Adventures in coin flipping

AKA Introduction to the Binomial Distribution

In [3]:
import random
results = []
for trial in xrange(10000):
    heads = 0
    for i in xrange(100):
        flip = random.randint(0,1)
        if (flip == 0):
            heads += 1
print results[1:10]

[48, 48, 55, 54, 52, 52, 56, 50, 51]

In [4]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [5]:
## Plot the histogram using integer values by creating more bins
plt.hist(results, bins=range(100))
plt.title("Using integer values")

In [6]:
## Plot the density function, notice bars sum to exactly 1 
## Also make the plot bigger
plt.hist(results, bins=range(100), normed=True)
plt.title("coin flip densities")

The probability density for the Gaussian distribution is

In [7]:
flips_mean = float(sum(results)) / len(results)
print flips_mean


In [8]:
## the numpy package has lots of useful routines:
import numpy as np
mean = np.mean(results)
print mean


In [9]:
## we could code standard deviation by hand, but numpy makes it easier
print stdev


In [10]:
## Overlay a normal distribution on top of the coin flip data
count, bins, patches = plt.hist(results, bins=range(100), normed=True, label="coin flip histogram")
plt.plot(bins, 1/(stdev * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) *
                np.exp( - (bins - mean)**2 / (2 * stdev**2) ),
          linewidth=3, color='red', label="normal distribution")
plt.title("Coin flip densities with normal distribution overlay")

Could we figure this out analytically?

General Form

$$ p(\text{k heads in n flips}) = (\text{prob. of this many heads}) * \ (\text{prob. of this many tails}) * \ (\text{how many possible orderings?}) $$


$$ \begin{array}{c} p(\text{k heads in n flips}) \leftarrow {n \choose k} * p^{k} * (1-p)^{(n-k)} \\\ p \leftarrow \text{probability of heads in a single flip} \\\ p^k \leftarrow \text{total probability of k heads} \\\ 1-p \leftarrow \text{probabilty of one tails} \\\ n-k \leftarrow \text{number of tails} \\\ (1-p)^{(n-k)} \leftarrow \text{ probability of all the tails} \\\ {n \choose k} \leftarrow \text{ all the possible orderings of k heads in n flips} \\\ \end{array} $$


$$ {n \choose k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} $$

In [11]:
prob_heads = .5
num_flips = 100
num_heads = 25
prob_flips = np.math.factorial(num_flips) / \
            (np.math.factorial(num_heads) * np.math.factorial(num_flips-num_heads)) * \
            (prob_heads**num_heads) * ((1-prob_heads)**(num_flips-num_heads))
print "The probability of seeing %d heads in %d flips is %.015f" % (num_heads, num_flips, prob_flips)

The probability of seeing 25 heads in 100 flips is 0.000000191313971

In [14]:
## Another super useful package is scipy
import scipy.stats
sp_prob = scipy.stats.binom.pmf(num_heads, num_flips, prob_heads)
print "scipy computed it as %0.15f" % sp_prob

scipy computed it as 0.000000191313971

In [16]:
## normal approximatation
print scipy.stats.norm(50, 5).pdf(25)


In [28]:
## Overlay a normal distribution on top of the coin flip data
count, bins, patches = plt.hist(results, bins=range(100), normed=True, label="coin flip histogram")
plt.plot(bins, scipy.stats.binom.pmf(bins, num_flips, prob_heads),linewidth=3, color='red', label="binomial distribution")
plt.plot(bins, scipy.stats.norm(50,5).pdf(bins),linewidth=3, color='green', linestyle='--', label="normal distribution")
plt.title("Coin flip densities with normal distribution overlay")

How can we use the mean and standard deviation to estimate the probability?

FACT: The mean of the binomial distribution is

$$ mean = n * p $$

FACT: The standard deviation of the binomial distribution is

$$ stdev = \sqrt{n*p*(1-p)} $$

In [13]:
expected_mean  = num_flips * prob_heads
expected_stdev = np.math.sqrt(num_flips * prob_heads * (1 - prob_heads)) 

print "In %d flips, with a probability %.02f" % (num_flips, prob_heads)
print "The expected frequency is %.02f +/- %.02f" % (expected_mean, expected_stdev)
print "The observed frequency was %0.2f +/- %0.2f" % (mean, stdev)

In 100 flips, with a probability 0.50
The expected frequency is 50.00 +/- 5.00
The observed frequency was 50.08 +/- 4.94

Conclusion: Given a mean of 50, and a standard deviation of ~5, seeing only 25 heads out of 100 occurs with a probability of about 5 standard deviations from the mean. This implies this is a highly significant event, as more than 3 standard deviations implies less than a 1% chance. In fact, we saw no examples of this in 100,000 random trials (p-value < 1/100000; p-value < 1e-5), and only expect 1 occurrence in 10,000,000 (p-value = 1.9e-7)