Let's all agree that Pixar's Inside Out is great! At least that's what its IMDB ratings suggest. IMDB and similarly Rotten Tomatoes, are making it pretty easy for us to find great movies like Inside Out with their rankings (see Top 250 on IMDB). It is likewise easy to find movies that are not worthy of anyone's time, but could be interesting to take a quick look at to see how bad a movie can be -- you could checkout The 40 Worst Movies of All Time.
But then, there are those "love it or hate it" types of movies. Those movies can be hard to find among the usual movie rankings: their average scores are likely to be mediocre, and therefore hidden among those other ones that most people agree are just, yes, mediocre. We need a way to rank what movies are the most polarizing, which we can then use as a starting point to uncover the actual hidden gems that are worth watching.
I will now present you with exactly that: a ranking of movies on IMDB by how polarizing they are to viewers.
I have loaded all the IMDB movies via IMDB's database interface. Let's dig in by first taking a look at the distribution of movies ratings.
In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27934885/how-to-hide-code-from-cells-in-ipython-notebook-visualized-with-nbviewer
function code_toggle() {
if (code_show){
} else {
code_show = !code_show
$( document ).ready(code_toggle);
<form action="javascript:code_toggle()">
<input type="submit" value="Click here to toggle on/off the raw code."></form>''')
In [2]:
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import warnings
import pprint
import html
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import pylab as pl
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 5)
# This option is set so that long urls can be displayed with 80 chars
# they dissapear
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 160)
def showdf(df):
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
# Run tests for many of the functions here
run_tests = False
# If you want run this function then you have to first download the raw data from IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/interfaces.
list_to_csv = False
"""Code to process imdb list data
Notes to loading
* Not treating (YYYYII examples)
* I am keeping everything as strings and letting pandas later do the conversion
* I could make better episode processing, but my main interest is movies
* I choose not to not include movies with year given as (????)
p_year = re.compile('\([12][890]\d{2}\)') # Finding year of movie
p_episode = re.compile('\{.*\}') # Finding episode string
p_media = re.compile('\(\D*\)') # Finding media if tagged
def rating_process(line, min_votes=100, verbose=0):
entries = [elem for elem in line.split(' ') if len(elem) > 0]
out = {}
out['distribution'] = entries[0]
out['votes'] = entries[1]
out['rating'] = entries[2]
if int(out['votes']) < min_votes:
return None
title_year_episode = ' '.join(entries[3:])
year = p_year.findall(title_year_episode)[0][1:-1]
title = p_year.split(title_year_episode)[0].strip()
episode = ''
other_string = p_year.split(title_year_episode)[1]
episode_findall = p_episode.findall(other_string)
if len(episode_findall) == 1:
episode = episode_findall[0][1:-1]
episode = episode_findall[0]
media = ''
media_findall = p_media.findall(other_string)
if len(media_findall):
media = media_findall[0][1:-1]
# TODO: Change exception to be explicit on what I will except here.
except :
if verbose > 0:
print('WARNING this file did not process',
return None
if title[0] == '"' and title[-1] == '"':
title = title[1:-1]
out['year'] = year
out['title'] = title
out['episode'] = episode
out['media'] = media
return out
examples = [
# Real examples
'1....521.1 10 6.3 ".hack//Tasogare no udewa densetsu" (2003) {Densetsu no yusha (#1.1)}\n',
' 0000001212 16660 7.6 "12 Monkeys" (2015)\n',
' ....1.34.1 9 7.6 "1st Look" (2011) {Columbiana (#1.9)}\n',
# This one has a different year format
'1000011003 58 6.5 "Amas de casa desesperadas" (2006/II)\n',
'.....161.. 6 7.0 "Amateurs" (2014) {(#1.1)}\n',
# This one stops using "" for the title
'030.0..1.3 21 5.8 Struggle (2002)\n',
# Includes a (V) and uses '' in the title
"....112.02 11 7.5 The Making of 'The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor' (2008) (V)\n",
# Year not given here
'2........7 9 8.0 "By Any Means" (????)\n',
# Other types of movies
'0000000017 28338 9.7 Grand Theft Auto V (2013) (VG)\n',
'.....1.511 7 8.1 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - The Introduction (2004) (V)\n'
if run_tests:
for example in examples:
pp.pprint(rating_process(example, min_votes=1, verbose =3))
# Make CSV file of the intries
def imdb_list_to_csv(min_votes=1000):
entries = [
'rating', 'votes', 'title', 'episode', 'year', 'distribution',
'media', ]
