Project:  Project 2: Luther
Date:     02/03/2017
Name:     Prashant Tatineni

Project Overview

For Project Luther, I gathered the set of all films listed under movie franchises on My goal was to predict the success of a movie sequel (i.e., domestic gross in USD) based on the performance of other sequels, and especially based on previous films in that particular franchise. I saw some linear correlation between certain variables, like number of theaters, and the total domestic gross, but the predictions from my final model were not entirely reasonable. More time could be spent on better addressing the various outliers in the dataset.

Summary of Solution Steps

  1. Retrieve data from
  2. Clean up data and reduce to a set of predictor variables, with "Adjusted Gross" as the target for prediction.
  3. Run Linear Regression model.
  4. Review model performance.

In [978]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import Image
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import dateutil.parser
import statsmodels.api as sm
import patsy
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
import sys, sklearn
from sklearn import linear_model, preprocessing
from sklearn import metrics

%matplotlib inline

Step 1

I started with the "Franchises" list on Within each franchise page, I scraped each movie's information and enter it into a Python dictionary. If it's already in the dictionary, the entry will be overwritten, except with a different Franchise name. But note below that the url for "Franchises" list was sorted Ascending, so this conveniently rolls "subfranchises" into their "parent" franchise.

E.g., "Fantastic Beasts" and the "Harry Potter" movies have their own separate Franchises, but they will all be tagged as the "JKRowling" franchise, i.e. "./chart/?id=jkrowling.htm"

Also, because I was comparing sequels to their predecessors, I focused on Domestic Gross, adjusted for ticket price inflation.

In [75]:
url = ''
response = requests.get(url)
page = response.text
soup = BeautifulSoup(page,"lxml")
tables = soup.find_all("table")
rows = [row for row in tables[3].find_all('tr')]
rows = rows[1:]

In [900]:
# Initialize empty dictionary of movies
movies = {}

for row in rows:
    items = row.find_all('td')
    franchise = items[0].find('a')['href']
    franchiseurl = '' + franchise[2:]
    response = requests.get(franchiseurl)
    franchise_page = response.text
    franchise_soup = BeautifulSoup(franchise_page,"lxml")
    franchise_tables = franchise_soup.find_all("table")
    franchise_gross = [row for row in franchise_tables[4].find_all('tr')]
    franchise_gross = franchise_gross[1:len(franchise_gross)-2]
    franchise_adjgross = [row for row in franchise_tables[5].find_all('tr')]
    franchise_adjgross = franchise_adjgross[1:len(franchise_adjgross)-2]

    # Assign movieurl as key
    # Add title, franchise, inflation-adjusted gross, release date.
    for row in franchise_adjgross:
        movie_info = row.find_all('td')
        movieurl = movie_info[1].find('a')['href']
        title = movie_info[1]
        adjgross = movie_info[3]
        release = movie_info[5]
        movies[movieurl] = [title.text]
    # Add number of theaters for the above movies
    for row in franchise_gross:
        movie_info = row.find_all('td')
        movieurl = movie_info[1].find('a')['href']
        theaters = movie_info[4]
        if movieurl in movies.keys():

In [901]:
df = pd.DataFrame(movies.values())
df.columns = ['Title','Franchise', 'AdjGross', 'Release', 'Theaters']

Title Franchise AdjGross Release Theaters
0 Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail ./chart/?id=madea.htm $109,038,600 2/20/09 2,203
1 Scary Movie 4 ./chart/?id=scarymovie.htm $119,793,400 4/14/06 3,674
2 Fantastic Four (2005) ./chart/?id=fantasticfour.htm $208,755,300 7/8/05 3,619
3 The Amazing Spider-Man ./chart/?id=spiderman.htm $291,314,200 7/3/12 4,318
4 A Nightmare on Elm Street ./chart/?id=nightmareonelmstreet.htm $63,139,700 11/9/84 380

In [902]:

(736, 5)

Step 2

Clean up data.

