In [12]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
#column headers for the dataset
data_cols = ['user id','movie id','rating','timestamp']
item_cols = ['movie id','movie title','release date','video release date','IMDb URL','unknown','Action',
'Musical','Mystery','Romance ','Sci-Fi','Thriller','War' ,'Western']
user_cols = ['user id','age','gender','occupation','zip code']
#importing the data files onto dataframes
users = pd.read_csv('ml-100k/u.user', sep='|', names=user_cols, encoding='latin-1')
item = pd.read_csv('ml-100k/u.item', sep='|', names=item_cols, encoding='latin-1')
data = pd.read_csv('ml-100k/', sep='\t', names=data_cols, encoding='latin-1')
We will use the file first as it contains User ID, Movie IDs and Ratings. These three elements are all we need for determining the similarity of the users based on their ratings for a particular movie. I will first sort the DataFrame by User ID and then we are going to split the data-set into a training set and a test set (I just need one user for the training).
In [13]:
utrain = (data.sort_values('user id'))[:99832]
In [14]:
utest = (data.sort_values('user id'))[99833:]
We convert them to a NumPy Array for ease of iteration!
In [15]:
utrain = utrain.as_matrix(columns = ['user id', 'movie id', 'rating'])
utest = utest.as_matrix(columns = ['user id', 'movie id', 'rating'])
Create a users_list which is a list of users that contains a list of movies rated by him. This part is going to greatly compromise on the program time unfortunately!
In [16]:
users_list = []
for i in range(1,943):
list = []
for j in range(0,len(utrain)):
if utrain[j][0] == i:
utrain = utrain[j:]
Define a Function by the Name of EucledianScore. The purpose of the EucledianScore is to measure the similarity between two users based on their ratings given to movies that they have both in common. But what if the users have just one movie in common? In my opinion having more movies in common is a great sign of similarity. So if users have less than 4 movies in common then we assign them a high EucledianScore.
In [17]:
def EucledianScore(train_user, test_user):
sum = 0
count = 0
for i in test_user:
score = 0
for j in train_user:
if(int(i[1]) == int(j[1])):
score= ((float(i[2])-float(j[2]))*(float(i[2])-float(j[2])))
count= count + 1
sum = sum + score
sum = 1000000
Now we will iterate over users_list and find the similarity of the users to the test_user by means of this function and append the EucledianScore along with the User ID to a separate list score_list. We then convert it first to a DataFrame, sort it by the EucledianScore and finally convert it to a NumPy Array score_matrix for the ease of iteration.
In [18]:
score_list = []
for i in range(0,942):
score_list.append([i+1,EucledianScore(users_list[i], utest)])
score = pd.DataFrame(score_list, columns = ['user id','Eucledian Score'])
score = score.sort_values(by = 'Eucledian Score')
score_matrix = score.as_matrix()
Now we see that the user with ID 310 has the lowest Eucledian score and hence the highest similarity. So now we need to obtain the list of movies that are not common between the two users. Make two lists. Get the full list of movies which are there on USER_ID 310. And then the list of common movies. Convert these lists into sets and get the list of movies to be recommended.
In [19]:
user= int(score_matrix[0][0])
common_list = []
full_list = []
for i in utest:
for j in users_list[user-1]:
if(int(i[1])== int(j[1])):
common_list = set(common_list)
full_list = set(full_list)
recommendation = full_list.difference(common_list)
Now we need to create a compiled list of the movies along with their mean ratings. Merge the item and data files.Then groupby movie titles, select the columns you need and then find the mean ratings of each movie. Then express the dataframe as a NumPy Array.
In [20]:
item_list = (((pd.merge(item,data).sort_values(by = 'movie id')).groupby('movie title')))['movie id', 'movie title', 'rating']
item_list = item_list.mean()
item_list['movie title'] = item_list.index
item_list = item_list.as_matrix()
Now we find the movies on item_list by IDs from recommendation. Then append them to a separate list.
In [21]:
recommendation_list = []
for i in recommendation:
recommendation = (pd.DataFrame(recommendation_list,columns = ['movie id','mean rating' ,'movie title'])).sort_values(by = 'mean rating', ascending = False)
print(recommendation[['mean rating','movie title']])
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