Stephen Bailey
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Spring 2017
Intel engineers identified the cause of the previous lack of scaling with number of processes (an OpenMP bug on KNL). The work-around is:
srun --cpu_bind=cores ...
These benchmarks test the DESI spectral extraction code, which is the most computationally intensive portion of our data processing pipeline. It performs a forward modeling analysis of astronomical spectra projected onto 2D CCD images. Early non-KNL benchmarking indicated that it was spending approximately 1/3 of its time in each of
and scipy
We have not recently re-benchmarked this code and these benchmarks use a smaller example problem that may have a different ratio.
See the end of this notebook for how to get the code and run the benchmarks.
Initial test: check if $OMP_NUM_THREADS
matters for this code. Takeaway points:
doesn't matter for this code, presumably because it is spending
most of its time in non-MKL / non-OpenMP code.example srun commands:
#- Haswell
srun -n 1 -c 64 --cpu_bind=cores python 1 4 16 32 64
#- KNL
srun -n 1 -c 256 --cpu_bind=cores python 1 4 16 64 256
On Haswell, no significant effect from setting or not
The remaining tests use $OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
In [1]:
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
In [2]:
#- Scaling with OMP_NUM_THREADS (or not)
nt_hsw ='data/extract/ex-nthread-hsw-1.dat', format='ascii')
nt_knl ='data/extract/ex-nthread-knl-1.dat', format='ascii')
plot(nt_hsw['OMP_NUM_THREADS'], nt_hsw['time'], 'bs-')
plot(nt_knl['OMP_NUM_THREADS'], nt_knl['time'], 'gd-')
xlabel('OMP_NUM_THREADS'); ylabel('time [sec]')
xticks(nt_hsw['OMP_NUM_THREADS'], nt_hsw['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])
xlim(0,65); ylim(0,130)
ratio = np.max(nt_knl['time']) / np.max(nt_hsw['time'])
print('ratio = {:.1f}'.format(ratio))
Test the single node scaling performance for Haswell and KNL with two methods:
This is a data-parallel problem where different processes/ranks are working on different pieces of data without needing to communicate with each other. Under ideal scaling each iteration will take the same amount of well time such that more processes = more data processed = higher total rate. Takeaway points:
clobbers performance at larger concurrency,
even though the previous test indicated that $OMP_NUM_THREADS > 1
doesn't help for
a single process.
In [3]:
#- Scaling with OMP_NUM_THREADS (or not)
hsw_mpi ='data/extract/exmpi-hsw-2.dat', format='ascii')
knl_mpi ='data/extract/exmpi-knl-2.dat', format='ascii')
hsw_mp ='data/extract/exmp-hsw-2.dat', format='ascii')
knl_mp ='data/extract/exmp-knl-2.dat', format='ascii')
In [4]:
rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10
plot(hsw_mp['nproc'], hsw_mp['rate'], 'bs-', label='Haswell multiprocessing')
plot(hsw_mpi['nproc'], hsw_mpi['rate'], 'bs:', label='Haswell MPI')
plot(knl_mp['nproc'], knl_mp['rate'], 'gd-', label='KNL multiprocessing')
plot(knl_mpi['nproc'], knl_mpi['rate'], 'gd:', label='KNL MPI')
x = hsw_mp['nproc']
plot(x, hsw_mp['rate'][0]*x/x[0], 'k-', alpha=0.5, label='perfect scaling')
x = knl_mp['nproc']
plot(x, knl_mp['rate'][0]*x/x[0], 'k-', alpha=0.5, label='_none_')
legend(loc='lower right')
xlabel('Number of processes'); ylabel('extractions per second')
xticks([1,4,16,64,256], [1,4,16,64,256])
title('5 spec x 50 wavelengths')
maxhsw = max(np.max(hsw_mp['rate']), np.max(hsw_mpi['rate']))
maxknl = max(np.max(knl_mp['rate']), np.max(knl_mpi['rate']))
print('ratio of Haswell/KNL node rate = {:.1f}'.format(maxhsw/maxknl))
print('ratio of Haswell/KNL process rate = {:.1f}'.format(hsw_mpi['rate'][0]/knl_mpi['rate'][0]))
# savefig('extract-scaling.png')
In [5]:
#- Scaling with larger extraction size (more realistic for how DESI currently runs)
hsw ='data/extract/exmp-hsw-3.dat', format='ascii')
knl ='data/extract/exmp-knl-3.dat', format='ascii')
In [6]:
plot(hsw['nproc'], hsw['rate'], 'bs-', label='Haswell')
plot(knl['nproc'], knl['rate'], 'gd-', label='KNL')
legend(loc='upper left')
xlabel('Number of processes')
ylabel('extractions per second')
xticks([1,4,16,64,256], [1,4,16,64,256])
title('25 spec x 50 wavelengths')
print('HSW/KNL = {}'.format(np.max(hsw['rate'])/np.max(knl['rate'])))
Python startup time was significant for N>>1 MPI processes, especially on KNL. All code was installed to $SCRATCH
or /global/common (fast metadata disks) and $PYTHONPATH
did not have anything in /home or /project (slow metadata disks). "Wakeup" timed the following imports:
from mpi4py import MPI
import sys, os
import platform
import optparse
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
from specter.extract import ex2d
import specter.psf
import knltest
In [7]:
plot(hsw_mpi['nproc'], hsw_mpi['wakeup']/60, 'bs:', label='Haswell MPI')
plot(knl_mpi['nproc'], knl_mpi['wakeup']/60, 'gd:', label='KNL MPI')
axhline(3.5/60, color='b', label='Haswell multiprocessing')
axhline(12.8/60, color='g', label='KNL multiprocessing')
ylabel('python wakeup time [minutes]')
xlabel('MPI processes')
legend(loc='upper left')
title('Python startup time')
xticks([1,16,64,128], [1,16,64,128])
Start with an IDP or Anaconda distribution with numpy, scipy, astropy (and possibly others...), e.g.
conda create -n knltest python=3.5 numpy scipy astropy
source activate knltest
git clone
git clone
#- reference versions used for these tests
cd knltest; git checkout 065f961; cd ..
cd specter; git checkout 391ac23; cd ..
export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`/specter/py:$PYTHONPATH
cd knltest/code
export KMP_AFFINITY=disabled
Note: you can also run python install
in the specter/
directory to do a normal python package installation. The above $PYTHONPATH
trick is the minimally invasive option.
This will run the extraction code with 1, 4, 16... parallel processes, where each process is given the same amount of work to do.
python 1 4 16 32 64 --bundlesize 5 --numwave 50
python 1 4 16 64 128 256 --bundlesize 5 --numwave 50
python 4 16 64 128 256 --bundlesize 25 --numwave 50
There is also an mpi4py version of this test which uses MPI ranks instead of multiprocessing processes. In that case it will only use as many ranks as are specified in the options to
Allocate just the number of MPI processes needed for the test
#- KNL
for n in 1 4 16 64 128 256; do
let c=256/$n
srun -n $n -c $c --cpu_bind=cores python $n --bundlesize 5 --numwave 50
#- Haswell
for n in 1 4 16 32 64; do
let c=64/$n
srun -n $n -c $c --cpu_bind=cores python $n --bundlesize 5 --numwave 50
#- For comparison: allocate 16 ranks but use fewer of them, leaving others idle
#- This hurts MPI scaling performance and is *not* what was shown above
srun -n 16 -c 1 --cpu_bind=cores python 1 4 16 --bundlesize 5 --numwave 50