_bot', u'VideoPostBot', u'CLOSING_PARENTHESIS', u'WPBot', u'Hikelsa_bot', u'Wiki_FirstPara_bot', u'Fixes_GrammerNazi_', u'YouTube_Time', u'FrownUpsideDownBot', u'DogeTipStatsBot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-12', u'MatchThreadder', u'RFootballBot', u'ThePoliceBot', u'JokingLikeaBot', u'hhhehehebot', u'domoarigatobtfcboto', u'BritishHaikuBot', u'thisbotsays', u'Bible_Verses_Bot', u'QuoteMeBot', u'WikipediaCitationBot', u'RickyClickBot', u'totes_alpha_bot', u'allinonebot', u'flair_your_post_bot', u'TellsPeopleNo', u'WhoopThereItWas', u'u/alot-of-bot', u'Thier_2_Their_Bot', u'I_Like_Spaghetti', u'NoSleepAutoMod', u'rSGSpolice', u'CuteLifeBot', u'GivesSilverBot300', u'MovieGuide', u'HowIsThisBestOf_Bot', u'TrollaBot', u'StencilTemplateBOT', u'JakeandAmirBot', u'BlackjackBot', u'CHART_BOT', u'KarmaConspiracy_Bot', u'YouTube', u'BigLebowskiBot', u'grumblehi88', u'BotAntagonist', u'FriendSafariBot', u'unitconvert', u'NoGrasiaABot', u'cris9696', u'dndme_bot', u'Grumbler_bot', u'DetailsMaster', u'litetip', u'cmhocbot', u'ImproperGrammarBot', u'imgurtranscriber', u'AlbumHelperBot', u'zunjae', u'BuildAPC4MeBot', u'Insigible_Bot', u'VoterBot', u'slapbot', u'CarterDugSubLinkBot', u'Ultron_Bot', u'ProductHelperBot', u'WhoWouldWinBot', u'changetip', u'ApiContraption', u'SEO_Killer', u'edhrec', u'NumberWangBot', u'RubyBot', u'astro-bot', u'RepeatBOT', u'dirtymindrebel', u'redditliveleakbot', u'oprahversiontwo', u'hitlerbot', u'LazyLinkerBot', u'GATSBOT', u'FlashFactBot', u'TheButtonStatsBot', u'SketchNotSkit', u'ARandomTipAppears', u'NoSobStoryBot2', u'SadFaceBot', u'adverb_bot', u'FelineFacts', u'request_bot', u'ReadSmallTextBot', u'MirrorNinjaBot', u'Stop_Insulting_Mommy', u'delaybot', u'LinkFixerBot1', u'timewaitsforsome', u'grumpybot', u'MTGCardFetcher', u'BreakfastCerealBot', u'DailMail_Bot', u'SMCTipBot', u'TravellingMerchanter', u'gocougs_bot', u'SubredditLinkFixer', u'bitcointip', u'anon_bot', u'disapprovalbot', u'LineBreakBot', u'beecointipbot', u'digitipbot', u'steam_bot', u'CSGO_STATS_BOT', u'Tumblr_In_Starbucks', u'ExplainsRemovals', u'RPTtipbot', u'post', u'ButWhatDoIDoWithIt', u'Videos_Mentioned', u'bot_pickle', u'gandhiwatchesbot', u'__bot__', u'Anti_Vladimir_Putin', u'VIPBot', u'WeAppreciateYou', u'_Adam_M_', u'BadLinguisticsBot', u'rule_bot', u'Porygon-Bot', u'BanishedBot', u'StarboundBot', u'saysjokes', u'IQuoteYouBot', u'colombia_bot', u'InternetLyingPolice', u'LolKBot', u'Codebreakerbreaker', u'Cat-Facts_Bot', u'BotWatchman', u'PrettyMuchPrettyMuch', u'ADHDbot', u'ConvertsToText', u'PoliteBot', u'bocketybot', u'CommentCreator', u'fedoratips', u'stats-bot', u'potdealer', u'f1bet', u'notoverticalvideo', u'ReddCoinGoldBot', u'Meta_Bot2', u'Sandstorm_Bot', u'spam', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-2', u'LinkFixerBotSnr', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-1', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-6', u'asmrspambot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-5', u'HockeyGT_Bot', u'_FallacyBot_', u'ResolutionBot', u'QUICHE-BOT', u'classybot', u'GimliBot', u'AtheismModBot', u'xkcd_number_bot', u'friendlygame', u'malen-shutup-bot', u'Key_Points', u'dogerank', u'Reads_Small_Text_Bot', u'DRKTipBot', u'chawalbanda33', u'ProselytizerBot', u'isitupbot', u'Makes_Small_Text_Bot', u'untouchedURL', u'Rangers_Bot', u'though...', u'tennis_gif_bot', u'IsItDownBot', u'r2d8', u'WhenisHL3', u'Gynocologist_Bot', u'User_History_Bot', u'spamming', u'New_Small_Text_Bot', u'havoc_bot', u'Top_Comment_Repo_Man', u'DDBotIndia', u'conspirobot', u'Clever_Bot_replies', u'balls_bot', u'GeographyBot', u'BBQModBot', u'English_Helper_Bot', u'SmartphonePitchforks', u'approved!', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot1917', u'soccer_gif_bot', u'OriginalLinkBot', u'TitleLinkerBot', u'BensonTheSecond', u'godwin_finder', u'SmallSubBot', u'whispen', u'Shrug_Bot', u'raiseyourdongersbot', u'AssHatBot', u'EmmaBot', u'IS_IT_SOLVED', u'AltCodeBot', u'albumbot', u'Wink-Bot', u'random-imgur', u'Raptor_Reading', u'xkcd_bot', u'GoodGuyGold', u'FrontpageWatch', u'ElectroKarmaGram', u'redditreviewbot', u'BotOfOriginality', u'FirstThingsFirst_bot', u'FucksWithTables', u'a_lot_vs_alot_bot', u'Is_Pepsi_Ok_bot', u'rightsbot', u'L-O-S-E_not_LOOSE', u'myrtipbot', u'expired_link_bot', u'Translates10Times', u'gifster_bot', u'autotldr', u'BeetusBot', u'ExplanationBot', u'classhole_robot', u'sports_gif_bot', u'Shinybot', u'Bronze-Bot', u'_Definition_Bot_', u'Killmail_Bot', u'HMF_Bot', u'misconception_fixer', u'diccionariobot', u'PopcornBot', u'RelatedBot', u'youtube_unblock_bot', u'CreepySmileBot', u'PKABot', u'fsctipbot', u'Meta_Bot', u'IM_DEFINITELY_A_BOT', u'Clickbait_ReplierBot'])
print bots_list # about 897 bots (can be return different results in each time)