In [903]:
# Remove movies that were re-issues, special editions, or separate 3D or IMAX versions.
df['Ignore'] = df['Title'].apply(lambda x: 're-issue' in x.lower()  or 're-release' in x.lower()  or 'special edition' in x.lower() or '3d)' in x.lower() or 'imax' in x.lower())
df = df[(df.Ignore == False)]
del df['Ignore']

(713, 5)

In [905]:
# Convert Adjusted Gross to a number
df['AdjGross'] = df['AdjGross'].apply(lambda x: int(x.replace('$','').replace(',','')))

# Convert Date string to dateobject. Need to prepend '19' for dates > 17 because Python treats '/60' as year '2060'
df['Release'] = df['Release'].apply(lambda x: (x[:-2] + '19' + x[-2:]) if int(x[-2:]) > 17 else x)
df['Release'] = df['Release'].apply(lambda x: dateutil.parser.parse(x))

The films need to be grouped by franchise so that franchise-related data can be included as featured for each observation.

  • The Average Adjusted Gross of all previous films in the franchise
  • The Adjusted Gross of the very first film in the franchise
  • The Release Date of the previous film in the franchise
  • The Release Date of the very first film in the franchise
  • The Series Number of the film in that franchise
    -- I considered using the film's number in the franchise as a rank value that could be split into indicator variables, but it's useful as a linear value because the total accrued sum of $ earned by the franchise is a linear combination of "SeriesNum" and "PrevAvgGross"

In [908]:
df = df.sort_values(['Franchise','Release'])
df['CumGross'] = df.groupby(['Franchise'])['AdjGross'].apply(lambda x: x.cumsum())
df['SeriesNum'] = df.groupby(['Franchise'])['Release'].apply(lambda x: x.rank())
df['PrevAvgGross'] = (df['CumGross'] - df['AdjGross'])/(df['SeriesNum'] - 1)
  • Number of Theaters in which the film showed
    -- Where this number was unavailable, replaced '-' with 0; the 0 will later be replaced with the mean number of theaters for the other films in the same franchise. I chose the average as a reasonable estimate.

In [910]:
df.Theaters = df.Theaters.replace('-','0')
df['Theaters'] = df['Theaters'].apply(lambda x: int(x.replace(',','')))

In [911]:
df['PrevRelease'] = df['Release'].shift()

# Create a second dataframe with franchise group-related information.
df_group = pd.DataFrame(df.groupby(['Franchise'])['Title'].apply(lambda x: x.count()))
df_group['FirstGross'] = df.groupby(['Franchise'])['AdjGross'].first()
df_group['FirstRelease'] = df.groupby(['Franchise'])['Release'].first()
df_group['SumTheaters'] = df.groupby(['Franchise'])['Theaters'].apply(lambda x: x.sum())

In [912]:
df_group.columns = ['NumOfFilms','FirstGross','FirstRelease','SumTheaters']
df_group['AvgTheaters'] = df_group['SumTheaters']/df_group['NumOfFilms']

In [913]:
df_group['Franchise'] = df.groupby(['Franchise'])['Franchise'].first()

In [914]:
df = df.merge(df_group, on='Franchise')

In [915]:

Title Franchise AdjGross Release Theaters CumGross SeriesNum PrevAvgGross PrevRelease NumOfFilms FirstGross FirstRelease SumTheaters AvgTheaters
0 3 Ninjas ./chart/?id=3ninjas.htm 60446400 1992-08-07 1954 60446400 1.0 NaN NaT 4 60446400 1992-08-07 4169 1042.250000
1 3 Ninjas Kick Back ./chart/?id=3ninjas.htm 24416300 1994-05-06 2043 84862700 2.0 6.044640e+07 1992-08-07 4 60446400 1992-08-07 4169 1042.250000
2 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up ./chart/?id=3ninjas.htm 822200 1995-03-10 52 85684900 3.0 4.243135e+07 1994-05-06 4 60446400 1992-08-07 4169 1042.250000
3 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain ./chart/?id=3ninjas.htm 693100 1998-04-10 120 86378000 4.0 2.856163e+07 1995-03-10 4 60446400 1992-08-07 4169 1042.250000
4 Kiss the Girls ./chart/?id=alexcross.htm 114066700 1997-10-03 2406 114066700 1.0 NaN 1998-04-10 3 114066700 1997-10-03 7520 2506.666667

In [916]:
df['Theaters'] = df.Theaters.replace(0,df.AvgTheaters)

In [917]:
# Drop rows with NaN. Drops all first films, but I've already stored first film information within other features.
df = df.dropna()

(543, 14)

In [918]:
df['DaysSinceFirstFilm'] = df.Release - df.FirstRelease
df['DaysSinceFirstFilm'] = df['DaysSinceFirstFilm'].apply(lambda x: x.days)

In [919]:
df['DaysSincePrevFilm'] = df.Release - df.PrevRelease
df['DaysSincePrevFilm'] = df['DaysSincePrevFilm'].apply(lambda x: x.days)

In [922]:

Title Franchise AdjGross Release Theaters CumGross SeriesNum PrevAvgGross PrevRelease NumOfFilms FirstGross FirstRelease SumTheaters AvgTheaters DaysSinceFirstFilm DaysSincePrevFilm
530 Resident Evil: The Final Chapter ./chart/?id=residentevil.htm 16634600 2017-01-27 3104.0 323867200 6.0 61446520.0 2012-09-14 6 59730700 2002-03-15 17989 2998.166667 5432 1596
712 xXx: The Return of Xander Cage ./chart/?id=xxxtrilogy.htm 35814600 2017-01-20 3651.0 283638200 3.0 123911800.0 2005-04-29 3 211558500 2002-08-09 10667 3555.666667 5278 4284
676 Underworld: Blood Wars ./chart/?id=underworld.htm 29756100 2017-01-06 3070.0 308546300 5.0 69697550.0 2012-01-20 5 74535000 2003-09-19 15225 3045.000000 4858 1813
621 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story ./chart/?id=starwars.htm 515381200 2016-12-16 4157.0 5807058000 9.0 661459600.0 2015-12-18 9 1234649200 1977-05-25 26485 2942.777778 14450 364
335 Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them ./chart/?id=jkrowling.htm 228705500 2016-11-18 4144.0 3291503100 9.0 382849700.0 2011-07-15 9 483647300 2001-11-16 36451 4050.111111 5481 1953

For the regression model, I decided to keep data for films released through 2016, but drop the 3 films released this year; because of their recent release date, their gross earnings will not yet be representative.

In [923]:
films17 = df.loc[[530,712,676]]

In [1008]:
# Grabbing columns for regression model and dropping 2017 films
dfreg = df[['AdjGross','Theaters','SeriesNum','PrevAvgGross','FirstGross','DaysSinceFirstFilm','DaysSincePrevFilm']]
dfreg = dfreg.drop([530,712,676])

(540, 7)

Step 3

Apply Linear Regression.

In [929]:

AdjGross Theaters SeriesNum PrevAvgGross FirstGross DaysSinceFirstFilm DaysSincePrevFilm
AdjGross 1.000000 0.493283 0.094456 0.667062 0.558083 0.025915 -0.049429
Theaters 0.493283 1.000000 0.158827 0.290426 0.242405 0.237296 0.144122
SeriesNum 0.094456 0.158827 1.000000 0.038785 0.053518 0.634191 -0.042277
PrevAvgGross 0.667062 0.290426 0.038785 1.000000 0.892891 0.005214 -0.056587
FirstGross 0.558083 0.242405 0.053518 0.892891 1.000000 0.128245 0.030852
DaysSinceFirstFilm 0.025915 0.237296 0.634191 0.005214 0.128245 1.000000 0.526116
DaysSincePrevFilm -0.049429 0.144122 -0.042277 -0.056587 0.030852 0.526116 1.000000

In [930]:

In [1031]:
sns.regplot((dfreg.PrevAvgGross), (dfreg.AdjGross));

In [1032]:
sns.regplot(np.log(dfreg.Theaters), np.log(dfreg.AdjGross));

In the pairplot we can see that 'AdjGross' may have some correlation with the variables, particularly 'Theaters' and 'PrevAvgGross'. However, it looks like a polynomial model, or natural log / some other transformation will be required before fitting a linear model.

