Table of Contents


Business Intelligence - Pandas

February 26, 2020

General information

This goal of this notebook is to give a brief introduction to the pandas library, a popular data manipulation and analysis tool for Python.

Problems are numbered from Q1 to Q5 with many subproblems such as Q1.1. The scores range from 2 to 5 based on the difficulty of the problem. Grades are determined using this table (TODO update):

score grade
80+ 5
60+ 4
40+ 3
20+ 2
20- 1

Your answer should go in place of YOUR CODE HERE. Please remove raise NotImplementedError. Most of the tasks are automatically graded using visible and hidden tests. Visible tests are available in this version, hidden tests are not available to you. This means that passing all visible tests does not ensure that your answer is correct. Not passing the visible tests means that your answer is incorrect. Do not delete or copy cells and do not edit the source code. You may add cells but they will not be graded. You will not find the hidden tests in the source code but you can mess up the autograder if you manually edit it.

VERY IMPORTANT Do not edit cell metadata or the raw .ipynb. Autograde will fail if you change something carelessly.

Advanced exercises are marked with *. More advanced ones have more stars. Some problems build on each other - it should be obvious how from the code - but advanced problems can safely be skipped. Completing all non-advanced exercises correctly is worth 63 points.


You only need to submit this notebook (no separate report). Make sure that you save the last version of your notebook. Please rename the notebook to your neptun code (ABC123.ipynb), package it in an archive (.zip) and upload it to the class website. You are free to continue working on this problem set after class but make sure that you upload it by the end of the week (Sunday).

VERY IMPORTANT Run Kernel->Restart & Run All and make sure that it finishes without errors. If you skip exercises, you need to manually run the remaining cells. Skipping exercises won't affect the autograder.


You generally don't need to leave any DataFrames printed as cell outputs. You can do it for debug purposes and it won't affect the autograder but please don't leave long tables in the output. Use .head() instead.

Be concise. All exercises can be solved with less than 5 lines of code.

Avoid for loops. Almost all tasks can be solved with efficient pandas operations.

Avoid overriding Python built-in functions with your own variables (max = 2).

If you mess up, you can always do one of the following

  1. Kernel -> Restart & Run All - this will run all cells from top to bottom until an exception is thrown
  2. Kernel -> Restart, Cell -> Run All Above - this will run all cells from top to bottom until the current cell is reached or and exception is thrown

If your notebook runs for longer than a minute, one or more of your solutions is very inefficient.


This assignment was created by Judit Ács using nbgrader.


Please fill out this short survey after you completed the problems.

Code quality

You can get 3 extra points for code quality.

PEP8 style guide

You can get 2 extra points for adhering to the PEP8 Python style guide.

Figure quality

You can get 5 extra points for the quality of your figures. Good figures have labeled axes with meaningful names, reasonable figure size and reasonable axes limits. Extra attention to details also helps.

Main imports

In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import seaborn as sns

downloading the dataset

In [ ]:
import os

data_dir = os.getenv("MOVIELENS")
if data_dir is None:
    data_dir = ""

ml_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "")

if os.path.exists(ml_path):
    print("File already exists, skipping download step.")
    print("Downloading the Movielens dataset")
    import urllib
    u = urllib.request.URLopener()
    u.retrieve("", ml_path)

In [ ]:
unzip_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "ml-100k")

if os.path.exists(unzip_path):
    print("Dataset already unpacked, skipping unpacking step.")
    print("Unziping the dataset.")
    from zipfile import ZipFile
    with ZipFile(ml_path) as myzip:
data_dir = unzip_path

Loading the dataset

pd.read_table loads a tabular dataset. The full function signature is:

pandas.read_table(filepath_or_buffer: Union[str, pathlib.Path, IO[~AnyStr]], sep='t', delimiter=None, header='infer', names=None, index_col=None, usecols=None, squeeze=False, prefix=None, mangle_dupe_cols=True, dtype=None, engine=None, converters=None, true_values=None, false_values=None, skipinitialspace=False, skiprows=None, skipfooter=0, nrows=None, na_values=None, keep_default_na=True, na_filter=True, verbose=False, skip_blank_lines=True, parse_dates=False, infer_datetime_format=False, keep_date_col=False, date_parser=None, dayfirst=False, cache_dates=True, iterator=False, chunksize=None, compression='infer', thousands=None, decimal: str = '.', lineterminator=None, quotechar='"', quoting=0, doublequote=True, escapechar=None, comment=None, encoding=None, dialect=None, error_bad_lines=True, warn_bad_lines=True, delim_whitespace=False, low_memory=True, memory_map=False, float_precision=None

let's try it with defaults

In [ ]:
# df = pd.read_table("ml-100k/u.item")  # UnicodeDecodeErrort kapunk, mert rossz dekódert használ
df = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, "u.item"), encoding="latin1")

A couple improvements:

  1. Use a different separator. | instead of \t.
  2. The first line of the file is used as the header. The real names of the columns are listed in the README, they can be specified with the names parameters.
  3. read_table added an index (0..N-1), but the dataset already has an index, let's use that one (index_col='movie_id')
  4. two columns, release_date and video_release_date are dates, pandas can parse them and create its own datetype.

In [ ]:
column_names = [
    "movie_id", "title", "release_date", "video_release_date", "imdb_url", "unknown", "action", "adventure", "animation",
    "children", "comedy", "crime", "documentary", "drama", "fantasy", "film_noir", "horror", "musical", "mystery",
    "romance", "sci_fi", "thriller", "war", "western"]
df = pd.read_table(
    os.path.join(data_dir, "u.item"), sep="|",
    names=column_names, encoding="latin1", index_col='movie_id',
    parse_dates=['release_date', 'video_release_date']

Normalizing the dataset

the .dt and the .str namespaces

The year in the title seems redundant, let's check if it's always the same as the release date. The .dt namespace has various methods and attributes for handling dates, and the .str namespace has string handling methods.

.dt namespace

In [ ]:
print(", ".join([d for d in dir(df.release_date.dt) if not d.startswith('_')]))

.str namespace

In [ ]:
print(", ".join([d for d in dir(df.title.str) if not d.startswith('_')]))

Let's extract the release year of a movie into a separate

In [ ]:
df['year'] = df.release_date.dt.year

the most common years are

In [ ]:

video_release_date is always NaT (not a time), let's drop it

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
df = df.drop('video_release_date', axis=1)

Basic analysis of the dataset

describe generate descriptive statistics.

In [ ]:

Only numeric columns are included by default. A single column (pd.Series) has a describe function too

In [ ]:

Numberic statistics are available as separate functions too:

  1. count: number of non-NA cells. NA is NOT the same as 0
  2. mean: average
  3. std: standard deviation
  4. var: variance
  5. min, max


In [ ]:

Basic queries

Which movies were released in 1956?

In [ ]:

How many movies were released in the 80s?

Let's print 5 examples too.

In [ ]:
d = df[(df.release_date.dt.year >=  1980) & (df.release_date.dt.year < 1990)]
print(f"{len(d)} movies were released in the 80s.")
print("\nA few examples:")

When were the Die Hard movies released?

In [ ]:
df[df.title.str.contains('Die Hard')]

Die Hard 4 and 5 are missing. This is because the dataset only contains movies released between:

In [ ]:
df.release_date.min(), df.release_date.max()

and Die Hard 4 and 5 were released in 2007 and 2013 respectively.

How many movies are both action and romance? What about action or romance?

Make sure you parenthesize the conditions

In [ ]:
print("Action and romance:", len(df[(df.action==1) & (df.romance==1)]))
print("Action or romance:", len(df[(df.action==1) | (df.romance==1)]))

Problem Set 1: simple queries

Q1.1 How many action movies were release before 1985 and in 1985 or later? (2 points)

In [ ]:
def count_movies_before_1985(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()
def count_movies_after_1984(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
before = count_movies_before_1985(df)
assert isinstance(before, int) or isinstance(before, np.integer)
# action movies only, not all!
assert before != 272

after = count_movies_after_1984(df)
assert isinstance(after, int) or isinstance(after, np.integer)

Q1.2 Are there thrillers for children? Find an example. (2 points)

In [ ]:
def child_thriller(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
title = child_thriller(df)
assert isinstance(title, str)

Q1.3 How many movies have title longer than 40 characters? (3 points)

In [ ]:
def long_titles(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
title_cnt = long_titles(df)
assert isinstance(title_cnt, int) or isinstance(title_cnt, np.integer)

pd.Series.apply: running arbitrary functions on each element

The apply function allow running arbitrary functions on pd.Series:

In [ ]:
def number_of_words(field):
    return len(field.split(" "))

# or
# df.title.apply(lambda t: len(t.split(" "))).value_counts().sort_index()

In [ ]:

Q1.4* How many content words does the average title have? Which title has the most/least words?

