Tutorial for flexx.react - reactive programming

Where classic event-driven programming is about reacting to things that happen, RP is about staying up to date with changing signals. Signals are objects that have a value which changes over time. Signals are fed with either user input or other (upstream) signal values. In that way you create a pipeline that is always kept up-to date; it defines how information flows through your application.


In [1]:
from flexx import react

First, we create two input signals:

In [2]:
def first_name(n='John'):
    assert isinstance(n, str)  # validation
    return n.capitalize()  # normalization

def last_name(n='Doe'):
    assert isinstance(n, str)
    return n.capitalize()

Input signals can be called with an argument to set their value:

In [3]:
first_name()  # get signal value


In [4]:
first_name('jane')  # set signal value (for input signals)


Now we create a new signal to react to changes in our input signals:

In [5]:
@react.connect('first_name', 'last_name')
def name(first, last):
    return '%s %s' % (first, last)

Signals produce new values, thereby transforming or combining the upstream signals. Let's create another signal to react to the "name" signal:

In [6]:
def greet(n):
    print('hello %s!' % n)

hello Jane Doe!

So if we change either of the inputs ...

In [7]:

hello Guido Doe!

In [8]:
last_name('van Rossum')

hello Guido Van rossum!


  • The upstream signal (i.e. source) is specified at the callback function
  • The callback function is transformed into a signal
  • The signal produce new signal values, so you can create a stream/pipeline
  • Creating a pipeline provides a nice mechanism for caching values that take long to compute
  • Multiple upstream signals can be specified
  • It provides a nice integral way for user-provided data, as an alternative to properties or traits

The HasSignals class

Signals can also be specified at a class:

In [9]:
class Item(react.HasSignals):
    def name(n):
        return str(n)

class Collection(react.HasSignals):

    def items(items):
        assert all([isinstance(i, Item) for i in items])
        return tuple(list(items))
    def ref(i):
        assert isinstance(i, Item)
        return i

In [10]:
itemA, itemB, itemC, itemD = Item(name='A'), Item(name='B'), Item(name='C'), Item(name='D')
C1 = Collection(items=(itemA, itemB))
C2 = Collection(items=(itemC, itemD))

In [11]:


In [12]:

(<__main__.Item at 0x7f3368230470>, <__main__.Item at 0x7f33682304a8>)


We subclass Collection and define reactions to signals of signals. Any change in a collections' ref or in the name of that ref will invoke an update of show_ref_name. Similary, show_index is updated when the list of items changes, or any of the names of the items:

In [13]:
class Collection2(Collection):
    def show_ref_name(name):
        print('The ref is %s' % name)
    def show_index(*names):
        print('index: '+ ', '.join(names))

In [14]:
itemA, itemB, itemC, itemD = Item(name='A'), Item(name='B'), Item(name='C'), Item(name='D')
C1 = Collection2(items=(itemA, itemB))
C2 = Collection2(items=(itemC, ))

index: A, B
index: C

In [15]:

The ref is A

In [16]:

The ref is D

In [17]:

The ref is D-renamed

In [18]:
C2.items([itemC, itemD])

index: C, D-renamed

In [19]:

index: C-renamed, D-renamed

Lazy evaluation

By default react uses a push approach, which is useful in GUI's. In other situation, a pull approach might be more appropriate.

In [20]:
def foo(v):
    return str(v)

def bar(v):
    print('update bar')
    return v * 10  # imagine that this is an expensive operation

In [21]:
foo('hello')  # Does not trigger bar
bar()  # this is where bar gets updated

update bar

In [22]:
bar()  # foo has not changed; cached value is returned


Signal history

Signals store their current value as well as the previous value. (The timestamps are also stored, though these are not yet available via the public API.)

In [23]:
def some_value(v=0):
    return float(v)
some_value(0)  # init

def show_diff(s):
    print('diff: ', s - some_value.last_value)  # note: we might rename this to previous_value

diff:  0.0

In [24]:

diff:  10.0

In [25]:

diff:  2.0