Analysis of Oscar-nominated Films

In [188]:
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats

pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)

In [153]:
%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sb


np.random.seed(sum(map(ord, "regression")))

In [182]:
awards = pd.read_csv('../data/nominations.csv')
oscars = pd.read_csv('../data/analysis.csv')

Descriptive Analysis

To better understand general trends in the data. This is a work in progress. last updated on: February 26, 2017


It is well known that movies gunning for an Academy Award aim to be released between December and February, two months before the award ceremony. This is pretty evident looking at a distribution of film release months:

In [175]:
sb.countplot(x="release_month", data=oscars)

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x110372750>

This can be more or less confirmed by calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient, which measures the linear dependence between two variables:

In [212]:
def print_pearsonr(data, dependent, independent):
    for field in independent:
        coeff = stats.pearsonr(data[dependent], data[field])
        print "{0} | coeff: {1} | p-value: {2}".format(field, coeff[0], coeff[1])

print_pearsonr(oscars, 'Oscar', ['q1_release', 'q2_release', 'q3_release', 'q4_release'])

q1_release | coeff: 0.0516477112662 | p-value: 0.0457924227928
q2_release | coeff: -0.0315055870144 | p-value: 0.223276479778
q3_release | coeff: 0.00108129557868 | p-value: 0.966668039253
q4_release | coeff: -0.0317501964736 | p-value: 0.219701562299

Q1 and Q4 have a higher coefficient than Q2 and Q3, so that points in the right direction...

This won't really help us determine who will win the actual Oscar, but at least we know that if we want a shot, we need to be releasing in late Q4 and early Q1.


How do the financial details contribute to Oscar success?

In [179]:
# In case we want to examine the data based on the release decade...
oscars['decade'] = oscars['year'].apply(lambda y: str(y)[2] + "0")

In [186]:
# Adding some fields to slice and dice...
profit = oscars[~oscars['budget'].isnull()]
profit = profit[~profit['box_office'].isnull()]

profit['profit'] = profit['box_office'] - profit['budget']
profit['margin'] = profit['profit'] / profit['box_office']

Profitability by Award Category

Since 1980, the profitability for films which won an Oscar were on average higher than all films nominated that year.

In [187]:
avg_margin_for_all = profit.groupby(['category'])['margin'].mean()
avg_margin_for_win = profit[profit['Oscar'] == 1].groupby(['category'])['margin'].mean()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

index = np.arange(len(profit['category'].unique()))

rects1 =, avg_margin_for_win, 0.45, color='r', label='Won')
rects2 =, avg_margin_for_all, 0.45, color='b', label='All')

plt.xlabel('Award Category')
ax.set_xticklabels(profit['category'].unique(), rotation='vertical')

plt.ylabel('Profit Margin (%)')
plt.title('Average Profit Margin by Award Category')

The biggest losers...that won?

This is just a fun fact. There were 5 awards since 1980 that were given to films that actually lost money.

In [82]:
fields = ['year', 'film', 'category', 'name', 'budget', 'box_office', 'profit', 'margin']
profit[(profit['profit'] < 0) & (profit['Oscar'] == 1)][fields]

year film category name budget box_office profit margin
218 1994 Blue Sky Actress Jessica Lange 16000000.000 3359465.000 -12640535.000 -3.763
394 1998 Gods and Monsters Adapted Screenplay Bill Condon 10000000.000 6500000.000 -3500000.000 -0.538
747 2000 Almost Famous Original Screenplay Cameron Crowe 60000000.000 47400000.000 -12600000.000 -0.266
1103 1994 Ed Wood Supporting Actor Martin Landau 18000000.000 5900000.000 -12100000.000 -2.051
1262 1994 Bullets over Broadway Supporting Actress Dianne Wiest 20000000.000 13400000.000 -6600000.000 -0.493

Other Awards

Do the BAFTAs, Golden Globes, Screen Actors Guild Awards, etc. forecast who is going to win the Oscars? Let's find out...

In [249]:
winning_awards = oscars[['category', 'Oscar', 'BAFTA', 'Golden Globe', 'Guild']]

category Oscar BAFTA Golden Globe Guild
0 Actor 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000
1 Actor 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 Actor 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
3 Actor 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 Actor 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

In [244]:
acting_categories = ['Actor', 'Actress', 'Supporting Actor', 'Supporting Actress']
y = winning_awards[(winning_awards['Oscar'] == 1)&(winning_awards['category'].isin(acting_categories))]

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(ncols=3, sharey=True)

plt.title('Count Plot of Wins by Award')

sb.countplot(x="BAFTA", data=y, ax=ax1)
sb.countplot(x="Golden Globe", data=y, ax=ax2)
sb.countplot(x="Guild", data=y, ax=ax3)

print "Pearson correlation for acting categories\n"
print_pearsonr(oscars[oscars['category'].isin(acting_categories)], 'Oscar', ['BAFTA', 'Golden Globe', 'Guild'])

Pearson correlation for acting categories

BAFTA | coeff: 0.343106753782 | p-value: 1.53555701801e-21
Golden Globe | coeff: 0.471264631568 | p-value: 1.59689509599e-41
Guild | coeff: 0.467345698872 | p-value: 8.92371589745e-41

It looks like if the Golden Globes and Screen Actors Guild awards are better indicators of Oscar success than the BAFTAs. Let's take a look at the same analysis, but for Best Picture. The "Guild" award we use is the Screen Actor Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture.

In [247]:
y = winning_awards[(winning_awards['Oscar'] == 1)&(winning_awards['category'] == 'Picture')]

fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(ncols=3, sharey=True)

plt.title('Count Plot of Wins by Award')

sb.countplot(x="BAFTA", data=y, ax=ax1)
sb.countplot(x="Golden Globe", data=y, ax=ax2)
sb.countplot(x="Guild", data=y, ax=ax3)

print "Pearson correlation for acting categories\n"
print_pearsonr(oscars[oscars['category'] == 'Picture'], 'Oscar', ['BAFTA', 'Golden Globe', 'Guild'])

Pearson correlation for acting categories

BAFTA | coeff: 0.303661894517 | p-value: 5.22830069622e-06
Golden Globe | coeff: 0.367860033304 | p-value: 2.34135839185e-08
Guild | coeff: 0.286173459405 | p-value: 1.8594940365e-05

Seems like the BAFTAs hold a bit more weight than the SAG awar, but the Golden Globes are still the best way to forecast an Oscar win.