In [1]:
import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
import os
import gc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

pal = sns.color_palette()

print('# File sizes')
for f in os.listdir('data'):
    if 'zip' not in f:
        print(f.ljust(30) + str(round(os.path.getsize('data/' + f) / 1000000, 2)) + 'MB')

# File sizes
test.csv                      314.02MB
train.csv                     63.4MB

Training set

In [2]:
df_train = pd.read_csv('data/train.csv')

id qid1 qid2 question1 question2 is_duplicate
0 0 1 2 What is the step by step guide to invest in sh... What is the step by step guide to invest in sh... 0
1 1 3 4 What is the story of Kohinoor (Koh-i-Noor) Dia... What would happen if the Indian government sto... 0
2 2 5 6 How can I increase the speed of my internet co... How can Internet speed be increased by hacking... 0
3 3 7 8 Why am I mentally very lonely? How can I solve... Find the remainder when [math]23^{24}[/math] i... 0
4 4 9 10 Which one dissolve in water quikly sugar, salt... Which fish would survive in salt water? 0

In [3]:
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5), index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'])

a   -0.420400
b    0.909925
c    1.644092
d    1.302103
e    1.296506
dtype: float64

In [4]:
s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5))

0   -0.115107
1    0.626642
2    0.630191
3    1.253030
4   -0.755773
dtype: float64

In [5]:
print('Total number of question pairs for training: {}'.format(len(df_train)))

print('Duplicate pairs: {}%'.format(round(df_train['is_duplicate'].mean()*100, 2)))

qids = pd.Series(df_train['qid1'].tolist() + df_train['qid2'].tolist())

print('Total number of questions in the training data: {}'.format(len(np.unique(qids))))

print('Number of questions that appear multiple times: {}'.format(np.sum(qids.value_counts() > 1)))

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
plt.hist(qids.value_counts(), bins=50)
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
plt.title('Log-Histogram of question appearance counts')
plt.xlabel('Number of occurences of question')
plt.ylabel('Number of questions')

Total number of question pairs for training: 404290
Duplicate pairs: 36.92%
Total number of questions in the training data: 537933
Number of questions that appear multiple times: 111780

In [6]:
# qids

In [7]:
# qids.value_counts()
# df_train['qid1'].tolist()

Test Submission

In [8]:
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss

p = df_train['is_duplicate'].mean() # Our predicted probability
print('Predicted score:', log_loss(df_train['is_duplicate'], np.zeros_like(df_train['is_duplicate']) + p))

df_test = pd.read_csv('data/test.csv')
sub = pd.DataFrame({'test_id': df_test['test_id'], 'is_duplicate': p})
sub.to_csv('naive_submission.csv', index=False)

Predicted score: 0.658527383984
is_duplicate test_id
0 0.369198 0
1 0.369198 1
2 0.369198 2
3 0.369198 3
4 0.369198 4

Text analysis

In [9]:
train_qs = pd.Series(df_train['question1'].tolist() + df_train['question2'].tolist()).astype(str)
test_qs = pd.Series(df_test['question1'].tolist() + df_test['question2'].tolist()).astype(str)

dist_train = train_qs.apply(len)
dist_test = test_qs.apply(len)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
plt.hist(dist_train, bins=200, range=[0, 200], color=pal[2], normed=True, label='train')
plt.hist(dist_test, bins=200, range=[0, 200], color=pal[1], normed=True, alpha=0.5, label='test')
plt.title('Normalised histogram of character count in questions', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('Number of characters', fontsize=15)
plt.ylabel('Probability', fontsize=15)

print('mean-train {:.2f} std-train {:.2f} mean-test {:.2f} std-test {:.2f} max-train {:.2f} max-test {:.2f}'.format(dist_train.mean(), 
                          dist_train.std(), dist_test.mean(), dist_test.std(), dist_train.max(), dist_test.max()))

mean-train 59.82 std-train 31.96 mean-test 60.07 std-test 31.62 max-train 1169.00 max-test 1176.00

In [10]:
from wordcloud import WordCloud
cloud = WordCloud(width=1440, height=1080).generate(" ".join(train_qs.astype(str)))
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 15))

(-0.5, 1439.5, 1079.5, -0.5)

Semantic Analysis

In [11]:
qmarks = np.mean(train_qs.apply(lambda x: '?' in x))
math = np.mean(train_qs.apply(lambda x: '[math]' in x))
fullstop = np.mean(train_qs.apply(lambda x: '.' in x))
capital_first = np.mean(train_qs.apply(lambda x: x[0].isupper()))
capitals = np.mean(train_qs.apply(lambda x: max([y.isupper() for y in x])))
numbers = np.mean(train_qs.apply(lambda x: max([y.isdigit() for y in x])))

print('Questions with question marks: {:.2f}%'.format(qmarks * 100))
print('Questions with [math] tags: {:.2f}%'.format(math * 100))
print('Questions with full stops: {:.2f}%'.format(fullstop * 100))
print('Questions with capitalised first letters: {:.2f}%'.format(capital_first * 100))
print('Questions with capital letters: {:.2f}%'.format(capitals * 100))
print('Questions with numbers: {:.2f}%'.format(numbers * 100))