In [932]:
y, X = patsy.dmatrices('AdjGross ~ Theaters + SeriesNum + PrevAvgGross + FirstGross + DaysSinceFirstFilm + DaysSincePrevFilm', data=dfreg, return_type="dataframe")

First try: Initial linear regression model with statsmodels

In [933]:
model = sm.OLS(y, X)
fit =

OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: AdjGross R-squared: 0.553
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.548
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 110.0
Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 Prob (F-statistic): 6.00e-90
Time: 01:15:01 Log-Likelihood: -10685.
No. Observations: 540 AIC: 2.138e+04
Df Residuals: 533 BIC: 2.141e+04
Df Model: 6
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [95.0% Conf. Int.]
Intercept -5.294e+07 1.16e+07 -4.569 0.000 -7.57e+07 -3.02e+07
Theaters 3.959e+04 3697.763 10.706 0.000 3.23e+04 4.69e+04
SeriesNum 3.379e+06 2.04e+06 1.657 0.098 -6.28e+05 7.39e+06
PrevAvgGross 0.5605 0.059 9.542 0.000 0.445 0.676
FirstGross -0.0696 0.044 -1.563 0.119 -0.157 0.018
DaysSinceFirstFilm -3305.0380 2096.598 -1.576 0.116 -7423.648 813.572
DaysSincePrevFilm -555.5438 3174.223 -0.175 0.861 -6791.066 5679.978
Omnibus: 200.379 Durbin-Watson: 1.568
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 1093.186
Skew: 1.542 Prob(JB): 4.15e-238
Kurtosis: 9.251 Cond. No. 1.16e+09

In [935]:

Try Polynomial Regression

In [938]:

In [941]:
polymodel = sm.OLS(y, polyX)
polyfit =


In [944]:

In [945]:



The polynomial regression improved the Adjusted Rsquared and the residual plot, but there's still issues with other statistics including skew. It's worth running the Breusch-Pagan test:

In [947]:
hetnames = ['Lagrange multiplier statistic', 'p-val', 'f-val', 'f p-val']
hettest = sm.stats.diagnostic.het_breushpagan(fit.resid, fit.model.exog)

[('Lagrange multiplier statistic', 59.176710277726116),
 ('p-val', 6.6143443857103e-11),
 ('f-val', 10.933048673053531),
 ('f p-val', 1.6877748201974073e-11)]

In [948]:
hetnames = ['Lagrange multiplier statistic', 'p-val', 'f-val', 'f p-val']
hettest = sm.stats.diagnostic.het_breushpagan(polyfit.resid, fit.model.exog)

[('Lagrange multiplier statistic', 52.139634651983954),
 ('p-val', 1.7480550785765188e-09),
 ('f-val', 9.4939820364662175),
 ('f p-val', 6.3527969215406968e-10)]

Apply Box-Cox Transformation

As seen above the p-values were very low, suggesting the data is indeed tending towards heteroskedasticity. To improve the data we can apply boxcox.

In [949]:
dfPolyX = pd.DataFrame(polyX)
bcPolyX = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(dfPolyX.shape[1]):
    bcPolyX[i] = scipy.stats.boxcox(dfPolyX[i])[0]

In [950]:
# Transformed data with Box-Cox:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
0 0.0 0.0 1379.299460 0.531850 2783.031941 1424.471172 8.468178 5.681496 0.0 1379.299460 ... 0.295376 0.295376 708.740595 527.453349 0.295376 269.434349 249.287821 16.936356 14.164688 11.362993
1 0.0 0.0 42.644860 0.730508 2423.782274 1424.471172 9.142174 5.113736 0.0 42.644860 ... 0.295376 0.295376 714.680386 428.916068 0.295376 286.686922 222.930067 18.284348 13.766970 10.227472
2 0.0 0.0 94.906975 0.837049 2076.549283 1424.471172 10.549185 6.115709 0.0 94.906975 ... 0.295376 0.295376 774.282392 509.691665 0.295376 324.304986 272.086119 21.098369 16.290594 12.231418
3 0.0 0.0 1713.707266 0.531850 3566.276944 1775.428879 9.676846 6.211814 0.0 1713.707266 ... 0.295376 0.295376 932.414623 680.430067 0.295376 332.239841 305.784512 19.353691 15.857799 12.423628
4 0.0 0.0 1693.642063 0.730508 3561.049642 1775.428879 12.425688 7.081833 0.0 1693.642063 ... 0.295376 0.295376 1256.456736 853.173760 0.295376 417.250310 366.687149 24.851374 19.158201 14.163667

5 rows × 36 columns

In [952]:
# Introduce log(y) for target variable:
y = y.reset_index(drop=True)
logy = np.log(y)

Try Polynomial Regression again with Log Y and Box-Cox transformed X

In [965]:
logPolyModel = sm.OLS(logy, bcPolyX)
logPolyFit =


Apply Regularization using Elastic Net to optimize this model.

