Portland Dungeon May 2017

This notebook documents work for the May 2017 Portland Dungeon Hackfest


  • Compare the vtune profiles of DESI spectral extraction code on Haswell vs. KNL to understand why per-core Haswell performance is 6-8x better than KNL (instead of ~2-3x)
  • Identify KNL-specific hotspots
  • Fix KNL-specific hotspots in order to achieve node parity between KNL and Haswell when parallelizing over multiple cores.


These benchmarks test the DESI spectral extraction code, which is the most computationally intensive portion of our data processing pipeline. It performs a forward modeling analysis of astronomical spectra projected onto 2D CCD images.

Each DESI "frame" has 500 spectra with ~4000 wavelengths each. The extraction problem is subdivided into many sub-extractions of $n$ spectra by $m$ wavelengths, where each sub-extraction involves eigendecomposition of a $(n m \times nm)$ maxtrix. The optimal choice of $n$ and $m$ balances a large number of small matrix algebra operations vs. a smaller number of larger calculations.

The plots below compare the per-core extraction rate (number of spectra x number of wavelengths extracted per second) vs. number of spectra per sub-extraction. Higher is better. Although Haswell and KNL have different optimal sub-extraction sizes, Haswell per-core consistently out-performs KNL by a factor of 6-8x. We need to improve the per-core performance on KNL in order to achieve node parity with KNL vs. Haswell.

Basic setup to run code

conda create -n portland python=3.5 astropy scipy numpy ipython
source activate portland
git clone https://github.com/desihub/specter
cd specter && python setup.py install && cd ..
git clone https://github.com/sbailey/knltest
cd knltest/code
python extract.py

Performance Starting point: Cori Haswell vs KNL

Both IDP and Anaconda+MKL as tested on NERSC Cori 1/2 are shown, with nearly identical results for IDP vs. Anaconda+MKL. The dominant difference is Haswell (Cori 1) vs. KNL (Cori 2).

In [1]:
import numpy as np
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [2]:
#- Raw data from runs on Cori Haswell and Cori KNL with
#- two different python distributions (IDP and ContinuumIO Anaconda+MKL)
nspec = np.array([5,10,15,20,25])
rate_hsw_idp = np.array([464.1, 623.0, 595.2, 303.6, 241.1])
rate_hsw_ana = np.array([466.3, 631.4, 599.6, 308.9, 244.1])
rate_knl_idp = np.array([ 54.2,  85.2,  98.1,  46.3,  39.0])
rate_knl_ana = np.array([ 53.9,  85.2,  97.8,  46.0,  39.0])

In [3]:
plot(nspec, rate_hsw_idp, lw=2, label='Haswell IDP')
plot(nspec, rate_hsw_ana, label='Haswell Anaconda')
plot(nspec, rate_knl_idp, lw=2, label='KNL IDP')
plot(nspec, rate_knl_ana, label='KNL Anaconda')
xlabel('Number of spectra per sub-extraction')
ylabel('Extraction rate')

plot(nspec, rate_hsw_ana / rate_knl_ana, lw=2)
ylabel('Ratio Haswell/KNL')

best_ratio = max(rate_hsw_ana) / max(rate_knl_ana)
print('max(Haswell) / max(KNL) = {:.1f}'.format(best_ratio))

max(Haswell) / max(KNL) = 6.5

Changes implemented

From most important to least important:

  • pre-compute PSF parameters across multiple spectra and wavelengths to enable vectorized calls to legval instead of many scalar calls [~25% faster]
  • hoist wavelength -> [-1,1] for legendre calculations out of loop [~8% faster]
  • replace np.outer with numba optimized version [~5% faster (?)]
  • cast astropy.io.fits.Header to dict() before many many key/value lookups [~4% faster]
  • Avoid intermediate memory allocations by using out=... [<~1% faster]

Note: amount of improvement was different for Haswell vs. KNL vs. Core i7 Laptop and varies with extraction problem size; above numbers are approximate; see below for before/after Haswell and KNL results.

Before / after comparison

In [4]:
h1 = Table.read('data/portland/hsw-before.txt', format='ascii.basic')
h2 = Table.read('data/portland/hsw-after.txt', format='ascii.basic')
k1 = Table.read('data/portland/knl-before.txt', format='ascii.basic')
k2 = Table.read('data/portland/knl-after.txt', format='ascii.basic')

In [9]:
plot(h1['nproc'], h1['rate'], 's:', color='C0', label='Haswell original')
plot(h2['nproc'], h2['rate'], 's-', color='C0', label='Haswell')
plot(h2['nproc'], h2['nproc']*h2['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')

plot(k1['nproc'], k1['rate'], 'd:', color='C1', label='KNL original')
plot(k2['nproc'], k2['rate'], 'd-', color='C1', label='KNL')
plot(k2['nproc'], k2['nproc']*k2['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='perfect scaling')
xticks([1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128], [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128])
legend(loc='upper left')
ylim(20, 20000)
xlabel('Number of Processes')
ylabel('Extraction Rate')
title('25 spectra x 300 wavelengths')

Build in plots for storytelling

In [6]:
def labelit(title_=''):
    xticks([1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128], [1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128])
    legend(loc='upper left')
    ylim(20, 20000)
    xlabel('Number of Processes')
    ylabel('Extraction Rate')

plot(h1['nproc'], h1['rate'], 's-', color='C0', label='Haswell')
plot(h1['nproc'], h1['nproc']*h1['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')
plot(k1['nproc'], k1['rate'][0]*np.ones(len(k1['nproc'])), 'd-', color='C1', label='KNL')
plot(k1['nproc'], k1['nproc']*k1['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')
labelit('Starting point: no KNL scaling')

plot(h1['nproc'], h1['rate'], 's-', color='C0', label='Haswell')
plot(h1['nproc'], h1['nproc']*h1['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')
plot(k1['nproc'], k1['rate'], 'd-', color='C1', label='KNL')
plot(k1['nproc'], k1['rate'][0]*np.ones(len(k1['nproc'])), ':', color='C1', label='_none_', alpha=0.8)
plot(k1['nproc'], k1['nproc']*k1['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')
labelit('After OpenMP bug workaround')

plot(h1['nproc'], h1['rate'], ':', color='C0', label='_none_', alpha=0.8)
plot(h2['nproc'], h2['rate'], 's-', color='C0', label='Haswell')
plot(h2['nproc'], h2['nproc']*h2['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')

plot(k1['nproc'], k1['rate'], ':', color='C1', label='_none_', alpha=0.8)
plot(k2['nproc'], k2['rate'], 'd-', color='C1', label='KNL')
plot(k2['nproc'], k2['nproc']*k2['rate'][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')
labelit('After Portland Hackfest')

In [7]:
print('For 25 spectra x 300 wavelengths...')
print('Starting point ratios of HSW/KNL')
print('    per processes {:.2f}'.format(h1['rate'][0]/k1['rate'][0]))
print('    per node      {:.2f}'.format(np.max(h1['rate'])/np.max(k1['rate'])))

print('Ending ratios of HSW/KNL')
print('    per processes {:.2f}'.format(h2['rate'][0]/k2['rate'][0]))
print('    per node      {:.2f}'.format(np.max(h2['rate'])/np.max(k2['rate'])))

print('Haswell per-node improvement {:.2f}'.format(np.max(h2['rate'])/np.max(h1['rate'])))
print('KNL per-node improvement     {:.2f}'.format(np.max(k2['rate'])/np.max(k1['rate'])))

print('Original HSW / Current KNL {:.2f}'.format(np.max(h1['rate'])/np.max(k2['rate'])))
print('Original HSW rate {:.1f}'.format(np.max(h1['rate'])))

For 25 spectra x 300 wavelengths...
Starting point ratios of HSW/KNL
    per processes 6.24
    per node      1.80
Ending ratios of HSW/KNL
    per processes 5.39
    per node      1.35
Haswell per-node improvement 1.21
KNL per-node improvement     1.62
Original HSW / Current KNL 1.12
Original HSW rate 5868.3

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: