Where event-driven programming is about reacting to things that happen, RP is about staying up to date with changing signals.
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# The action to take upon a certain event is usually specified at the "source"
b = Button()
def some_callback(event):
A signal can be created by decorating a function:
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from flexx import react
def greet(n):
print('hello %s!' % n)
Signals yield new values, thereby transforming or combining the upstream signals. Also, you can connect to as many signals as necessary:
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@react.connect('first_name', 'last_name')
def name(first, last):
return '%s %s' % (first, last)
Input signals can be called with an argument to set their value:
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def first_name(n='John'):
assert isinstance(n, str)
return n.capitalize()
def last_name(n='Doe'):
assert isinstance(n, str)
return n.capitalize()
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# For the sake of the story, we defined the signals out of order, so we need to connect them
name.connect(); greet.connect()
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first_name() # get signal value
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first_name('jane') # set signal value (for input signals)
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class Item(react.HasSignals):
def name(n):
return str(n)
class Collection(react.HasSignals):
def items(items):
assert all([isinstance(i, Item) for i in items])
return tuple(list(items))
def ref(i):
assert isinstance(i, Item)
return i
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itemA, itemB, itemC, itemD = Item(name='A'), Item(name='B'), Item(name='C'), Item(name='D')
C1 = Collection(items=(itemA, itemB))
C2 = Collection(items=(itemC, itemD))
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class Collection2(Collection):
def show_ref_name(name):
print('The ref is %s' % name)
def show_index(*names):
print('index: '+ ', '.join(names))
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itemA, itemB, itemC, itemD = Item(name='A'), Item(name='B'), Item(name='C'), Item(name='D')
C1 = Collection2(items=(itemA, itemB))
C2 = Collection2(items=(itemC, ))
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C2.items([itemC, itemD])
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def foo(v):
return str(v)
def bar(v):
print('update bar')
return v * 10 # imagine that this is an expensive operation
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foo('hello') # Does not trigger bar
bar() # this is where bar gets updated
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bar() # foo has not changed; cached value is returned
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def some_value(v=0):
return float(v)
some_value(0) # init
def show_diff(s):
print('diff: ', s - some_value.last_value) # note: we might rename this to previous_value
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