Basic Pandas Exercises

See also: 10 Minutes to Pandas

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# 1. import pandas and then import pandas under the alias pd

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# 2. Use the dir() function to inspect some the availible attributes of pd.

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# 3.  Create a dataframe from the CFPB .csv using pd.read_csv(); assign to variable 'df'.

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# 4. Use the dataframe's head() method to get the first 5 samples of df.

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# 5. Use the dtypes attribute to see what datatypes and columns we have in dataframe 'df'.

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# 6. Use the len() function to look at the length of the dataframe.

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# 7. Use the dataframe's sample method to pull a random sample of 50 from the dataframe

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# 8. Get the dataframe 'df' column names

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# 9. Assign the dataframe's index to a variable called 'index'. Get the index values.

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# 10. Create a pandas.Series object with the values [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Assign it to varable 's'.

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# 11. Get the mean, median, amd max of series 's'.

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# 12. Use series.plot() method to graph your series after import matplotlib; %matplotlib inline

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# 13. Add multiply each item in you df by 5 and assign to 's2'. Then use the cumsum() method on 's2'.

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# 14. Create a function that adds 2 to a number and prints it. it.

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# 15. Translate your series into raw numpy values.

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# 16. Use the value_counts() method of the series to see the value counts.

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# 17. Write your data to disk using df.to_csv()

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# 18. Export this notebook using the file menu above.

# This is done via the menu.