In [28]:
from SimPEG import *
from SimPEG import EM
from scipy.constants import mu_0
from pymatsolver import MumpsSolver
import numpy as np
from SimPEG.Problem import GlobalProblem as GlobalProblem
In [30]:
from scipy.constants import mu_0
def genTensorMesh(locs, sigma=1e-3, t=1e-2, dx=np.r_[50., 50., 50.], ncx=5,ncy=5,ncz=4,npad=8):
difdist = np.sqrt(2*t/mu_0/sigma)
hx = [(dx[0],npad,-1.3), (dx[0],ncx), (dx[0],npad,1.3)]
hy = [(dx[1],npad,-1.3), (dx[1],ncy), (dx[1],npad,1.3)]
# hz = [(dx[2],npad,-1.3), (dx[2],ncz),(dx[2]*0.5, 4),(dx[2],ncz),(dx[2],npad,1.3)]
hz = [(dx[2],npad-2,-1.3), (dx[2],ncz), (dx[2],ncz),(dx[2],npad-2,1.3)]
mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], x0="CCC")
mesh._x0 += locs
return mesh
In [31]:
hx = np.ones(10)*50
meshsurvey = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx], "C")
locs = np.c_[meshsurvey.gridCC, np.ones(meshsurvey.nC)*0., np.ones(meshsurvey.nC)]
itx = Utils.closestPoints(meshsurvey, np.r_[0.])[0]
In [32]:
%pylab inline
In [33]:
# mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh.readUBC("./models/mesh_composite.msh")
# sigma = mesh.readModelUBC("./models/sigmaInf_composite_cond.con")
In [34]:
cs, ncx, ncy, ncz, npad = 50., 12, 12, 16, 8
hx = [(cs,npad,-1.3), (cs,ncx), (cs,npad,1.3)]
hy = [(cs,npad,-1.3), (cs,ncy), (cs,npad,1.3)]
hz = [(cs,npad,-1.3), (cs,ncz), (cs,npad,1.3)]
In [35]:
mesh = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hy, hz], "CCC")
In [36]:
sigma = np.ones(mesh.nC)*1e-8
sigma[mesh.gridCC[:,2]<0.] = 1e-3
blk = Utils.ModelBuilder.getIndicesBlock(np.r_[-100., 100., -50.], np.r_[100., -100., -250.], mesh.gridCC)
sigma[blk] = 1e-1
In [40]:
print mesh.vectorCCz[13]
mesh.plotSlice(np.log10(sigma), ind=13, grid=True, clim=(-4, -1))
plt.plot(locs[:,0], locs[:,1], '.')
xlim(-1200, 1200)
ylim(-1200, 1200)
In [38]:
print mesh.vectorCCz[13]
mesh.plotSlice(np.log10(sigma), ind=13,normal='X', grid=True, clim=(-4, -1))
plt.plot(locs[:,0], locs[:,1], '.')
plt.plot(locs[itx,0], locs[itx,1], 'ro')
xlim(-1200, 1200)
ylim(-1200, 0.)
In [11]:
submeshes = []
submaps = []
ntx = locs.shape[0]
inactind = mesh.gridCC[:,2] > 0.
for itx in range(ntx):
meshsub = genTensorMesh(locs[itx,:])
inactindsub = meshsub.gridCC[:,2] > 0.
M2Mmap = Maps.Mesh2MeshTopo([mesh, meshsub], [~inactind, ~inactindsub])
actmap = Maps.ActiveCells(meshsub, ~inactindsub, 1e-8)
# expmap = Maps.ExpMap(meshsub)
# mapping = expmap*actmap*M2Mmap
mapping = actmap*M2Mmap
In [12]:
itx = 9
condsub = submaps[itx]*sigma[~inactind]
print submeshes[itx].vectorCCz[7]
submeshes[itx].plotSlice(np.log10(condsub), ind=7, grid=True, clim=(-4, -1))
plt.plot(locs[:,0], locs[:,1], '.')
plt.plot(locs[itx,0], locs[itx,1], 'ro')
xlim(-1200, 1200)
ylim(-1200, 1200)
In [13]:
itx = 1
condsub = submaps[itx]*sigma[~inactind]
print submeshes[itx].vectorCCz[7]
submeshes[itx].plotSlice(np.log10(condsub), normal='Y', grid=True, clim=(-4, -1))
plt.plot(locs[:,0], locs[:,1], '.')
plt.plot(locs[itx,0], locs[itx,1], 'ro')
xlim(-500, 500)
ylim(-500, 50.)
In [14]:
itx = 5
condsub = submaps[itx]*sigma[~inactind]
print submeshes[itx].vectorCCz[7]
submeshes[itx].plotSlice(np.log10(condsub), normal='Y', grid=True, clim=(-4, -1))
plt.plot(locs[:,0], locs[:,1], '.')
plt.plot(locs[itx,0], locs[itx,1], 'ro')
xlim(-500, 500)
ylim(-500, 50.)
In [15]:
print mesh.vectorCCz[13]
mesh.plotSlice(np.log10(sigma), ind=13,normal='X', grid=True, clim=(-4, -1))
plt.plot(locs[:,0], locs[:,1], '.')
plt.plot(locs[itx,0], locs[itx,1], 'ro')
xlim(-500, 500)
ylim(-500, 50.)
In [16]:
rxLists = []
srcLists = []
times = np.logspace(-4, -3, 11)
for itx in range(ntx):
rxtmp = EM.TDEM.RxTDEM(locs[itx,:].reshape([1,-1]), times, 'bz')
srctmp = EM.TDEM.SrcTDEM_CircularLoop_MVP([rxtmp], locs[itx,:].reshape([1,-1]), 13., "STEPOFF")
In [17]:
from simpegAIP.TD import ATEM_b
from pymatsolver import MumpsSolver
In [18]:
# prob =ATEM_b.ProblemATEM_b(mesh, Solver=MumpsSolver)
# survey = EM.TDEM.SurveyTDEM(srcLists)
# prob.pair(survey)
# prob.timeSteps = [(5e-5, 10), (1e-4, 10), (5e-4, 10)]
# pred = survey.dpred(sigma)
# pred = pred.reshape((times.size, ntx), order='F')
#'./data/pred', pred)
In [19]:
# plt.semilogy(locs[:,0], pred.T, 'k-')
In [20]:
class IdentityMapXXX(Maps.IdentityMap):
nCactive = None
def __init__(self, mesh, **kwargs):
Maps.IdentityMap.__init__(self, mesh, **kwargs)
def nP(self):
:rtype: int
:return: number of parameters in the model
if self.nCactive is None:
raise Exception('Set nCactive')
return self.nCactive
def shape(self):
The default shape is (mesh.nC, nP).
:rtype: (int,int)
:return: shape of the operator as a tuple
return (self.nP, self.nP)
In [21]:
imap = IdentityMapXXX(mesh)
imap.nCactive = (~inactind).sum()
In [22]:
GP = GlobalProblem(ATEM_b.ProblemATEM_b, mesh, mapping=imap, meshes=submeshes)
survey = EM.TDEM.SurveyTDEM(srcLists)
survey.pair(GP) #other way does not work GP.pair(survey)
In [23]:
In [24]:
# m = np.log(sigma[~inactind])
m = sigma[~inactind]
preddecom = []
for itx in range(ntx):
prbtmp, surveytmp = GP.getSubProblemandSubSurvey(submaps[itx], itx)
# prbtmp.verbose = True
prbtmp.Solver = MumpsSolver
prbtmp.timeSteps = [(5e-5, 10), (1e-4, 10), (5e-4, 10)]
predtmp = surveytmp.dpred(m)
print (">> Source %i")%(itx)
In [25]:
pred = np.load("./data/pred.npy")
In [40]:
itx = 9
plt.loglog(times, pred[:,itx], 'k')
plt.loglog(times, preddecom[itx], 'r')
In [29]:
pred_test = (np.vstack(preddecom)).flatten()
pred_test = pred_test.reshape((times.size, ntx), order='F')
In [30]:
for itime in range(times.size):
plt.semilogy(locs[:,0], pred[itime,:], 'k-')
plt.semilogy(locs[:,0], pred_test[itime,:], 'r.--')
if itime==0:
legend(("Full", "Domain decomposition"), loc=1, fontsize = 10)
In [29]:
# survey = EM.FDEM.Survey([Src0, Src1])
# GP.pair(survey)
# gp1 = GP.getSubProblem(0)
# gp1.Solver = MumpsSolver
# pu = prb0.fields(m)
# gpu = gp1.fields(m)
# bfz = mesh.r(pu[Src0, 'b'],'F','Fz','M')
# bfz = mesh.r(gpu[Src0, 'b'],'F','Fz','M')
# x = np.linspace(-55,55,12)
# XYZ = Utils.ndgrid(x,np.r_[0],np.r_[0])
# P = mesh.getInterpolationMat(XYZ, 'Fz')
# # an = EM.Analytics.FDEM.hzAnalyticDipoleF(x, Src0.freq, sig)
# # diff = np.log10(np.abs(P*np.imag(pu[Src0, 'b']) - mu_0*np.imag(an)))
# # diff = np.log10(np.abs(P*np.imag(gpu[Src0, 'b']) - mu_0*np.imag(an)))
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.plot(x,np.log10(np.abs(P*np.imag(pu[Src0, 'b']))), 'r-s')
# plt.plot(x,np.log10(np.abs(P*np.imag(gpu[Src0, 'b']))), 'b')
# # plt.plot(x,np.log10(np.abs(mu_0*np.imag(an))), 'r')
# # plt.plot(x,diff,'g')
In [ ]: