Pandas Munging Exercises

See also: Pandas API Reference

See also: Reshaping and Pivot Tables

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# 1. Import pandas as pd and read_csv() simple.csv into a dataframe 'df' (optionally, auto-convert dates).

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# 2. Use df.dropna() to drop any sample that contains any Na/NaN values.

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# 3. Use df.dropna() with the subset keyword argument to drop those rows without a Count.

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# 4. Use df.fillna() to fill the NaN values in Count with 0.

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# 5. Use pd.to_numeric() to convert "Weird Count" to numbers. After error, try with keyword errors='coerce'.

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# 6. Use str.replace('\t', '') on the column Weird Date to delete any tabs.

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# 7. Use .str.partition(',')[2] to chop WEEKDAY COMMA  from Weird Date and make a new column.

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# 8. Use .str.strip() to remove any whitespace in this new column.

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# 9. Use pd.to_datetime() to convert the weirdly formatted dates in Less Weird Dates to pandas datetimes.

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# 10. Convert the nice pandas dates to month long period types using df[].dt.to_period().

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# 11. Convert Count to an int using the column's "astype()" method.

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# 12. Import numpy as np. Run pd.isnull(np.NaN). Run None == np.NaN. Run np.NaN == np.NaN. What does that tell you?

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# 13. Do a database style inner join of the df and a copy (df.copy()) of the dataframe on Date using pd.merge()

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# 14. Combine the df with a copy of the df using concat, effectively stacking the df on top of itself.

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# 15. Convert Count to string type using .astype(). If failure, use raise_on_error=False argument.

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# 16. Bin the values in Count in groups of 10. 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc. using pd.cut.

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# 17. Use pd.read_csv to read the CFPB CSB into dataframe 'df2'.

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# 18. Filter df2 down to ['Product', 'Sub-product', 'Complaint ID', and 'Date received']

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# 19. set_index() with ['Product', 'Sub-product] amd assign the result to df3.