Title: Function Annotation Examples
Slug: function_annotations_examples
Summary: Function Annotation Examples in Python.
Date: 2016-01-23 12:00
Category: Python
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon

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Create A Function With Annotations

In [1]:
Create a function. 

The argument 'text' is the string to print with the default value 'default string'
and the argument 

The argument 'n' is an integer of times to print with the default value of 1. 

The function should return a string.
def print_text(text:'string to print'='default string', n:'integer, times to print'=1) -> str:
    return text * n

Run The Function

In [2]:
# Run the function with arguments
print_text('string', 4)


In [3]:
# Run the function with default arguments

'default string'