set([u'Shiny-Bot', u'pandatipbot', u'RealtechPostBot', u'serendipitybot', u'arethemodsasleep', u'The_Penis_Game_Bot', u'whooshbot', u'Zyra_test', u'isDegenerate', u'VerseBot', u'AladeenBot', u'callfloodbot', u'RandomTriviaBot', u'BaddieBot', u'TravellingMerchanter', u'RLinkBot', u'autourbanbot', u'thier_2_their_bot', u'amProbablyPooping', u'gracefulclaritybot', u'reposter', u'ExplainLikeImFiveBot', u'autowikibot', u'FTFY_Cat', u'Chemistry_Bot', u'bust1nbot', u'ELIMINATE_GIFS', u'MEMEBOT_5000', u'visual_clarification', u'triggeredbot', u'haiku_finder_bot', u'Eats_Small_Text_Bot', u'GameDealsBot', u'Wiki_Bot', u'STEALTHM0UNTAIN', u'LegoLinkBot', u'LeagueSalesBot', u'BadSarcasmDetector', u'Dad_Jokes_Incoming', u'publicmodlogs', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot7', u'LittleHelperRobot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot3', u'ShibeBot', u'autowikiabot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot8', u'cah_white_bot', u'oprahversiontwo', u'_youtubot_', u'UnobtaniumTipBot', u'YOGSbot', u'ThePoliceBot', u'DoNotLinkBot', u'givesafuckbot', u'gabenizer-bot', u'MagicTip', u'GunnitBot', u'checks_for_checks', u'define_bot', u'ThanksObamaBiden', u'rusetipbot', u'autotrope_bot', u'Feathersbumbled', u'luckoftheshibe', u'AbixBot', u'ModisDead', u'demobile_bot', u'acini', u'OneBleachinBot', u'WeeaBot', u'NobodyDoesThis', u'image_linker_bot', u'Review_Bot', u'WWE_Network_Bot', u'ShillForMonsanto', u'TheAssBot', u'PokemonFlairBot', u'Readability_Bot', u'Smile_Bot', u'SubredditLinkFixer', u'CaptionBot', u'MerryChristmasBot', u'The_Dad_Bot', u'hearing-aid_bot', u'bee2kg', u'IPostAlotBot', u'stockinfo_bot', u'ASOT_Tracklister_bot', u'makesTextSmall', u'PSBBot', u'Frown_Bot', u'info_bot_nsfw', u'StackBot', u'BeHappyBot', u'BotOfOriginality', u'WordcloudYou', u'magic-8-bot', u'DUCCI__BOT', u'Product_Helper_Bot', u'PHOTO_OF_CAPTAIN_RON', u'Readdit_Bot', u'digitipbot', u'Comment_Codebreaker', u'ToBeFairBot', u'dirtymindbot', u'bot', u'GfycatLinkFixerBot', u'steam_bot', u'Innocence_bot2', u'GandhiSpellingBot', u'__a_lot_bot__', u'DidSomeoneSayBoobs', u'compilebot', u'Brigade_Bot', u'elwh392', u'_Sweetiebot', u'MRAorRacist', u'UselessAndBot', u'ChannelBot', u'ButWhatDoIDoWithIt', u'ASCIICockBot', u'tabledresser', u'Videos_Mentioned', u'IAgreeBot', u'PornOverlord', u'earthtipbot', u'topcoin_tip', u'Huehue_Bot', u'heads_need_bodies', u'GiantBombBot', u'archlinkbot', u'iscuck_bot', u'nice_meme_bot', u'pkmntcgtrades', u'dotaherobot', u'TreeFiddyBot', u'RedditAnalysisBot', u'roger_bot', u'Shakespeares_Ghost', u'annoying_yes_bot', u'HScard_display_bot', u'Explains_FTFY', u'HelperBot_', u'PopcornBot', u'gandhi_spell_bot', u'livid_taco', u'IthkuilRobot', u'PlayStoreLinks_Bot', u'dong_lover_69_bot', u'Epic_Face_Bot', u'xkcd_bot', u'BrokenArmsBot', u'you_get_CMV_delta', u'PonyTipBot', u'Twitch2YouTube', u'hilbertbot', u'gabentipbot', u'DogeLotteryModBot', u'alot-of-bot', u'The-Paranoid-Android', u'BigLebowskiBot', u'wheres_the_karma_bot', u'Wolfram_Bot', u'ImageRehoster', u'highlightsbot', u'tamabot', u'TellsPeopleNo', u'BlackjackBot', u'codex561', u'raddit-bot', u'YT_Timestamp_Bot', u'WeAppreciateYou', u'hhhehehe_BOT', u'r_PictureGame', u'anusBot', u'JotBot', u'not-cleverbot', u'Gestabot', u'TheSpellingAsshole', u'd3posterbot', u'Dad_Jokes_Inbound', u'hockey_gif_bot', u'boardgamerecommender', u'greeter_bot', u'TitsOrGTFO_Bot', u'PlayStoreLinks__Bot', u'RideshareFiend', u'I_Love_You_Too_Bot', u'English_Helper_Bot', u'grreviews_bot', u'ASOIAFSearchBot', u'mvinfo', u'SnapshillBot', u'_AyyLmaoBot_', u'grumpybot', u'SoThereYouHaveIt', u'ferrarispider52', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot5', u'SideSlapd', u'ItWillGetBetterBot', u'CalvinBot', u'Rule_13_Bot', u'Handy_Related_Sub', u'BELITipBot', u'scraptip', u'Antiracism_Bot', u'auto-doge', u'LocalAmazonBot', u'CAH_BLACK_BOT', u'MumeBot', u'Random-ComplimentBOT', u'PlaylisterBot', u'maybemaybemaybe_bot', u'MaveTipBot', u'nsfw_gfys_bot2', u'CortanaBot', u'demobilizer', u'obamabot9000', u'KSPortBot', u'Define_It', u'PnSProtectionService', u'StencilTemplateBOT', u'Control_F', u'XPostLinker', u'phrase_bot', u'TOP_COMMENT_OF_YORE', u'smile_today_', u'trollmaster-5000', u'Dictionary__Bot', u'CPTModBot', u'Downtotes_Plz', u'kuilinbot', u'gracefulcharitybot', u'A_random_gif', u'trpbot', u'redditShitBots', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-35', u'-grammar-police', u'PoliteBot', u'SpellingB', u'Metric_System_Bot', u'I_Am_Genesis', u'TotesHuman', u'AutoNiggaBot', u'DadBot3000', u'VideopokerBot', u'nhl_gif_bot', u'mcservers-bot', u'sendto', u'classhole_bot', u'DNotesTip', u'UselessArithmeticBot', u'GoogleTranslateBot', u'MAGNIFIER_BOT', u'NoLocationSpecifics', u'DealWithItbot', u'NintendoVideoBot', u'CONFUSED_COPYCAT', u'flappytip', u'ToMetric', u'classybot', u'bitofnewsbot', u'post_only_cocks', u'YourWrongBot', u'ImprovedGrammarBot', u'GivesFactsBot300', u'eurotipbot', u'EscapistVideoBot', u'AntiBrigadeBot', u'IRCR_Info_Bot', u'CL_MirrorBot', u'ICouldntCareLessBot', u'X_BOT', u'approve_modqueue', u'MovieReviewBOT', u'My_Bot', u'panderingwhore', u'GeekWhackBot', 