Title: Insertion Sort
Slug: insertion_sort
Summary: Insertion Sort Using Python.
Date: 2016-01-30 12:00
Category: Algorithms
Tags: Basics
Authors: Chris Albon
In [1]:
alist = [8,5,3,6,2,1,9,4,7]
In [2]:
# Define an function that takes a list
def insertion_sort(alist):
# Create a sequence from the argument list
sequence = alist[:]
# Get the length of the list
n = len(sequence)
# For 1 through the length for the sequence:
for i in range(1, n):
# save the value of the card
value = sequence[i]
# save the current position of the card
position = i
# while the card is not the first card and is smaller than the card to it's left:
while position > 0 and value < sequence[position - 1]:
# the card overwrites the card to the left
sequence[position] = sequence[position - 1]
# And we move on to the next position
position -= 1
# When we have found the right position (meaning the while loop is false)
# put the card in its correct spot in the deck
sequence[position] = value
# View the deck so far
In [3]:
# Run the sort