Content words are capitalized. The opposite of content words are function words (and, a, an, the, more etc.).

We should not include the release year in the word count.

Step 1. Count words in the title (2 points)

In [ ]:
#df['title_word_cnt'] = ...
def count_content_words(title):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
df['title_word_cnt'] = df.title.apply(count_content_words)
assert 'title_word_cnt' in df.columns
assert df['title_word_cnt'].dtype == int
assert df.loc[1424, 'title_word_cnt'] == 5
assert df.loc[1170, 'title_word_cnt'] == 2

In [ ]:

Step 2. Shortest and longest titles by word count (3 points)

In [ ]:
#shortest_title = ...
#longest_title = ...
#shortest_title_len = ...
#longest_title_len = ...
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert isinstance(shortest_title, str)
assert isinstance(longest_title, str)
assert isinstance(shortest_title_len, np.int64)
assert isinstance(longest_title_len, np.int64)
assert shortest_title_len == 0
assert longest_title == 'Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain, The (1995)'
assert shortest_title == 'unknown'
assert longest_title_len == 10

Q1.5* How many movies have the word 'and' in their title? Write a function that counts movies with a particular word. (3 points)

Disregard case and avoid matching subwords for examples. For example 'and' should not match 'Holland' nor should it match the movie 'Andrew'.

In [ ]:
def movies_with_word(df, word):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
and_movies = movies_with_word(df, "and")
assert isinstance(and_movies, pd.DataFrame)
assert and_movies.shape == (66, 24)
assert 'Mr. Holland\'s Opus (1995)' not in and_movies.title.values

Groupby and visualization

How many movies are released each year?

In [ ]:

another option is the use pd.Series.value_counts

In [ ]:

most movies were released in the late 80s and 90s, let's zoom in. Let's also change the figure size.

We create the plot object with one subplot, we then specify which axis pandas should use for plotting (ax=ax).

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 6))
d = df[df.year>1985]
d.groupby('year').size().plot(kind='bar', ax=ax)

we can groupby on multiple columns

Back to the romance-action combinations

In [ ]:
df.groupby(['action', 'romance']).size()

we can also group on arbitrary conditions

how many movies were released each decade?

In [ ]:
df.groupby(df.year // 10 * 10).size()

Problem Set 2: Groupby and visualization

Q2.1 Write a function that takes a genre and groups movies of that genre by year. Do not include movies older than 1985. (3 points)

In [ ]:
def group_genre_by_year(df, genre):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
crime = group_genre_by_year(df, 'crime')
assert type(crime) == pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy
assert len(crime) <= 15  # movies between 1985-1999

Q2.2 Plot the number of adventure movies from 1985 to 1999 on a bar chart. Use your group_genre_by_year function. (2 points)

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Q2.3 Plot the distribution of release day (day of month) on a pie chart.

Step 1. groupby (2 points)

In [ ]:
def groupby_release_day(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
by_day = groupby_release_day(df)
assert type(by_day) == pd.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy

# the longest month is 31 days
assert len(by_day) < 32

# shouldn't group on day of week
assert len(by_day) > 7

Step 2. pie chart. Add percent values. (3 points)

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Q2.4 We're building a traditional lexicon of the titles. What is the distribution of initial letters (i.e. how many titles start with S?)? Plot it on a bar chart.

Step 1. Compute frequencies. (3 points)

In [ ]:
def compute_initial_letter_frequencies(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
initial = compute_initial_letter_frequencies(df)

assert type(initial) == pd.Series

# frequency counts should be >= 1
assert initial.min() >= 1

# the largest one cannot be larger than the full dataframe
assert initial.max() <= len(df)

Step 2. Plot it on a bar chart in descending order. (3 points)

The most common letter should be the first bar.

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Problem Set 3. Handling multiple dataframes

The main table of this dataset is with 100000 ratings.

In [ ]:
cols = ['user', 'movie_id', 'rating', 'timestamp']
ratings = pd.read_table(os.path.join(data_dir, ""), names=cols)

The timestamp column is a Unix timestamp, let's convert it to pd.DateTime:

In [ ]:
ratings['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(ratings.timestamp, unit='s')

Merging with the movies dataframe

We overwrite ratings:

In [ ]:
movies = df
ratings = pd.merge(ratings, movies, left_on='movie_id', right_index=True)

How many ratings are timestamped before the release date?

