In [1]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "../")


In [3]:
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy
import pandas

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, roc_auc_score

from rep.metaml import FoldingClassifier

In [4]:
from utils import get_N_B_events, predict_by_estimator, bootstrap_calibrate_prob
from utils import get_events_number, get_events_statistics, result_table, compute_mistag, shrink_floats_xgb

Reading initial data

In [8]:
import root_numpy
def read_samples(filename, filename_vtx, filename_splot):
    splot = pandas.read_csv(filename_splot, sep=' ', header=None).drop([8], axis=1)
    splot.columns = ['run', 'evTop', 'evBottom', 'Bmass', 'Nbkg_tot_sw', 'L_Nbkg_tot', 'Nsig_tot_sw', 'L_Nsig_tot']
    event_id_column = 'event_id'

    splot[event_id_column] = + '_' + (splot.evTop * 1e6 + splot.evBottom).apply(int).apply(str)
    index = numpy.unique(splot[event_id_column], return_index=True)[1]
    splot.index = numpy.arange(len(splot))
    splot = splot.ix[index, :]
    splot.index = splot[event_id_column]
    data = pandas.read_csv(filename, sep='\t')
    data = data.query('(Bmass < 5.4) & (Bmass > 5.16) & ((K_cut == 1) | (mu_cut == 1) | (e_cut == 1))')

    data_vertex = pandas.read_csv(filename_vtx, sep='\t')
    data_vertex = data_vertex.query('(Bmass < 5.4) & (Bmass > 5.16) & (v_cut == 1) & (vcharge > 0.2)')
    datasets = dict()
    for name, selection, data_temp in zip(['K', 'e', 'mu', 'vtx'], 
                                          ['K_cut == 1', 'e_cut == 1', 'mu_cut == 1', ""],
                                          [data] * 3 + [data_vertex]):
        if selection != "":
            data_temp = data_temp.query(selection)
        if name == 'vtx':
            data_temp['label'] = (data_temp.signB.values * data_temp.signVtx.values < 0) * 1
            data_temp['label'] = (data_temp.signB.values * data_temp.signTrack.values < 0) * 1
        data_temp['event_id'] = + '_' + data_temp.event.apply(int).apply(str)
        data_temp['tagAnswer'] = data_temp.signB * (2 * data_temp.label - 1)
        data_temp.index = data_temp["event_id"]
        data_temp['N_sig_sw'] = splot.loc[data_temp.index, 'Nsig_tot_sw']
        datasets[name] = data_temp
    return datasets, sum(splot.Nsig_tot_sw.values)

In [9]:
def compute_efficiencies(datasets, N_B_events):
    result = dict()
    for key, data in datasets.items():
        N_B_passed = get_events_number(data)
        result[key] = (1. * N_B_passed / N_B_events, sqrt(N_B_passed) / N_B_events)
    return result

In [10]:
datasets, N_B_events = read_samples('../datasets/data/csv/WG/Bu_JPsiK/2012/Tracks.csv', 

/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

In [14]:
datasets_kstar, N_B_events_kstar = read_samples('../datasets/data/csv/WG/Bd_JPsiKstar/2012/Tracks.csv', 

/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
/mnt/mfs/miniconda/envs/ipython_py2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:

Calculate $\epsilon_{tag}$ for each datasets

In [15]:
eff = compute_efficiencies(datasets, N_B_events)
eff_kstar = compute_efficiencies(datasets_kstar, N_B_events_kstar)

In [16]:
print 'K+-'
print pandas.DataFrame(eff)
print 'K*'
print pandas.DataFrame(eff_kstar)

          K         e        mu       vtx
0  0.122194  0.021844  0.056905  0.120291
1  0.000418  0.000177  0.000285  0.000415
          K         e        mu       vtx
0  0.126019  0.022164  0.058557  0.122501
1  0.000672  0.000282  0.000458  0.000663