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21129020/how-to-fix-unicodedecodeerror-ascii-codec-cant-decode-byte
with open('ratings.list', 'r', encoding="cp1250") as f:
for k in range(500):
line = f.readline()
for k in range(2):
num_movies = 0
with open('ratings.csv', 'w') as fcsv:
for k in range(int(1e6)):#
line = f.readline()
if len(line.split('\n')[0].strip()):
d = rating_process(line, min_votes=min_votes)
if d:
line_csv = ';'.join([d[entry] for entry in entries])+'\n'
num_movies += 1
print("Number of movies %i \n" % k,
"movies with more than %i votes: %i" % (min_votes, num_movies))
if list_to_csv:
In [ ]:
In [3]:
reader = pd.read_csv('ratings.csv',
header=0, na_values=[' ', ''],
top_movies = []
df_chunks = []
for i, df_chunk in enumerate(reader):
df = pd.concat(df_chunks)
df.reset_index(inplace = True)
def get_movies_only(df):
df_new = df[df['episode'].isnull()][df['media'].isnull()]
return df_new
def imdb_google_link(row):
return (
'<a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnI">%s</a>'
% (' '.join(['imdb', row['title'], str(row['year'])]), row['title']))
def wikipedia_google_link(row):
return (
'<a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&btnI">%s</a>'
% ((' '.join(['wikipedia', 'movie', row['title'], str(row['year'])])),
'wiki: '+row['title']))
df['Title'] = df.apply(imdb_google_link, axis=1)
df['Wikipedia link'] = df.apply(wikipedia_google_link, axis=1)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# We get a userwarning for reindexing which we filter out here
df = get_movies_only(df)
print('%i entries in our dataset' % len(df))
In [4]:
pl.title('Rating distribution', fontsize=20)
print('Mean %.2f' % df['rating'].mean(), 'and median', df['rating'].median());
In [5]:
In this list, movies have been rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being
good and 1 being bad. For each movie, the total number of votes, the
average rating, and the vote distribution are shown. New movies are indicated
by a "*" before their entry.
The vote distribution uses a single character to represent the percentage
of votes for each ranking. The following characters codes can appear:
"." no votes cast "3" 30-39% of the votes "7" 70-79% of the votes
"0" 1-9% of the votes "4" 40-49% of the votes "8" 80-89% of the votes
"1" 10-19% of the votes "5" 50-59% of the votes "9" 90-99% of the votes
"2" 20-29% of the votes "6" 60-69% of the votes "*" 100% of the votes
p_dist_att = re.compile('[\d*.]{10}')
def p_to_prop(p):
if p == '.':
r = 0.
elif p == '*':
r = 1.
return r
def dist_to_props(dist):
if type(dist) is float:
dist = int(dist)
dist = str(dist)
if len(dist) < 10:
dist = '0'*(10-len(dist))+dist
# testing if the dist ahere to the format:
if p_dist_att.match(dist) and len(dist) == 10:
props = np.array([p_to_prop(p) for p in dist])
# adding what is not accounted for when we take
# the lower bound of all the percentages:
# i.e. 10%-19%: take it as 10%
if props.sum() > 1.:
print('This is not a valid distribution %s' % dist)
props = None
props += (1. - props.sum())/10.
props = None
return props
if run_tests:
print(dist_to_props('4310000000') is not None)
print(dist_to_props('4378234782234') is None)
print(dist_to_props('234') is not None)
print(dist_to_props(21100121.0) is not None)
# This one should fail but it is OK for now
print(dist_to_props('.........*') is not None )
print(dist_to_props('..1......*') is None) # sum to > 1
In [6]:
def props_to_avg(props):
W_scores = [(i+1)*prop for i, prop in enumerate(props)]
return np.sum(W_scores)
def props_to_std(props):
# Weighted standard deviation / 2nd moment:
# http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/software/dataplot/refman2/ch2/weightsd.pdf
std = np.sqrt(np.sum(props*(range(1, 11)-props_to_avg(props))**2))
return std
def dist_to_avg(dist):
props = dist_to_props(dist)
if props is not None:
r = props_to_avg(props)
r = np.NaN
print('problem with ', dist)
return r
def dist_to_std(dist):
props = dist_to_props(dist)
if props is not None:
r = props_to_std(props)
r = np.NaN
print('problem with ', dist)
return r
if run_tests:
print('testing distribution stats:')
print('std:', dist_to_std(df['distribution'][0]))
print('dist avg', dist_to_avg(df['distribution'][0]))
print('real rating', df['rating'][0])
In [7]:
# adding new stats
df['dist_std'] = df['distribution'].apply(dist_to_std)
df['dist_avg'] = df['distribution'].apply(dist_to_avg)
In [8]:
# How bad is the estimating of the rating
pl.title('Distribution rating-avg', fontsize=20);
And next, let's see the distribution of standard deviations:
In [9]:
pl.title('Distribution of standard deviation for IMDB ratings', fontsize=20);
Here we see that the movie distribution has a medium around 2.25, and with a small ramp up at small standard deviations, and a fat tail of movies with high standard deviation. Let's get to the fun part: which ones are the most polarizing movies?
A polarizing movie will have ratings with large standard deviation, so let's start by ranking all the movies by their standard deviation, here abbreviated as dist_std.
In [10]:
df[['Title','Wikipedia link', 'rating', 'year', 'votes', 'dist_std']
].sort_values('dist_std', ascending=False)[:10]
Movies with the highest standard deviation tend to have quite low average ratings, with the exception of number 1. Let's take a look at it:
There is a huge difference in the average rating of men and women, which explains a lot of the polarization here. The IMDB rating dataset unfortunately doesn't include the distribution of male vs female votes -- it would have been interesting to find movies that are the most divided by gender, and for that matter also country, age, etc.
Take a look at these movies; you might find something interesting. I have also added a link for each movie that looks up its Wikipedia entry in case you are curious (it doesn't work for the first one though).
Let's find the polarizing movies with an average rating of more than 7, as such a search might return movies that are more likely to be worth watching.
In [11]:
df[df['rating'] > 7.0
][['Title', 'rating', 'year', 'votes', 'dist_std']
].sort_values('dist_std', ascending=False)[:10]
Number one is Aquarius: another movie that women love and men in general would love to hate.
Another interesting find on this list is number 4, about Adolf Hitler.
We see that about 20% of its votes are 1s, whereas the majority 65% are 10s. I would be curious to find out what drives the 20% to give it 1; perhaps they just voted it 1 because the movie is about Adolf Hitler. I find it hard to imagine that the movie is really that bad if so many voted it 10.
Let's see what the most polarizing movies are with an average rating higher than 8.
In [12]:
df[df['rating'] > 8.0
][['Title', 'rating', 'year', 'votes', 'dist_std'
]].sort_values('dist_std', ascending=False)[:10]
Here number one, Shahrzad, is a movie that especially young people love and elderly people dislike quite a lot.
In [13]:
df[['Title', 'rating', 'year', 'votes', 'dist_std']].sort_values('dist_std', ascending=True)[:10]
It’s interesting to note that here that we get a good mix of movies with average ratings ranging from mediocre to high. The ratings are consistently high for the first two movies, while consistently mediocre for the rest.
It’s interesting to note that here, we get a good mix of movies with average ratings ranging from mediocre to high. The ratings are consistently high for the first two movies, while consistently mediocre for the rest.
So here in the end, let's take a look at the most and least polarizing movies with more than 10.000 votes:
In [14]:
df[df['votes'] > 10000][
['Title', 'rating', 'year', 'votes', 'dist_std']
].sort_values('dist_std', ascending=False)[:10]
Number 1 here has 38.5% of reviewers giving it 10s and 42.5% 1s, and again a large difference between the ratings of men and women, where women tend to like it. Maybe not all that surprising for a movie about a boyband's rise to fame.
And lastly the movies with least polarization:
In [15]:
df[df['votes'] > 10000][
['Title', 'rating', 'year', 'votes', 'dist_std']
].sort_values('dist_std', ascending=True)[:10]
where we mostly get mediocre to good (but not great) movies.
In [16]:
for func in [np.min, np.max, np.mean, np.median, np.std]:
pl.legend(loc=3, fontsize=18);
pl.title('Trend in polarization over time', fontsize=20);
This graph can be interpreted to say that newer movies are more polarizing. However, this could be driven by the larger number of recent movies on IMDB as we will see below. A lot of old movies are not listed on IMDB. I would guess that only the best movies make the cut; their mediocre counterparts could have easily been lost, destroyed, or hidden away by the movie studios.
In [17]:
df[df['year'] < 2015].groupby('year')['rating'].apply(np.sum).plot(xticks=range(1880, 2020, 10))
pl.title('Movies per year', fontsize=20);
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here are a couple of things that I’ve learned:
There is a number of ways that I (or you) could extend this exploration. Below are a couple of things that I have thought about:
One potential problem with this dataset is that most of the users who rate the movies are self-selected. It would probably look different if IMDB had taken a random sample of our population, asked them to watch a movie and rate it afterwards. What we have here are instead ratings of people who had been lured into watching a given movie either by trailers, commercials, or rankings like the ones we’ve seen.
Every movie, however, has a target audience, and perhaps the more polarizing ones could’ve done a better job at targeting the right segment. Either that, or maybe guys should be better at saying no to their girlfriends when they are invited to watch a chick flick.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the read. Let me know if you have ideas for other things that would be interesting to look at.
PS: I have made the code available on github.
I owe a lot of credit to my movie loving cousin Mads Lundgaard, who told me about the hidden information in the movie rating distribution many years ago.
A warm thank you also goes to Hanh Nguyen for editing.