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u'Meta_Bot', u'dgctipbot', u'Correct_Apostrophe_S', u'OnlyRepliesLMAO', u'NightMirrorMoon', u'decidebot', u'gtcbot', u'HCE_Replacement_Bot', u'kitabi_vig', u'GrammarCorrectingBot', u'VideoLinkBot', u'cheesecointipbot', u'note-to-self-bot', u'NSLbot', u'Rare_Pepe_Poster', u'NotRedditEnough', u'FapFindr', u'WatchGroupBot', u'kittehcointipbot', u'AyyLmao2DongerBot', u'PhoenixBot', u'Bible_Verses_Bot', u'TheSwedishBot', u'kg2bee', u'Le_xD_Bot', u'frontbot', u'bRMT_Bot', u'DailyBoobBot', u'Key_Points', u'synonym_flash', u'PCMasterRacebot', u'nba_gif_bot', u'Could_Care_Corrector', u'GrammerNazi_', u'GoogleForYouBot', u'RedditCatFacts', u'PloungeMafiaVoteBot', u'Anti-brigade-bot-19', u'AstrosBot', u'chromabot', u'LocationBot', u'webpage_down_bot', u'TheChosenBot', u'mladybot', u'c5bot', u'subredditChecker', u'flips_title', u'ObamaRobot', u'gunners_gif_bot', u'ButtTipBot', u'User_Simulator', u'foreigneducationbot', u'/r/bot_police', u'isReactionaryBot', u'frytipbot', u'provides-id', u'RaGodOfTheSunisaCunt', u'TrendingBot', u'Daily_Fail_Bot', u'lilliecute', u'rnfl_robot', u'CreepierSmileBot', u'AntiBrigadeBot2', u'translatesit43times', u'Link_Demobilizer', u'hearing_aid_bot', u'TalkieToasterBot', u'edmprobot', u'AllahuAkbarBot', u'PreserverBot', u'LinkFixerBot2', u'LinkFixerBot3', u'iTunesLinks', u'nbtip', u'picsonlybot', u'LouderBot', u'flip_text_bot', u'randnumbot', u'PresidentObama___', u'giftoslideshowdotcom', u'canada_goose_tip_bot', u'sumthenews', u'Some_Bot', u'approve_unmoderated', u'Gukga-anjeon-bowibu', u'Reads_Small_Text_Bot', u'TheHandOfOmega', u'siteswap-bot', u'RonaldTheRight', u'-faggotbot', u'_TonyWonder_', u'Somalia_Bot', u'TerribleJokeBot', u'yes_it_is_weird', u'youtubefactsbot', u'NSA_for_ELS', u'reallygoodbot', u'no_context_bot', u'ALTcointip', u'polit-a-matic', u'JoeBidenBot', u'fmk_bot', u'isitupbot', u'shadowbanbot', u'inside_voices', u'penguingun', u'NSA_dummy_acc_1', u'GotCrypto', u'untouchedURL', u'ImJimmieJohnsonBot', u'vertcoinbot', u'ClicheDetectorBot', u'LoansBot', u'memedad-transcriber', u'PleaseRespectTables', u'xkcd_transcriber', u'CockBotHDEdition', u'techobot', u'golferbot', u'RemindMeBot', u'tyo-translate', u'JiffierBot', u'rss_feed', u'new_eden_news_bot', u'CasualMetricBot', u'Unhandy_Related_Sub', u'nfl_gif_bot', u'loser_detector_bot', u'xkcdcomic_bot', u'okc_rating_bot', u'_stock_bot_', u'RfreebandzBOT', u'BailyBot', u'MassdropBot', u'CuteBot6969', u'RPBot', u'pandatips', u'NFLVideoConverterBot', u'YesManBot', u'hwsbot', u'UselessConversionBot', u'MY_GLASSES_BITCH', u'MirrorNinjaBot', u'so_doge_tip', u'AwkwardMod', u'JiffyBot', u'Link_Rectifier_Bot', u'FunCatFacts', u'hearingaid_bot', u'spursgifs_xposterbot', u'SRD_Notifier', u'Deviantart-Mirror', u'isreactionary_bot', u'TipMoonBot', u'ARBetBot', u'NFLVideoBot', u'rotoreuters', u'Celeb_Username_Bot', u'reddtipbot', u'edward_r_servo', u'PM_UR_NUDES-PLEASE', u'softwareswap_bot', u'DotaCastingBot', u'JennyCherry18', u'ShadowBannedBot', u'fedora_tip_bot', u'FFBot', u'TDTMBot', u'TheBotAlot', u'TrollaBot', u'ConvertsToMetric', u'NewAustrian', u'SauceHunt', u'MINE_FEWER_BOT', u'InceptionBwongBot', u'hit_bot', u'howstat', u'DownvotesMcGoats', u'I_Dislike_Spaghetti', u'JumpToBot', u'TotesMessenger', u'AutoCorrectionBot', u'bot?', u'Rick_Nash_Face', u'LinkDemobilizerBot', u'SexSellsStats', u'faketipbot', u'SubredditLinkBot', u'SERIAL_JOKE_KILLER', u'euphoria_bot', u'MemeExDe', u'CamptownRobot', u'mma_gif_bot', u'delaybot', u'Barrack_Obama__', u'MuhOutrage_Bot', u'xkcd_butt', u'jerkbot-3hunna', u'PKABot', u'test_bot0x00', u'BlockchainBot', u'StopSayingRIPinPBot', u'nyantip', u'Link_Correction_Bot', u'That_Attitude_Bot', u'AwkwardDev', u'dogetipbot', u'KitCatMeow', u'YouGotGlitched', u'MarkovBot', u'rubycointipbot', u'magic_8_bot', u'shakespearinsults', u'haiku_robot', u'cRedditBot', u'DeltaBot', u'DEAL_WITH_IT_bot', u'DTG_Bot', u'I_Like_Cattles', u'GabenCoinTipBot', u'Converts2Useless', u'moviesbot', u'Auto_Neckbeard_Bot', u'cahbot', u'BOTFORSUBREDDITNAME', u'totes_meta_bot', u'GooglePlusBot', u'callibot', u'autoleprabot', u'smilesbot', u'AsciBoobsBot', u'freeEBOOKS-Batman', u'flipacoinbot', u'CreepySmileBotFanBot', u'TweetPoster', u'I_BITCOIN_CATS', u'bitcoinpartybot', u'mirror__bot', u'SantorumCringeBot', u'MontrealBot', u'metoobot', u'TweetPosterdow', u'ac_502002', u'citation-is-needed', u'LinkedCommentBot', u'vertcointipbot', u'VsauceBot', u'makeswordcloudsagain', u'FTFY_Cat6', u'WritingPromptsBot', u'tipmoonbot1', u'SWTOR_Helper_Bot', u'pi_day_bot', u'comment_copier_bot', u'ChristianityBot', u'calcolatore', u'GoneWildResearcher', u'Image_Info_Bot', u'topredditbot', u'matthewrobo', u'EveryThingIsSoRaven', u'SRScreenshot', u'GreasyBacon', u'OriginalPostSearcher', u'DefinitelyBot', u'GrasiaABot', u'BensonTheSecond', u'pleaseTranslate', u'AgentKoenigLMD', u'Text_Reader_Bot', u'FedoraTipAutoBot', u'redditlinkfixerbot', u'lmaoRobot', u'facts_sphere', u'ban_pruner', u'I_hate_spaghetti', u'SurveyOfRedditBot', u'NotAlotBot2', u'Shrug_Bot', u'webm_bot', u'approved!', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