Features used in training

In [17]:
features_vtx = ['mult', 'nnkrec', 'log_ptB: log(ptB)', 'vflag', 'log_ipsmean: log(ipsmean)', 
                'log_ptmean: log(ptmean)', 'vcharge', 
                'log_svm: log(svm)', 'log_svp: log(svp)', 'BDphiDir', 'log_svtau: log(svtau)', 'docamax']

features_ele = ['mult', 'log_partPt: log(partPt)', 'log_partP: log(partP)',
                'log_ptB: log(ptB)', 'log_IPs: log(IPs)', 'partlcs', 'log_eOverP: log(EOverP)', 
                'ghostProb', 'log_IPPU: log(IPPU)']
features_muon = ['mult', 'log_partPt: log(partPt)', 'log_partP: log(partP)',
                'log_ptB: log(ptB)', 'log_IPs: log(IPs)', 'partlcs', 'PIDNNm', 'ghostProb', 'log_IPPU: log(IPPU)']
features_kaon = ['mult', 'log_partPt: log(partPt)', 'log_partP: log(partP)',
                 'nnkrec','log_ptB: log(ptB)', 'log_IPs: log(IPs)', 'partlcs', 
                'PIDNNk', 'PIDNNpi', 'PIDNNp', 'ghostProb', 'log_IPPU: log(IPPU)']
features = {'e': features_ele, 'mu': features_muon,
            'K': features_kaon, 'vtx': features_vtx}

In [18]:
estimators = OrderedDict()


In [19]:
from rep.estimators import XGBoostClassifier
from rep.metaml import FoldingClassifier

xgb_base_ele = XGBoostClassifier(colsample=1.0, eta=0.01, nthreads=12, 
                                 n_estimators=200, subsample=0.3, max_depth=5) 

xgb_base_other = XGBoostClassifier(colsample=1.0, eta=0.01, nthreads=12, 
                                   n_estimators=500, subsample=0.3, max_depth=3) 

for key, data in datasets.items():
    if 'e' in key:
        xgb_base = xgb_base_ele
        xgb_base = xgb_base_other
    estimators[key + '_xgboost'] = FoldingClassifier(xgb_base, n_folds=2, random_state=11,
    estimators[key + '_xgboost'].fit(data, data['label'], data['N_sig_sw'])


In [20]:
from rep.estimators import TMVAClassifier
from rep.metaml import FoldingClassifier

tmva_base_muon = TMVAClassifier(method='kMLP', factory_options='Transformations=I,D,N:Silent', sigmoid_function='identity',
                                NeuronType='tanh', NCycles=280, HiddenLayers='N+5', TrainingMethod='BFGS', TestRate=5,
                                UseRegulator=True, EstimatorType='CE')

tmva_base_ele = TMVAClassifier(method='kMLP', factory_options='Transformations=I,D,N:Silent', sigmoid_function='identity',
                               NeuronType='sigmoid', NCycles=180, HiddenLayers='N+5', TrainingMethod='BFGS', 

tmva_base_kaon_vtx = TMVAClassifier(method='kMLP', factory_options='Transformations=I,D,N:Silent', 
                                    NeuronType='tanh', NCycles=180, HiddenLayers='N+5', TrainingMethod='BFGS', 
                                    UseRegulator=True, EstimatorType='CE')

for key, data in datasets.items():
    if 'e' in key:
        tmva_base = tmva_base_ele
    elif 'mu' in key:
        tmva_base = tmva_base_muon
        tmva_base = tmva_base_kaon_vtx
    estimators[key + '_tmva'] = FoldingClassifier(tmva_base, n_folds=2, random_state=11,
    estimators[key + '_tmva'].fit(data, data['label'], data['N_sig_sw'])

Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 20 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 13 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 1 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 5 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 24 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 17 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
Error in <TDecompLU::DecomposeLUCrout>: matrix is singular
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 0 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 1 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 1 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 
Error in <TDecompLU::InvertLU>: matrix is singular, 8 diag elements < tolerance of 2.2204e-16
--- REP_Estimator            : [>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] (99%, time left: 0 sec) 

In [ ]:
import cPickle
with open('../models/old-tagging-WG.pkl', 'r') as f:
    estimators = cPickle.load(f)

In [21]:
import cPickle
with open('../models/old-tagging-WG.pkl', 'w') as f:
    cPickle.dump(estimators, f)

In [22]:


In [24]:
for key in datasets.keys():
    for suffix in ['_xgboost', '_tmva']:
        name = key + suffix
        probs = estimators[name].predict_proba(datasets[key])[:, 1]        
        print name, 'AUC:', roc_auc_score(datasets[key]['label'].values, 
                                          probs, sample_weight=datasets[key]['N_sig_sw'].values)

KFold prediction using folds column
 mu_xgboost AUC: 0.615283001614
KFold prediction using folds column
mu_tmva AUC: 0.608026710222
KFold prediction using folds column
vtx_xgboost AUC: 0.569979331691
KFold prediction using folds column
vtx_tmva AUC: 0.563388029178
KFold prediction using folds column
K_xgboost AUC: 0.561920935671
KFold prediction using folds column
K_tmva AUC: 0.552546600027
KFold prediction using folds column
e_xgboost AUC: 0.591664243696
KFold prediction using folds column
e_tmva AUC: 0.578115788624

Calculate quality for each tagger (ele, muon, kaon, vtx)

using isotonic final calibration with bootstrap

In [25]:
from utils import predict_by_estimator, calibrate_probs, run_taggers_combination

def combine(estimators, datasets, keys, N_B_events, logistic=False,
            return_calibrations=False, logistic_combined=True, model_name=None, with_roc=False):
    :param suffix: suffix used for taggers
    :param model_name: name for model after combining classifiers
    data_with_predictions = {}
    calibrators_tracks = dict()
    # computing calibrated predictions of each tagger
    for key in keys:
        data, probs = predict_by_estimator(estimators[key], [datasets[key]])
        probs_calibrated, calibrators_tracks[key] = \
            calibrate_probs(data.label.values, data.N_sig_sw.values, probs, logistic=logistic)
        ids = numpy.array(data['event_id'])
        data_with_predictions[key] = pandas.DataFrame({'prob_{}'.format(key): probs_calibrated, 
                                                       'tag_{}'.format(key): data.tagAnswer.values,
                                                       'weight': data.N_sig_sw.values,
                                                       'signB': data.signB.values}, index=ids)
    calibrator_B, table, roc = run_taggers_combination(data_with_predictions, keys, N_B_events, 
                                                       model_name=','.join(keys) if model_name is None else model_name, 
    if return_calibrations and with_roc:
        return table, calibrators_tracks, calibrator_B, roc
    elif return_calibrations and not with_roc:
        return table, calibrators_tracks, calibrator_B
    elif with_roc:
        return table, roc
        return table


In [26]:
test_estimators_tmva = dict((key, estimators[key + '_tmva']) for key in ['K', 'mu', 'e', 'vtx'])

In [27]:
figsize(18, 7)

results_separate_tmva = []
for key in datasets.keys(): 
    x = combine(test_estimators_tmva, datasets, [key], N_B_events, logistic=True)

KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.7416973084 AUC with untag: 0.521860151401
Efficiency, not calibrated 1.0263212746
Average AUC 0.741542188206 0.000250223220661
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.650171603401 AUC with untag: 0.52780035775
Efficiency, not calibrated 0.835986404254
Average AUC 0.650057803361 9.29232488833e-05
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.626055292633 AUC with untag: 0.524180897224
Efficiency, not calibrated 0.581916641443
Average AUC 0.625524953452 0.000308566445509
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.715732592941 AUC with untag: 0.507901650544
Efficiency, not calibrated 0.333336707902
Average AUC 0.715100516692 0.000625151361574

In [28]:

name $\epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $D^2$ $\Delta D^2$ $\epsilon, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon, \%$ AUC, with untag $\Delta$ AUC, with untag
0 mu 5.690475 0.028539 0.175370 0.001680 0.997941 0.010792 52.186015 0
0 vtx 12.029093 0.041493 0.068547 0.000163 0.824553 0.003454 52.780036 0
0 K 12.219391 0.041820 0.049566 0.000107 0.605667 0.002449 52.418090 0
0 e 2.184355 0.017682 0.145882 0.002225 0.318658 0.005503 50.790165 0