In [ ]:
(ratings.timestamp <= ratings.release_date).value_counts()

Which movies were rated before the release date?

In [ ]:
ratings[ratings.timestamp <= ratings.release_date].title.value_counts()

Q3.1. How many movies were rated 4+ at least once? (3 points)

In [ ]:
def count_greater_than_4(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
greater = count_greater_than_4(ratings)

assert isinstance(greater, np.integer) or isinstance(greater, int)

Q3.2. How many time was each movie rated?

Step 1. Compute the frequencies of movie ratings. Use movie titles instead of ids. (2 points)

In [ ]:
def compute_movie_rated_frequencies(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
title_freq = compute_movie_rated_frequencies(ratings)
assert isinstance(title_freq, pd.Series)

# use titles
assert 'Lone Star (1996)' in title_freq.index

Step 2. Plot the frequencies on a histogram. (2 points)

pd.Series has a hist function. It uses 10 bins by default, use more.

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Q3.3. How many ratings were submitted by each day of the week? What were their averages?

Step 1. groupby (3 points)

Tip: look around in the .dt namespace.

In [ ]:
def groupby_day_of_week(ratings):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
by_day = groupby_day_of_week(ratings)
assert isinstance(by_day, pd.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy)
# there are 7 days
assert len(by_day) == 7
# use names of the days
assert 'Monday' in by_day.groups

Step 2. number of ratings per day (2 points)

In [ ]:
#number_of_ratings_per_day = ...
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert isinstance(number_of_ratings_per_day, pd.Series)
assert len(number_of_ratings_per_day) == 7
assert number_of_ratings_per_day.min() > 10000

Step 3. mean rating by day (2 points)

In [ ]:
#mean_rating_by_day = ...
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert isinstance(mean_rating_by_day, pd.Series)

Q3.4** What is the mean of ratings by genre?

If a movie has multiple genres, include it in every genre.

Step 1. Compute the mean scores. (5 points)

There are many ways to solve this problem. Try to do it without explicit for loops.

In [ ]:
genres = ['unknown', 'action', 'adventure', 'animation',
       'children', 'comedy', 'crime', 'documentary', 'drama', 'fantasy',
       'film_noir', 'horror', 'musical', 'mystery', 'romance', 'sci_fi',
       'thriller', 'war', 'western']

def compute_mean_rating_by_genre(ratings):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
genre_rating = compute_mean_rating_by_genre(ratings)
assert len(genre_rating) == len(genres)
# all means are between 3 and 4
assert genre_rating.min() > 3.0
assert genre_rating.max() < 4.0
# film noir is rated highest
assert genre_rating.idxmax() == 'film_noir'
for g in genres:
    assert g in genre_rating.index

Step 2. Plot it on a bar chart in descending order by score. Set the limits of the y-axis to (2.5, 4). (3 points)

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Problem Set 4. User demographics

Q4.1 Load the users table from the file ml-100k/u.user. (3 points)

u.users has the following columns: user_id, age, gender, occupation, zip. Use user_id as the index.

In [ ]:
# users = ...
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert type(users) == pd.DataFrame

# users are indexed from 0
assert 0 not in users.index

Q4.2 Merge the users table with ratings. Do not discard any columns. (3 points)

In [ ]:
# ratings = ratings.merge...
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert type(ratings) == pd.DataFrame
# all movies have ratings (nunique return the number of unique elements)
assert ratings.movie_id.nunique() == 1682

Q 4.3 How strict are people by occupation? Compute the average of ratings by occupation. Plot it on a bar chart in descending order.

Step 1. Compute the averages by occupation. (2 points)

In [ ]:
def compute_mean_by_occupation(ratings):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
mean_by_occupation = compute_mean_by_occupation(ratings)
assert isinstance(mean_by_occupation, pd.Series)
# ratings are between 1 and 5
assert mean_by_occupation.min() > 1
assert mean_by_occupation.max() < 5

Step 2. Plot it on a bar chart. (2 points)

Extra point: make the bar chart wider and restring the y-axis to (2.5, 4).

