Title: Function Basics
Slug: function_basics
Summary: Function Basics
Date: 2016-05-01 12:00
Category: Python
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

Create Function Called print_max

In [33]:
def print_max(x, y):
    # if a is larger than b
    if x > y:
        # then print this
        print(x, 'is maximum')
    # if a is equal to b
    elif x == y:
        # print this
        print(x, 'is equal to', y)
    # otherwise
        # print this
        print(y, 'is maximum')

Run Function With Two Arguments

In [34]:

4 is maximum

Note: By default, variables created within functions are local to the function. But you can create a global function that IS defined outside the function.

Create Variable

In [35]:
x = 50

Create Function Called Func

In [36]:
# Create function
def func():
    # Create a global variable called x
    global x

    # Print this
    print('x is', x)
    # Set x to 2.
    x = 2
    # Print this
    print('Changed global x to', x)

Run func()

In [37]:

x is 50
Changed global x to 2

In [38]:


Create Function Say() Displaying x with default value of 1

In [39]:
# Create function
def say(x, times = 1, times2 = 3):
    print(x * times, x * times2)

# Run the function say() with the default values

# Run the function say() with the non-default values of 5 and 10
say('!', 5, 10)

! !!!
!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

VarArgs Parameters (i.e. unlimited number of parameters)

  • * denotes that all positonal arguments from that point to next arg are used
  • ** dnotes that all keyword arguments from that point to the next arg are used

In [40]:
# Create a function called total() with three parameters
def total(initial=5, *numbers, **keywords):
    # Create a variable called count that takes it's value from initial
    count = initial
    # for each item in numbers
    for number in numbers:
        # add count to that number
        count += number
    # for each item in keywords
    for key in keywords:
        # add count to keyword's value
        count += keywords[key]
    # return counts
    return count

# Run function
total(10, 1, 2, 3, vegetables=50, fruits=100)