Questions with question marks: 99.87%
Questions with [math] tags: 0.12%
Questions with full stops: 6.31%
Questions with capitalised first letters: 99.81%
Questions with capital letters: 99.95%
Questions with numbers: 11.83%

Initial Feature Analysis

In [12]:
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

stops = set(stopwords.words("english"))

def word_match_share(row):
    q1words = {}
    q2words = {}
    for word in str(row['question1']).lower().split():
        if word not in stops:
            q1words[word] = 1
    for word in str(row['question2']).lower().split():
        if word not in stops:
            q2words[word] = 1
    if len(q1words) == 0 or len(q2words) == 0:
        # The computer-generated chaff includes a few questions that are nothing but stopwords
        return 0
    shared_words_in_q1 = [w for w in q1words.keys() if w in q2words]
    shared_words_in_q2 = [w for w in q2words.keys() if w in q1words]
    R = (len(shared_words_in_q1) + len(shared_words_in_q2))/(len(q1words) + len(q2words))
    return R

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
train_word_match = df_train.apply(word_match_share, axis=1, raw=True)
plt.hist(train_word_match[df_train['is_duplicate'] == 0], bins=20, normed=True, label='Not Duplicate')
plt.hist(train_word_match[df_train['is_duplicate'] == 1], bins=20, normed=True, alpha=0.7, label='Duplicate')
plt.title('Label distribution over word_match_share', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('word_match_share', fontsize=15)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f478b1b1f98>

In [13]:
from collections import Counter

# If a word appears only once, we ignore it completely (likely a typo)
# Epsilon defines a smoothing constant, which makes the effect of extremely rare words smaller
def get_weight(count, eps=10000, min_count=2):
    if count < min_count:
        return 0
        return 1 / (count + eps)

eps = 5000 
words = (" ".join(train_qs)).lower().split()
counts = Counter(words)
weights = {word: get_weight(count) for word, count in counts.items()}

In [14]:
print('Most common words and weights: \n')
print(sorted(weights.items(), key=lambda x: x[1] if x[1] > 0 else 9999)[:10])
print('\nLeast common words and weights: ')
(sorted(weights.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:10])

Most common words and weights: 

[('the', 2.5891040146646852e-06), ('what', 3.115623919267953e-06), ('is', 3.5861702928825277e-06), ('how', 4.366449945201053e-06), ('i', 4.4805878531263305e-06), ('a', 4.540645588989843e-06), ('to', 4.671434644293609e-06), ('in', 4.884625153865692e-06), ('of', 5.920242493132519e-06), ('do', 6.070908207867897e-06)]

Least common words and weights: 
[('mehanical', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('shakira', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('wellbutrin', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('"accurate"?', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('highs"', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ("sanhita'", 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('80watt', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('calistoga,', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ('"boku', 9.998000399920016e-05),
 ("bunny's", 9.998000399920016e-05)]

In [15]:
def tfidf_word_match_share(row):
    q1words = {}
    q2words = {}
    for word in str(row['question1']).lower().split():
        if word not in stops:
            q1words[word] = 1
    for word in str(row['question2']).lower().split():
        if word not in stops:
            q2words[word] = 1
    if len(q1words) == 0 or len(q2words) == 0:
        # The computer-generated chaff includes a few questions that are nothing but stopwords
        return 0
    shared_weights = [weights.get(w, 0) for w in q1words.keys() if w in q2words] + [weights.get(w, 0) for w in q2words.keys() if w in q1words]
    total_weights = [weights.get(w, 0) for w in q1words] + [weights.get(w, 0) for w in q2words]
    R = np.sum(shared_weights) / np.sum(total_weights)
    return R

In [16]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
tfidf_train_word_match = df_train.apply(tfidf_word_match_share, axis=1, raw=True)
plt.hist(tfidf_train_word_match[df_train['is_duplicate'] == 0].fillna(0), bins=20, normed=True, label='Not Duplicate')
plt.hist(tfidf_train_word_match[df_train['is_duplicate'] == 1].fillna(0), bins=20, normed=True, alpha=0.7, label='Duplicate')
plt.title('Label distribution over tfidf_word_match_share', fontsize=15)
plt.xlabel('word_match_share', fontsize=15)

/home/mageswarand/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow1.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f474629d710>

In [17]:
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
print('Original AUC:', roc_auc_score(df_train['is_duplicate'], train_word_match))
print('TFIDF AUC:', roc_auc_score(df_train['is_duplicate'], tfidf_train_word_match.fillna(0)))

Original AUC: 0.780553200628
TFIDF AUC: 0.770566729216

Rebalancing the Data

In [18]:
# First we create our training and testing data
x_train = pd.DataFrame()
x_test = pd.DataFrame()
x_train['word_match'] = train_word_match
x_train['tfidf_word_match'] = tfidf_train_word_match
x_test['word_match'] = df_test.apply(word_match_share, axis=1, raw=True)
x_test['tfidf_word_match'] = df_test.apply(tfidf_word_match_share, axis=1, raw=True)

y_train = df_train['is_duplicate'].values

/home/mageswarand/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow1.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars
/home/mageswarand/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow1.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in long_scalars