In [29]:
test_estimators = dict((key, estimators[key + '_xgboost']) for key in ['K', 'mu', 'e', 'vtx'])

In [30]:
figsize(18, 7)

calibrators_B = dict()
calibrator_tracks = dict()

results_separate = []
for key in datasets.keys(): 
    x, calibrator_tracks[key], calibrators_B[key] = combine(test_estimators, datasets, [key], N_B_events,
                                                            logistic=True, return_calibrations=True)

KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.74425683896 AUC with untag: 0.521863381728
Efficiency, not calibrated 1.07844271226
Average AUC 0.744158113838 0.000175101443054
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.654010022981 AUC with untag: 0.527754324282
Efficiency, not calibrated 0.884643924047
Average AUC 0.653972611028 4.32515569323e-05
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.633571003678 AUC with untag: 0.524246347351
Efficiency, not calibrated 0.664128770247
Average AUC 0.633531834197 4.20776749705e-05
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.721995933221 AUC with untag: 0.507912832433
Efficiency, not calibrated 0.343143744216
Average AUC 0.72167637548 0.000340271431752

In [31]:

name $\epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $D^2$ $\Delta D^2$ $\epsilon, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon, \%$ AUC, with untag $\Delta$ AUC, with untag
0 mu 5.690475 0.028539 0.182471 0.001749 1.038347 0.011232 52.186338 0
0 vtx 12.029093 0.041493 0.072225 0.000161 0.868800 0.003570 52.775432 0
0 K 12.219391 0.041820 0.054004 0.000128 0.659901 0.002749 52.424635 0
0 e 2.184355 0.017682 0.152406 0.002252 0.332910 0.005608 50.791283 0

Combination of all taggers


In [32]:
figsize(18, 7)

results_separate_tmva.append(combine(test_estimators_tmva, datasets, ['K', 'e', 'mu', 'vtx'], 
                                     N_B_events, logistic=True,
                                     model_name='tmva combination'))

KFold prediction using folds column
KFold prediction using folds column
KFold prediction using folds column
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.668651711696 AUC with untag: 0.55961217291
Efficiency, not calibrated 3.03939731544
Average AUC 0.668614651313 4.18397208346e-05


In [33]:
figsize(18, 7)

x, calibrator_tracks_comb, calibrator_B_comb, roc_curve_old = combine(test_estimators, datasets, 
                                                                      ['K', 'e', 'mu', 'vtx'], N_B_events,
                                                                      logistic=True, return_calibrations=True,
                                                                      model_name='xgboost combination', with_roc=True)

KFold prediction using folds column
KFold prediction using folds column
KFold prediction using folds column
KFold prediction using folds column
AUC for tagged: 0.672312612002 AUC with untag: 0.560125736416
Efficiency, not calibrated 3.2172403392
Average AUC 0.672300211241 1.67090703662e-05

In [34]:

name $\epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $D^2$ $\Delta D^2$ $\epsilon, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon, \%$ AUC, with untag $\Delta$ AUC, with untag
0 mu 5.690475 0.028539 0.182471 0.001749 1.038347 0.011232 52.186338 0
0 vtx 12.029093 0.041493 0.072225 0.000161 0.868800 0.003570 52.775432 0
0 K 12.219391 0.041820 0.054004 0.000128 0.659901 0.002749 52.424635 0
0 e 2.184355 0.017682 0.152406 0.002252 0.332910 0.005608 50.791283 0
0 xgboost combination 25.821490 0.060793 0.090640 0.000256 2.340461 0.008611 56.012574 0

Test combination of taggers on K*

In [45]:
from utils import prepare_B_data
def prepare_for_epm(estimators, datasets, keys, calibrator_tracks, calibrator_B, N_B_events):
    data_with_predictions = dict()
    for key in keys:
        probs = estimators[key].predict_proba(datasets[key])[:, 1]
        probs_calibrated = calibrator_tracks[key].predict_proba(probs)
        data_with_predictions[key] = pandas.DataFrame({'prob_{}'.format(key): probs_calibrated, 
                                                      'tag_{}'.format(key): datasets[key].tagAnswer.values,
                                                      'weight': datasets[key].N_sig_sw.values,
                                                      'signB': datasets[key].signB.values,
                                                      'mass': datasets[key].Bmass.values,
                                                      'time': datasets[key]['time'].values}, 
    tags, Bprobs, Bweights, Bsign, Bmass, Btime = prepare_B_data(data_with_predictions, keys)
    Bprob_calibrated = calibrator_B.predict_proba(Bprobs)
    print 'eff tag: ', 1. * sum(Bweights) / N_B_events
    print "D2:", numpy.average((1 - 2*Bprob_calibrated)**2, weights=Bweights)
    print 'eff:', 1. * sum(Bweights) / N_B_events * numpy.average((1 - 2*Bprob_calibrated)**2, weights=Bweights)
    mistag = numpy.minimum(Bprob_calibrated, 1 - Bprob_calibrated)
    tag = numpy.ones(len(Bprob_calibrated))
    tag[Bprob_calibrated < 0.5] = -1

    prepared_data = pandas.DataFrame({'tag': numpy.array(tag, dtype='int32'),
                                      'mistag': mistag,
                                      'flavour': numpy.array(Bsign, dtype='int32'),
                                      'decay_time': Btime,
                                      'Bmass': Bmass,
                                      'resolution': [50*1e-3] * len(Bmass),
                                      'probs': Bprob_calibrated,
                                      'weight': Bweights
    return prepared_data

In [46]:
prepared_kstar = prepare_for_epm(test_estimators, datasets_kstar, ['K', 'e', 'mu', 'vtx'],
                                 calibrator_tracks_comb, calibrator_B_comb, N_B_events_kstar)

KFold prediction using random classifier (length of data passed not equal to length of train)
KFold prediction using random classifier (length of data passed not equal to length of train)
KFold prediction using random classifier (length of data passed not equal to length of train)
KFold prediction using random classifier (length of data passed not equal to length of train)
eff tag:  0.263473947465
D2: 0.0951548213464
eff: 0.0250708164005

In [47]:
root_numpy.array2root(prepared_kstar.to_records(index=False), "../for_epm/kstar_old.root", 

Final results


In [48]:

name $\epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $D^2$ $\Delta D^2$ $\epsilon, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon, \%$ AUC, with untag $\Delta$ AUC, with untag
0 mu 5.690475 0.028539 0.175370 0.001680 0.997941 0.010792 52.186015 0
0 vtx 12.029093 0.041493 0.068547 0.000163 0.824553 0.003454 52.780036 0
0 K 12.219391 0.041820 0.049566 0.000107 0.605667 0.002449 52.418090 0
0 e 2.184355 0.017682 0.145882 0.002225 0.318658 0.005503 50.790165 0
0 tmva combination 25.821490 0.060793 0.086792 0.000241 2.241093 0.008167 55.961217 0


In [49]:

name $\epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon_{tag}, \%$ $D^2$ $\Delta D^2$ $\epsilon, \%$ $\Delta \epsilon, \%$ AUC, with untag $\Delta$ AUC, with untag
0 mu 5.690475 0.028539 0.182471 0.001749 1.038347 0.011232 52.186338 0
0 vtx 12.029093 0.041493 0.072225 0.000161 0.868800 0.003570 52.775432 0
0 K 12.219391 0.041820 0.054004 0.000128 0.659901 0.002749 52.424635 0
0 e 2.184355 0.017682 0.152406 0.002252 0.332910 0.005608 50.791283 0
0 xgboost combination 25.821490 0.060793 0.090640 0.000256 2.340461 0.008611 56.012574 0

In [50]:
pandas.concat(results_separate_tmva + results_separate).to_csv(
    '../img/old-tagging-WG.csv', header=True, index=False)

In [51]:
import cPickle
with open('../models/old-rocs-WG', 'w') as f:
    cPickle.dump(roc_curve_old, f)