-3', u'numberwant-bot.', u'relevantxkcd-bot', u'RequirementsBot', u'nrl_cfb', u'PaidBot', u'moderator-bot', u'baseball_gif_bot', u'meowmeowbot', u'DownvotedComments', u'not_alot_bot', u'slickwom-bot', u'Mr_Vladimir_Putin', u'Gatherer_bot', u'VideoPostBot', u'CLOSING_PARENTHESIS', u'WPBot', u'Hikelsa_bot', u'Wiki_FirstPara_bot', u'Fixes_GrammerNazi_', u'YouTube_Time', u'FrownUpsideDownBot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-11', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-12', u'RoundUp_bot', u'RFootballBot', u'BHObamanator', u'JokingLikeaBot', u'InternetLyingPolice', u'Raptor_Reading', u'hhhehehebot', u'TerperBot', u'domoarigatobtfcboto', u'BritishHaikuBot', u'thisbotsays', u'battery_bot', u'TheLennyBot', u'WikipediaCitationBot', u'CouldCareFewer', u'totes_alpha_bot', u'allinonebot', u'flair_your_post_bot', u'GunnersGifsBot', u'WhoopThereItWas', u'imgurtranscriber', u'Thier_2_Their_Bot', u'I_Like_Spaghetti', u'NoSleepAutoMod', u'TicTacToeBot', u'rSGSpolice', u'CuteLifeBot', u'GivesSilverBot300', u'MovieGuide', u'HowIsThisBestOf_Bot', u'haikub0t', u'JakeandAmirBot', u'DogeWordCloudBot', u'CHART_BOT', u'KarmaConspiracy_Bot', u'YouTube', u'rest_in_peace_fixer', u'grumblehi88', u'BotAntagonist', u'FriendSafariBot', u'unitconvert', u'no_period_bot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-5', u'dndme_bot', u'Grumbler_bot', u'DetailsMaster', u'litetip', u'cmhocbot', u'ImproperGrammarBot', u'u/alot-of-bot', u'AlbumHelperBot', u'zunjae', u'BuildAPC4MeBot', u'Insigible_Bot', u'VoterBot', u'slapbot', u'FrontpageWatch', u'Ultron_Bot', u'Nidalee_Bot', u'ProductHelperBot', u'WhoWouldWinBot', u'changetip', u'ElectroKarmaGram', u'Makes_Small_Text_Bot', u'ApiContraption', u'edhrec', u'NumberWangBot', u'redditreviewbot', u'astro-bot', u'RepeatBOT', u'dirtymindrebel', u'redditliveleakbot', u'league_match_bot', u'qznc_bot', u'LazyLinkerBot', u'GATSBOT', u'FlashFactBot', u'TheButtonStatsBot', u'HFY_Tag_Bot', u'SmallTextReader', u'NoSobStoryBot2', u'SadFaceBot', u'NoseyPantyBot', u'FelineFacts', u'request_bot', u'ReadSmallTextBot', u'Erroneous_Quotes_Bot', u'FucksWithTables', u'maddie_bot', u'LinkFixerBot1', u'timewaitsforsome', u'bot?)', u'MTGCardFetcher', u'BreakfastCerealBot', u'DailMail_Bot', u'SMCTipBot', u'much-wow-doge', u'gocougs_bot', u'keysteal_bot', u'bitcointip', u'anon_bot', u'disapprovalbot', u'peekerbot', u'LineBreakBot', u'beecointipbot', u'QuoteMeBot', u'videos_mod', u'CSGO_STATS_BOT', u'L-O-S-E_not_LOOSE', u'ExplainsRemovals', u'RPTtipbot', u'post', u'ComplimentingBot', u'GoldFact', u'bot_pickle', u'gandhiwatchesbot', u'__bot__', u'Anti_Vladimir_Putin', u'VIPBot', u'SketchNotSkit', u'replieswithsmokeweed', u'_Adam_M_', u'BadLinguisticsBot', u'rule_bot', u'Porygon-Bot', u'BanishedBot', u'StarboundBot', u'tittietipbot', u'IQuoteYouBot', u'colombia_bot', u'automoderator', u'LolKBot', u'Codebreakerbreaker', u'Cat-Facts_Bot', u'BotWatchman', u'PrettyMuchPrettyMuch', u'ADHDbot', u'ConvertsToText', u'ShittyImageBot', u'bocketybot', u'CommentCreator', u'fedoratips', u'stats-bot', u'potdealer', u'f1bet', u'notoverticalvideo', u'ReddCoinGoldBot', u'Meta_Bot2', u'Sandstorm_Bot', u'spam', u'elMatadero_bot', u'TARDIS-BOT', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-1', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot-6', u'asmrspambot', u'recursion_bot', u'HockeyGT_Bot', u'_FallacyBot_', u'ResolutionBot', u'QUICHE-BOT', u'GimliBot', u'AtheismModBot', u'xkcd_number_bot', u'friendlygame', u'testbotjen', u'malen-shutup-bot', u'CussWordPolice', u'dogerank', u'ShittyGandhiQuotes', u'DRKTipBot', u'chawalbanda33', u'ProselytizerBot', u'hitlerbot', u'historymodbot', u'SEO_Killer', u'rhiever-bot', u'Rangers_Bot', u'though...', u'tennis_gif_bot', u'Cakeday-Bot', u'IsItDownBot', u'NoGrasiaABot', u'Bronze-Bot', u'Gynocologist_Bot', u'User_History_Bot', u'spamming', u'New_Small_Text_Bot', u'havoc_bot', u'Top_Comment_Repo_Man', u'DDBotIndia', u'conspirobot', u'Clever_Bot_replies', u'balls_bot', u'GeographyBot', u'LinkFixerBotSnr', u'BBQModBot', u'cris9696', u'HMF_Bot', u'Profanity-bot', u'Anti-Brigade-Bot1917', u'soccer_gif_bot', u'OriginalLinkBot', u'TitleLinkerBot', u'AVR_Modbot', u'godwin_finder', u'SmallSubBot', u'whispen', u'amumu_bot', u'raiseyourdongersbot', u'AssHatBot', u'EmmaBot', u'diccionariobot', u'ARandomTipAppears', u'IS_IT_SOLVED', u'AltCodeBot', u'albumbot', u'Wink-Bot', u'random-imgur', u'colorcodebot', u'RickyClickBot', u'GoodGuyGold', u'CarterDugSubLinkBot', u'RelevantSummary', u'RubyBot', u'upmo', u'FirstThingsFirst_bot', u'Stop_Insulting_Mommy', u'a_lot_vs_alot_bot', u'Is_Pepsi_Ok_bot', u'Tumblr_In_Starbucks', u'sexy!)', u'myrtipbot', u'expired_link_bot', u'Translates10Times', u'gifster_bot', u'autotldr', u'BeetusBot', u'ExplanationBot', u'classhole_robot', u'sports_gif_bot', u'Shinybot', u'WhenisHL3', u'_Definition_Bot_', u'Killmail_Bot', u'SmartphonePitchforks', u'misconception_fixer', u'PigLatinsYourComment', u'ExmoBot', u'adverb_bot', u'RelatedBot', u'youtube_unblock_bot', u'CreepySmileBot', u'rightsbot', u'fsctipbot', u'ParenthesisBot', u'IM_DEFINITELY_A_BOT', u'Clickbait_ReplierBot'])