In [19]:
pos_train = x_train[y_train == 1]
neg_train = x_train[y_train == 0]

# Now we oversample the negative class
# There is likely a much more elegant way to do this...
p = 0.165
scale = ((len(pos_train) / (len(pos_train) + len(neg_train))) / p) - 1
while scale > 1:
    neg_train = pd.concat([neg_train, neg_train])
    scale -=1
neg_train = pd.concat([neg_train, neg_train[:int(scale * len(neg_train))]])
print(len(pos_train) / (len(pos_train) + len(neg_train)))

x_train = pd.concat([pos_train, neg_train])
y_train = (np.zeros(len(pos_train)) + 1).tolist() + np.zeros(len(neg_train)).tolist()
del pos_train, neg_train


In [20]:
# Finally, we split some of the data off for validation
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

x_train, x_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(x_train, y_train, test_size=0.2, random_state=4242)

/home/mageswarand/anaconda3/envs/tensorflow1.0/lib/python3.5/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)


In [21]:
import xgboost as xgb

# Set our parameters for xgboost
params = {}
params['objective'] = 'binary:logistic'
params['eval_metric'] = 'logloss'
params['eta'] = 0.02
params['max_depth'] = 4

d_train = xgb.DMatrix(x_train, label=y_train)
d_valid = xgb.DMatrix(x_valid, label=y_valid)

watchlist = [(d_train, 'train'), (d_valid, 'valid')]

bst = xgb.train(params, d_train, 400, watchlist, early_stopping_rounds=50, verbose_eval=10)

[0]	train-logloss:0.683189	valid-logloss:0.683238
Multiple eval metrics have been passed: 'valid-logloss' will be used for early stopping.

Will train until valid-logloss hasn't improved in 50 rounds.
[10]	train-logloss:0.602041	valid-logloss:0.602515
[20]	train-logloss:0.544863	valid-logloss:0.545663
[30]	train-logloss:0.503151	valid-logloss:0.504194
[40]	train-logloss:0.471989	valid-logloss:0.473231
[50]	train-logloss:0.448341	valid-logloss:0.449746
[60]	train-logloss:0.430164	valid-logloss:0.431706
[70]	train-logloss:0.416072	valid-logloss:0.417726
[80]	train-logloss:0.405012	valid-logloss:0.406775
[90]	train-logloss:0.396327	valid-logloss:0.398177
[100]	train-logloss:0.389488	valid-logloss:0.391404
[110]	train-logloss:0.384071	valid-logloss:0.386038
[120]	train-logloss:0.379786	valid-logloss:0.381792
[130]	train-logloss:0.376375	valid-logloss:0.378414
[140]	train-logloss:0.373661	valid-logloss:0.375724
[150]	train-logloss:0.371482	valid-logloss:0.373567
[160]	train-logloss:0.369728	valid-logloss:0.371835
[170]	train-logloss:0.368327	valid-logloss:0.370453
[180]	train-logloss:0.367186	valid-logloss:0.369324
[190]	train-logloss:0.366276	valid-logloss:0.368424
[200]	train-logloss:0.365539	valid-logloss:0.367697
[210]	train-logloss:0.364945	valid-logloss:0.367108
[220]	train-logloss:0.364443	valid-logloss:0.366615
[230]	train-logloss:0.364033	valid-logloss:0.366215
[240]	train-logloss:0.363691	valid-logloss:0.365883
[250]	train-logloss:0.363389	valid-logloss:0.3656
[260]	train-logloss:0.363117	valid-logloss:0.365335
[270]	train-logloss:0.362879	valid-logloss:0.365108
[280]	train-logloss:0.362655	valid-logloss:0.364893
[290]	train-logloss:0.362455	valid-logloss:0.364698
[300]	train-logloss:0.362288	valid-logloss:0.36454
[310]	train-logloss:0.362151	valid-logloss:0.364412
[320]	train-logloss:0.362029	valid-logloss:0.364298
[330]	train-logloss:0.361896	valid-logloss:0.364174
[340]	train-logloss:0.361792	valid-logloss:0.364075
[350]	train-logloss:0.361691	valid-logloss:0.363984
[360]	train-logloss:0.361568	valid-logloss:0.36387
[370]	train-logloss:0.361455	valid-logloss:0.363768
[380]	train-logloss:0.361353	valid-logloss:0.363673
[390]	train-logloss:0.361258	valid-logloss:0.363586

In [23]:
d_test = xgb.DMatrix(x_test)
p_test = bst.predict(d_test)

sub = pd.DataFrame()
sub['test_id'] = df_test['test_id']
sub['is_duplicate'] = p_test
sub.to_csv('simple_xgb.csv', index=False)

In [ ]: