Clark's Method

This is a notebook to implement Clark's CLEAN method. See $\S$ 6.3 for details on the method. The pseudo-code for the algorithm is presented below. The goal of this assignment is to implement the major cycle and PSF selection function. The minor cycle uses Högbom's method which has all ready been written. An example of Högbom's CLEAN method can be found in Chapter 6. Code needs to be added to the functions clark() and selectSubPSF() in order for the notebook to work. Marks are given based completeness and generality.


$\textbf{input: } I^{D}(l,m), \ \textrm{PSF}(l,m), \ \gamma, \ f_{\textrm{thresh}}, \ N$

$\textbf{initialize: } S^{\textrm{model}} \leftarrow \{\}, \ I^{\textrm{res}} \leftarrow I^{D}, \ i \leftarrow 0, \ (\textrm{PSF}_{\textrm{sub}}(l,m), \ R_{\textrm{PSF}}) \leftarrow g(\textrm{PSF}(l,m))$

$\textbf{while} \ \textrm{any}(I^{\textrm{res}} > f_{\textrm{thresh}}) \ \textrm{or} \ i \leq N \ \textbf{do:} \quad [\textrm{Major Cycle}]$

$\qquad l_{\textrm{max}}, m_{\textrm{max}} \leftarrow \underset{l,m}{\operatorname{argmax}} I^{\textrm{res}}(l,m)$

$\qquad f_{\textrm{max}} \leftarrow I^{D}(l_{\textrm{max}}, m_{\textrm{max}})$

$\qquad S^{\textrm{model}}_{\textrm{partial}} \leftarrow \textrm{Hogbom}(I^{\textrm{res}}, \ \textrm{PSF}_{\textrm{sub}}, \ \gamma, \ f_{\textrm{max}} \cdot R_{\textrm{PSF}}) \quad [\textrm{Minor Cycle}]$

$\qquad V^{\textrm{model}}_{\textrm{partial}} \leftarrow \mathscr{F}\{S^{\textrm{model}}_{\textrm{partial}}\}, V^S \leftarrow \mathscr{F}\{\textrm{PSF}\}$

$\qquad I^{\textrm{res}} \leftarrow I^{\textrm{res}} - \mathscr{F}^{-1}\{V^S \cdot V^{\textrm{model}}_{\textrm{partial}}\}$

$\qquad S^{\textrm{model}} \leftarrow S^{\textrm{model}} + S^{\textrm{model}}_{\textrm{partial}}$

$\qquad i \leftarrow i +1$

$\textbf{ouput: } S^{\textrm{model}}, I^{\textrm{res}}$

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from scipy import optimize

from import fits
import aplpy

#Disable astropy/aplpy logging
import logging
logger0 = logging.getLogger('astropy')
logger1 = logging.getLogger('aplpy')

In [ ]:
def subtractPSF(img, psf, l, m, flux, gain):
    """Subtract the PSF (attenuated by the gain and flux) centred at (l,m) from an image"""
    #get the half lengths of the PSF
    if (psf.shape[0] % 2 == 0): psfMidL = psf.shape[0]/2 #even
    else: psfMidL = (psf.shape[0]+1)/2 #odd
    if (psf.shape[1] % 2 == 0): psfMidM = psf.shape[1]/2 #even
    else: psfMidM = (psf.shape[1]+1)/2 #odd
    #determine limits of sub-images
    #starting m
    if m-psfMidM < 0:
        subM0 = 0
        subPSFM0 = psfMidM-m
        subM0 = m-psfMidM
        subPSFM0 = 0
    #starting l
    if l-psfMidL < 0:
        subL0 = 0
        subPSFL0 = psfMidL-l
        subL0 = l-psfMidL
        subPSFL0 = 0
    #ending m
    if img.shape[1] > m+psfMidM:
        subM1 = m+psfMidM
        subPSFM1 = psf.shape[1]
        subM1 = img.shape[1]
        subPSFM1 = psfMidM + (img.shape[1]-m)
    #ending l
    if img.shape[0] > l+psfMidL:
        subL1 = l+psfMidL
        subPSFL1 = psf.shape[0]
        subL1 = img.shape[0]
        subPSFL1 = psfMidL + (img.shape[0]-l)
    #select subset of image
    #subImg = img[subL0:subL1, subM0:subM1]
    #select subset of PSF
    subPSF = psf[subPSFL0:subPSFL1, subPSFM0:subPSFM1]
    #subtract PSF centred on (l,m) position
    img[subL0:subL1, subM0:subM1] -= flux * gain * psf[subPSFL0:subPSFL1, subPSFM0:subPSFM1]
    return img

In [ ]:
def gauss2D(x, y, amp, meanx, meany, sigmax, sigmay):
    """2D Gaussian Function"""
    gx = -(x - meanx)**2/(2*sigmax**2)
    gy = -(y - meany)**2/(2*sigmay**2)
    return amp * np.exp( gx + gy)

def err(p, xx, yy, data):
    """Error function for least-squares fitting"""
    return gauss2D(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), *p) - data.flatten()

def idealPSF(psfImg):
    """Determine the ideal PSF size based on the observing PSF doing a simple 2D Gaussian least-squares fit"""
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, psfImg.shape[0]), np.arange(0, psfImg.shape[1]))
    # Initial estimate: PSF should be amplitude 1, and usually imaging over sample the PSF by 3-5 pixels
    params0 = 1., psfImg.shape[0]/2., psfImg.shape[1]/2., 3., 3.
    params, pcov, infoDict, errmsg, sucess = optimize.leastsq(err, params0, \
                            args=(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), psfImg.flatten()), full_output=1)
    #fwhm = [2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.)) * params[3], 2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.)) * params[4]]
    return params

In [ ]:
def restoreImg(skyModel, residImg, params):
    """Generate a restored image from a deconvolved sky model, residual image, ideal PSF params"""
    mdlImg = np.zeros_like(residImg)
    for l,m, flux in skyModel:
        mdlImg[l,m] += flux
    #generate an ideal PSF image
    psfImg = np.zeros_like(residImg)
    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, psfImg.shape[0]), np.arange(0, psfImg.shape[1]))
    psfImg = gauss2D(xx, yy, params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4])
    #convolve ideal PSF with model image
    sampFunc = np.fft.fft2(psfImg) #sampling function
    mdlVis = np.fft.fft2(mdlImg) #sky model visibilities
    sampMdlVis = sampFunc * mdlVis #sampled sky model visibilities
    convImg = np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(sampMdlVis))) + residImg #sky model convolved with PSF
    #return mdlImg + residImg
    return convImg

In [ ]:
def hogbom(dirtyImg, psfImg, gain, niter, fthresh):
    """Implementation of Hogbom's CLEAN method
    dirtyImg: 2-D numpy array, dirty image
    psfImg: 2-D numpy array, PSF
    gain: float, gain factor, 0 < gain < 1
    niter: int, maximum number of iterations to halt deconvolution
    fthresh: flaot, maximum flux threshold to halt deconvolution
    residImg: 2-D numpy array, residual image
    skyModel: list of sky model components, each component is a list [l, m, flux]
    skyModel = [] #initialize empty model
    residImg = np.copy(dirtyImg) #copy the dirty image to the initial residual image
    i = 0 #number of iterations
    print '\tMinor Cycle: fthresh: %f'%fthresh
    #CLEAN iterative loop
    while np.max(residImg) > fthresh and i < niter:
        lmax, mmax = np.unravel_index(residImg.argmax(), residImg.shape) #get pixel position of maximum value
        fmax = residImg[lmax, mmax] #flux value of maximum pixel
        #print 'iter %i, (l,m):(%i, %i), flux: %f'%(i, lmax, mmax, fmax)
        residImg = subtractPSF(residImg, psfImg, lmax, mmax, fmax, gain)
        skyModel.append([lmax, mmax, gain*fmax])
        i += 1
    return residImg, skyModel

In [ ]:
def selectSubPSF(psfImg):
    """Select out a central region of the PSF for the Hogbom minor cycle,
    and compute the ratio between the main lobe and highest sidelobe
    There are a number of ways to implement this function. A general method
    would determine where the first sidelobe is, and select out a region of
    the PSF which includes those sidelobes. A simple method would be to hard-code
    the size of the sub-image. Marks will be given based on how general the
    function is.
    psfImg: 2-D numpy array, PSF
    subPsfImg: 2-D numpy array, subset of the PSF image which contains the main lobe out to the 
        largest sidelobe.
    peakRatio: float, peakRatio < 1, ratio of the largest sidelobe to the main lobe
    #return sub-PSF and ratio
    return subPsfImg, peakRatio

In [ ]:
def clark(dirtyImg, psfImg, gain, niter, fthresh):
    """Implementation of Clark's CLEAN method
    dirtyImg: 2-D numpy array, dirty image
    psfImg: 2-D numpy array, PSF
    gain: float, gain factor, 0 < gain < 1
    niter: int, maximum number of iterations to halt deconvolution
    fthresh: flaot, maximum flux threshold to halt deconvolution
    residImg: 2-D numpy array, residual image
    skyModel: list of sky model components, each component is a list [l, m, flux]
    skyModel = [] #initialize empty model
    residImg = np.copy(dirtyImg) #copy the dirty image to the initial residual image
    i = 0 #number of iterations
    #select subset of PSF
    subPsfImg, peakRatio = selectSubPSF(psfImg) #ADD CODE: this function needs to be written
    #CLEAN iterative Major cycle
    while np.max(residImg) > fthresh and i < niter:
        #ADD CODE: get flux and pixel position of maximum value
        #ADD CODE: minor cycle, run partial Hogbom, return partial sky model
        #ADD CODE: Fourier transform partial sky model to model visibilities
        #ADD CODE: compute sampling function from PSF
        #ADD CODE: subtract sampled model image from the residual image

        #ADD CODE: update full sky model

        i += 1
    return residImg, skyModel

In [ ]:
#input parameters
gain = 0.1 #loop gain, range: 0 < gain < 1
niter = 20 #number of loop iterations
fthresh = 2.5 #minimum flux threshold to deconvolve

In [ ]:
#input images: dirty, PSF
#assuming unpolarized, single frequency image
fh ='data/KAT-7_6h60s_dec-30_10MHz_10chans_uniform_n100-dirty.fits')
dirtyImg = fh[0].data[0,0]
fh ='data/KAT-7_6h60s_dec-30_10MHz_10chans_uniform_n100-psf.fits')
psfImg = fh[0].data[0,0]
idealPSFparams = idealPSF(psfImg) #compute ideal PSF parameters

In [ ]:
#run deconvolution
residImg, skyModel = clark(dirtyImg, psfImg, gain, niter, fthresh)

In [ ]:
#plot the dirty image
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
plt.title('Dirty Image')

In [ ]:
#plot the residual image
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
plt.title('Residual Image')

In [ ]:
#plot the restored image
restImg = restoreImg(skyModel, residImg, idealPSFparams)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
plt.title('Restored Image')