We then created a users’ list with both types of users we wanted to remove from the dataset.

In [8]:
delete_authors |= bots_list
print len(delete_authors) # 904 author names


Let's remove the posts created by these authors.

In [9]:
sf = sf[sf['author'].apply(lambda a: a not in delete_authors )]

|        author        | author_flair_css_class | author_flair_text |
|       bostich        |          null          |        null       |
|    igiveyoumylife    |          null          |        null       |
|         Arve         |          null          |        null       |
|      gigaquack       |          null          |        null       |
|       Percept        |          null          |        null       |
|      gigaquack       |          null          |        null       |
|        mcm69         |          null          |        null       |
|      gigaquack       |          null          |        null       |
|         deki         |          null          |        null       |
|      gigaquack       |          null          |        null       |
|       llimllib       |          null          |        null       |
|      gigaquack       |          null          |        null       |
|    igiveyoumylife    |          null          |        null       |
|        raldi         |          null          |        null       |
|         deki         |          null          |        null       |
|        jezmck        |          null          |        null       |
|    sickofthisshit    |          null          |        null       |
|        hfaber        |          null          |        null       |
|     paternoster      |          null          |        null       |
|    igiveyoumylife    |          null          |        null       |
|      zoomzoom83      |          null          |        null       |
|         donh         |          null          |        null       |
|       tashbarg       |          null          |        null       |
|     newton_dave      |          null          |        null       |
|        hfaber        |          null          |        null       |
|     paternoster      |          null          |        null       |
|     newton_dave      |          null          |        null       |
|         lyon         |          null          |        null       |
|      joe24pack       |          null          |        null       |
|        raldi         |          null          |        null       |
|      orangepeel      |          null          |        null       |
|    igiveyoumylife    |          null          |        null       |
|      rook2pawn       |          null          |        null       |
|     Kitsunemisao     |          null          |        null       |
|        crm114        |          null          |        null       |
|        raldi         |          null          |        null       |
|         deki         |          null          |        null       |
|        walrod        |          null          |        null       |
|        sakri         |          null          |        null       |
|        BastiX        |          null          |        null       |
|      tubelight       |          null          |        null       |
|      joe24pack       |          null          |        null       |
|      spotcatbug      |          null          |        null       |
|        hejog         |          null          |        null       |
|      shadowcast      |          null          |        null       |
|        edf825        |          null          |        null       |
|       Lumarin        |          null          |        null       |
|     newton_dave      |          null          |        null       |
|      bushwakko       |          null          |        null       |
| whatintheworldisthat |          null          |        null       |
|      Bobsickle       |          null          |        null       |
|       DavidM01       |          null          |        null       |
|       Lumarin        |          null          |        null       |
|       wbeavis        |          null          |        null       |
|      LoveGoblin      |          null          |        null       |
|        flosch        |          null          |        null       |
|      zoomzoom83      |          null          |        null       |
|        BastiX        |          null          |        null       |
|       wbeavis        |          null          |        null       |
|     Kitsunemisao     |          null          |        null       |
|    bertramredneck    |          null          |        null       |
|     underthesun      |          null          |        null       |
|       neoform2       |          null          |        null       |
|    glen_quagmire     |          null          |        null       |
|    glen_quagmire     |          null          |        null       |
|    glen_quagmire     |          null          |        null       |
|        tinha         |          null          |        null       |
|        furry8        |          null          |        null       |
|       llimllib       |          null          |        null       |
|    underthelinux     |          null          |        null       |
|        chime         |          null          |        null       |
|        rhamej        |          null          |        null       |
|     greentangent     |          null          |        null       |
|    underthelinux     |          null          |        null       |
|        bw1870        |          null          |        null       |
|      awaazbandh      |          null          |        null       |
|       neoform2       |          null          |        null       |
|        dmead         |          null          |        null       |
|        joshd         |          null          |        null       |
|         Arve         |          null          |        null       |
|       JimJones       |          null          |        null       |
|       dizzle67       |          null          |        null       |
|      andrejevas      |          null          |        null       |
|        magpi3        |          null          |        null       |
|   thatswhatyouget    |          null          |        null       |
|       LordZodd       |          null          |        null       |
|      chiarafox       |          null          |        null       |
|        rense         |          null          |        null       |
|        LudoA         |          null          |        null       |
|      joe24pack       |          null          |        null       |
|       gvsteve        |          null          |        null       |
|        867uht        |          null          |        null       |
|     maxwellhill      |          null          |        null       |
|        icefox        |          null          |        null       |
|         abw          |          null          |        null       |
|         Etab         |          null          |        null       |
|     gonzopancho      |          null          |        null       |
|     anarchistica     |          null          |        null       |
|   thatswhatyouget    |          null          |        null       |
|       teatree        |          null          |        null       |
|              body             | controversiality | created_utc | distinguished |
|              test             |        0         |  1192450635 |      null     |
| much smoother.\r\n\r\nIm j... |        0         |  1192450639 |      null     |
| Can we please deprecate th... |        0         |  1192450643 |      null     |
| Oh, I see. Fancy schmancy ... |        0         |  1192450646 |      null     |
|          testing ...          |        0         |  1192450656 |      null     |
|  I like it. One more time...  |        0         |  1192450658 |      null     |
|  try refreshing yor cache,... |        0         |  1192450662 |      null     |
|  K. I lied. Just one more...  |        0         |  1192450670 |      null     |
| I also wonder what the dif... |        0         |  1192450681 |      null     |
|        So addictive...        |        0         |  1192450683 |      null     |
| I can't post a story to pr... |        0         |  1192450687 |      null     |
|       Alright I'm done.       |        0         |  1192450691 |      null     |
| Is anyone else's "recommen... |        0         |  1192450696 |      null     |
| I can't submit any stories... |        0         |  1192450709 |      null     |
| Working fine with normal A... |        0         |  1192450737 |      null     |
| can't see ... |        0         |  1192450739 |      null     |
| I had a problem as well, w... |        0         |  1192450748 |      null     |
|              hm?              |        0         |  1192450748 |      null     |
|         I think so...         |        0         |  1192450770 |      null     |
| well... I read Ron Paul's ... |        0         |  1192450771 |      null     |
|               No              |        0         |  1192450772 |      null     |
| Cry me a river.  Most pate... |        0         |  1192450781 |      null     |
|              jup              |        0         |  1192450789 |      null     |
| As long as we can still sa... |        0         |  1192450790 |      null     |
| what's new except the asyn... |        0         |  1192450797 |      null     |
|              Yep              |        0         |  1192450809 |      null     |
| You can stop anytime you w... |        0         |  1192450831 |      null     |
| hmm only worked after refr... |        0         |  1192450849 |      null     |
| okay, dokay, lets see how ... |        0         |  1192450869 |      null     |
| Comments posted by friends... |        0         |  1192450875 |      null     |
| The quick brown fox jumped... |        0         |  1192450898 |      null     |
| uh oh... what is that abou... |        0         |  1192450910 |      null     |
| uhm, a 7 yo girl was sat u... |        0         |  1192450918 |      null     |
| Let me see EDIT: Oooh that... |        0         |  1192450919 |      null     |
| I don't see the difference... |        0         |  1192450929 |      null     |
| This new comment system is... |        0         |  1192450935 |      null     |
|               1               |        0         |  1192450947 |      null     |
|               1               |        0         |  1192450978 |      null     |
|  no, let me try \r\n\r\n//... |        0         |  1192450988 |      null     |
|               2               |        0         |  1192450995 |      null     |
|        let me try this.       |        0         |  1192450996 |      null     |
| I likes, I likes, I likes ... |        0         |  1192451000 |      null     |
|  Is anything else differen... |        0         |  1192451009 |      null     |
|        this is a test.        |        0         |  1192451009 |      null     |
|  hey I want in on the comm... |        0         |  1192451019 |      null     |
|               3               |        0         |  1192451023 |      null     |
| You think you have a probl... |        0         |  1192451026 |      null     |
| I think the "parent" link ... |        0         |  1192451027 |      null     |
|           whats new?          |        0         |  1192451031 |      null     |
|  Same here. Certainly a bu... |        0         |  1192451034 |      null     |
|               5               |        0         |  1192451036 |      null     |
| Mass torture at Guantanamo... |        0         |  1192451036 |      null     |
| Ohhhh.....that's nice.\r\n... |        0         |  1192451045 |      null     |
|    Just another comment\r\n   |        0         |  1192451063 |      null     |
| I'd rather have a dead hot... |        0         |  1192451068 |      null     |
|               8               |        0         |  1192451071 |      null     |
| Nope. Months of developmen... |        0         |  1192451073 |      null     |
|               13              |        0         |  1192451085 |      null     |
| these aren't the comments ... |        0         |  1192451089 |      null     |
| What would happen with Les... |        0         |  1192451139 |      null     |
| Don't hesitate to procrast... |        0         |  1192451168 |      null     |
| Yeah, here's to less bandw... |        0         |  1192451193 |      null     |
| Well it wasn't bad before.... |        0         |  1192451249 |      null     |
|    i don't see a difference   |        0         |  1192451252 |      null     |
|   oh i just saw a difference  |        0         |  1192451266 |      null     |
| this will become like twit... |        0         |  1192451287 |      null     |
|   ok...testing...testing...   |        0         |  1192451288 |      null     |
| what if i leave my keys on... |        0         |  1192451312 |      null     |
|         fixed, thanks         |        0         |  1192451325 |      null     |
|      why are you testing?     |        0         |  1192451325 |      null     |
|  Go Marshall Brain! He's o... |        0         |  1192451341 |      null     |
| testing one two, testing o... |        0         |  1192451349 |      null     |
|             Post              |        0         |  1192451351 |      null     |
| yeah, mine is empty, and s... |        0         |  1192451372 |      null     |
|    ...and use what instead?   |        0         |  1192451373 |      null     |
|               34              |        0         |  1192451376 |      null     |
| I used to get that every t... |        0         |  1192451399 |      null     |
|             wheeee            |        0         |  1192451402 |      null     |
| Yup, that fixed the loggin... |        0         |  1192451407 |      null     |
| Nothing. Just explaining w... |        0         |  1192451420 |      null     |
|            Huzzah!            |        0         |  1192451425 |      null     |
| finally some of these peop... |        0         |  1192451445 |      null     |
|               um              |        0         |  1192451466 |      null     |
|  I will tell you after I h... |        0         |  1192451520 |      null     |
|              test             |        0         |  1192451524 |      null     |
|               55              |        0         |  1192451531 |      null     |
| Should be good some day, b... |        0         |  1192451531 |      null     |
|  Testing one two one two.\... |        0         |  1192451536 |      null     |
| Not about the comment syst... |        0         |  1192451594 |      null     |
| modded down, 'cause this i... |        0         |  1192451594 |      null     |
|  testing, to see how the c... |        0         |  1192451605 |      null     |
| Could not log-in with my c... |        0         |  1192451636 |      null     |
| My recommended page is emp... |        0         |  1192451673 |      null     |
| Check out rpp, it has a c+... |        0         |  1192451696 |      null     |
| > Pretty much every pro... |        0         |  1192451705 |      null     |
| I can only imagine how tha... |        0         |  1192451713 |      null     |
| Won't happen... then peopl... |        0         |  1192451715 |      null     |
| Clinton (advised by Wesley... |        0         |  1192451754 |      null     |
| I was having the same prob... |        0         |  1192451764 |      null     |
| Investors complain, but wh... |        0         |  1192451767 |      null     |
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| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:19:32 |   None  |
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| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:20:31 |   None  |
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| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:21:58 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:21:59 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:22:09 |   None  |
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| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:22:27 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:22:58 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:08 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:15 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:16 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  3  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:20 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  6  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:29 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:29 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:39 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:43 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:46 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  3  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:47 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  5  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:51 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:54 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:56 |   None  |
|   politics  |   t5_2cneq   |  0  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:23:56 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:05 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:23 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:28 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:31 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  4  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:33 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:45 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  3  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:24:49 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:25:39 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:26:08 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:26:33 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:27:29 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:27:32 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:27:46 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:28:07 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:28:08 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  0  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:28:32 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:28:45 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:28:45 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  -7 |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:01 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:09 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:11 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:32 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:33 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:36 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  3  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:29:59 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  0  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:30:02 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:30:07 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  2  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:30:20 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  -3 |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:30:25 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:30:45 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  0  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:31:06 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:32:00 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:32:04 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  0  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:32:11 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:32:11 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  4  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:32:16 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  8  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:33:14 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  0  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:33:14 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:33:25 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:33:56 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  8  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:34:33 |   None  |
| programming |   t5_2fwo    |  3  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:34:56 |   None  |
| programming |   t5_2fwo    |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:35:05 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:35:13 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:35:15 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:35:54 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  1  |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:36:04 |   None  |
| |     t5_6     |  -1 |   10  | 2007 | 2007-10-15 05:36:07 |   None  |
| removal_reason |
|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
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|      None      |
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|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
|      None      |
[1420248050 rows x 23 columns]

