This notebook was created by Mykola Veremchuk (, Svitozar Serkez. Source and license info is on GitHub. June 2019.

Tutorial N13. Converting synchrotron radiation results from Screen object to RadiationField

ocelot.optics.wave.RadiationField objects can be used for analysis as well as propagation of Synchrotron radiation module output


  1. 2D synchrotron radiation field
  2. 3D synchrotron radiation field

Necessary imports

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import logging
from ocelot import *
from ocelot.rad import *
from ocelot.optics.wave import dfl_waistscan, screen2dfl, RadiationField
from ocelot.gui.dfl_plot import plot_dfl, plot_dfl_waistscan
from ocelot import ocelog

ocelog.setLevel(logging.ERROR) #suppress logger output

initializing ocelot...

In [2]:
# Activate interactive matplolib in notebook
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
# Setup figure white background 
matplotlib.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = (1,1,1,1)
# Setup figure size
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10, 10]

2D synchrotron radiation field

Generating 2D Screen

See 9_synchrotron_radiation.ipynb tutorial first, reproducing the 2d visualization

In [3]:
# generating 2D synchrotron radiation (it will take about 1-3 minutes)
und = Undulator(Kx=0.43, nperiods=500, lperiod=0.007, eid="und")
lat = MagneticLattice(und)

beam = Beam()
beam.E = 2.5  # beam energy in [GeV]
beam.I = 0.1  # beam current in [A]

screen_2d = Screen()
screen_2d.z = 100.0        # distance from the begining of lattice to the screen 
screen_2d.size_x = 0.002   # half of screen size in [m] in horizontal plane
screen_2d.size_y = 0.002   # half of screen size in [m] in vertical plane
screen_2d.nx = 51          # number of points in horizontal plane 
screen_2d.ny = 51          # number of points in vertical plane 

screen_2d.start_energy = 7761.2 # [eV], starting photon energy
screen_2d.end_energy = 7761.2     # [eV], ending photon energy
screen_2d.num_energy = 1        # number of energy points[eV]

screen_2d = calculate_radiation(lat, screen_2d, beam)

Converting 2D Screen to 2D RadiationField

to convert SR from Screen to RadiationField there is a function:

dfl = screen2dfl(screen, polarization='x')

  • screen: Screen object, electric field of which will be used to generate RadiationField
  • polarization: polarization for conversion to RadiationField ($E_x$ or $E_y$)

see 11_radiation_field.ipynb

In [4]:
dfl_2d = screen2dfl(screen_2d, polarization='x')

Plotting RadiationField

2D (monochromatic) RadiationFied generated from Screen

In [5]:
         fig_name='dfl_2d generated from screen_2d', 

Let's study the radiation back-propagated to the middle of the undulator

In [6]:
plot_dfl(dfl_2d.prop_m(-100-3.5/2, m=0.02, return_result=1), 
         fig_name='dfl_2d at waist position')

Generating and converting 3D Screen

One can calculate series of 2D radiation field distributions at different photon energies.

In [7]:
# generating 3D synchrotron radiation (it will take up to 5 minutes as 75*75*20=112k datapoints are calculated)
screen_3d = Screen()
screen_3d.z = 100.0  # distance from the begining of lattice to the screen
screen_3d.size_x = 0.002  # half of screen size in [m] in horizontal plane
screen_3d.size_y = 0.002  # half of screen size in [m] in vertical plane

screen_3d.ny = 50
screen_3d.nx = 50
screen_3d.start_energy = 7720  # [eV], starting photon energy
screen_3d.end_energy = 7790  # [eV], ending photon energy
screen_3d.num_energy = 25  # number of energy points[eV]

screen_3d = calculate_radiation(lat, screen_3d, beam)
dfl_3d = screen2dfl(screen_3d, polarization='x')

SR 3D calculation

In this way we obtain a 3D RadiationFied distribution in space-frequency domain

Note the spatial dependence on the photon energy. The slice values of x=0 and y=0 are provided as well as on-axis spectrum

In [8]:
         fig_name='dfl_3d in space-frequency domain',
         slice_xy=True) # bool type variable, if True, slices will be plotted; if False, projections will be plotted

Transverse projections and integrated spectrum

In [9]:
         fig_name='dfl_3d in space-frequency domain',

Plotting in space-time domain yields pulse duration that is approximately the radiation wavelength (fundamental harmonic) times number of undulator periods ~ 0.08um.

In [10]:
         fig_name='dfl_3d in space-time domain',

Radiation distribution in the middle of the undulator

In [11]:
plot_dfl(dfl_3d.prop_m(-100-3.5/2, m=0.02, fine=1, return_result=1),
         fig_name='dfl_3d at waist position in frequency-space domains',

Because of the rapidly-oscilalting phase, plotting in the far zone in not possible yet, to be solved in the future

In [12]:
         fig_name='dfl_3d at waist position in inverse space-frequency domains',

In [ ]:

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