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Q4.4* Plot the averages by occupation and gender on a multiple bar plot. (4 points)

Tip: there is an example of a multiple bar plot here

Tip 2: there are many ways to solve this problem, one is a one-liner using DataFrame.unstack. It's a little longer if you make the figure nicer.

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Q4.5 How likely are different age groups to rate movies? Compute the number of ratings by age grouped into 10-19, 20-29, etc. Plot it on a bar chart.

Step 1. Number of ratings by age group (3 points)

In [ ]:
def count_ratings_by_age_group(ratings):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
rating_by_age_group = count_ratings_by_age_group(ratings)

assert isinstance(rating_by_age_group, pd.Series)
assert 20 in rating_by_age_group
assert 25 not in rating_by_age_group

Step 2. Plot it on a bar chart. (2 points)

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Q4.6 What hour of the day do different occupations rate? (3 points)

Create a function that computes the number of ratings per hour for a single occupation.

In [ ]:
def count_rating_by_hour_occupation(ratings, occupation):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
marketing = count_rating_by_hour_occupation(ratings, "marketing")
assert isinstance(marketing, pd.Series)

# there are only 24 hours
assert len(marketing) < 25

Q4.7* Plot the rating hours of marketing employees and programmers on two pie charts. (4 points)

A two-subplot figure is created. ax is an array of the two subplots, use ax[0] for marketing employees and ax[1] for programmers. Set the titles of the subplots accordingly.

In [ ]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
raise NotImplementedError()

Q4.8* Do older people prefer movies with longer titles? Compute the average title length by age group (0-10, 10-20).

Step1. compute mean length (4 points)

Tip: You should probably create a copy of some of the columns.

In [ ]:
def get_mean_length_by_age_group(ratings):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
title_len_by_age = get_mean_length_by_age_group(ratings)
assert isinstance(title_len_by_age, pd.Series)
assert len(title_len_by_age) == 8
# titles are long
assert title_len_by_age.min() >= 20

Step 2. Plot it on a bar chart. Choose a reasonable range for the y-axis. (2 points)

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Problem Set 5. A simple recommendation system

Let's build a simple recommendation system that finds similar movies based on genre.

Q5.1. Extract genre information as a matrix. (2 points)

The .values attribute represents the underlying values as a Numpy ndarray.

In [ ]:
#X = ...
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert isinstance(X, np.ndarray)
assert X.shape[0] == len(movies)

Q5.2 Run the k-nearest neighbor algorithm on X. (3 points)

Find a usage example in the documentation of NearestNeighbors.

Store the indices in a variable names indices.

K is the number of nearest neighbors. It should be a parameter of your function.

In [ ]:
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
assert run_knn(X, 2).shape == (1682, 2)
K = 4
indices = run_knn(X, K)
assert isinstance(indices, np.ndarray)
assert indices.shape[1] == K

indices is more convenient as a DataFrame

In [ ]:
ind = pd.DataFrame(indices)

Q5.3 Increment by one (3 points)

The index of this DataFrame refers to a particular movie and the rest of the rows are the indices of similar movies. The problem is that this matrix is zero-indexed, while the dataset (movies table) is indexed from 1.

Both the index and all values should be increased by one.

In [ ]:
def increment_table(df):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
indices = increment_table(ind)
assert indices.shape[1] == 4
assert indices.index[0] == 1
assert indices.index[-1] == len(indices)

In [ ]:

Q5.4* Find the movies corresponding to these indices (5 points)

You'll need multiple merge operations.

Tip: the names of the columns in indices are not strings but integers, you can rename the columns of a dataframe:

df = df.rename(columns={'old': 'new', 'other old': 'other new'})

You can discard all other columns.

In [ ]:
def find_neighbor_titles(movies, indices):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
neighbors = find_neighbor_titles(movies, indices)
assert isinstance(neighbors, pd.DataFrame)
assert neighbors.shape[1] == K

In [ ]:

Q5.5* Replace the index of the movie by its title. (2 points)

In [ ]:
def recover_titles(movies, neighbors):
    raise NotImplementedError()

In [ ]:
most_similar = recover_titles(movies, neighbors)

assert type(most_similar) == pd.DataFrame
assert "Toy Story (1995)" in most_similar.index

Q5.6** Improve your recommedation system by adding other columns. (5 points)

Tips: you can add the average rating of a movie by occupation/age group/gender

Please fit your solution in one cell.

In [ ]:
raise NotImplementedError()

Please fill out this short survey after you completed the problems.