In [10]:


We are left with about 1.42 billion comments.

2. Analyzing Subreddits

We want to better understand the structure and evolution of subreddits. Let's calculate some interesting statistics on these subreddit communities. We will start by calculating the number of unique subreddits, and then we’ll create histograms of the number of posts on each subreddit.

In [11]:
#For running this section please make sure you created 'reddit_data_no_txt_without_bots_and_deleted_authors.sframe' as explained
# in the previous section
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import graphlab as gl
import graphlab.aggregate as agg


print "The dataset contains %s unique subreddits." % len(sf['subreddit'].unique())
g = sf.groupby('subreddit', {'posts_num': agg.COUNT()})

The dataset contains 222989 unique subreddits.

In [12]:
sns.distplot(g['posts_num'],bins=20, axlabel="posts")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcac0047450>

We have 222,989 subreddits in the dataset. From the above histogram, we can see that the overwhelming majority of subreddits have very few posts. Let's look at the histogram of subreddits with at least a million posts.

In [13]:
g_mil = g[g['posts_num'] >= 1000000]
print "%s subreddits with at least a million posts" % len(g_mil)
sns.distplot(g_mil['posts_num'], axlabel="posts")

189 subreddits with at least a million posts
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcab00fb810>

We discover that only 189 subreddits, 0.085% of all the subreddits, contain more than a million posts. Let's calculate how many posts these subreddits contain in total.

In [14]:
print "The most popular subreddits contain %s posts" % g_mil['posts_num'].sum()

The most popular subreddits contain 920255973 posts

The most popular subreddits contain over 920 million posts. In other words, 0.085% of the subreddits contain 64.8% of the posts. This result reminds me of the fact that over 57% of the world's population live in the ten most populous countries.

Let's map the users’ activity in each subbreddit. Namely, we will find how many distinct user names there are in each subreddit, and what subreddits have the most unique users.

In [15]:
g = sf.groupby('subreddit', {'distinct_authors_number':agg.COUNT_DISTINCT('author')})
g = g.sort('distinct_authors_number', ascending=False)

|      subreddit       | distinct_authors_number |
|      AskReddit       |         4043528         |
|        funny         |         2597295         |
|         pics         |         2478957         |
|         IAmA         |         1810075         |
|         WTF          |         1732201         |
|        gaming        |         1640119         |
|        videos        |         1504645         |
|    AdviceAnimals     |         1499336         |
|    todayilearned     |         1410260         |
|         aww          |         1146100         |
|      worldnews       |         1040681         |
|        Music         |          978804         |
|        movies        |          935939         |
|       atheism        |          818344         |
|         gifs         |          806740         |
|       politics       |          794996         |
|      |          781643         |
|      technology      |          725497         |
|   leagueoflegends    |          688122         |
|         news         |          677763         |
|        trees         |          653115         |
|  explainlikeimfive   |          585828         |
|       science        |          551422         |
|  mildlyinteresting   |          504705         |
| fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu  |          469632         |
|       gonewild       |          442587         |
|    Showerthoughts    |          382621         |
|        books         |          374910         |
|         sex          |          361573         |
|       Fitness        |          358882         |
|         tifu         |          348690         |
|     LifeProTips      |          335495         |
|      Minecraft       |          302154         |
|      cringepics      |          299365         |
|         food         |          282802         |
|    relationships     |          280518         |
|       buildapc       |          274323         |
|   TwoXChromosomes    |          274213         |
|     pcmasterrace     |          270900         |
|       pokemon        |          261453         |
|        Games         |          254490         |
|      television      |          247022         |
|      askscience      |          243116         |
|        bestof        |          242422         |
|     friendsafari     |          241085         |
|       woahdude       |          236070         |
|         nfl          |          231623         |
|        creepy        |          225835         |
|       Android        |          224945         |
|  malefashionadvice   |          214100         |
|        Jokes         |          211811         |
|   personalfinance    |          211662         |
|         DIY          |          211167         |
|     nottheonion      |          210844         |
|        DotA2         |          209201         |
|      circlejerk      |          208939         |
|     reactiongifs     |          208233         |
|        soccer        |          205959         |
|    gameofthrones     |          204984         |
|        sports        |          204188         |
|        4chan         |          203208         |
|      EarthPorn       |          200314         |
|        skyrim        |          199406         |
|     hearthstone      |          189718         |
|         wow          |          187918         |
|        cringe        |          187398         |
|         nsfw         |          178708         |
|         nba          |          176609         |
|     programming      |          175638         |
| ImGoingToHellForThis |          175403         |
|        Frugal        |          173897         |
|      thebutton       |          172978         |
|  millionairemakers   |          172722         |
|        promos        |          172353         |
|   DoesAnybodyElse    |          169906         |
|    tipofmytongue     |          169749         |
|     JusticePorn      |          169674         |
|   GlobalOffensive    |          168248         |
|       nosleep        |          165232         |
|     GetMotivated     |          163741         |
|     techsupport      |          160995         |
|    OldSchoolCool     |          160963         |
|        AskMen        |          160622         |
|      starcraft       |          159432         |
|      offmychest      |          154180         |
|    DestinyTheGame    |          149854         |
|        anime         |          149649         |
|   photoshopbattles   |          148284         |
|     breakingbad      |          147685         |
|       AskWomen       |          146486         |
|       facepalm       |          141766         |
|        space         |          140322         |
|     hiphopheads      |          139195         |
|         self         |          138718         |
|        apple         |          137046         |
| relationship_advice  |          136180         |
|        loseit        |          133228         |
|       amiugly        |          132940         |
|      Futurology      |          132918         |
|         Art          |          132314         |
[222989 rows x 2 columns]

By calculating the elapsed time between users' first post and last post, we can also estimate how much time users have been active in each subreddit.

In [18]:
#Important: running the following code block may take considerable time
sf['created_utc'] = sf['created_utc'].astype(int)
subreddit_users = sf.groupby(['subreddit', 'author'], {'start_date':agg.MIN('created_utc'), 'end_date': agg.MAX('created_utc'), 'posts_num':agg.COUNT()} )
subreddit_users['activity_time'] = subreddit_users.apply(lambda d: d['end_date'] - d['start_date'])

author subreddit start_date end_date posts_num activity_time
hellmouth BuyItForLife 1375246927 1391550508 2 16303581
Bmoore4u videos 1421096848 1421096848 1 0
Hooptie77 gaming 1384927397 1389434525 2 4507128
Rellik_Ladicius movies 1418183444 1418183444 1 0
skateBW775 snowboarding 1425586361 1425586361 1 0
hmatmotu gaming 1351271994 1428582555 10 77310561
JayDutch Borderporn 1431579444 1431579444 1 0
Smileyselfie TwoXChromosomes 1403492575 1412132885 5 8640310
CasperGhostGirl TheGirlSurvivalGuide 1395698990 1395718695 2 19705
Dissociopath Anger 1372363805 1372363805 1 0
[108263508 rows x 6 columns]
Note: Only the head of the SFrame is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

Let's calculate the average time users have been active in each subreddit. To understand the activity time distribution across the subreddits, let's plot a histogram of average activity time.

In [19]:
g = subreddit_users.groupby('subreddit', {'avg_active_time_in_seconds': agg.AVG('activity_time')})

In [20]:
g['avg_active_time_in_days'] = g['avg_active_time_in_seconds'].apply(lambda sec: sec/(60.0*60.0*24))
sns.distplot(g['avg_active_time_in_days'], axlabel="days", bins=20 )

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fcaa8083910>

In [22]:

|        item        |     value     | is exact |
|       Length       |     222989    |   Yes    |
|        Min         |      0.0      |   Yes    |
|        Max         | 1978.59590278 |   Yes    |
|        Mean        | 23.5519125094 |   Yes    |
|        Sum         | 5251817.41856 |   Yes    |
|      Variance      | 3234.08400288 |   Yes    |
| Standard Deviation | 56.8690074019 |   Yes    |
|  # Missing Values  |       0       |   Yes    |
|  # unique values   |     132365    |    No    |

Most frequent items:
| value |  0.0  | 1.15740740741e-05 | 2.31481481481e-05 | 8.10185185185e-05 | 0.000115740740741 |
| count | 80847 |        220        |        122        |         94        |         77        |
| 9.25925925926e-05 | 0.000127314814815 | 6.94444444444e-05 | 0.000162037037037 |
|         74        |         69        |         69        |         62        |
| 0.000104166666667 |
|         62        |

|  0% |  1% |  5% | 25% |      50%       |     75%      |      95%      |
| 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.429332010582 | 21.890662963 | 121.844992689 |
|      99%      |      100%     |
| 244.617376263 | 1978.59590278 |

We can see from the above results that most the subreddits' users are active for a very limited time, with an average of less than a month and a median of less than a day.

3. User Arrival Curves

In our study, we focused on analyzing the various patterns in which users join each subreddit (also referred to as User Arrival Curves). In this section, we present the code that was used to create these curves. To create the user arrival curve of each subreddit, we first created a TimeSeries object with the subreddit information. Throughout this section, we will use the rickandmorty subreddit as an example.

In [24]:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

rm_sf = sf[sf['subreddit'] =='rickandmorty']
rm_sf['datetime'] = rm_sf['created_utc'].apply(lambda utc:datetime.utcfromtimestamp(utc))
subreddit_ts = gl.TimeSeries(rm_sf, index='datetime')

datetime author author_flair_css_class author_flair_text body controversiality
2013-06-02 23:37:16 fraac null null I volunteer. I'll
technically be stealing ...
2013-06-03 07:02:53 owlcar null null i'll do it 0
2013-06-03 15:27:53 mracidglee null null I-I'll do it Mharti. But
first you have to lic ...
2013-06-05 20:44:55 LuiguSefirosu slipperystair I could help... 0
2013-06-08 04:07:34 lvl5LazorLotus me i'll help! I love the Doc
and Mharti stuff. ...
2013-06-08 10:40:56 justinroiland none R&amp;M Co-Creator This guy expects to waltz
in here and take the ...
2013-06-08 11:13:28 lvl5LazorLotus me You're goddamn right I'm
taking over, and I ain't ...
2013-06-08 22:52:22 LuiguSefirosu slipperystair Trial by battle! 0
2013-06-09 02:10:40 justinroiland none R&amp;M Co-Creator BATTLE! 0
2013-06-15 04:33:26 ladybuoy null null I don't know. It seems to
be lacking the charm of ...
created_utc distinguished edited gilded id link_id name parent_id score score_hidden
1370216236 null false 0 caawtan t3_1fjil1 t1_caawtan t3_1fjil1 3 false
1370242973 null false 0 cab4rzl t3_1fjil1 t1_cab4rzl t3_1fjil1 2 false
1370273273 null false 0 caba97a t3_1fjil1 t1_caba97a t3_1fjil1 3 false
1370465095 null false 0 cacvnm4 t3_1fjil1 t1_cacvnm4 t3_1fjil1 2 false
1370664454 null false 0 caejioz t3_1fjil1 t1_caejioz t3_1fjil1 1 false
1370688056 null false 0 caenm63 t3_1fjil1 t1_caenm63 t1_caejioz 2 false
1370690008 null 1370690727 0 caentk4 t3_1fjil1 t1_caentk4 t1_caenm63 1 false
1370731942 null false 0 caexu4c t3_1fjil1 t1_caexu4c t1_caenm63 1 false
1370743840 null false 0 caf10mr t3_1fjil1 t1_caf10mr t1_caexu4c 2 false
1371270806 null false 0 caj920q t3_1g6516 t1_caj920q t3_1g6516 1 false
subreddit subreddit_id ups month year replies removal_reason
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 3 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 2 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 3 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 2 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 1 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 2 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 1 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 1 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 2 6 2013 None None
rickandmorty t5_2u4lp 1 6 2013 None None
[91437 rows x 23 columns]
Note: Only the head of the TimeSeries is printed.
You can use print_rows(num_rows=m, num_columns=n) to print more rows and columns.

We will use the following function to create the subreddit user arrival curve from the TimeSeries object.

In [26]:
import math
def get_subreddit_users_arrival_curve(subreddit_ts, weeks_number=4):
    Calculates the percent of authors that joined after X weeks from all authors that joined the subreddit
    between the date of the first comment and the date of the last comment
    :param subreddit_ts: TimeSeries with the subreddit posts information
    :param weeks_number: the number of weeks to set the time-interval between each two calculations
    :return: dict in which all the keys are the number of weeks since the first comment was posted and the
        corresponding percentage of authors that joined the subreddit up until this week
    :rtype: dict
    dt = subreddit_ts.min_time
    end_dt = subreddit_ts.max_time
    authors = set()
    d = {0: 0}
    td = timedelta(days=7 * weeks_number)
    count = 1
    total_authors_num = float(len(subreddit_ts['author'].unique()))    
    while dt + td <= end_dt:
        ts = subreddit_ts.slice(dt, dt + td)
        authors |= set(ts['author'])
        print "Calculating the user arrival curve between %s and %s" % (dt, dt + td) 
        dt += td
        d[count * weeks_number] = len(authors) / total_authors_num
        count += 1
    ts = subreddit_ts.slice(dt, subreddit_ts.max_time)
    authors |= set(ts['author'])
    subreddit_age = subreddit_ts.max_time - subreddit_ts.min_time
    d[math.ceil(     subreddit_age.days/ 7.0)] = len(
        authors) / total_authors_num  # round the number of weeks up mainly for drawing the graph
    return d
d = get_subreddit_users_arrival_curve(subreddit_ts)

Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-06-02 23:37:16 and 2013-06-30 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-06-30 23:37:16 and 2013-07-28 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-07-28 23:37:16 and 2013-08-25 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-08-25 23:37:16 and 2013-09-22 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-09-22 23:37:16 and 2013-10-20 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-10-20 23:37:16 and 2013-11-17 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-11-17 23:37:16 and 2013-12-15 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2013-12-15 23:37:16 and 2014-01-12 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-01-12 23:37:16 and 2014-02-09 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-02-09 23:37:16 and 2014-03-09 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-03-09 23:37:16 and 2014-04-06 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-04-06 23:37:16 and 2014-05-04 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-05-04 23:37:16 and 2014-06-01 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-06-01 23:37:16 and 2014-06-29 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-06-29 23:37:16 and 2014-07-27 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-07-27 23:37:16 and 2014-08-24 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-08-24 23:37:16 and 2014-09-21 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-09-21 23:37:16 and 2014-10-19 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-10-19 23:37:16 and 2014-11-16 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-11-16 23:37:16 and 2014-12-14 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2014-12-14 23:37:16 and 2015-01-11 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2015-01-11 23:37:16 and 2015-02-08 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2015-02-08 23:37:16 and 2015-03-08 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2015-03-08 23:37:16 and 2015-04-05 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2015-04-05 23:37:16 and 2015-05-03 23:37:16
Calculating the user arrival curve between 2015-05-03 23:37:16 and 2015-05-31 23:37:16

In [27]:
plt.plot(d.keys(), d.values())

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fcab0162610>

4. Creating the Subreddit Social Network

In our study, we constructed the subreddit social networks by creating links between users that replied to other users’ posts. In this section, we will present the code which was used to create the subreddits' underlying social networks. As an example, we will use the Datasets subreddit's social network.

In [28]:
def create_subreddit_social_network(sf):
    Creates an SGraph object of the subreddit
    :param sf: a Subreddit SFrame object
    :return: SGraph object
    :rtype: gl.SGraph
    authors_stats_sframe = sf.groupby("author", {"posts_num": agg.COUNT(), "first_comment_date": agg.MIN("created_utc"),
                                         "last_comment_date": agg.MAX("created_utc")})

    sf = sf[sf['author', 'name', 'parent_id'].apply(
        lambda d: d['name'].startswith('t1_') and d['parent_id'].startswith('t1_'))]
    sf = sf['author', "created_utc", "name", "parent_id"]
    sf = sf.join(sf, on={"parent_id": "name"})
    sf.rename({'author': 'src', 'author.1': 'dst'})
    sn_sf = sf.groupby(['src', 'dst'],
                       {"strength": gl.aggregate.COUNT(), "first_comment_date": gl.aggregate.MIN("created_utc"),
                        "last_comment_date": gl.aggregate.MAX("created_utc")})

    g = gl.SGraph(vertices=authors_stats_sframe, edges=sn_sf, vid_field='author',
                  src_field='src', dst_field='dst')
    return g
datasets_sf = sf[sf['subreddit'] =='datasets']
g = create_subreddit_social_network(datasets_sf)

We created an SGraph object from the SFrame. Let's visualize the constructed social network.

In [29]:

{'num_edges': 871, 'num_vertices': 2127}

We can use GraphLab's analytics toolkit to calculate various topological properties, such as the degree distribution and the graph's number of triangles. I hope to elaborate on this in a future tutorial. For now, let's use Networkx package to draw this subreddit's social network.

In [30]:
import networkx as nx
def sgraph2nxgraph(sgraph):
    """ Converts a directed sgraph object into networkx object
    :param sgraph: GraphLab SGraph object
    :return: Networkx Directed Graph object
    nx_g = nx.DiGraph()
    vertices = list(sgraph.get_vertices()['__id'])
    edges = [(e['__src_id'], e['__dst_id']) for e in sgraph.get_edges()]
    return nx_g
nx_g = sgraph2nxgraph(g)

In [32]:

5. Where to Go from Here

The social network dataset created as a result of our study opens the door for new and exciting research opportunities. This dataset can help not only to better understand the social structure of the Reddit community in particular, but also to understand how social networks and online communities evolve over time. Moreover, this corpus can be used as a ground-truth dataset for many studies in field of social networks. Some examples of what can be done with this corpus are:

  • Understanding topological factors that may help a post to go viral.
  • Helping to better understand diffusion models and also assisting to validate diffusion models using real-world data.
  • Using this dataset as an excellent ground-truth dataset for evaluating entity-matching algorithms, based on our observation that many redditors are members in several subreddits.
  • Helping understand the connection between content and social networks; for instance, this dataset can provide insight on what type of content makes users more likely to interact with each other.

I would love to hear other ideas on what possible work can be done with our provided datasets.

6. Further Reading