In [974]:
X_scaled = preprocessing.scale(bcPolyX)
en_cv = linear_model.ElasticNetCV(cv=10, normalize=False), logy)

//anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ DataConversionWarning: A column-vector y was passed when a 1d array was expected. Please change the shape of y to (n_samples, ), for example using ravel().
  y = column_or_1d(y, warn=True)
ElasticNetCV(alphas=None, copy_X=True, cv=10, eps=0.001, fit_intercept=True,
       l1_ratio=0.5, max_iter=1000, n_alphas=100, n_jobs=1,
       normalize=False, positive=False, precompute='auto',
       random_state=None, selection='cyclic', tol=0.0001, verbose=0)

In [985]:

array([ 0.        ,  0.        , -0.09778682, -0.22718488,  1.08431228,
       -0.16206495, -0.13710198,  0.2081677 ,  0.        , -0.        ,
       -0.05566614,  0.93082535, -0.46732173, -0.13935011,  0.14423405,
       -0.15442166,  0.4146195 , -0.98641762,  0.23276685,  1.56872592,
        0.75385676, -0.01684137,  0.75142965, -0.        ,  0.3142132 ,
       -0.73205773,  0.        ,  0.        , -1.00683123, -0.37426653,
        0.        ,  0.22524441, -0.06747595, -0.75438376, -0.        ,

In [983]:
logy_en = en_cv.predict(X_scaled)
mse = metrics.mean_squared_error(logy, logy_en)

In [984]:
# The mean square error for this model


In [1069]:
plt.scatter([x for x in range(540)],(pd.DataFrame(logy_en)[0] - logy['AdjGross']));

Step 4

As seen above, Polynomial Regression with Elastic Net produces a model with several nonzero coefficients for the given features. I decided to try testing this model on the three new sequels for 2017.

In [1004]:

Title Franchise AdjGross Release Theaters CumGross SeriesNum PrevAvgGross PrevRelease NumOfFilms FirstGross FirstRelease SumTheaters AvgTheaters DaysSinceFirstFilm DaysSincePrevFilm
530 Resident Evil: The Final Chapter ./chart/?id=residentevil.htm 16634600 2017-01-27 3104.0 323867200 6.0 61446520.0 2012-09-14 6 59730700 2002-03-15 17989 2998.166667 5432 1596
712 xXx: The Return of Xander Cage ./chart/?id=xxxtrilogy.htm 35814600 2017-01-20 3651.0 283638200 3.0 123911800.0 2005-04-29 3 211558500 2002-08-09 10667 3555.666667 5278 4284
676 Underworld: Blood Wars ./chart/?id=underworld.htm 29756100 2017-01-06 3070.0 308546300 5.0 69697550.0 2012-01-20 5 74535000 2003-09-19 15225 3045.000000 4858 1813

In [992]:
df17 = films17[['AdjGross','Theaters','SeriesNum','PrevAvgGross','FirstGross','DaysSinceFirstFilm','DaysSincePrevFilm']]
y17, X17 = patsy.dmatrices('AdjGross ~ Theaters + SeriesNum + PrevAvgGross + FirstGross + DaysSinceFirstFilm + DaysSincePrevFilm', data=df17, return_type="dataframe")
polyX17 = PolynomialFeatures(2).fit_transform(X17)

dfPolyX17 = pd.DataFrame(polyX17)
bcPolyX17 = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(dfPolyX17.shape[1]):
    bcPolyX17[i] = scipy.stats.boxcox(dfPolyX17[i])[0]
X17_scaled = preprocessing.scale(bcPolyX17)

In [993]:
# Run the "en_cv" model from above on the 2017 data:
logy_en_2017 = en_cv.predict(X17_scaled)

In [1005]:
# Predicted Adjusted Gross:

0 3.550723e+06
1 7.522682e+08
2 1.496257e+08

In [1002]:
# Adjusted Gross as of 2/1:

530 16634600.0
712 35814600.0
676 29756100.0